>levels and bosses recycled after vergil 2
>piss poor dmd mode
>2/3 of the bosses are shit
>retarded shit like soul eaters, dullahans and enigmas
why is this considered the crown jewel of dmc again? dmc5 fixes most of these issues yet Yea Forums keeps dicksucking 3 and shitting on 5
Levels and bosses recycled after vergil 2
>and shitting on 5
lol majority of people loved 5, stop trying to act like there's a rift in fans.
>piss poor dmd
t. zoomer who can't get past cerberus
I see people shitting on urizen and V all the fucking time
3's DMD is 100x harder than 5's DMD
>game hard game good
yeah and killing the infested chopper melee only is harder than anything dmc related
Doesn't make it good
>hard game not good
Casual, please stop.
Guess IWBTG is one of the best games ever then
You're retarded dude
5CE > 5 = 3SE >= 4SE > 1 > 3 > 4 >>>> DmC:DE >>>> DmC >>> wall >>> 2
nigga wtf
>levels and bosses recycled after vergil 2
Going back through the tower to see how it's falling apart or inverted or whatever after everyone's been mucking about in it is fun.
>dmc5 fixes most of these issues
Dmc5 still has bad level design. Dmc3 tried to copy dmc1 level design a lot but it failed. Dmc1 is the only dmc with good level design.
Also, enemy AI in 5 is almost as bad as AI in 4.
>Dmc5 still has bad level design
I would say it has dull level design, but not bad. Bad level design will be something that you wish you could skip because of how shit it is.
>enemy AI in 5 is almost as bad as AI in 4.
So, not bad at all? I only wish some enemies were faster and attacked more often on DMD. But the AI was still pretty decent.
>So, not bad at all?
Excuse me??????????
I'm saying that 4 and 5 don't have "bad" AI. Just one that needs to attack more often.
I'd switch 4SE and 1 but other then that great list.
Devil May Cry 5 is definitely the closest the franchise has gotten to a "perfect" game despite its issues, because all DMC games have issues.
If they make a DMC5SE with playable Vergil and extra options and game modes it will be the best DMC by far.
>piss poor dmd mode
Oh look, a casual
>when V exists
fuck no lol
Pretty based
Vs playstyle is great, he just needed a bigger movelist.
>dude just hit this punching bag enemy for hours
Very compelling
i see people calling these "action games" but, is it really action of just pretty animation simulator?
because you can play as vergil
If the game seriously bothers you this fucking much, play literally any other DMC game, even DmC for fucks sake. But 3 out of the 5 points you made applies to literally every other DMC game.
>Needs some difficulty rebalancing.
>Needed more missions after Vergil's return instead of just 2 boss fights.
>needed more gimmicks
>Urizen shouldn't have been the rival boss
>more game modes and difficulties like LDK and must style
>alt. costumes
>is it really action of just pretty animation simulator?
All action games are pretty animation simulators.
If you want real action go down the street in a straight line in your local ghetto.
>levels and bosses recycled after vergil 2
Rotating the tower around is a cool setpiece, and a boss rush is a staple of action games. There are still unique levels and two unique bosses (three if you count the chessboard). DMC3 certainly has issues but don't be a retarded faggot. The recycling is much more shameless in 4 and even 1. 5 is the least recycled but it comes at the expense of more samey environments.
I hope you aren't retarded enough to think action games are just pretty animations.
>why is this considered the crown jewel of dmc again?
the combat system and how flashy your combos can be. a lot of people will admit the flaws you mentioned but for the times where they can just combo shit and do whatever it makes up for it.
some people say dmc5 feels floatier than 3. they also don't like having to switch between multiple characters again.
Uh sorry user you seem to be criticizing DMC3. You can't do that.
1 just feels like a better overall package. 3 has some good stuff too but if you're not just entirely interested in flashy combos it has a lot of flaws that really drag the game down. A lot of enemies and bosses in 3 are just downright bad.
Switching characters wouldn't feel so bad if it didn't happen so often and between three different ones. Just as you get used to one style of fighting, the game forces you to pretty much forget everything you know and retrain your moves for maybe a mission or two before it happens again.
Compared to 4, where you did a lot of levels with Nero before switching to Dante, and there was no one like V with such a different method of playing, it can be quite a strain.
But the absolute worst offender in DMC5 are loading screens.
Has anyone here actually played the 1st game recently or do you just talk about it?
It's terrible. It's an action game with clunky controls and a character who's stiff yet meant to be agile and avoid damage. It's by far the worst game to actually enjoy, at least in 2 you can move faster than a resident evil protag
I played through the series again last month, 1 is still my second favourite behind 5.
It isn't, DMC5 is the crown jewel and pinnacle of the series.
Also I'm a 1/3/4/5 lover and I don't shit on any of them to elevate the other. They all have merits unique to them.
>Has anyone here actually played the 1st game recently or do you just talk about it?
Played through the series for the first time last year and 1 was my favourite
Because it gets replies you tourist.
They have pretty animations, but aside from Nero's Buster in 4 and 5, everything you see someone on here do is raw gameplay baby.
I played the first one last year and with a better camera I think it would be the best DMC game.
With immediate weapon switching too, it'd certainly tie with DMC5 for me.
DMC3 is the most beloved in the franchise because it is by far the most entry-level and friendly to newcomers.
Its the first in the timeline
The story is simple and straightforward
The game only has 1 protag
Gameplay is deeper than DMC1 but not overly complex like 4 and 5s style switching.
The reason why complaints about the weaker second half, shitty enemy design and badly implemented DMD rarely gets mentioned is because the main appeal of DMC3 isn't the gameplay, its the story, most people only play DMC once and that is were DMC3 shines. Its like how nobody actually plays Uncharted for the shooting, they play it for the set pieces and cinematics; the gameplay is just there to add some flavor. DMC3 didn't even become a success until the difficulty and checkpoint system got nerfed in DMC3SE.
DMC3 is one of the weaker DMC games but its the best interactive DMC anime.
>Switching characters wouldn't feel so bad if it didn't happen so often and between three different ones.
Yeah. I think that's why people complain about the swimming and Space Harrier sections of DMC1, though these are a lot shorter and minor by comparison to 5's multiple characters. Changing your control scheme a couple times is going to just throw people off. Although I actually kind of like those sections in 1 now after playing the game so much and having enough time to get used to them, so maybe that's the intention of having multiple characters in 5 to increase replayability, but it came at the cost of more first-time playthroughs having problems for some people.
>But the absolute worst offender in DMC5 are loading screens.
Some people complain about cutscenes interrupting the missions so much too.
Is that you Dan?
Seriously though, if they do release a special edition it will be for next gen consoles
>It's an action game with clunky controls and a character who's stiff yet meant to be agile and avoid damage.
What is your issue with it specifically? No dedicated dodge button or Dante's movement speed? I only ever feel like if I've taken damage in 1 that it's completely my fault, I don't really feel like it's clunky when you've gotten used to it, and enemies have good audio cues and telegraphs so that none of their attacks feel cheap. If 1 wasn't your first game, it might just be that you haven't given yourself enough time to adjust to its differences rather than it actually being clunky and stiff.
This is some good shit
>Gameplay is deeper than DMC1
Depends on what aspect you're talking about. Combo potential is a lot deeper in 3, but I feel the ability to strategize against enemies is deeper in 1.
>but I feel the ability to strategize against enemies is deeper in 1.
Really? You can dodge, block, parry in DMC3 and you also have the elemental weaknesses. What kind of strategy does DMC1 have?
Well the enemies actually attack you in 1 lol
Enemies do attack you in 3 too... and there really isn't a reason to play dumb here, user. DMC1 has more fun to fight enemies, that is true.
2 should be lower
>What kind of strategy does DMC1 have?
The critical hits DMC1 has is better than the elemental weaknesses 3 focused on more. I also feel like enemies are just less gimmicky overall in 1 which doesn't railroad you as much.
>Depends on what aspect you're talking about. Combo potential is a lot deeper in 3, but I feel the ability to strategize against enemies is deeper in 1.
Enemies in DMC1 literally has specifically designed weaknesses, there's not much strat involved at all. One of the best things later DMC games did was downplay this aspect and focus more on the actual fighting.
>DT hell greeds take 2 DT explosions DT enigmas one shot you from afar and dash away
>DT rooks
>basically turning dmc into real impact: the game
the only highlights of dmc3 dmd are the bosses, and then again arkham takes 3 hours to go down
>The critical hits DMC1 has is better than the elemental weaknesses 3 focused on more
Agreed, but I don't know if that makes 1 "deeper"
And the enemies in 1 are less of pain to fight than 3's. The only enemies I like to fight are the Vanguard, Abyss and Lust.
>One of the best things later DMC games did was downplay this aspect and focus more on the actual fighting.
I feel like 5 is bringing back some of the weaknesses gimmicks which I think is cool. And would be easier to implement since Nero doesnt have many elemental powers with him.
Incorrectly assuming a hivemind. I personally think 3 is the GOAT and 5 is, at best, equal with 4. I'm not the only one who thinks this, but most would probably put 5 above 4 no contest.
You can fight all the enemies in 1 normally anyway, but the option to go for a critical hit adds a little more depth than just going for elemental weaknesses like 3.
>people IIT actually complaining about soul eaters and dullahans
thank god summer is almost over
DMC1 is the best DMC game
I keep seeing you or others saying IIT in these threads. Do you mean ITT, "in this thread", or something else?
I disagree that 3 is one of the weaker games, it's better than 2, 4 and DmC but this is still a good post. Discussing these types of games often seems pointless because most people only play them once or twice.
5 was underwhelming especially the Virgil fight wheb conpared with Vergil 3. Inb4 nostalgia uk sweaties my favorite game in the series is 1 ok but I still know that 3 is the best in the series. Disliking the factually and unequivocally best game in the series doesn't make you interesting k.
zoomers played 3 first thats why
It's funny. A lot of people who started with 3 when it was released and play 1 later say 1 is aged and maybe not even worth playing. People who have only recently gotten into the series after 5's announcement and played the games in order are more likely to say 1 is fantastic.
5 sucked dick and did you OP.
Vergil wouldn't fix 5
I'd say DMC5 delivered on alot of good stuff. It isn't completely perfect, but it's certainly more fun to replay than 4 and maybe 3. 3 isn't the best in my eyes but it's one of my favorites.
>Why is this good game I hate so good Yea Forums?
>pls agree with my shitty contrarian opinion like reddit xD
Kill yourself shitskin
>>Why is this good game I hate so good Yea Forums?
OP didn't say he hates it, just that it's overrated. And he is somewhat right.
Capcom fanbase is so fucking retarded I swear
DMC5 is the only truly great DMC. All the others have too many issues to be great.
5 doesn't need fixing, and Vergil will make it better. Just like he did with 4.
This can't be debated.
5:CE > 1 > 3:SE > 4:SE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
It's just the truth, amigo.
What neat things can you do with Cheat Engine?
I hope you're right. Divergence mod + coop BP + Vergil campaing would really make it so.
>dmc3 vergil
>can't be launched
>optimal combo is ALWAYS jump cancelled killer bees
>abuses shields
>abuses spiral swords
>scums DT to regen health
>borderline random ultimate judgment cut
>better than dmc5 vergil
cmon now
>criticize a game = hating a game
t. underage fanboy
You know woulf be correct if DMC5 didn't fail the execution. DMC5 is a heavily disappointing. The bosses would've made up for it if they were good but they always felt like the devs were afraid of making it hard for new players. Even on DMD, These bosses are a disappointment. They're really slow. This is Capcom's new strategy. Claim a return to basics and babify it.
>X is shit
Dumb retard
Are you saying that 3 was flawlessly perfect? Because it certainly has some things that are shit. That OP himself named. I don't agree with all of them, but he isn't wrong.
>pointing out lazy enemy design
>lazy reuse of levels
>lousy boss fights
>the cancer that is the arkham fight
>bad dmd mechanics
>not criticism
go grab a tide pod zoomer boy
>Are you saying that 3 was flawlessly perfect?
No and I never did you retard.
Learn some reading comprehension.
>hurr durr muh arkham
>muh single boss out of 100
>muh I can't git gud so I'm gonna blame the game for "artificial difficulty"
>muh reuse of levels even though it didn't and the layouts changed. unlike every other dmc game.
Than why are you bothered by what OP said? When you should be in agreement with it even if a little. No where in the OP did he say that 3 was shit and shouldn't be liked.
its still better than some moments in the older games. people are just really really bad at DMC for some reason. r1 on lovk on is apparently too hard??
>you should be in agreement with it
I think reddit is down the street dude
>muh arkham
yes its shit. nice argument retard lol
>muh single boss
gigapede, geryon, leviathan, doppleganger and lady are all shit too
>git gud lol
dmd is not tough, but overly drawn out with the DT enemies and frustrating elements like the soul eaters and enigmas
>t-the l-layouts changed
yeah they changed order and had some minor alterations lol. have some respect for yourself you goddamn nigger
>shitskin projecting again
>dmc3 is perfect in every way this has to be bait
You seriously think arkham is a good fight and soul eaters good enemies?
>muh reddit
The only redditfag here is (you), since talking about what the series improved upon triggers you. I disagree with the OP on how most 3's bosses are bad. But he is right that there are some really bad ones. Lady is a shit boss, Leviathan core was shit, Arkham was shit, but the game is still good and if it's your favorite then good for you, it just doesnt make it the best.
Because DMC4 and 5 have utter dogshit second halves that pale in comparison. Their DMD modes are also generally worse.
I'm dutch you american sow lol
go stuff yourself some more, soon enough the whole lot of you will be a mindless horde of manlet spics
The retard keeps making a dialy thread about it because DMD kicked his nigger ass.
Can you imagine being this bad at video games?
Just how butthurt can you get at a game that you feel the need to make a daily thread about how a well recieved classic game is now "bad" because of some cherrypicked reasons.
Take your meds, nobody is saying the game is the best thing since sliced bread. You're just a retard that genuinely believes that anyone who likes this game is somehow blind to some of its faults, which aren't many compared to other DMC titles.
>I'm dutch you american sow
Show your hand tyrone
Keep seething nigger
>cant even show hand
guess you really are a nigger
btw dmc is for white people only you dont have a right to play it k
>nobody is saying the game is the best thing since sliced bread
And nobody is saying it's shit, like you're saying.
>You're just a retard that genuinely believes that anyone who likes this game is somehow blind to some of its faults
You seem to be blind enough to ignore what OP said and just claim that he hates the game.
>which aren't many compared to other DMC titles.
It's the same amount as any other DMC title.
Here you go niglet, now show yours.
how the FUCK do you beat arkham in dmd without using items? i've been stuck with this cunt for 3 hours now
so far ive been spamming real impact up until the 2nd phase unscathed then i just get bullshitted by his rocket worms at some point every single time
why are dmc3 fags so racist
>And nobody is saying it's shit, like you're saying.
Literally the OP
>You seem to be blind enough to ignore what OP said and just claim that he hates the game.
He seems to believe everyone is "dicksucking" the game because people rightfully like it better than 5.
>It's the same amount as any other DMC title.
You're a fucking nigger if you want anyone to believe this, like an actual fucking monkey retard.
Thanks for wasting my time you fucking shitskin. I hope you're happy with my last (You)
dude why are you so mad chill nigga
>Literally the OP
Where retard? He just named the issues he finds in the game that doesn't make it the best in the series in his eyes.
>He seems to believe everyone is "dicksucking" the game because people rightfully like it better than 5.
A lot are "dicksucking" the game blindly, and it isn't "better". All DMC games have their strengths and weaknesses that ties them all together to me.
>You're a fucking nigger if you want anyone to believe this
Lmao, what are you angry about? And why aren't you proving me wrong? Anyways so far the games are all decent and non of them has truly reached the peak if what the series could be.
1 = 3 = 5 > 4 > 2