Sup, nerds. I was wondering, what are your impressions of this game? I'm thinking if I should buy this or that Remnant game. The remnant game seems quite fun, but like it's nothing that hasn't been done before, like it would get boring really fast. This one seems to have a more interesting setting and concept, but there seems to be A LOT of nothing happening parts in that game. What do you dweebs think?
Sup, nerds. I was wondering, what are your impressions of this game...
Fuck off chad
5 copies of Control, please. One for each console platform and a few extra to support the EGS store!
I dont like Souls type games, two of my friends love the genre. So i unknowingly got Remnant to play with them, not realizing it was souls esque, and its actually very enjoyable but its because we have a full 3 team. Its got the feel in my opinion of The Division, like it NEEDS to be played with friends it just dosent have a good single player presence if that makes any sense. The other game i saw some footage of and watched a bit and it just seems weak. If you have friends to play with all of you get remnant, if not get the other one.
I don't get this meme, I stopped frequenting this website a year ago, but good to see it's still exactly the same garbage.
Oh cool, my friends don't really play video games at all, so I'll just get Control then, thanks for the input.
>it just dosent have a good single player presence if that makes any sense.
it doesn't because the game is pretty enjoyable either way.
>Feminist propaganda
this is why I come here
Shit game made by paid hacks that only complete retards and shills advertising and making threads seem to like.
Lol, classic Yea Forums xD. Seriously, how is this entire website not taken down yet, it's such pointless garbage.
I dont know why I even bother clicking on this shithole, I barely post once or twice a week, every thread is about sex, trannies, blacks, politics etc.
Then why are you here?
I enjoyed it a lot, but the main thing I liked about it was the setting and all the world building. If you're not interested in exploring everywhere find a load of notes to read and watching some FMV I guess it's just an okay TPS though. The gameplay's fine but it would've benefited from a few more powers and a better way of switching weapons. The whole loot system is retarded too.
I won't let the magatards win
I just came to Yea Forums-Videogames for the first time in the past 2 years to ask about some video games. I honestly don't know why I expected anything other than exactly this nonsense...
You're 3 years too late
Nah once he gets assassinated this'll all blow over
>Sup, nerds. I was wondering, what are your impressions of this game?
Great environments, great visuals, TERRIBLE writing, and gameplay switching somewhere between merely dull, and pretty fucking frustrating.
Control is fun when you are exploring the environments and soaking up the strange atmosphere. I like how the progression gives you quite a lot of freedom, though it is immediately diminished by the fact that the rewards for exploration are actually pretty damn bad.
But whenever the game starts spawning tons of enemies (which is every few minutes), it becomes dull, or actually frustrating. The combat is as vanilla as it gets, and the enemy designs are annoying, often involving bullet-spongy assholes, plus the controls aren't all that amazing either. The core combat itself is poorly ballanced as well.
And the story itself... everything that is not told through environment is actually pretty damn bad. The main protagonist is awful, completely unaballanced and directionless, and most of the plot is just an endless chain of stupid contrivances.
So I'd say: it's barely above average. If you like Sam Lake's style, I would say that Control is one of his better works (definitely less painful than Alan's Wake or Quantum Break), but it definitely isn't something I can eagerly recommend.
Again, environments and visuals are top notch though.
I genuinely had no clue this was even coming out until like a week before it dropped. They either had no faith in it or just didn't care to market it at all
I think you should find yourself another hobby.
My impression is that the woman is ugly so I didn't even bother wasting the bandwidth to pirate it