>Hasn't even been a week yet
>Already a verity of texture swaps for spyro
>Including pic related (nexusmods.com
>A mod that reverts some of the text and audio censorship, along with implements beta names for stages (nexusmods.com
>A ultrawide fix (community.pcgamingwiki.com
>Early level injections (moddb.com
>And even a (currently pretty shitty) Cynder character swap for Spyro (youtube.com
So this is the power of running on UE4.
And this isn't even a complete list, someone literally just posted a mod ~20min ago that removes the underwater colour filter (moddb.com
So, what kinds of mods are you looking forward to seeing, or even want to implement yourself?
Spyro Modding
Other urls found in this thread:
mods kill the SOUL, why not play the game as intended?
>>A mod that reverts some of the text and audio censorship, along with implements beta names for stages (nexusmods.com
Any mod to remove his ass? It's so districting.
Can they cutscenes be modded or would it be easier to just animate new ones and replace them?
Awesome I'm and 2D painter is this Ureal engine? I wanna help fix the colour pallets.
not sure what we can do about some of the worst redesigns. we'd need some talented Modellers. fixing the bosses code could be tricky too.
my cock can hide it
I'll pirate it because I can't condone financing the censorship, but I'll use the mods.
People should be able to take the polys in a bit and fix most of the degenerate furfag shit in the game.
All the real time cutscenes (which is most of them) get altered by whatever mods you do, so yes. Unfortunately a handful of cutscenes are literally just .mp4's.
Yes, this is UE4. Texture swapping is trivial, but while modding geometry is still relatively trivial (See: Cynder mod) it still takes some effort.
Fixing gameplay issues is where the real pains in the ass come in.
Would this game be fun for someone who's not a nostalgiafag or furry? I'm asking because I like Crash, Ratchet, and Jak, and I'm looking for something with a similar vibe.
yes no maybe
does the game still shit itself at 60fps and above?
Is there a mod to replace with old sounds and voice from PS1 Spyro games?
Feels very good after beating the game , its like a custom experience tailored by you for you.
>can do anything
>wash the colors out of the models
so where's the huge fucking titty elora and bianca mods
spyro is fine. fix elora
If I had the time and knew how to animate I would just redo them alll, the way these characters move bothers the hell out of me.
>Would this game be fun for someone who's not a nostalgiafag or furry?
Yeah, they are great games.
Crach, Spyro, Ratchet and Jak have a very close relationship.
Do you like collectathons that are on the easier and kinda chill side? Then yes.
Don't quote me on this, but I think there were release (most of the reports were from pre-release builds) and post-release patches that fixes most of it. Over 120hz can still make things a bit screwy, but again, don't absolutely quote me on this.
>Immideatly start on projects that could take months or even years
>"The games been out for a week, where are all the mods??"
>Crach, Spyro, Ratchet and Jak have a very close relationship.
i don't know
if you can ignore the turrible art style then a hat in time is super fun.
> "sucker" is now offensive
Since when did sucker mean eating pussy?
>missing the point this hard
they already modded back in the censored stuff lol
It's not "sucker" that is the issue I think it's the insinuation of prostitution, and the demeaning image of women.
The decensor mod does that with a small amount of audio, to do it for everything would be straightforward, but a fair amount of effort. Especially given that the timing between the original cutscenes and the new ones is different enough that they'd have to be retimed.
>A mod that reverts some of the text and audio censorship, along with implements beta names for stages (nexusmods.com
They need to add the original voices back.
>- Bob the Flagkeeper -> Bombo the Flagkeeper
>- krista the Faun -> Kresta the Faun
>Note: Krista is spelt with a lowercase K in Reignited, as well as being spelt incorrectly.
What the fuck? Is there no QA at all?
Outsourced to India to make the deadline, which was made even more strict when fans raged about the idea of getting only Spyro 1 in physical disc and would have to download 2 and 3.
Go back to Resetera, tranny.
> women
> it's a dragon attracted to horned beasts
Anyway, you could turn this on its head as well, suggesting it would be demeaning to "men" for giving in to hypergamy. The idea of prostitution is simply a hypothetical in your example, just like social status in my example.
Also, seems like (one of) the people behind the shitty cinder mod is currently working on a proper OG Spyro mod.
A shame no amount of tweaking is likely to ever completely fix all of the ways they made the way Spyro controls worse. The camera easing may at least be remedied a bit, and maybe getting rid of Spyro bashing his head into every wall he approaches from more than a 30 degree angle.
I was hoping this game would have gotten the physics and controls right first-thing and autistically fixated on that since they knew they'd be milking it for three titles, but the supercharges fake momentum in the most bullshit way.
The original games had you lose momentum as you ran up slopes, in Re-Ignited your momentum is only influenced by the amount of time you haven't hit a wall. You can run straight up a ramp while supercharging and GAIN speed.
Besides this, it feels like they forgot this game was about collecting small shiny objects with the pains they went through to obscure them with shitty grass and blinding particle effects.
I still beat the first game in 4 hours, but there are so many oversights that annoy me. Bad line reads being kept in the game, the monks in 2 having their chant fucked with, the 30 FPS bug in the one Magic Crafters level in 1 that soft locks the level, characters from Hurricos in 2 speaking differently from one piece of dialog to the one directly after it.
They phoned so much of this shit home. It feels like playing a 343 Halo game or Gears 5. Bitch, this shit has been out since before you joined the fucking industry, all of this shit is there for you to carbon copy.
And the shit-ass soundtrack needs no introduction. I'm grateful Copeland saw what a disaster it was and piped up.
is there porn of spyro yet
unironically looks good
Where do I place the file to remove the underwater filter?
The zip doesn't come with a text file to explain what to do and the page with the mod doesn't say so either
If they give him an actual scale texture instead of the blotches this will be perfect.
actual retard
I saw one of magnus railing his ass
The fuck.
mod that makes spyro T H I C Cer when?
Kill yourself
There was no soul in this game to begin with
This is the game that started the soulless meme.
Why does it matter what some drawfag makes? Compare it to the original, you dumpling.
just give him a cute butthole and dragon D to his model and we're set
Are there any bugfixes? Game keeps crashing for me and I guess I'm gonna have to wait to play it.
what the fuck?
how did they mess up his model that badly holy shit
Uh, sweaty? that ain't a drawing
Why does moneybags look so soulless? The fuck.
That's looking kinda saggy. He should focus on getting it beautifully round instead of bigger.
define 'cute'
it really was a shame. spike intimidated the fuck out of me as a kid. that simple, badass design and those sharp eyes
buzz was fine and his theme is still sex at least
Looks accurate to me
You can't see the censorship if you always have enough gems
You can put whatever text you want up on the screen, but that doesn't change what the character is actually saying.
so much SOUL
honestly this. i'd never even seen this interaction because i'm a completionist asshole
leave it to some reactionary incel faggot to be so shit at the game that they find some circumstantial interaction to SEETHE over
you can if you replace the voicelines with the audio from the original
What is that spiral symbol supposed to be?
How do his sunglasses stay in place when he has no ears?
This is ONE of the NUMEROUS censored things.
Oh fuck no.
Dragon magic n shit
dragon magic
From the thumbnail it looked like a plushie toy.
Fitting. Riddled with actual furries, too. Overgrown children
Go back to CTH, you radlib faggot.
Shut the fuck up
issues I have with the game:
>sparx sometimes doesn't pick up gems close by you have to manually do it
>hitboxes on some things are a bit fucky (like certain rhynoc attacks)
>camera in bently's levels is shitty
>the skeleton dance, you know why
>sgt. bird's flight feels off
>eyes of alot of the characters look wrong or out of place (eg: the pandas)
>characters just look wrong in general
>out of place modern day references (which does go with the old ones, like the tomb raider one)
>camera isn't top down in ice skating rink
>nerfed boss fights (spike is a perfect example)
>spyro's voice doesn't really fit (nor do alot of the voices)
>weird censorship (some of it was understandable)
>music isn't as nice (they included the original stuff but it's still a pet peeve)
>the dragon with the fairy plushie
>ripto's lizard eyes (minions are too dragon like)
>texture work is fucked
and that's not even including the bugs that crop up
hit me up when there's a mod that gives him a round chubby tummy. jiggle physics required
>spyro's voice doesn't really fit (nor do alot of the voices)
I don't empathize with people throwing a shitfit over every detail of the graphics, but holy fuck I hate the new VA work.
>dragons were voiced by guys like Clancy Brown and Carlos Alazraqui in the original, good professional cartoon VAs
>now half of them sound like the voice caster just pulled aside some random devs that had some free time
>Elora sounds like a 13 year old instead of a snappy older teenager
>Hunter no longer has his hilarious condescending surfer bro voice and is sort of just "mellow"
>Ripto is all gravelly and snarly instead of a rich baritone
>Sorceress is no longer raspy and instead just sorta pompous sounding
>Spyro himself is almost annoying to listen to, 20 years later Tom Kenny has forgotten how to do any young character that doesn't sound like Spongebob, performance doesn't fit with snappy/sarcastic lines of the first game so he just didn't try to replicate them
>Washed out colors
Mod to make the camera in Spyro 3 bosses more like the camera in Spyro 2 bosses when?
>I want to eat his ass
>dude, I desaturated Spyro for NOSTALGIA
If someone makes a classic Gnorc mod i will pay good money
No you wont.
are you retarded? This was the game that started the soul/soulless meme
That's very nice. The official one included in the game looks like shit.
is there a mod that can turn off invert y axis on controller holy shit
Pajeets, not even once.
That's in the options, isn't it?
you must be new
Oh wait, if you turn off mouse controls the invert option gets disabled.
macro Magnus when
that's beyond pathetic.
>just downres the textures and pretend like the model is actually missing any polys
I hate lazy as fuck "retro" skins like that.
Take a look at the filename, see if there's a filename that matches in the games install location, swap files, there you go.
If that doesn't work it might be worth messaging the guy directly, it's still pretty fresh so it's likely they'll be understanding of "Oops, I forgot to give instructions."
to be honest, i replayed it like two days ago and i'd still recommend you the original trilogy over the remake, i feel that the whole game feels not as smooth as the original does and they dumbed down the AI in things like the racing mini games. Also i get a weird sense of sensatory overload when playing the game
He's right. People have bitched about remakes here for years, but the SOUL / SOULLESS bullshit absolutely did not start in earnest until Reignited was revealed and suddenly people had a catchy shitpost term to rally behind.
Yeah, the Spyro reignited trilogy had SO much soul to begin with, would be a total shame to ruin all of that SOUL! They totally weren't just shat out of activisions minions in 6 months
the problem is that they rushed the whole trilogy and it ended up being something like a weird Pixar stepchild instead of the real Spyro experience but the weirdest thing is how the enemies of Spyro 1 look the worst while Spyro 2 & 3's enemies look way better than the NPC's
didn't they get a bunch of pajeets to make the models for the game or was that just a Yea Forums meme?
Depends on how you interpret the credits.
There's no way this wasn't designed by a barafag furry, right?
some of the concept artists are furry artists, yes, that's where the money for comissioned work is.
>some poo-in-the-loo furfag working as a game designer
is that a common thing?
thee age of chinese bootleg vidya is no more
the age of poo vidya is here
Furries are a thing literally everywhere there is internet, fren.
To be fair to them, 3 turning out as a rushed hunk of shit is the most faithful part of the remake
That's some smooth as fuck animation, I'd buy it just for that
>Someone will mod in skylanders spyro
There is nothing wrong in having pajeets do the modeling. They're just following instructions, they don't actually get to decide the design of characters and environments.
Yes, it's lazy and a shoddy attempt at saving money, but it doesn't matter when the characters they were given sucked in the first place.
>characters they were given sucked
spry doesn't have fur
>I know what's a good idea, let's make spyro look like an ugly gremlin
whoever came up with that design should be shot in the head.
wasted potential: the concept art.
there's been porn since the original games
He means of the ripped models.
I want to FUCK this GOAT
Yes, but it's all just boring fuckloops right now.
HAHA fucking pajeets. how did they allow this shit to happen.
twitter furries deserve to be executed slowly
Anyone that uses an "avatar" as their profile picture, that includes anime, should be stoned to death.
he's actually pretty based though
what a fucking retard
Elora's redesign was great, but it's completely obvious that she was handed over to one of the poo in the loos and they fucked her up hopefully that if Toys for Bob make a Spyro 4 and use this design that they really spend time on fixing her up
You are just pretending to be retarded, the soul thing started directly as a counter to people complaining about the horrible designs, color choices and all around shitty decisions.
>go back to a podcast
I'm sorry?
has anyone noticed they're all trannies, have pronouns in their bio or have some other mental illness? it's like these people can't just be one type of degenerate you get a whole cocktail of insane.
>nu-4channer rightoid is actually a redditor
imagine my shock!
go back please
mmm what a plump little dragon shota
>>weird censorship (some of it was understandable)
Spyro is NOT for lewds!
If you enjoyed collecting all the small things in Jak and Daxter/Ratchet and Clank like precusor orbs or golden bolts then this shit will be right up your alley, if such things annoyed you or didn't give you any sense of satisfaction then avoid; the main gameplay loop in Spyro is enter world, collect everything, repeat. There isn't much in the way of challenge with you only having two (three in the later games) attack moves and majority of enemies being complete pushovers. If you liked the minigame gimmick levels in Crash Warped then you might like the third game more than the other two.
Original or remake? Remake feels a hundred times easier to play which is a problem given it was never a hard game to begin with.
>people's republic of China
Is being a furry degenerate not enough to get you mobile execution v& and your organs harvested?
that edit just makes him less attractive
Lewd fawn mods when?
>those thighs
it doesn't, how did you miss the obvious point and jump to that conclusion lol
why is he blue
what are they looking at
really user
I blue him
da ba dee da ba daa
da ba dee da ba daa
Can you absolute fucking retarded faggots get on topic again?
What x360ce settings are needed to make a controller work with this?
I've tried so many different things and none seem to work
Must all Spyro threads suck now?
faggots ruin everything
There was no point there, unless you're a Marxist sperg.
why do you keep posting this
Quick. Post THAT webm. And yes, I mean THE OTHER webm.
The og gnorcs look so cute compared to the reignited abominations. Then again, I always saw them as mutated frogs (like the ones you kill for butterflies) as a kid.
Pirate if you want to pirate, but quit pretending like you're some sort of hero for it you faggot.
Im talking about the new hd model
Zoophiles are not known for their civility.
A pirate is closer to a hero than a cuck that buys censored games.
There have been a couple late night threads that were fine, people talked about their personal favorite and discussion about the pros/cons of the remake stayed civil. Now that the ports are out the shitposters seem to have come back in force.
God thats fucking hot. Am I really a furry for wanting to fuck a dragon?
It's implying they made passes at him and bought them dinner/ or a gift, not that he payed them to suck his dragon dick. It's a fucking kids game, why would you assume it references prostitution?
because i've lost control of my life
>doesn't say "no" to every choice to hear ALL the dialogue in the game
Some completion you are.
Why does left look so much more comfy?
it has a mysterious and otherworldly feel to it, like you're in a fantasy world in the sky
right is just some rocky purple place
is it your fursona or something
id fuck him either way desu
>old spike
>6'7 tall muscular badass ready to rip your head clean off
>new spike
>5'11 bloatlord with no muscles to speak off
Right's overdesigned as hell and the lighting is a mess.
Nobody 'intended' it, they just factorylane'd it.
just use steam's controller support
because it actually looks like a cloud city, not some shitty buildings built into a mountain.
Just a character from a pixelshit chink furry game that isn't out yet
Though out color scheme Vs Le default Unreal Engine Skybox
I don't know about you but I'd let him mate press me
Is Reignited even good?
How's the [s]switch port[/s]
Right looks like it's built on rocky islands in an ocean instead of suspended high in the clouds like it's supposed to be
Who did it better? And why is Buzz's music so fucking hype despite being the first boss of the game?
Looks like an actual castle in the sky.
The color palette is five times better than the right one. Dream-like almost ephemeral in appearance.
The purples, the bright white spires, the yellows, and the skybox is especially soothing. It's a thing I liked about Spyro since forever, the colors of their skyboxes are just really fucking good.
The worst part is that they changed the bellows into simple mechanical platforms. Moneybags even still calls them "bellows" when they could NEVER perform that function.
Only a matter of time before someone fixes her manjaw and gives her a bigger bouncing bust for good measure.
>There was no soul in this game to begin with
>This is the game that started the soulless meme.
When will Bianca's model get ripped and used for SFM porn?
I honestly prefer the game with all the Bloom off, looks better.
The lack of details and a more lite enviroment in general makes the difference for me.
For pic related, the original looks isolated but still quite mystical and mysterious, in the remake it all looks very grand and busy, note that neither is bad but its certainly a different style. One can argue that the original is not a style or a level design choice but hardware limitations, that would be true if spyro didnt had any large levels that it most certainly does.
This is the price we pay for remakes, they're never a 1:1 replica of the original with shinnier graphics or new features and even if it is there's always something a tad different to attract new players with.
Absolutely goddamned based.
I still want her to sit on my face
Nicholas Kole's concept art was great, but the modelers didn't always translate them well.
She was the first furry girl I ever fapped to. What a slippery slope.
>Nicholas Kole's concept art was great
>Posts just about the worst interpretation of "adult" spyro you could interpret
Such a simple fix too.
Otherwise, he's certainly not bad, fairly hit and miss overall as far as what's good or not. The thing that gets me is he absolutely suffers from "muh artstyle" syndrome that most internet artists seem to have, where they have their one and only art style, and can't chameleon their workflow and subsequently artstyle to fit the project, like a good professional artist should be able to.
I don't know why but this looks much worse
Truth. Piracy is fine but coming up with justifications for it is a sign you need to kill yourself.
>it's the faggot who insists spyro is slim because "reasons"
When are they going to mod the SOUL back in?
>degenerate dragons bad
>anime girls good
He's really cute
Spyro threads are inverse CTR threads.
Todd Howard, is that you?
>ctr has dragon dads
and no one fucking told me?
What's exactly going on in this picture
>a comment made by a greedy corporate type that implies that he views human interactions as transactional is somehow demeaning to women, instead of just painting the character as someone who wouldn't talk to another person if he didn't see potential profit in doing so
It would be different if the fauns actually accepted money, but as it stands the player would know that the comment bears no meaning to Spyro's character or the game's "intent"
I meant if CTR threads are full of waifufags Spyro are full of barafags.
he w a l k i n
But Spyro looks slightly nervous/ashamed and that sheep is freaking out.
Because you're autistic user.
Like genuine ass autism.
The dialogue and texture replacement injected soul back into the game. Soft language destroys culture and civilization
Who's your favorite Spyro dragon?
Why they bad?
As someone who played the original games as a kid, I can tell you that anyone complaining about the controls and graphics are full of shit.
Spyro games had absolutely ugly graphics, they had to sacrifice a shitload of model polygons just to get the draw distance they wanted out of the shitty PS1 hardware. Only the skyboxes and colors were superior in the original game.
The controls were always shit and not as tight as other games like Crash.
Remake might not be the best but it's far from "OMG GUISE IT'S DA WORST SOULLESS REMAKE EVAH XD"
Enter the Dragonfly Mod project when?
Do the dragons have dicks yet?
Only if they are slits
>Spyro had worse controls than Crash
>Just some shapeless blob with ps1 fog on the bottom. Can tell by the textures it's still supposed to be on a cliff. The only interesting thing about it is the bent spires
>Gives actual detail to the location, the fog is replaced with a actual cloud layer and the rocks around the building are more than a flat texture letting the building itself stand out more. Adds a few more visual details like the round rocks to keep it somewhat interesting to look at from a distance.
I dunno man, sounds like your eyes don't work properly and you're just a rabid shitposter
bad take
>Spyro had worse controls than Crash
Crash was made as a real platformer from the ground up. Spyro was just another take on the shitty collectathon genre.
When the fuck is someone gonna uncensor the guns in Twilight Harbor? This is literally the only censorship mod I would care about.
6/10 bait, not bad but intentionally confusing your lefts and rights makes you come off as immediately disingenuous
user, you're on Yea Forums. When the game first got announced the colors did look pretty bad and the game did look unpolished. It was still a improvement overall but I could agree that making everything more mute was not the right call.
Then TFB started fixing the complaints and Yea Forums's meme died so they just started trying to nitpick everything they could just to try and piss people off. People bought the game, enjoyed it and actual fans were pretty happy with most if not all the changes (outside stupid shit like the airhorns skeleton).
Now all that's left are the anons that think they're trolling someone by screaming into a echo chamber hoping for (you)'s calling them stupid.
but it don't got SOUL
Someone has to mod the geometry itself, plus probably the effects, sounds, etc. It's a lot more effort than swapping just an audio file or editing a 2D texture.
It'll get done, I'm sure there's someone pissed off enough about that who has the ability to do something about it to, do something about it.
nothing was fixed faggot it still looks like shit
the original stays always better because Copeland simply experimented with weird ass instruments and crafted something that sounds so obscure yet familiar, the new versions are not bad but they're very generic you can see it in a direct comparison between the strings in the new version and in the old version
Crash didn't have better "controls" than spyro, but Crash had linear, more thight levels, which allowed the devs to have more control over the challenge, giving less "empty time" for the player. Spyro is more flawed but also ambitious game.
As someone who played the original games as a kid and continues to play them to this day, you've got shitty ass taste. Spyro was one of the most technologically sophisticated and beautiful games available on a console, and still looks good thanks to its timeless art style.
>3D gradient mesh skyboxes
>large scale, long distance
>beautiful texture mapping
>one of the first games to use dynamic LOD, no distance fog or pop-up geometry
>3D HUD (in the first one, at least)
>3D lettering all over
>well rendered NPCs
>all items and characters and projectiles are 3D models, not sprites
>Don't ask questions just consume product and get excited for next product
What exactly are those images supposed to prove?
i would've loved when they implemented some kind of graphic option where you could change between the old and new graphics but that would've probably shown how floaty the remakes are
Well for starters the right set of images has a broader range of color and you can actually see the sky. Plus the NPCs are cuter and the UI is less generic
are you fucking retarded? everything you said is wrong. Spyro literally invented LoD. It was revolutionary when it released.
Wait it's finally out for PC?
taking pixar as an artistic influence for games is a bad choice
>create a cartoony world
>then put harsh realistic lighting over it
Is it just laziness?
yes, it's been around for a week now
The JP version has many flaws but i can't deny the voice acting is better than the US version in some places.
So where's the porn mods
the japanese version was clearly intended for children with spyro being a cute and friendly character while spyro in the west was a cooky and mischeavious asshole in the west youtube.com
That's a different point you're making. Crash went 2.5D in their level design to make the most of the digital controls, but that doesn't make the controls themselves better. There are plenty of awkward moments in CB as a direct result of the controls. Spyro always felt better to play
Can't come soon enough
lol hahee lol test hoooo
>Spyro 4
>Spyro thread
>Its already filled to the brim with gay faggots
Damn, i'm glad i grew up playing Jet force gemini instead of this gay furry bait shit.
Have added the huge dragon daddy dongs back yet?
>Fixing gameplay issues is where the real pains in the ass come in.
Like Sparx not picking up shit?
>expecting a game where pretty much all of the dragons are bara daddies to have straight fans
You just made one of the classic blunders.
If TfB fucked it up, there's a good chance it's gonna be difficult for a modder to fix, unless it's literally a single value somewhere that needs to be turned up.
>Gay slangs
Yeah, neck urself, homofag.
I always knew kids who grew on the playstation turned out to be gay.
I love eyepatches.
Does she even count as furry? I mean her new design sire but her old design was an actual faun so she was half human
I practically grew up on PC, buddy
Still missing whatever that shit on the front of him is , the silver shit
>These are the autistic Diaperfurs you share this board with
you clearly weren't around before the game came out every reignited thread was filled with SOUL/SOULLESS garbage
Magnus is very much up there for obvious reasons but I have a soft spot for Cleetus. His neck chub is cute.
Nevermind I found out the issue
apparently all UE4 games can't simply have the x360ce.exe file put into where you'd find the normal exe file for the game
you have to find the one thats under Binaries/Win64 and put it within the Win64 file and link it to that exe
Hopes this helps anyone else
Why must you remind me?
That's probably because while on the OG Spyro the scutes (that's what the wide belly scales are called) are on the same surface as the rest of his body, so that was implying some amount of 'fading' between the two, nu-Spyro's scutes are a hard distinct object away from the rest of his body.
You can see whoever did the texture mod tried a little bit, but there's only so much you can do without changing the physical geometry so it's all one seamless piece to the body.
I never played Spyro in my life, and the bottom colors look better.
I feel sorry for you guys. Every screenshot looks like a humid purple and orange haze. The original made use of blues, which gave the environment a clean crisp air. Like a clear morning. (I've been lurking a bunch of remake threads, and comparing screenshots)
But Spyrobros hate the gay spam
Spyro 1 is the only game in the trilogy with animation that Smooth. Just watch some cutscenes from the first game and compare it to some of the trash from Spyro 3. This game clearly needed some more time in the oven The first delay wasn't enough. At least modders can try and fix the mess the devs left behind.
>Spyro was one of the most technologically sophisticated and beautiful games available on a console
And this is why my opinion still stands above the nostalgiafags.
The only impressive thing about Spyro on PS1 is the draw distance they manage to get. The graphics are absolutely vomit inducing.
Check games like Crash Bandicoot if you truly wanna see good voodoo tier graphics on the PS1 hardware.
is there a mod that just makes it the ps1 game instead
No fun allowed huh
Loved his design at first sight.
you're a scalie.
Not him, but both series had voodoo tier graphics, just applied in different ways. As you already said, the impressive thing was the draw distance, everything about the game technically was to facilitate that. Crash pushed the raw amount of data on screen at any given time by constantly reading from the disc, which means you can have it look better because there's less to try and visually represent than there would be in Spyro.
Just play the PS1 games then, PSX emulators and .iso's are hardly difficult to find, and there's all sorts you can do to the emulator to make the game run the way you want. (Custom controls of course, higher resolutions, widescreen hacks, etc.)
>The graphics are absolutely vomit inducing.
ok retard
Some stuff like wizards' telekinesis timing can be off, which can in rare cases need to be dropped to 30fps to fix. Spyro also glides along the ground slowly when not moving, but this hasn't been a big deal for me.
You're a degenerate and should kys
I'm still mad we don't get to explore that part.
>Posts an empty low poly field that you can't even explore
Thanks for proving my point retard.
I'm not a diaperfur
But you are autistic
It's because you have autism. Go for the remakes.
>spouts "low poly" as if that's a bad thing
get the fuck out, retard
Only in some matters
>Posting a straight up porn video in the modding thread
Come on man, have some tact.
This guy's a cutie, not even in a gay way. I want him to knit me a sweater.
>muh graphics
>bb-but muh souls doesn't require graphics
>it's ART, it's supposed to be low poly
Okay retard, if you're gonna argue with your fweeling then you can fuck off and stop wasting my time.
you're not even trying anymore
The door in Spyro 1 Reignited should have opened up to that area. It would have been Kino.
He's like a big puppy.
So is the entire game gonna be fixed, shitty redesigns, fucked up colors and skyboxes, shitty models?
Tell me when someone makes a mod that fixes the abbysmal performance.
That's the definition of soulless
It can be, just depends on how far out there modders decide to go.
>Just turn down the settings, or get a better PC, lol
Retard, go back to /r/transpride
He really stands out with those unique crystal wings.
>soft language
performance is good on PC
>he uses reddit
You can't fix garbage engine. People here like to shit on Unity, but Unreal is much worse.
Yeah, that's cool and all, but I am going to play it raw.
UE4 is fantastic.
Maybe I'm crazy, but seeing his OG colors makes me want to play it now.
why is his butt so noticeable
then whats the fucking point of playing the remake if you just want to play the ps1 versions
Because you're a gay scaley.
Remakes are for people who want
>muh fancy UE4 graphix
and can't fugure out how to track down emulators and .iso's, because they're retards, and it's easy money for Activision.
If it's purely raw gameplay and absolutely nothing else you want out of it, then the entire effort of developing Reignited was entirely redundant.
Who are you quoting? newfag
Bright Colors =/= Soul
fucking toxic fuck
PC chads win again.
And that is a good thing
can you repeat the question
Dumb underage
ctrl+s user its okay
Hopefully there's a mod to fix the frame rate/general bugs soon. Got stuck on Alpine Ridge forever because the wizard behind the big door wouldn't open it at 60 FPS.
There’s always just playing the PS1 game.
why does double clicking this link crash my browser
That shit could've easily been made in blueprint. I don't even get how they fucked up in the first place.
Can't handle the 4K.
Anti-modfags are the biggest retards on the planet.
>God you know what fuck the people who made the unofficial patches for Skyrim. The game is better played with these countless graphical errors and game breaking bugs!
Don't even care if this post is bait. All of you people need to be beaten to death for having such a garbage opinion.
You have to go back
Yeah, e621 already as some animations with it.
Any mods that make his ass bigger?
Asking for a friends pet dog.
>It's a the remake can do no wrong/it's completely soulless episode
Have some fucking nuance with your point of views please, its a drastic redesign of an old series, of course there are gonna be changes people won't like, but things you'll probably like as well.
Jewbivision said Crash and Spyro are hot I.P's again and the remakes also serve as a reboot. Only issue is how to build on Spyro. Insomniac said they left the I.P because Spyro couldn't hold a gun so they had no idea how to give him more depth. You can see that being the case with the other sequels where the only new ability they could find was elemental breaths.
If you mean with the new model from UE4, yes :
I want to fuck Asher's ancient ass into retirement.
Then have him bake me cookies
>>Spyro games had absolutely ugly graphics,
>>they had to sacrifice a shitload of model polygons
>>the skyboxes and colors were superior in the original
>Graphics = polygon count
>Colors and textures don't count
Ok retard
Learn what graphics mean you fucking brainlet retard
>none of him being fucked
>Graphics = polygon count
>Colors and textures don't count
Ok retard
Were you born this retarded or are you just pretending?
Give it a week.
literally built to be a bottom
pajeets, not even once.
>procrastination on playing this pays off with OG mods
Thank christ.
Okay retard
So when are they gonna make a mod that fixes the shitty looping for the og soundtrack?
they probably censored some thigns to be more child friendly even though the original was already child friendly
just people being sensitive
literal autism
look i played the original on ps1 too, no need to be so autistic about it
my guess is that they aim this game to be 100% kosher for kids
Come back when you'll be 18+, user
i enjoyed the original more
played on ps1 but i didn't undestand english so i never understood the story
Why are modders so autistic?
realistic rendition of rippletoes starting strength
Spyro's better with that shade of purple though
>wtf why do people want things to look better
Is the "OG" shit really necessary. Everyone knows what classic Spyro looks like.
for smugness' sake
>audio censorship
Mostly just means audio that corresponded to the text was swapped over as well.
Though I think the mod also does something to that Romeo/Juliet bird as well.
"Better" as in "Muh nostalgia and overblown idea of self-worth demands that I change things to how -I- demand they be!"?
Alright faggots.
Should i play this game?
I grew up on the n64, Banjo Tooie and JFG being my favorite adventure games on the system.
How does spyro stacks up against BT?
And seriously, i will likely feel disgusted playing the game, all thanks to those furfags and flaming homosexuals forcing this gayshit husbando bullshit everywhere
Can someone just mod the first game to be a dating sim? Thanks.
>giving any amount of fucks over what other people think and do
Precious child.
You seem pretty invested in what other people prefer. You're demanding that everybody else value things the way you do so how are you any better?
If you have the capability to do that, why not? There is a difference between pointlessly bitching about something and actually making an effort to change it to your liking. Obviously there is a demand for it or the shit would not be made and uploaded. Even simple stuff like removing the blue filter when you go underwater (which was never there in the originals) is a vast improvement.
Did they make him female?
I'm not the one shitting myself in rage and hatred over a game because it put more polygons into a dragon's ass and didn't talk about prostitutes.
Okay, okay, okay.
Hear me out.
Spyro, but female.
In Reignited, well: youtube.com
In the mod, I don't have the game to install the mod to check, it just says:
>- Romeo says a bit more about his trip to Colossus Springs.
Doesn't sound like it did anything there.
>Even simple stuff like removing the blue filter when you go underwater (which was never there in the originals)
The fact that people get enraged enough over something so trivial to do this because "OMG IT NOT IN BEFORE IT SHOULD NOT BE AT ALL!!" is incredibly sad.
Better as in go fuck yourself.
This one
No you're just shitting yourself in rage and hatred that other people prefer the original look. You're a paragon of reason. Starting to think everybody that shouts "autist" in these threads is hardcore projecting their own autism
You know the originals still exist, you can play them instead of screaming about a bear-mole Jew not mentioning hookers.
>This is the game that started the soulless meme.
Wasn’t it Tropical Freeze?
>Should i play this game?
Completely understandable, faggots ruin everything, they're fucking obnoxious
It's just shitposters desu, nobody with a functioning brain would genuinely try and say user made content is a bad thing.
I never hear Mario fans cry about how he should look like his 8-bit design instead of his current one and that's a far greater change that Spyro got.
But heteros waifufagging every single game isnt annoying at all.
So if modders made something that turned a character into a transvestite that's a good thing?
Holy shit, kill yourself
Impossible not to be reminded of it after they have forced it for ages.
How does it compare to the banjo games?
I have never played a spyro game in my life, and the only insomniac game i played were the RNC ones.
That's acceptable and encouraged.
As the zoomers say, "yikes!"
I have lived long enough to watch FAGS complain about dudes liking pussy
PC lards should be gassed
First off, that's a false equivalence. And secondly, people HAVE made comparisons between the small details that Mario 64 has that Odyssey doesn't, from visuals to systems that prevent Mario from entering his idle animation in certain places.
What happens if you beat Spyro 2/3 before paying off Moneybags for everything? I'm watching a speedrun of 2 now and he still had to pay for the headbutt despite beating Ripto first. Does the payback replay if you beat the final boss again after paying him?
Hey guys does anyone else want to fuck Spyro? Asking for a friend
at least half the thread does
>tfw that new comic of Spyro x Elora is in progress
is there a collection of these nice wallpaper sized spyro landscapes?
The point of a remake is to improve upon something that was flawed in the first place. The original Spyro still looks fantastic and still controls really well while all the remake did was fuck up the character models, the voice acting, and take away all the original art direction. There's no reason to bother with the remakes when all they offer is an inferior product.
Couldn't you say the same thing about the remake and say you should play the original as it's original developers intended?
I'm more into the other dragons.
>tfw Will never see it because artist is a DRMing patreonfagging bitch of the highest caliber
Doesn't matter, there's already the animation, so the comic is largely redundant anyway.
God, I wish my face was in the place of that gem.
But I cant play spyro because I don't have a ps1 or the game so I have to play the remake
There's sculpted/modeled out and printable files (for ~$50) out there of that as a statue, go make your dreams real random user.
I think it's fine that they turned a lot of characters into pure fetish bait, I just wished they did it for ALL the characters.
Bloody pajeet modellers. The concept art was GOOD.
And yeah, the environments are a little disappointing (Especially the lighting) but I think even the most autistic modeller couldn't match the dreamy vibes the HL1 level maps the original had.
Remakes are almost always a mixed bag.
god damn this looks good
Ah shit, fucked up the formatting. Oh well.
>I think it's fine that they turned a lot of characters into pure fetish bait, I just wished they did it for ALL the characters.
the fuck do you mean? that theyre all dragons?
>oh man I really wish his skin was slightly less saturated, I should work on a mod to correct this problem!
jesus christ
It was this one
Old skybox mod when?
Perhaps they shouldn't have fucked up Elora's face.
I liked them all better with muppet faces
user have you been reading the thread?
Pretty much all the dragons have been redesigned to suit "certain tastes"
the fuck did they do to Zoe?
You missed the best lines in the game.
In what way is this redesigned
Nope, I remember the threads
>voodoo tier
crash has less draw distance than spyro. you can literally only see in a straight line (cant even look back) or its a 2d platformer
>When a toy company gives us a 10/10 design and a video game company doesn't.
That 'PSX' model is something someone made to make a PSX version that looks like the Reignited version, he doesn't look anything like that in the original game.
Is he pissing himself or something?
>Implying (((ursids))) have souls to begin with
Oh well in that case if they stayed true to the original game all of the dragons would be completely naked :)
i think you are right but people dont come to Yea Forums to be right. its absolutely a test ground for opinions to see how badly they can be taken, in an environment where the worst that can really happen is you get fucking banned because you are anonymous and dont even have to defend your shitty opinions
>Trouble with the trolley eh?
Very based. Old dergs are cute.
If they had of stayed true to the original game (like they started out doing) we wouldn't have nearly the same amount of barafagging as we do now.
(There's a photo of these being shown off at some event, but I can't find them.)
Right has too much detail, left leaves it up to the imagination
furries would still be all over those what are you talking about
What's the point of restoring Spyro's colors when the rest of the game remains tacky pajeetware?
They sit on his snout
Thanks! Completely forgot the second one existed.
That font is just terrible
Why did they give him such a nice ass?
Why is Sparx trying to make Spyro's stomach ulcer explode?
>A mod that reverts some of the text and audio censorship, along with implements beta names for stages (nexusmods.com
Can I get that without the beta stage names
Made easier in reignited. You slow down when changing lanes.
As much as I love'd the gems flying around, I bet this was done this way to allow for varying speeds of level loads depending on the system. I think I prefer it this way just to get to actually playing faster.
That's a goddamn medieval fantasy dragon, not a very anthropomorphic cartoon character with buff upper body and half-clothed. People would sexualize them, yeah, but it would be the same people that sexualize Smaug from LOTR, it would be a much smaller number.
Look in there (again), they updated it with a "Original Dialogue Subtitles Only" file.
She looks fucking awful in the movie files but normal gameplay she looks bearable on PC
I'm getting Tomba 2 trolley flashbacks so yeah
In the original game it takes like 8 seconds to transition, and it's seamless. 2 and 3 take a little longer and include a black screen, probably more like 15 seconds. The PS4 and Xbone versions of Reignited take like 25 full seconds to load. I haven't seen Switch footage, but somebody on Youtube posted the PC version and it was almost instantaneous, didn't even need the sequence to begin with.
Start using the ACTUAL ingame footage you lazy nigger
>but somebody on Youtube posted the PC version and it was almost instantaneous, didn't even need the sequence to begin with.
Only for 2 and 3. Spyro 1 has a minimum loading time when entering levels. Steam forums claim the game stops reading the drive after two seconds so it's completely pointless.
Indian outsourcing unfortunately
It was never even hard to begin with, I don't know why people meme shit in these games being super difficult. The only problems I've ever had were trying to get the skill points, beating Ripto in 2 without taking a hit and killing all the enemies in the water speed tunnel in 3.
I'm going through Spyro 2 atm and what he said about PC loading times is correct. I didn't even installed on an SSD either.
Are you complaining?
crash bandicoot mod with his crash 3 moveset when
I hope for a reignited mod to give Spyro and Sparx all their upgrades from all 3 games into a universal thing from the start.
>Get game on Switch
>Just as comfy as I remember
>None of the issues I have with it are the same ones Yea Forums bitches about
Flying is now slippery, the Chinese dragon boss fight is fucked up and way harder, and the framerate is erratic on every console. This is the shit you should be complaining about, not the 'liberites' TfB took with untextured models that were only a couple of dozen tris each.
Damn boy, anyone have the HD version?
if we're gonna stare at it for the entire game might as well make it nice to look at
Of course not. I've been enjoying his figure greatly.
To create even more gay scalies.
This is a "Spyro Modding" thread, not a general Spyro thread, despite the shitposting, so the aesthetic bitching comes with the territory.
Now that we have a PC version, did anyone figure out what purpose that hidden room in the Dream Weavers homeworld serves?
And can we get an option to just completely remove foliage? Settings in-game don't even allow an off
That's not the release version of Zoe
Any mod that adds realistic prehensile cocks to the dragons you revive? Asking for a friend of a friend's acquaintance.
I assume you mean the new door in the Artisian world and it's still nothing. You can ram it and see the floor dissipate into the skybox.
>prehensile cocks
How soon till we get a blenderfag to reanimate all the cutscenes to be less awkward since the cutscenes are just mp4s?
>(chiefly of an animal's limb or tail) capable of grasping.
>"many monkeys have long, prehensile tails which they use in swinging through the trees
>Just MP4's.
That makes them harder to fix.
Kinda disappointed he didnt lick her asshole, or fuck it. Also wish it was a human and not spyro
>since the cutscenes are just mp4s?
Only a couple of them are .mp4's (the opening of 1 being one of them), the vast majority are in game. If they were all .mp4's, it'd be WAY harder.
I know what the word means, but what?
How exactly? Couldn't you just swap files?
>That's probably because while on the OG Spyro the scutes (that's what the wide belly scales are called) are on the same surface as the rest of his body, so that was implying some amount of 'fading' between the two, nu-Spyro's scutes are a hard distinct object away from the rest of his body.
>You can see whoever did the texture mod tried a little bit, but there's only so much you can do without changing the physical geometry so it's all one seamless piece to the body.
You are wrong on all 3 accounts, the model dosnt have any separate goe for the main scales, and its fucked up in teh original since the artists didnt use proper refs and idnt knwo there is no blend region they cut off hard in reptiles, finally, those arent scutes, those are scales. Large scales are still scales, scutes are made from bone or under the epidermal layer, the ones on Spyros belly would be ventral scales.
You'd have to rerender the new cutscene yourself and make it look consistent instead of just running game files in an animation program.
>In game
Swap a model
Take the animation data that's already there and change it a little bit
Completely swap out one characters animation while leaving everything untouched
The choice is yours.
Have to start entirely from scratch
Then render it and pack it up again as a matching (in codec and such) .mp4.
WAY harder.
it's actually dried up milk that spilled out the sides of his mouth when he was eating cookies
Good taste.
hence why I asked for a blenderfag
sucking cock you mean?
No faggot CTR confirmed cookies
Back at you, user. Also my post got deleted for some reason.
Oh well, shit happens.
>One hypothetical mod I don't like could possibly exist in the future, but almost certainly never will
>Therefore all modded content is bad!!
You must be an adult to post here, user. Teenagers without the ability to think critically aren't welcome here.
Why do I want these dragons to cum inside me until I look pregnant?
Because you're a good person who likes helping others.
Brain damaged tranny jannies losing their shit over anthropomorphic characters again but ignoring threads like these
That on is justified, Spyro should never be female.
what do dragon footpaws smell like
Fuck off faggots
I'd respond with some sort of legitimate response, buy I barely understood what you just typed.
Join us. Men are superior in every way.
No way fag.
*barely understood, aside from the last part, which fair enough, I'm not as on top of the particulars of anatomy as I'd like to be.
Males are the best gender, deal with it
i want fem!spyro to choke me with her tail
Go away you AIDs ridden retards
You first, feminist tranny.
I honestly feel sad for sfurs.
>Make Spyro Modding thread
>Devolves into a general shitposting Spyro thread after about 20-50 posts
Never change Yea Forums.
As you should.
>not liking both
Fantasy creatures with looks like that should appeal to you regardless. If they don't, you're a plebian. Or a tranny.
aids literally hasnt been a thing in the developed world for like 20 years
I used to roleplay with a dragoness scalie who would do this.
>wanting to get fucked by burly men
>not wanting to be the burly men who do the fucking on anthropomorphic shortstacks
I dont know if Id say 20, but yeah, nobody really cares about it anymore. Its pretty manageable and preventable now.