Has there been a bigger waste of potential?
Has there been a bigger waste of potential?
there never was any potential
the cover art memed you into thinking this game could have been somehow good
Front Mission in general has been wasted potential for nearly a decade
they gave it a metal gear cover to trick people into buying a pile of shit
That game was okay. Nothing special. Who was good on the dev team that made you think the game would be great?
Front Missions could’ve been the game to cover the market that Metal Gear left behind, but fuck knows what their motive was to releaSe this piece of shit
>Betting everything on Yoji Shinkawa
I love his art but damn, now his name is permanently attached to one shitty game
now i want to play mgs1 again
Honestly how bad is it?
>Front Mission has been shit forever
>From Software is never going to make another Armored Core (and if you believe that they're "working on it", you don't know that From Software have always been notorious liars)
>Gundam Breaker series has been ruined by greed
Well, hopefully Daemon X Machina is good.
i had front mission 3 on ps1, that game was fucking good. never played any of the others though
Cross between stealth and third person shooter. You need to rely on crafting materials for a good majority of things including crafting things to use as distractions or bombs/traps that do actual damage because your guns do shit damage (to the point where very few guns feel viable at all), but have limited backpack space. Only way to get the best ending is to do escort missions and save all the civilians which puts a huge drain on resources. Basically all this is done so that you have to repeatedly play the game over and over again so that you earn points that can be spent on having higher gun damage, get more materials when you pick them up, etc, and some of the better shit is locked behind the number of times you play through the game, so even if you rack up a shit load of points after 1 playthrough, the stuff you might want to actually spend it on might not be available until after the 3rd or 4th playthrough.
It's kinda neat overall when you get the hang of all the bullshit, but it's still a lot of bullshit you have to get used to.
>fuck knows what their motive was to releaSe this piece of shit
Front mission thread?
Any tips for someone playing Gun Hazard?
Have fun! Gun Hazard is fucking awesome. Make sure to check out Assault Suits Valken/Cybernator and Metal Warriors after if you haven't already done so.
As for tips...I seem to remember the shock weapon being really good when leveled up. It's not a very hard game.
It didn't really have potential to begin with. MGSV itself was the bigger waste of potential
They could’ve made more of it if they made a good game.
*could've possibly made more
That possibly is why so many people don't care enough to make a good game.
See that fucking sucks. I love janky ass games like how this looked because they're usually creative in some way, but it sounds like the sheer grind that becomes a part of the game makes it more tedious than it needs to be. I loved Dead Rising and escorting survivors though so hopefully by limited space it's akin to that game's storage system.
I'll still try it out just fuck i only have so much time in a day to grind and replay stuff
This whole thing is wasted potential. Nintendo didn't do enough to support it in it's second year and moving into it's third, and third parties haven't been putting their best foot forwards while supporting it, it's been almost entirely ports, I think every japanese publisher has more ports to the Switch than anything else, it just feels like a waste of a perfectly good console, finally there was a console worth owning in terms of what features it offered, and then it was left to wane only hitting some sort of stride in the last 3 months, but that stride ends at december, who knows when it's next set of releases will be after that though.
Don't pay more than a small meal on it.
and it actually worked, thanks God steam refund exists
Nintendo always, always, ALWAYS has that problem. You were literally just too young to notice.
No, I know they've always had this problem, because their development teams and third party support has been split, third parties would put their games on the handheld and Nintendo would push their core support onto the console, so expectations were that this would come together, that's not even slightly what happened.
Is it literally impossible to get the good ending on the first playthrough or do you just need to get good?
>tfw still waiting for the crack