Have you found Iceborne's sasquatch yet?

It's a secret monster and according to 2chan it's huge and can one-shot you when you follow it.


Attached: iceborne mhw.jpg (866x479, 134K)

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Yea and I killed naked with hammer. Ezpz.


Where is he?

Rajang i guess ?

Anyone made it to MR200 yet?
Would be neat if it had something to do with that.
Could always just be a neat little easter egg and nothing more though.

Why would HR200 have that and not HR150 or HR 300 or HR500?

In iceborne

There's a trophy/achievement for getting to MR200.
Could be absolutely nothing of course but I've seen a few people guess that you might unlock something for it. And I think there was one for getting to HR100 in the base game and it unlocked a couple things,which is where part of the speculation comes from.



It's Qurupeco trombone subspecies

wtf Qurupeco doesn't sound like that

how new are you?

for the last time there is no such thing as iceborne's sasquatch. it is just a marketing tool capcom made up to increase interest in the game. And even if he was real I wouldn't just jump over a cliff and scream while a player is around.

There is video proof, mate. A lot.

that's just a guy in an ape costume mod

>I wouldn't

Attached: IMG_20181021_214402_200.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

oh duck

Is it an actual monster in the game? What do you mean it can one shot you if it doesn't appear? What does it look like? You just showed a fuckign shadow.

>And even if he was real I wouldn't just jump over a cliff and scream while a player is around.

Attached: Kot.png (340x340, 259K)

>Why yes, I do trust everything 2chan says just because they're Japanese, why?

isn't that one of the /vg/ nameniggers?

when the fuck are they putting kaiji in this one?

Attached: 1553994032031.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

in ur mums pusy

Yes, and he's shilling his youtube channel.
Here's there original video.