Releases in 8 days. What are your thoughts and expectations?
AI: The Somnium Files
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My expectations are extremely low and I think it'll be shit, but I'll still pirate it regardless because I hate getting spoiled.
Most reviewrs already said it's 999 level
Shit character designs
I'm always up for an Uchikoshi wild ride, but I didn't follow the development of this game at all and there are too many games coming out this month for me to have time to play this. I'll get it in a couple months hopefully.
Reviewers can eat my white ass.
> I'll get it in a couple months hopefully.
After you're spoiled.
Same reviewers who praised ZTD?
>not a single athletic brown girl
I sleep.
I don't really care about that, experiencing things myself is still different.
Haha idiot
I guess you just don't get it.
Reviewers don't know shit and they praised ZTD and said it was amazing. Last I checked, it has an even higher Metacritic than 999 or VLR. Don't trust reviewers just because you want this to be good.
>implying anyone gives enough of a shit about this game to spoil it
Do you think it will reach the heights of the Infinity Trilogy?
After what they said about ZTD, no reviewer can be trusted on Uchikoshi games.
First time I'm hearing of this, but it looks interesting, so I'll check it out. Thanks, OP.
Isn't Death March Club the real one to look forward to?
Uchikoshi, Kodaka and Nakazawa. Things are about to get hot in here.
Average. I would've gotten it had it kept it's summer release, but now that it's late September the games fucked.
>platforming game
>being excited for this after DRV3's Death Road of Despair
Reviewers really don't know shit. They don't. They don't have any real opinions and either kowtow to the audience, the publisher or their peers.
i'll pirate it
oof and yikes
>The concept for the game came while Kodaka and Uchikoshi were on a trip to Kyoto that felt like a long death march, and Kodaka had joked about a killing game with a death march premise. Although Kodaka was joking, Uchikoshi was very interested in going through with creating it. Kodaka had initially decided that he had enough of writing death games, but Uchikoshi convinced Kodaka to do one final death game with him, the "last death game either of us will create", and Kodaka agreed[1]. Using a cast entirely of elementary schoolers was inspired by movies like It and The Goonies, which have children in the starring roles but that aren't children's movies. The game is set in the 1990s in order to evoke nostalgia in adult players[1]. Kodaka and Uchikoshi have highlighted that the similarity in premise to their previous works was deliberate, with Kodaka noting: "If you're thinking that it's a Danganronpa clone, we've already got you in our hands. I like to think that the game already started the moment we announced the title."[3]
>Character designer Take was chosen because Kodaka and Uchikoshi thought it would be funny to choose someone whose art style was at odds with the darkness of Uchikoshi's scenario, and Kodaka had been a long-time admirer of Take's work[1]. While designing the characters, Take wanted to evoke feelings of "I wish this kid had been in my class!", and wanted to do the characters justice since they are children from the same time period as her own childhood.[2]
>The Too Kyo Games team worked on the premise, scenario and character design, while the team at Grounding handled the programming, action and graphic design[1]. As of June 2019, the game was the furthest into development of the four titles announced at the September 2018 TooKyo Games debut conference, with more than half of the development complete. It was also revealed to Gematsu that the team were in negotiations to publish the game on consoles.[3].
Why didn't they finish it?
Do the Infinity Trilogy Games qualify as death games?
No, I understand you're a complete idiot.
You are 100% unable to fully enjoy something after you've been spoiled, no matter how much pretentious morons like yourself believe you're an exception to the rule.
You're putting words in my mouth. I just said that in case I happen to get spoiled, it won't impact the decision of me playing the game when I have time since reading a post on the internet and experiencing the game myself are completely different things. What do you do when you get spoiled, swear off playing the game/watching the movie for all eternity?
C and D Team was the best what they series had. Only Q was aweful
How do you feel about Takumi Nakazawa?
I/O is remarkable, but I think the main weight was pulled by that route A guy (see credits, he also didn't participate in LogOut routes), not by Nakazawa.
Root Double is insanely self-repeating (banal) and boring, and honestly its best reveals (route B end and Xtend end) are simply poor man's I/O. So honestly I quite regret wasting a shitload of time onto having read it.
999 is one of the most overrated babby's first mature VN out there and VLR was better.
Don't know why fags keep pretending 999 was the "epitome of VNs" when the plot's a fucking mess riddled with plotholes and ends in corny anime shit.
I hope the fresh start without a shit budget makes it better than ZTD.
999 might be overrated but vlr is absolute dogshit
999 is neat in that it has a joke route with a cute parody of a sequel hook. I am talking about everything All-Ice related. I mean, having self-referentially red herring route is just cute. Simplistic - but cute. Also, equally cute character drawings and animations - even if understandably limited.(cont)
After ZTD I will never buy or play this man's games again.
VLR has serious artfag pretensions in that part of it which tries to cosplay MGS2 and culminates with Luna ending, but I am not sure as to how genuine it is. I think, VLR owea that sensibilities to Uchikoshi's cowriter, some Takagi Madoka, which came to work on VLR from 428 writing team - and VLR's setting also appears to borrow from 428 quite a bit, but I don't have enough experience with 428 to comment upon that any further.
Ever 17 had a really good setting.
Funny how they’re using it again for death march club
>joke story ark
>self-referentially red herring story ark
Are you sure?
FYI physical release got delayed to the 24th :(
People still like Uchikoshi?
>tfw no one cares about Yuuri's game
Can Uchikoshi and Nakazawa reach the heights of this again?
>LITERALLY just ever17
I thought it was OK.
oh yea and the most convoluted choice system ever seen in a VN I suppose
What were your impressions upon seeing this?
Mite b cool. The anime aesthetic will simply prevent me from taking anything in the story seriously.
This was definitely the worst part. It took me hours to find what I was missing for those 100%.
Who thought having a nazi system was a good idea?
I'm still waiting for them to finish it.
>I'm still waiting for them to finish it.
Holy shit, people actually believe this? People are actually dumb enough to believe this? Remember11 is finished, they wouldn't release an unfinished product. The story "not having an ending" traps you in the infinity loop because you try to find whatever you thought you missed.
There are literally unused text strings in the game referring to a Self route.
Also R11 was supposed to be a cross-media project, but it bombed so badly that they only got as far as some CD dramas before KID went bankrupt.
So its a puzzle VN like 999? Does it have any relation to it or is it a new IP?
I donno, the whole Psync thing sounds a lot like esper stuff, but Uchikoshi just likes that kind of thing in general
It's a new IP. He's also following it up with yet another new IP in Death March Club next year, which is a collaboration with his old Infinity series buddy Takumi Nakazawa.
How do you feel about him?
The fact the second half was literally BEEEEEESHEEEEE???? fucking pissed me off. That and everything has to be connected was a bit off-putting. Route A was great though.
Now if we're talking about Uchikoshi and Nakazawa's best work....
>both dubs are canon
I wish more games did this. Also, A-Set really grew on me by the end.
>Now if we're talking about Uchikoshi and Nakazawa's best work....
No. It's Never7.
It's pretty likely that Lin recognized Enomoto's body, but from the way you acted she could tell that you weren't him, leading to her suspicion and refusing to get near you until after 4 PM that day when you directly approach her. It was the same with Inubushi. She would have recognized that body as Sayaka's body but the difference is that she already knew Inubushi Keiko was someone who acted erratically, so she took her aside and talked to her for a bit thinking nothing was out of the ordinary with her.
The ending is also Uchikoshi's fault, yeah. It's more his ending than Nakazawa's, and he at least seems happy with it being the ending, so good for him I guess. For what it's worth, there's a whole world buried here that was never explored.
So is he getting Lin's pussy or Kokoro's pussy?
I'm so thirsty for a new detective game. The last one I bought was DRv3 and it was years ago. Sure we had "Your Turn To Die" just a month ago and it was great but I need more.
>NMH character designer
>good ost in the trailer
Already 2 good reasons to buy the game.
>made by Suda
Never ever. I bet his game is so obscure that no one understands it.
>24 yo
Are you sure?
It'll probably good so long as it avoids sequelbait
yeah already beta tested the english version
it's revealed that the game takes place in the Zero Escape universe and the protagonist is "the terrorist" from previous games
Is this the danganronpa replacement?
WTF are they doing for next ?
I don't care what they say about Zero Time Dilemma, the game is an amazing meme fest and I never felt bored even if the story sucked dick and ruined the series
No, this is (being co-written by Kodaka):
>WTF are they doing for next year?
why tf did he leave spikesoft saying danganronpa was shit if he went on to make a danganronpa-like clone?
Its a fucking mess.
Hahaha. Now DRv3 makes him even look more like a hack.
I wonder how many people that loved 999 had played Ever17 before
People that care about spoilers generally have low IQ
Was ZTD really that bad?
I liked it. It didn't feel like it was suppose to be in the same series and the actually payoff was fucking terrible.
> everyone hates ZTD
Since when? ZTD was fucking gripping. How many of you actually finished it?
>physical release delay
Sounds like you've been MINDHACC
At the very least it was better than Virtue's Last Reward.
Yea Forums got tricked into hating it because of memes and a few plot holes (that everything he has written has)
>since when
How fucking new are you?
People started shitting on ZTD a few days after it came out and the nonstop threads of shitposting lasted months at the very leasr
>set up shit for 2 games
>actively give a list to people of what will be covered in the third game
>do none of those things, do not speak of things set up, and make the villain the ultimate meme man
Yeah man ZTD was good.
>ruined Junpei
>butchered Akane
>made Sigma a drooling retard
>every single new character except Carlos was dogshit
>completely ignored most plot threads set up in VLR to be explained in a sequel just to appeal to a bigger audience and attrack new players in the conclusion of a series
>every single new twist is retarded and only exists for the sake of being a twist
>fragment system completely destroys the pacing and atmosphere
>voice acting and animation are pure garbage
>retcons many plot elements from VLR
>the retcons makes Sigma retarded for spending decades working on his VLR masterplan when it was fucking irrelevant in ZTD
>Delta's actions and motivations contradict themselves all the time
>added AYY LMAO FAX MACHINE to the lore
>plotholes like 2carlos
>>completely retcons how espers work so everyone can SHIFT
>Not Delta though, he can't SHIT for reasons unknown
>also Delta kills himself for some reason even if he can't shift
>Brother did nothing wrong
>ending doesn't even give closure to the story, just presents a bigger threat that has to be dealt with
>epilogue files are so retarded they retcon the entire series
Thinking that ZTD was anything other than garbage is a pretty quick retard test
I dunno man ZTD is the funniest game I've played
I went in with lowered expectations thanks to Yea Forums. Had a good time. A better version of the scene in pic related was my wallpaper for months. No regrets.
fuck that scene had me in tears
why murican flag
Wait, wouldn't you get spoiled if you pirate it?
or are you implying that the crack is released before the game?
English release?
The Witch's Heart. Thank me later.
It's global release.
$60 on steam is too much
>The Witch's Heart
Not a very big fan of the artstyle but I will give it a shot. Thanks user.
wew lad
pirate it is
>top 2
how? i thought they marry at the end
Studies actually show people enjoy things MORE after spoilers. Something about it builds anticipation, and people look for clues to a twist or whatever. Point being, you’re retarded
I hate how Japs get away with charging so much for visual novels and low quality adventure games. I'm interested in AI, but the lack of production values don't justify the price. I'll rent it instead
Remember that epilogue about Sean and Eric going to visit Mira in prison, and then Sean uses his robot powers to break her out of there, and then they all go find Delta's alien fax machine to scan themselves to the past and stop loli Mira from killing Akane's mom?