Don’t mind me, just being the best handheld of all time
Don’t mind me, just being the best handheld of all time
the no headphone port makes it objectively the worst GBA. you take the screen off of them and put it on a base model
More like ugliest
Fake NDS
It was uncomfortable to hold.
The DS Lite is the best handeld: compact, sleek, can do anything the GBA can do and way more.
I saw some shitty images about the battery in these dying years ago but mine still works fine.
>implying "no nintendium" DS Lite can compete with the PHAT
mine works, but the battery is noticeably holding a way lower charge. used to get a week out of it, now i get maybe 6 hours
We have real consoles now with REAL games not your shit from the 1500's made by leonardo da vinci that plays what? metal gear solid 1?wow what a game that was jk only old senile men think that piece of horse shit game playing it was like solving a fucking ancient mayan puzzle only senile old men thought it was good. how about we start discussing real games now?
I'd have to agree with this. I had a black/silver one and I still use it to this day to play Pokémon. It also felt pretty comfortable in pocket
3DS has virtual console, can do everything the DS can and more, has some of the best original handheld games ever.
Going from a GBA to this was so fucking based
This but unironically
screen light was its only redeeming factor
base GBA was infinitely superior in every other way, playing on this for extended periods of time would just hurt your hands
The og GBA is more comfortable
>no headphone jack
So close, but no cigar.
They just focused on kids for the SP it seems while the OG can be used comfortably by both adults and kids
Start and Select buttons are too small
yuh yuh yuh yikes!!!
101 modding an original layout GBA is superior if you either want to play GBC/GB games (so you don't have the cartridge slamming your wrists) or if you have hands larger than a 10 year old Japanese girl.
original or sp gba?
>No headphone jack
>Audible wahoo ding ding ding 1-Up Mama Mia or playing in complete silence
>best anything
Not even close. For that reason alone and others the Game Boy Light, Game Boy Pocket, GBC, GBA Micro are all better.
The best Nintendo handheld bar none will probably be the Switch Lite though.
>can do anything the GBA can do
can't play gameboy or gbc games but nice try