What went wrong

What went wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:


No romanceable furry girls

nothing, just CDPR getting exposed as hacks

Wait what happened?

Your mom dropped you on your head.

Yea Forums


80% of the original polish devs left CDPR
Thats it

trannies, as usual

>What went wrong
bought out buy warner bros. and this

Really? What replaced them?


Destiny all over again

No gameplay

Your life course went very wrong at a some early point I guess.
Then it went more wrong for everyone when you started posting here.


Pretty much everything

But why?

your mama came out from your granma's pussy

nice source

Dumbasses are mad that game is not in third person. As if that was a new reveal, we've known that for like year now.

sjw pandering and obsession about tumblr rainbow aesthetics

i cant stand this garbage art. this game looks really ugly

Who the hell even wants to play shooters in third person?

Fortnite People... (AKA Casual Shits)

Because they are cancer.
They don't perform their required function and rapidly multiply.

Do you really think some cali fag isn't going to try fuck up the entire culture and land all their friends jobs

It's an FPS?


Fortnite has a higher skill ceiling than any boomer shit you like

Are you going to post this every day

But driving is third person? So it's like Halo where it switches between on foot vs vehicles?

get sjw'd and huge downgrade

>high skill ceiling
>random critical shots

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the game isnt even out yet
i dont know if its good or bad

Jeez I hate Americans

Literally nothing and the game will be a major success

Was gonna buy day one but every new detail makes this game worse and worse. Will be passing on this one.

I think you can also choose to drive in first person too. But on foot the foot game is strictly first person.

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>BR zoomer shooters
pick one kid

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fucking wow

>tumblr rainbow aesthetics
Are you retarded

isn't this game subsidized by the polish government? Maybe even the EU?


Day one buy for me tbqhwy fampai
Don't give a shit about your little kiddie politics

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I dunno. The government probably gives them grants and ta-breaks seeing how much good PR and tax money CDPR is bringing to Poland(kinda like how how UK helped Rockstar with funding), but seeing how EU hates the country I doubt they have any say in it.

my man
same here


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>not day 1 pirate

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have you ever seen the original trailer.

this garbage is very similar to modern marvel comics. faggy american aesthetics everywhere and none of them are sophisticated.
the original was full of hollywood cliches but still looked much better

got woke, went broke

The devs have repeatedly said after the Twitter bio change that the game is still an RPG, and what we've seen of the gameplay confirms this. Or what, does Twitter determine how you play the game now?

cut content and got trannied

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>game uses 'street cred' system


>žena, lezbejka, kraljica
That's from the recent Bosnian pride parade.

>tbqhwy fampai
sure you will
go back


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Why would I pirate it? CDPR is the only company making an open world cyberpunk RPG and I want more games like this.

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this fat mutt should be gassed.


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Trannies are already a reality now so why wouldn't they be in CP2077 where everything revolves around breaking nature's rules and body modification?
Does your retarded ass you genuinely believe this is an issue or are you just shitposting?

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Who gives a fucking shit about shit in your pic?

Day one pirate. Fuck all the shilling.

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go back

>Trannies are already a reality
No they aren't. Believing the propaganda on social media doesn't make it normal or true.
The real reality is most people hate LGBT, and that's a fact.

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where? Yea Forums is the only social media platform I use and have ever used.

Yea Forums for having expectations for a CDPReddit game.

Funny thing is the game doesn't actually have trannies. All they did was change 'gender' to 'body' in the character creator. That was enough to put Yea Forums into a meltdown for the last few months.

>saying this while posting on Yea Forums

See you in multipla... oh wait
Well, at least you get free bitcoin miner.

So trannies are just a figment of our imagination?

>CDPR is the only company making an open world soiberpunk RPG and I want more games like this.

>Trannies are already a reality
You can not change your gender at the moment. Those play pretend mentally ill people are not and will never undergo a real sex change in their pathetic short life times.

No, they are a figment of yours.

Body modification and transexuality was a thing even in Cyberpunk 2020, and 2077 is over 50 years in the future.
Think about our own society, and how much the norms have changed in last 50 years. It doesn't fucking matter if either us think that world was better or worse in 70s, but it's a fact that it has changed drastically. State of the world in CP2077 is entirely understandable.

Most people don't care.

also DRM free

>The real reality is most people hate LGBT, and that's a fact.

>The real reality is most people hate LGBT
No, the real reality is that most people don't give a flying fuck since we're talking about less than 0.05% of the population but fucktard mutts went full retard (as they always do) and turned it into some crusade against normal people just like BLM was turned into a crusade against white people so yeah no wonder everyone is getting fed up.

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This thread.

i won't get my futa v slamming whores

Dude, transexuality is recognized as a thing in pretty much every developed country that exists. It doesn't matter if most people aren't doing a good job changing their gender, but they do exist, and are part of the reality that you are in. Sticking your head into a bush and going NO NO NO LA LA LA doesn't make things not exist.

Most do care because statistics prove that LGBT commit more pedophilia crimes than normal people. And also commit more domestic violence than normal people.
So sure if they just wanted to live as freaks then it could be looked over. But they are a danger to society and the slippery slope was and continues to be real.

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Yeah no shit Sherlock it might not be perfect by a long shot yet people are still cutting off or attaching penises/boobs to their bodies.
It's still body modification.

Not him but you're ignoring his point of the sourcebook for 2020 having dick/cunt implants available and surgeries to make yourself a exotic, which are mostly furfags.

>source: my ass

Are you fags seriously that fucking far gone that you can't fathom somebody disagreeing with you without immediately thinking that they are Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr/Tranny/Resetera or whatever fucking else is the new badfeel place for you guys?


Permanent first person

>Sticking your head into a bush and going NO NO NO LA LA LA doesn't make things not exist
and dilate after
putting a wig on and cutting your dick off doesn't make you the opposite sex
with your raging faggot ass

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Not really. What you're saying and the devs virtue signalling is a totally different matter and you should know it.

No. Fuck off and die.

>Dude, transexuality is recognized as a thing in pretty much every developed country
>I speak for everyone
Neck yourself.

Why does Yea Forums care more about shit like trannies and the camera's perspective then the fact the game looks like it plays like shit?

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They're trannies in denial so of course that's all they think about. Just don't give them attention.

Third person perspective is a pointless feature in a role playing game.

>calls others for speaking for everyone while doing just that

Because it is in the game and permeates most modern media.
Why can't disgusting LGBT faggots keep their sexuality to themselves like they promised they would 20 years ago?

Ahh the good ol' "y-you're a degenerate just like me!" retort.
No faggot. You're an abomination and nobody loves you secretly.

Because Yea Forums is full of people that don't play games and just come here to pearl clutch, exactly the same as Christians that get triggered by prostitution in GTA

In Iran homosexuals get sex changes to go through life as a "woman" to be with a man and avoid execution for faggotry.

There we go again, stay in denial tranny.

They make up such a small portion of the population but are EXTREMELY vocal about their opinions, just like every other remotely left leaning faggot out there in the world.
It's easy to make it seem like there's a lot of you when you protest and act like subhumans in public when you don't have jobs, living off mommy and daddy's money while screeching about tits and ass in games, Trump, white people, etc.

What are you going to do about it bitch boy? Whine and scream on a Mongolian basket weaving board until the day you die?

Nothing, seems the trannies kill themselves more than any "hate crime" ever could.
My main concern is how often they rape and molest children. Otherwise I would just laugh it off. But this is how the LGBT recruits, through molesting/raping children and turning more into faggots.

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>They make up such a small portion of the population but are EXTREMELY vocal about their opinions
That's because murrica's cancerjew media machine gives those few faggots a stage turning the whole thing into a circus.

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Shills (like you) applying the same tactic to keep threads about the game up. CDP really needs to find a new agency for their shit.


>shoot someone
>an entire shopping mall appears

Too much sunlight.

It still works doesn't it?
I've never seen this much asshurt/falseflagging/shilling on Yea Forums over 1 single game and I've been here for over a decade. Just one mention of anything related to CP and it's guaranteed you get seething replies from at least a couple autists.
CDPR got everyone by the balls and it's marvellous to watch.

>I've been here for over a decade

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trannies seems to be a recurring theme these days

This is actually a huge fucking disaster.
Failed Gta clone game. Even Gibson admits it.

yikes, and there I though cd projekt were our guies

1v1 me in quake zoom zoom


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Everything and more

I hate how the Cookie Crisp wolf is in this. He's a good boy who dindu nuffin

Nothing, cyberpunk was always like this, I take it none of the fags who complain about this game know about these things? Because trannies are the least of your concerns if you go ciberpunk.

See, you are one of those autists.
>GTA clone
They've only shown us Pacifica (which happens to be reminiscent of GTA) so far, which is one of 6 districts. As far as I know they haven't showcased any other areas yet.

They created expectation.
Remove the 2013 teaser and every quote about the game that was an outright lie and all the problems go away.
The discussion becomes:
Did you hear the witcher devs are making a borderlands clone with help from Bioware rejects?
>No, what is it about?
Being non-binary, looking at tranny soda machines and helping brown people commit crimes.
>Yeah, no, miss me with that gay shit

And then nobody worth their salt ever wastes their time caring about some derivative shooter playing to the lowest common denominator of cum guzzling dude-bro dick-sneezes.

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why does Yea Forums keeps losing against trannies?

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They rebooted deving between teaser and 2018 e3.

Both cover art and deluxe edition are complete garbage

Holy pickle Rick epic post upvoted


nothing the game is not out you crazy spergs

Nah then the area is already fucking shit and far from cyberpunk. Don't tell me cyberpunk, not a cdprs greedy trademark, fans can't criticise this game

CP2077 is going to shatter all records.

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Reddit started liking it, so obviously it sucks now.

But it's set on the USA west coast so it makes sense to have districts that represent that 3rd world shithole.
CP isn't anyone's trademark btw.
Assuming cyberpunk is just tall buildings and muh neon lights is retarded.

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Someone post the pasta already.

Cheaper and more expandable.

Trannies make sense due to genetic mods existing in the Cyberpunk lore. But if you think the complete removal of mentioning gender in the game has NOTHING to do with lgbtqp outrage then you need some better optics senpai.

why is it always the same retards crying over and over about this game on here the exact same posts to

retards REEEing because they cant look at their waifu in 3d. /pol/cels mad because the game has black people in it, etc. etc. So the usual.

>But it's set on the USA west coast
So is Blade Runner.

>it makes sense to have districts that represent that 3rd world shithole.
Very little to nothing about this genre or universe make sense or aims for realism.

>Assuming cyberpunk is just tall buildings and muh neon lights is retarded.
Tall buildings and neon lights are much more appropriately atmospheric and inline with the setting than fucking California beach.

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Reddit does a better job discussing games these days.
Sad desu.

But you can change your gender. It's a social construct after all. Now your sex, you cant really change that (afaik anyway). That stuff is DNA hardcoded.

>So is Blade Runner.
>Very little to nothing about this genre or universe make sense or aims for realism
But what's wrong in setting it in a world that looks very much like modern america?

>Tall buildings and neon lights are much more appropriately atmospheric and inline with the setting than fucking California beach.
Again, we've only seen one district. I'm sure there'll be areas in the game where you'll hvae this too.
There is an instance in last year's gameplay vid where we can see one of those megablock that reminded me very much of the blocks in that one most recent Dredd film.

We've been telling you that game was gonna be shit for like a year now. Normies are just now catching on. And marketing-wise, they blew their load WAY too early with the reveal. There's a reason Bethesda waits until like a month before release before doing reveals. Because the hype train requires a ton of fuel. You can't keep that train going for 2+ years before release. You need maximum hype right before it hits the shelves to sell copies to people that are on-the-fence. They fucked that one up bigtime. The longer people have to analyze and discuss pre-release footage, the more they can tear it apart. Case in point.

>this desolate, poverty-stricken, ultra-crime-ridden area full of criminals and people that would cut your throat for a donut
>Here's a $500,000 nuclear motorcycle as your daily driver that is mysteriously never vandalized or stolen.

Why would I pirate it? It looks fucking awful, seriously, doubt it'll even be worth pirating.

Considering it's cyberpunk I expect it to have some safety feature which only allows the owner to ride it.

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Statistically, bisexuals or 'fluid sexualities' are much more likely to be sexual offenders than homosexuals. The percentage of sex offenders that are homosexual is extremely low. Like, less than 1.2%. I have no idea where that "40%" number came from, but there has to be a asterisk involved.
first google result:

Doesn't mean it can't be stolen and sold for parts. Don't forget, the same people that install these security systems know exactly how to disable them.

People expecting a Polish studio primarily responsible for converting books about their regional folklore into a mellow action adventure to cook up the be-all end-all in american cyberpunk roleplaying.

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance


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Ya, sure. We'll have to see how this is handled in the game, if it's handled at all.

> I have no idea where that "40%" number came from
Retards that don't understand maths

>I didn't check the linked source, opting to just spew more diarrhea from my cheetoh depository instead.
The math and statistics are linked in the post you are replying to, you dumb fuck.

>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
I like how most of this list is stuff that nobody ever asked for or the poster's personal opinions.

Well none of the claims are wrong.

Maybe the "substance" bit, but I wouldn't be holding on to my seat for that one showing up unfiltered.

Simple. CDPR went public, so the game became designed by investors.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm impressed at how autistically dedicated you are.

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>Not third person
I can't even fathom why you'd do this in a game where you're trying to sell character customisation.

Destiny got away with it because special abilities, hoverbikes and the main hub were all third person.

Maybe start trying to fathom it.

Hype, caving, downgrade, no TPP cutscenes, no longer a RPG, broken promises.

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He's in

it is now

Trips of trooth

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Not to mention that Destiny is a fucking online game.

>he says

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You're asking me to fathom the fact that a group of core decision makers decided it would be better for a game where

>You can customise your face
>Cybernetic arms
>Pants and shoes

Would be better in first person, where you will almost never see these choices.

There's something uncanny about this image

It came out?

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That doesn’t matter you can just tell when a game is going to be bad

>transexuality is recognized as a thing in pretty much every developed country that exists
T-t-the law says it's good so it must be good!

Looks kino, don't care what the Yea Forums hivemind thinks.

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Why are you even browsing cp threads on Yea Forums
I mean look at this shit.
When will this site get moderation?

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You almost never see these choices of yours in the real world either.

But go on. Link up a camera drone flying five feet behind you to a pair of big-screen glasses and prove me wrong.

I think the people hating on it are Russian bots that are out to destroy the reputation of a based polish game

>Yea Forums
wishful thinking user

>there are people
>right now
>in this very thread
>who pre-ordered trannypunk 2077

Recognition and respect/allowance are two very different things. Whenever you hear someone talking about "trans rights" what they're really demanding is respect and for everyone to love and accept them. Trans people have MORE rights and privilidges than straight people. For example, the b& here might not know this, but most medical insurances cover gender re-assignment surgery. This is a unique benefit of extravagant cost that there is no equivalent of in the straight community. Straight men can't even get fucking birth control in pill form, though it was invented nearly 3 decades ago in Europe.

This but males

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steve carel no no no gif

Filtering c*mbrain was of higher priority to mods. It's like they're deliberating trying to make Yea Forums worse

That's literally not in the game anymore

>Leni was always a real person


Good thing video games aren't real life then, eh?

What a nonsense point.

Did they announce they will cut first person scenes?

>Real life
You dress to impress others.

>Video games
You dress to look cool, pure self appreciation. NPCs in video games don't give a crap what you wear.

Note the difference.

THis desu, I'll wait for the season pass to come along and also wait for mod support if it ever fucking comes
I don't think it can top W3, yet alone GTA or RDR2

I'm just trying to point out that he needs to explain WHY he would want that from a fictional world.

I dress for comfort and practical reasons. In some video games, other character DO care what you look like and what you wear. Hopefully that's the case with Cyberpunk 2077 too. I'm always found player customizability pretty useless in games if the surroundings don't react to it.

Go back to plebit if you want moderation you fucking moron

jews taking over cd projekt

I know it's a meme, but maybe they went all in RTX and ray-tracing thing.
It's cyberpunk, there's probably glass and reflective surfaces everywhere, so you could just look on a window somewhere to see yourself.

user is just being user.

>What went wrong
/pol/ still not being deleted from this site

Gas pedos and user trying to pilpul like the dirty kike he is.

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Underages not allowed here.

Based, let this website rot, it's nothing but mentally stunted rejects of society nowadays.


Leftypol garbage speak.

KYS tranny

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>cp threads on Yea Forums
this isn't good ol' 2006

Most pedos (over 95%) are straight white males. Enjoy your illusions.


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So you're equating a very abstract thing like video game to that of an orifice that's only function is to release shit?

Damn dude. That's some tranny logic.

No it means you're underage, underage.

I said gas pedos you stupid nigger.

I don't give a fuck what race they are or their sexual preference.

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In the extended comic he poops out a gold bar to illustrate the opposite.

>orifice that's only function is to release shit?
Sounds like nu-CDPR.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt for now.

What did you mean by this post?

This was already covered and debunked earlier. Try to keep up.

They never promised every class.

That's not America you ding dong diddly retard

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>mfw CDPedes trying to rationalize and defend this trainwreck

At least you guys are getting paid right, or you do free shilling for a company because they're finally "woke" ?

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>bosnian pride parade
Isn't pretty much the entire crux of Bosnian identity being Muslim?
How have these fags not been stoned to death or rooftopped?

Big budget company greedy for your money playing it safe

Because not all mudslimes are radical cunts.
It's still a shit-tier religion but Bosnia has one of the few mudslime populations that aren't Sharia obsessed..

Not sure if retarded or just really dedicated at baiting with pasta

>if you don't tolerate degenerate homosexual shit you're a radical

Kys faggot. Saudi Arabia is literally the only country that treats you how you deserve to be

>he thinks Saudi-Arabia is the only country where fags get hung by the neck or stoned to death
>projecting this hard
You must be some special kind of faggot.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.


fucking saved. this pic will get of used when cdpr drones say that it's trannies who hate this game

Well any other country that does it is also right as far as that's concerned

are you mentally ill?

>In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man
>In this demo
That doesn't confirm it'll be in the final game.
Reading comprehension?

hahaha fucking cope bitch first you fucking defend that fucking gay shit now you're defending tranny shit lmao face it retard there's no fucking straight male content in this fucking shit game cdpr got woke lmao

What's your issue with gays? Is your wife's son gay? Have you been raped by a pack of gay niggers?

I really hope this failure doesn't sink GOG.

Please god, please help GOG.

Save it from trannyshit.

okay, ur mentally ill.

fucking show me straight male v you stupid cunt oh wait you can't lmao cdpr fucking showed faggot shit they fucking showed strong womyn shit THEY STILL HAVEN'T FUCKING SHOWED STRAIGHT MALE V YOU FUCKING RETARD HAHAHAHA

keep coping you dumb fuck lol this game is fucking pozzed as shit hahaha there's no fucking straight male content in this fucking trash game

No ray tracing, obviously. Don't worry tho, mod bros are on it. youtube.com/watch?v=8DpF6WSaLac



I just think it's degenerate that's all and they've gotten out of control

The fact that they have openly gay pride festivals now, demand churches conduct gay marriages, demand you bake the cake and use the right pronouns, demand safe schools and the right to indoctrinate children, shows you give them an inch and they take a mile

I want to go back to the old days where it was taboo and behind closed doors and those who publicly expressed being gay were sent to prison

fuck off tranny hahaha

It's unironically not the gays themselves but your shitty marxist mutt media that's turning this whole thing into a giant freak circus.
The problem is that brainlet Americans take everything to the utmost extreme, and they do this with everything which is why you're so fucked all the time because no form of extremity is good in any sense.

I really wanted that pen and paper system...


it shows that you don't have to make a game look like LA with some future stuff in it even if it takes place on the westcoast

>But what's wrong in setting it in a world that looks very much like modern america?

everything. people were excited for the first real open world cyberpunk game by an AAA dev. of course they are disappointed that it looks like gta 5 aestethically. we already played gta 5.

>There is an instance in last year's gameplay vid where we can see one of those megablock that reminded me very much of the blocks in that one most recent Dredd film.

no we have seen watson, pacifica and some parts of the city center but i won't fault you for this since they all look pretty much the same

it's first-person, but it is not a shooter.
It's an RPG.

Nigga, this is mostly the same shit that straight couples do.

Like christ, you fuckers act like giving some people some basic fucking rights are "going too far". Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

hahahaha holy fucking shit this is the nu cdpr target audience lmao holy fucking white knighting sissydick bullshit hahahaha

Are you twelve years old?

Bosnian identity doesn't exist. It's an abomination of a "country" split between three people.
And mudslimes in Bosnia are pretty much just larpers anyway. They'd rather suck up to EU than toss a rock.

So you don't have a response?

You're fucking retarded

that was my response you pathetic fucking white knight pussy hahahaha here's another one bitch hahahahaha

The mentally ill already have basic rights.

based we missed you bro

they STILL haven't shown straight male v man lol they had every fucking opportunity they chose to advertise tranny shit instead man hahaha

>CDPR shills want threads shitting on 2077 to stop
>literally fall for the bait and continuously bump the threads every time
It’s so fucking easy.

Assuming you're talking about actually mental ill people and not homos, that's fine too.

This is why I never listen to you fuckers, you just want everything to go back to the time when gays would be sent to jail or murdered and no one would bat an eye.

Literal chimp IQ response. Go back to Facebook or wherever you crawled out of.

Nigger the USA doesn't exist anymore, the city itself was rebuilt after being destroyed by a nuclear bomb,

Attached: donald.jpg (480x608, 126K)

lmao i ain't goin anywhere bitch hahaha you need a fuckin safe space you fucking moron lol

>you just want everything to go back to the time when gays would be sent to jail or murdered and no one would bat an eye.
Because they are deviants, they are 99% of the time, pedos. They contribute to the spread of disease, they kill all forms of culture and poison the minds of future generations. Which is why femenism threw them under their wing, they contribute to the death of societal stability.

Attached: 1523770884947.png (1500x3719, 595K)

I need protection from diseases like you yes. You are the cancer destroying the site.

Reminder that a CP2077 IS NOT EVEN A GAME

go back to /pol/

Stop living in a blanket of delusions.

Explains how the game went to absolute shit in under 8 years before its even out.
It's gonna be mass effect 3/andromeda tier


Californiapunk 2020

Is that the best you can do? Don't reply in fact, Fortnite floss off of a bridge.

Zoomer alert

>thinks gays are pedos 99% of the time
>tells me to stop being delusional
lol okay

El Goblino

what you waitin for dumbass hahaha the protection you need hahaha

Bye now!

Attached: 1517584579737.jpg (400x386, 33K)

holy shit i'm still here what the fuck hahaha stfu retard

This is a semi-post-apocalyptic world.
Regular chains of procution are broken, and things aren't so readily available that you can walk into a store and buy military grade shit, you need to rely on personal connections to get them.

Okay, I understand why most games don't allow people to lock themselves into a faction because that would mean knocking all the other faction storylines out of the park and not everyone wants to replay the game 5 fucking times.
But why the fuck are there never ANY games that allow you to join ONE faction and do like, gang quests where you attack the rival gangs or some shit? I don't know even one game that does this properly.

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to call it a downgrade you have to have some point of reference. using what little has been released as a point of reference either way is stupid. this thread is stupid. you people are stupid. painfully so.

>wasn't giving a shit about this at all
>watch all the gameplay trailers and interviews
>start thinking it looks like it will be really cool
>somehow for everyone else they had the opposite effect
Is it just contrarianism?

Attached: 1396972677035.jpg (500x667, 59K)

a lot of you can learn from this guy

So what is the combat?

hahaha fuckin think about it man they haven't shown shit but you can still see the fuckin downgrade what the fuck does that tell you hahaha

it does if you want your opinion to have any kind of merit

>Is it just contrarianism?
Of course. Although there are some legitimate complaints, like apparently the devs taking out third-person cutscenes (Which I hope they go back on). But otherwise, the game looks amazing.

Unironically trannies

>cuck cdpr choose to show shit exclusively to journos
>y... you can't blame cdpr for downgrade if they don't show you anything
hahahaha holy fuckin cocksucking

this is some fuck dumb shit
how do you retards even get past the captcha

It wasn't, tho. Lying about obvious things won't help your case.

>No 3rd person
Literally why? It's not like it's hard to fix.

But trannies argue that both their sex and gender are changed. They impose a social construct in situations that require biological gender, like medical paperwork and official sporting events.

No one would care much if it was a social construct, but they argue that when they change genders, EVERYTHING about them has changed, which is scientifically false and dangerous to a society that becomes unsure of its own sexual identity.

You mean the shillaryfag who changed his tune once the demo came out? Fuck off back to leftypol along with the shills for this trash game you dumb cuck.

It's pure political outrage from people that don't play games

Reddit always liked it. They also liked NV, Dark Souls and Zelda, including BotW. Are we not allowed like those games either?

Put on your big girl panties, take your Ritalin, and give reading a try.

Same shit that always happens

Attached: 1527499027972.gif (282x318, 43K)

>sperging out this hard over faggy romance shit and not the game itself looking like dogshit
Romancefags are mentally ill jesus christ. No game has ever had a good romance, why do you fags still insist on having them?

>implying CDPR weren't always a shit kike dev

plebs mad about first person mode and not getting to larp as statist cucks

that gives me hope for it instead of the letdown that was watch dogs not loving up to the hype

although it is a fun rampage sandbox

same. fucking modern day altright retards get triggered easier than the sjws now

Because you only began to pay attention to the game after last years e3. Before that CDPR talked a big game and everyone gave them the benefit of the doubt for some reason despite it being all talk and no show.

extremists on both sides are total fags

they never will bro they only show gay and tranny shit

Retarded cuckrunnerfags doing no research and assuming "it's cyberpunk so it must be like bladerunner" and unknowingly shilling for a SJW game.

Attached: D8-L-F4U0AEmscX.png (805x1190, 148K)

I think most of them realize you cant change your sex. It's probably one of the reasons why so many of them are depressed.

>Blade Runner
not a single tranny in sight, no sjw shit, only one nigger in a small roll in the sequel
>Cybrcuck 2077
Trannies and Niggers as far as the eye can see

who's the real cuck

Low effort bait, need to work on it

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

Attached: trashman.jpg (1040x746, 113K)

The ones liking shit movies in shitty genres. Now go dilate before you end up trying that noose sweetie.

too ambitious

Not a epic exclusive

one of the most important games of this decade got handed over to a retard company full of hacks who only made one mediocre medieval game who have absolutely no fucking idea what they are doing

Very lackluster cover art, especially that background. Same issue I had with TW3.

stats, gear, passive and active abilities are more important than aiming, dodging, jumping or strafing.

>got handed over
lmao what

yes it is, look it up 6M PLN (1.5M USD)

>personal responsiblility for memes

Attached: berzonnel_rebonsibiibty.jpg (1556x811, 293K)

>want to play female netrunner
>but there are only 2 start char options
>you need to surgically change your gender leter in game

Attached: 43535465867659876.jpg (437x431, 28K)

>you need to surgically change your gender leter in game

>She looks fat therefore she is a tranny.

But she's the one that made the girl with big dick ad that the retards got mad at.

Notice how this is ignored by shitposters

You're expecting the retards here to understand the nuance between twitter trannies and just regular trans people with dysphoria. These fuckers are just as brainwashed as twitter trannies.

I think he wanted to start as a dickgirl i guess

pardon us

Can't wait for this game to take every award and blow Yea Forums the fuck out as usual.

>dual monitor setup
>play the game while reading posts of literally crying men

Attached: 1355660865500.jpg (123x125, 3K)

Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

No, you don't understand. She's fat and has a short haircut so she's an evil harpy that's out to destroy my nuclear family and bring about communism. Never mind that she's a chemo patient, ignore that.

No that's an edit.
Yea Forums really is all newfags
That's not even an old meme

nthg faggot

If you call the devs SJWs on their forum you get banned lol. Can't let the goyim know

>fuck politics, I'm buying this trash game anyway, and there's nothing you can do about it
Suit yourself.

>No romanceable furry girls
Actually furries were confirmed but they will be a few, some in sex districts or some in perv rich folk town.

Your mother did not choke you at birth.

Polish devs actually listened to americans like the lapdogs they are. Never listen to americans.

based but you might as well preorder at this point unless you have concerns about the system needed to run the game

What is the point of your post

Its officially listed as an action adventure now, not an rpg

>purposely marketing the game to GTA fans instead of cyberpunk aesthetic and RPG fans
>boring looking combat
>skill tree instead of class system
>1st person cutscenes

Attached: F56B3641-B5D1-4E10-941B-E88A7EFB64A2.jpg (880x480, 144K)

Season 2 of World Peace

They are like putinbots, it's hard to tell if they are braindead or just simply shilling.

The fact that tranny pandering is the least of its problems.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE m-muh white heterosexuality, how dare a game appeal to minorities and LGBT, how dare it respect everyone equally. Shut the fuck up, you're literally being the snowflakes right now. It's nice that Polishbros are stopping the toxic white heterosexual masculinity bullshit and finally focusing on media that appeals to everyone. Imagine crying that after years and years of hetero stuff being promoted literally everywhere, that one video game has "sjw" options. Fuck off.

Attached: 1566433558948 (14).jpg (242x242, 11K)

Seriously what happened besides the obvious to make all the good devs leave? I'm not a cdpr or witcher fag so I have no idea but have been following this game since 2012
Pretty fucked when they've had almost a decade to work on it and it looks worse than gta v and deus ex mankind divided games almost 5 years+ it's senior

Not talking about visuals alone but the gameplay looks very dull and barely up to deus ex level

Graphics downgrades aside where did all the devs go for that matter? These Questions will never be answered I guees brehs I waited longer for hl3 and deus ex 5 and it's never ever happening

Rip cyberpunk as a genre and rip good games fuck niggers jews gooks and trannies

Attached: 1544437702951.gif (348x248, 878K)

Poor form.

Honestly I didn't care until I saw the gameplay and graphics go down the shitter as talented devs obviously left the project then the basedjusticetrannies really pissed me off

Based brainlet /pol/cel with no arguments. Enjoy seeing toxic Catholic Poland embrace and learn more about progressive views through the game. And have fun seeing it top all charts even with "evil sjw pandering" and motivate other devs to do the same

You aren't funny.

Name one good thing faggots have done for the world.

>Seriously what happened besides the obvious to make all the good devs leave
Extremely poor management

Alan Turing, now go back

Wow, a faggot mathematician. Thank GOD

So it's confirmed trash then.
God how disappointing
Isn't Bethesda doing their own cyber Punk x space game?

I think you mean Obsidian with Outer Worlds, and that's confirmed shit too already.

How do?
I've been out of the loop on that

Fuck sake can't we get good rpgs it's all the same dumb mmo lite grindy shit lately

>WwW thread

Attached: lol.jpg (640x740, 92K)

CyberTranny lol
take a closer look at their noses

something that can be skipped entirely

this happened

Attached: v in a nutshell.png (459x156, 9K)

looks like a punk desu


still says RPG on Steam genre tag

source: dude trust me

Attached: 1560225396017.jpg (1648x654, 370K)

>Trannies are already a reality now
No their not
Transgender implies you can change your gender
You can not change your gender
No matter what pills you take or how yo mutilate yourself, you will never be a woman ,you will always be a mentally ill man in a dress
Transgender does not exist.

This. Based CDPR and gog making it quick and easy.

Jesus, there's not a single sentence in that text that shows that the author has even the most basic knowledge of what he's trying to critique.
Also, the post. Everything in this post is hilariously retarded.
Yes, you should go back.

lol i like that
fucking fits

It was hyped up for years

>Most people don't care.
most people say they dont care so they dont get sjw dogpiled and their lives ruined

This honestly we should just be able to make a trans charscter. And we should also make it so that if you pick trans there is a 43% chance the game just corrupts itself and you can't play that copy anymore.

>is a funny motherfucker

Back to resetera, retard.

when this game flops it's going to be pinned on muh hateful bigots, not that it's a shit game

I wonder if you election tourists know you use a website made by a raging homo.

Mentally ill trannies are paid per post, they dont care.

>election tourists
"Tourist" implies they leave, brainlet. Also, proof moot was an actual faggot? Aside from the cosplay shit he did with some dress, pretty sure that was just "for the lulz" in a time where faggotry wasn't taken this seriously.

Could you please define what you understand by 'gender' for the amusement of your fellow anons?

Boomers wanted a ground breaking role playing game. Zoomies got a GTA clone and were never the wiser.


tolerance is ending

fuck resetera
fuck reddit
fuck trannies
fuck shills

Attached: 1560227525657.png (1716x996, 1.5M)

Attached: 1565058488423.png (480x480, 148K)

you know damn well what gender is
put your mother dress back in the closet and start acting like a man

Or maybe he's followed the game longer and more closely than you have, zoom zoom.

Balls and pussy

>What went wrong
You didn't take your meds

>calls out the Yea Forums hivemind
>then proceeds to call out anyone who opposes the general public hivemind
And you call people contrarians. Fucking shill.

They showed some gameplay and it looked worse than fallout 76 polish wise.

Game hasn't come out, make this thread when it comes out

>put your mother dress back in the closet and start acting like a man
So you actually have to 'start acting like a man', you don't act like one by default, you have to actually train yourself to act like a man. So if you have to discipline someone to act in some specific way, that means that there's not a necessary relationship between having certain physical traits and specific behaviors.
I see you understand what gender is.
That's good user, you're a really smart boy, you can have a chocolate milk and play some videogames now.

Fuck off and dial8 communist shill

>people can't talk about shit devs either showed or discussed 'cos I said so
>shut the fuck up goyim

The game isn't out yet, you fucking retard.

say all the shit you want fag
tolerance is ending
better stay in your closet


Don't you mean an action adventure shooter?

Attached: b-b-based cdpr.png (659x268, 39K)

Upvoted. The site is our property now. Yea Forums is just for shitposting.

Its even more funny if you look at the most recent trailer, kahnoo model got complete downgraded and dumpstered.

>n-no you
Fucking retards like you will be first to go when day of rope comes you retarded nigger.

I think we can safely cross out the
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
part as well.

You're a moron if you think games don't often have factions as some way to look out for the consumer.
They don't have them because, the more you craft a narrative. the less time and money the game will cost and the easier to ensure quality.

Time, money, and ease.

welcome to the juden dystopia


I'll be fine, where i live we actually value life, we don't give weapons to each and every one of the retards that have a slightly higher IQ than a chimpanzee.
You can keep killing yourselves, you're getting rid of the problem on your own.

It's more fun triggering poltards than messing with sjws ever was

Dilate tranny. I know your address faggot.

They believe that CDPR have "got woke" and are doing everything in their power to sway public opinion of them. A good portion of these shitposters know very little about the game nor games in general.

That asymmetrical design on these cars is so fucking retarded.

>weapons are anti-life
Beliefs and will are the important parts. We can and will use even our bodies to harm others if we truly want to.

>What went wrong

They got the canooks and the fucking bioware hacks involved.


Attached: ventrue feel.jpg (1277x668, 106K)

>Game is set in futuristic dystopian hell hole

> Trannies and non-binary otherkin spunk deflectors everywhere

Is CDprojekt based?


Attached: Ashley_Character_Box.png (650x550, 324K)

>Posts image of normalfag game

>They believe that CDPR have "got woke"

Why was a trans model used in this particular advertisement?

“Personally, for me, this person is sexy,” Redesiuk said. “I like how this person looks."
“I think that sexy bodies are sexy. Full disclosure: I love female bodies. I love male bodies. I love bodies in between. This is who I am."
"it was designed to feel jarring and overly aggressive."

Attached: 15556786907654.jpg (668x308, 165K)

Press F for fags that pre-ordered

Attached: 1536606635476.gif (467x480, 442K)

Oh no a Cyberpunk game is sexual we need to clutch our pearls and go to Bible study right away

>Why was a trans model used in this particular advertisement?
Possibly to upset your overly conservative sensibilities and make you irrationally mad. Why on earth would a game with punk in the title do that? Also the non-argument in your image is going through chemotherapy, just to let you know.

Friendly reminder this fat cunt is the Creative Director now.
>"It needs context. Some people are shocked by it, moved by it. That's a normal response," Redesiuk told me. "It's showing a problem."
>"It was meant to make people feel uncomfortable," Redesiuk concludes.

Attached: kJyUbBS.png (688x484, 503K)

It's quite obviously made you feel uncomfortable.

I'm impatient to see a group of 15 year old incels doing medieval cosplay and holding torches.

Yes, putting fringe feminist politics in a AAA videogame for men is uncomfortable.

oh no she is as fat as your momma

>dickgirls are "fringe feminist politics"
I agree. We need to stop these beta cucks from inserting thick, juicy, meaty, th-throbbing cocks into our media right now!

Attached: Flute.gif (316x269, 1.94M)

Seethe, cope, etc

Low quality bait

Low quality brain

>"I didn't slap the penis there for people to laugh about it. There is a beautiful body there being used to sell soda."

Attached: D-o6ebxW4AEd9hF.jpg (1200x675, 85K)


I was unreasonably mad when I first saw this and I'm still mad, but in more lethargic way.

Attached: 1507271507107.gif (320x287, 982K)

not him, but apparently CDPR is a terrible workplace to the point polish devs tends to do a couple of years grinding their teeth before fucking-off to look for a more relax job with a big "worked at the place that made TW3" on their CV. So yeah a bunch of western dev landed jobs here because CDPR got a hiring problem.
That being said the claim that a bunch of former Andromeda dev landed job at CDPR is mostly made related to CDPR annoncing that they'll be working with a canadian studio for tech support and multiplayer (the fact that there is multiplayer at all is kinda worrying but whatev) (that studio is mostly made up of people who worked on prototype btw)

Based, nothing wrong with futanarikino.

This, it's not bioware that's working on the game, it's prototype and dying light devs. Look familiar?

Attached: 461-dying-light-the-following-screenshot-1439577262.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>needs to be able to run on consoles
>dynamic weather systems

Pick one and only one.

Dying Light was decent though, 2077 looks like a Deus Ex knock-off

Based and redpilled

But DUDE, what wbout Anthe- Oh wait.... But what about FO7- Wait no...

It isn't even out yet, you goof

>cdpr hires a successful online specialist team to work on a game mode cdpr lacks talent on
>this is somehow bad
What did you want to hear exactly?

So can anyone actually post proof of downgrades and/or broken promises?

What happens when you tell a zombie game studio to make a cyberpunk game? I bet the copy deus ex.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077-Really_wish_I_brought_my_shades-en-1f19318a.jpg (684x385, 36K)

They dont make "promises" and downgrades is a meaningless term.
The only thing that does exist is misleading marketing which is settled in court. CDPR hasn't participated in it.

It isn't a real dystopian future without trannies

I'd love to see that
"It wasn't misleading marketing, we just suck at game development!"

anyone notice how this one following the footsteps of pre release witcher 3 history
immense hype then disappointment and everyone was btfod post release
and by the time they released the 2 expansions they had enough momentum to succeed anyway plus they were pretty good

cp2077 will go through the same bs post launch

>Andromeda 2.0 basically confirmed

I'm not going to buy it but holy fuck if I'm not fucking HYPED for all the wrong reasons

Attached: 1525307498315.jpg (320x283, 29K)

Friendly reminder the only reason the expansions got released was because they took the cyberpunk team off of cyberpunk because so many witcher devs were leaving.

The main game sucked. The DLCs reedemed it.

this, it doesn't make any sense

Why do you think Cyberjunk won't be worse than bitcher?

>explicitly state it is for political reasons
>y u hav to be mad

Attached: 85a.png (990x1146, 963K)

Ok I'm little worried very few good things have been coming from there lately but mayb-

>The former Bioware employees

Attached: gamer_muppet.jpg (700x535, 43K)

>adapt a setting that only sells to a specific niche audience
>don't focus on content that would appeal to that niche

I think they realized that Cyberpunk doesn't have enough fans to make it a blockbuster so they just 360'd the project. What's even funnier is that they copyrighted "Cyberpunk"

Cyberpunk fans and CDPR's existing audience together would have sold the project, but instead they tanked it by trying to appeal to the extremely vocal extreme minority of people who talk about but do not play videogames

>Cyberpunk fans
Keep in mind this game rode on the backs of the "5 million Cyberpunk tabletop fan's" backs for over 6 years. And they're not even going to get a slice of what was promised. This was supposed to be a love letter to them


>Hey get fucked (insert political affiliation here).
>Whoa whoa, you were supposed to get mad, but not at me, at the MAN! Man.

I don't
and im being honest here
I still believe the wicher universe ie medieval setting is CDPR's forte music wise most importantly
but will cp2077 be successful?
every normie "gaymer" and their mother knows about this game doesn't make it any less shit tho

In so tired of faggots

Tranny shit being everywhere makes sense
Cyberpunk is a DYSTOPIA.
Ofc there would be all manner of degenerate garbage in day to day societ

Except she said that she put it in there for political reasons.

>all those (You)'s
damn, the NPCs on Yea Forums got worked

Itll be an "rpg" the same way fallout 4 was
You only have one roll, a parent looking for their child

When you have voiced protagonists it's no longer an rpg


The game isn't out yet. Can't we at least wait to see before forming such kinds of opinions?

Attached: 1546715008717.gif (514x510, 94K)

Fuck off liberal

it isn't about the change in words, is about normalizing this stupid pandering you fucking moron

today is your shitty game, tomorrow is your 9yo son getting his dick cut off because your psychotic wife decided that he wants to be a girl

I didn't say anything wrong though.

Blown the fuck out...d?


>WB Games
Doomed for the start

Attached: 1560481994323.jpg (365x275, 16K)

>played Witcher 3 recently
yeah, we'll be alright

Attached: frog.jpg (564x850, 53K)

CDPR didn't even make the expansions

Not the same team retard

Nothing really, just the usual shitpost before they inevitably get BTFO
then proceed to their next target

Attached: 1427108893826.jpg (375x500, 98K)

what drugs are you on?

All large game devs cut costs down to the bone. All large companies which can afford a lot of employee churn cut costs down to the bone.

3D artists are completely fungible, you can get them into the work flow relatively quick and then they produce art on an assembly line. So they get shit pay and no respect.

>shit pay and no respect
And that's a good thing.

They made a FPS instead of an RPG and fucked up the art design.

It pretty much is.

The cyberpunk team made the expansions. The CDPR that made witcher 3's base game doesn't exist anymore.

Oh, you're just retarded.

inb4 denuvo

>Adam Kicinski CEO of CDPR: We're focusing on Witcher 3 for now. We're shifting everything onto the Witcher 3 DLCs.
>Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: We're losing Witcher veterans and supplementing them with Cyberpunk hires. Slowly some are coming back to Cyberpunk.
>Jose Teixeira VFX artist: Around half of the Witcher 3 engine is getting overhauled from negative feedback. It's much faster

Yeah, full retard.

downgraded sjw trash

Literally doesn't even matter because he's a retard and TW3 was their worst game by far.

Mass Effect 3 was a great game outside of the ending and a few weird convos with recurring characters. Really felt like a finale up until the "three colours, all vanilla"

So this is just like MH World creator that let you use stuff from the both genders.
No big deal then.

Attached: 1503963375952.jpg (657x600, 111K)

>Mass Effect 3 was a great game
Many people seem to forget Bioware making mutliplayer horde mode only and making it mandatory to play in order to get the "good" ending. People also forget that they allowed to "buy" the good ending through multiplayer loot crates.

>it's literally ok when Japan does it

Attached: 1556404492319.png (500x500, 24K)

Aside from the Creative Director putting trannies in the game for political reasons, yeah. No big deal.

Awful art design.

It's as much of one as Borderlands 2.

Eh, I guess it's still worth a pirate for me. Maybe not Day 1 though


The cover, for one.

The word "inclusive".

Attached: source.gif (320x180, 374K)

Based robot futa =/= tranny

Didn't stay true to this

Attached: Source book.jpg (5008x6536, 2.06M)

They did no such thing.

Weird body mods is quite literally a core part of cyberpunk.

The Creative Director explicitly stated she put her own tranny art in the game to make a political statement and to make people feel uncomfortable.

They did.

>Linear action game
>can't even join factions

Wonder how many people have cancelled their pre-orders.

>Linear action game
>can't even join factions
And? If you think that game isn't rpg if you can't join factions you are clinically retarded.

Literally nothing, the game's not even fucking out yet. Jesus christ, you people are like harpies sometimes, screeching about the latest drama instead of talking about fucking games. Wait till it comes out or talk about a specific feature or reveal you did/n't like, or just shut the fuck up and go gargle a cock.