Zoe quin lied about Alec Holowka

I guess everybody heard the news about zoe whose statement caused suicide of Alec Holowka indie developer of the night in the woods.
well her statement contradicts the old tweets she has deleted, here's an article

and this is not the first time she lied and faked harassment. just read her knowYourMeme page. all the proofs are there.

copy the article and spread the news before it's all covered up and deleted.

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no shit

Archive that shit you journo fag

I don't think anyone here needs convincing

Just go to the lolcow wiki, no need to link a brony site

>a woman deceived for personal gain
Wow she's exactly like every other woman on the planet. What a stunning revelation.

hoping her inevitable trial for manslaughter will have a pinned thread on Yea Forums

Crazed brainwashed feminist tells a lie, what else is new.

but its altright news site... thought u guys support that lol!

yeah, well some people believe her, too much actually, even the ones condemning her still think that what she said is true, this is proof that she lied and should be spread as much as possible
mass media already called what happened to alec as "male fragility" and advocates for fight against it. They basicly say that even knowingly that zoe killed alec she was right to do so.


why would anyone believe anything she says to begin with

You goobergate autists are so fucking stupid. The guy's own SISTER admitted that he was a guilty piece of shit. But yes, I'm sure a bunch of incels who totally don't have some kind of agenda would know more about the situation.

I am more repulsed that the guy´s family is actually ok with this

If she was there to prove it was true, why didn't she help at the time?

why can't people sum this up in a paragraph instead of expecting me to read entire pages of autistic shit to get to the point

^^^ this link and her twitter screens are protection against degenerates like this guy ^^^

8chfags need to fuck off and find a new place to bicker over decade old drama

I feel sleepy....anyone else?

It's already known that she's a pathological liar

decade-old drama? a person died few days ago because of her fake allegations, wake the fuck up!

I don't care. This isn't videogames. Zoe Quin discussion belongs on /pol/.

Doesnt matter the family wont press charges.

video game developer committed suicide because of her fake allegations, video game developer

the blood is fresh

So? everybody should be quite about it? and give zoe pass on her lie?

lol. It's not like she raped anyone so nobody cares.


I will be celebrating I’ll be popping bottles during that tread

Let me guess, he made some shitty walking simulator with a "deep story" about the trauma of your childhood pet dying. The incestuous SF indie scene does not make real games.

>killed himself instead of confronting these evil pieces of shit
he sort of went out like a bitch anyway. should've fought tooth and nail against these pedo discordtranny cartel instead of killing himself because the lying psychopath Chelsea demanded it.

Where the fuck is your proof?
Unlike you retards I don’t blindly believe every accusation I see

Alec Holowka, creator of night in the woods
founder of Infinite Fall
read and google for fucks sake

nobody gives a fucking shit
if someone is that much of a beta faggot to literally kill himself over what a random SJW thot said on the internet he doesnt deserve to live in the first place
now fuck off with this eceleb garbage trash

Just saying that even if you threw undeniable evidence at law enforcement. They cant do anything about it unless the family says they can.

I still say he should went the murder arson suicide route
>Kill Zoe
>Kill your traitor friends
>Kill your traitors family
>Burm down your building
>Kill yourself as the cops show up

I still have no sympathy for that moron. You wouldn't blame a tiger for mauling a fool who jumped into its cage at a zoo. Same for this guy living with this whore, it's just nature taking its course.

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>bullying someone with a mental ilness is fine, as long as it's a man.
Imagine if that whore offed herself now, we'll be having endless articles about male toxicity and internet bullying.

So this kind of shit have to happen to you for you to understand i guess. When the whole world is against you, even your coworkers, even your family.

>It is a story-focusedexploration gamein whichplayerscontrol a young woman[3]named Mae, who recently dropped out of college and has returned to her hometown to find unexpected changes.
So I was right. I am glad he killed himself, hopefully zoe and the rest of the indie faggots follow his example. Still not videogames.

You mean a known liar lied about something that a known liar has lied about before!? Holy fucking shit.

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Her sister was witness to the crime with a credible alibi and physical evidence that she provided to the police?

she wasnt known for this kind of behaviour at that time, read the fuck up. imagine your girlfiend after few years you broke up with her becoming an sjw celebrity and blaming you for harassment.

This. He reaped what he sowed.
But you can't help it but get annoyed with the whole situation and how easy it is for women ruin someone's life.

I guess the real question is, are you Volleyball Ready?

I wish my sister would join me for fingerwalks with my tranny gf.

>child trafficker connected to world most powerful people was "suicided" in front of everyone
>Yea Forums would rather investigate spaz indie dev that killed himself

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if you idiots stopped giving that bitch attention maybe it wouldnt have been so easy

I'm not from America or Canada but where I'm from, it doesn't matter whether or not the family pushes through with a criminal case, it's the prosecutor that files it. Family only matters in civil cases. That's why in criminal cases it's always The Defendant v The People

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Laymen shouldn't talk about the law. Go back to playing Ace Attorney and leave it to the experts, kid.

Imagine actually still wanting to have a daughter as of 2019

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Basic gist is that when Zoe claims she was locked up an isolated, her now deleted tweets showed her mentioning being out and about, hanging with friends and doing indie developer meetups, working on a game with Alec, and even being on a live podcast where she describes her relationship with Alec as "adorkable." And when she claims she was quickly rescued by a roommate who bought her a ticket because Alec refused to buy her one to keep her there, she actually tweeted about her flight plans 10 days prior to when she was leaving, mentioning layovers and if anyone wanted to hang out then. She also continued to talk to him for a bit after on twitter in generally friendly ways, which generally you don't do when you escape being imprisoned and abused.

What year was it? The video I saw make it seem post five guys

who the fuck are you to define what video games are? by you definition undertale isnt video game either, right?

I'll do you better. Four sentences.

>Zoe Quinn accused Alec Holowka, a composer for Night in the Woods, of violating her with his fingers during their relationship some years ago.
>She does so on Twitter and thus all the #MeToo squad comes out to shower Zoe in praise.
>Holowka, mentally-ill, takes his own life after cancel culture smashes down on him.
>Consistently inconsistent behavior on Quinn's part further casts doubt on whether or not she is telling the truth.

>he posts while on a site with a literal /mlp/ board associated with it

I guess I can pirate Night in the woods now that the money would've only gone to a bunch pathological liars anyways

It's not me who he worked for and completely disowned them based on a tweet.

>Zoe quin lied about Alec Holowka

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Zoe will see no consequences and resume her scams within a month.

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Go back to twitter, Zoe.

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>Yea Forums would rather
Holowka made a video game. Epstein has nothing to do with video games.
How fucking retarded are you? Yea Forums is for video game shenanigans, if you want Epstein investigations, go to /pol/ for your best bet.

Within six months.

Okay, while his reach was further, exactly what does Epstein have to do with video games?


Wow that's fucking detailed and they really nailed her to the wall.

Too bad the usual suspects will circle the wagon and nothing will ever happen but maybe people will be less inclined to trust her.

The shit is still a microcosm of what's going on in politics just like it was for GG 1.0 (the left will never admit to wrongdoing of any caliber and media covers for them and redirects all blame) which is fascinating.

I already have someone in place


anyone with a brain knows that

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/mlp/ is a containment board you retard
with the herd mentality crippled outside of it no one posts that shit anymore
undertale isnt a videogame
it's a mistake.

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>Yea Forums would rather video games than world news
Lowest IQ I've ever seen.

Formed after the attack on Alec's sanity

this is the sad reality of all this

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He funded a number of popular indie games.

One board out of seventy one does not make this a brony site, and it is in fact a bannable offense to post pony content anywhere on this site other than /mlp/.

>why can't people sum this up in a paragraph instead of expecting me to read entire pages of autistic shit to get to the point

Zoe already got away with lying her way to infamy, so pages of autistic shit are kinda needed to pin her down about driving a man to suicide this time to be fair. Also, people are lazy on the internet.

if they don't map everything out some canceler will go all "uuuh alec threatened me with suicide, I stand with zoe :'("
actual detailed evidence of their lies are necessary 1000%

One thing I don't get about this whole thing is that all these people in support of Zoe Quinn have un-personed Alec Holowka to the point that they think it's worse for her to have suffered his fingers up her butt for a few minutes than for him to have killed himself. They act like he kept her locked in a basement from age 7 to 17, gaslighting her to the point where she bought into a Stockholm reality while he brutally raped her for hours on end. He didn't do anything so monstrous, not by her admission, and yet he's being treated as the worst of the worst. What kind of insane doublethink does it take for a sister to look at her brother, completely reject him for years'-old mistakes, and then not only break the news of his suicide with little sadness but also declare that it's more important that a woman decided, years after the fact, that she didn't like fingers in her holes?

Why can't Americans read? You need proof for allegations, and proof takes time to provide.

Because normies only read what's trending on Twitter list and do 0 research.

Same reason Bill Cosby is in jail.

Playing devil's advocate for a moment

Is it illegal to hurt somebody's feelings and tarnish their reputation to the point where a weak-willed person might commit suicide?

>and tarnish their reputation
If it can be proved to be false,
and it can be proved to be posted with knowing intent, and knowledge of its falseness,
then it can be charged as slander. If it charged as slander, there may (I don't know the specifics as to precedent here) be grounds for a wrongful death suit.
However, there is no room for criminal proceedings. This would all be civil.

Sure is as of 2019:


slander, libel, tortious interference

there's probably no way to prove she had any sort of foresight that he'd commit suicide, so you can't really hold her liable for that

but if she is lying it'd fall under slander and libel, if you could prove she did it TO fuck up his career like she did then it's tortious interference

I'm pretty sure driving someone to suicide is illegal in all civilized countries.

She encouraged someone to commit suicide, since it's clear that she not only knew he was a threat but encouraged him to do it she is liable and could be taken to civil court.

This is different than what happened with Zoe, unless it comes out she egged him on to kill himself.


Every bad relationship Zoe had was because her and partners were all misogynist rapists and manipulators who were only pretending to be feminists! She is a perfect angel who could do no wrong and all 12 years of her bad relationships, whether romantic or professional has always been 100% the other party's fault.

>A vagina takes the side of another vagina against her own blood

So gamergate 2.0 but this time it's the literal holocaust of the left commited by toxic, rapist WHITE MALE GAMERS. Perfect way to go, if the ultimate martyrdom of women in video game industry followed by the final cuckening is your aim.

Imma apply for a job this week instead of reading articles about e-celebs all day


Welcome to gamergate 2.0 newfriend.

The circumstances are different, but the rage you feel is the same. Well ok it's worse this time but the people promoting it are all the same shitheels they were back then, just older and fatter and a little more blog money in their pockets.


She looks like a groyper in this pic

The man's dead and his own family dgfa so no one would ever bring this to court.

I believe she's a bitch but I can't be sure until there's a wikipedia section for criticisms about her. Not that Wikipedia is a trustworthy source but the fact that nothing bad about her is ever put on wikipedia means either she's some kind of mastermind who can stop any negative press or just that she's done nothing significantly bad enough to warrant attention.

This is the saddest thing I have ever read

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>Zoe quin lied
whoa no wayyyyyyyyyyyy

based retard

at this point wikipedia is actually banning people from editing for arbitrary reasons, like ip bans for reading page edit histories without logging in

there's a big ideological tug of war going on over there and it's leaning left

>copy the article and spread the news before it's all covered up and deleted.

Is it any wonder Jimbo's constantly begging for cash?

go back

>but the fact that nothing bad about her is ever put on wikipedia

Hilariously there were whole teams of channers battling teams of leftist autismos during the entire course of GG over wiki edits.
I mean 100s of edits a day level, and there are whole leftist groups in universities that dedicate themselves to rewriting history on wiki edits to make everything just a little more woke every day :^)

this is unironically 100% true

If you people care so much why not put a case together and take her to court?

e-celeb cancer is not video games
fuck off

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We can't engage in class action because it was a single citizen who suffered. We can't sue because we have no familial or attorney connection to Holowka. We can only watch from the sidelines as someone is bullied into suicide through cancel culture over assertions that have little ground in reality from a proved liar, while that someone's family is more concerned about the feelings of the woman who started the crusade that claimed his life.


yo bro video games industry has nothing to do with video games bro get out of here okay

What video games did Epstein create?

>mob justice inflicts career suicide
>actual suicide
>hey anons, why don't you get on the news about a court case and pay lawyers thousands to ultimately get fucked over by activist judge

Nah, why don't we just keep incessantly mocking all these cucky enablers until the whole thing burns down for lack of justice and sanity instead.


>killing a human being isn't enough to warrant a case

>twitter is full of men defending Holowka and women calling her out
This is entertaining.

She fucks the press and the Wikipedia editors. Thats all she needed to do.

I have a brother. My brother doesn't speak for me
(and what a disaster it would be if he did since we don't agree on most things)

Which twitter exactly? I assumed Alec's would have been taken down by now.

I can tell you that the Depression Quest and NITW reviews are comedy gold right now.

I don't see any.

Moral of the story:
Fuck white women

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Calm down there Tyrone


fuck americans

Why in the love of god would you link that and give their trackers even more data to sell to advertisers?

So are gamergate threads allows or have mods just gotten this lazy? I'm noticing porn threads staying up for nearly 30 minutes at times while the board seems to be less active than it was a few years ago so I can't tell.

I don't think they should be banned for the record

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garbage people always find each other

shit, my bad, have not thought about it

Well they don't need family approval to press criminal charges, just civil.

Moral of the story: Don't fuck rainbow haired SJWs.

Jannies too busy jacking off like the jizzminds they are; why do you think they filtered the word cum_br4in?


so who's gonna murder Zoe Quinn?

Nobody gives a fuck.

I would if I had the opportunity, but I live across the pond.

He was one of those believe wahmen white knights until it happened to him. Soi boi probably couldnt handle the sudden cognitive dissonance

>using porn threads staying up as an indicator of the level of moderation
>thinking Yea Forums is less active
God, you're a fucking retard. The only redeeming quality about your post is the fact that you posted a CK2 image.

>killed a man and had his sister throw him under the bus with a lie
That's fucked up, bordering on psycho

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You are everything wrong with modern Yea Forums.

No one fucking cares. Take your drama elsewhere

Gamergate was 2014

has any chick in recent years faced any consequences for lying over something like this? cause I honestly doubt that.

Stop Believing Women Without Hard Evidence

Women can't produce hard evidence.


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she got accused of sexually harrassing someone but the whole twitter clique attacked the victim to protect her.

you're glowing, nigga

whether or not she did, she's a grade A sociopath and if she is directly attributed to his suicide, then she should be charged with manslaughter at the least. Mudahamat has the best take on the whole subject

and she also confirmed that he was working to correct himself

>produce hard evidence for something that happened in private
"Hard evidence" is just sexism to allow women to be kept in abusive situations. The multiple accusations and poor character witnesses is more than enough proof.

It's not her fault his fragile ego couldn't handle being exposed desu.

at least she's pretty hot
i would like to put my dick in her mouth

>Wow she's exactly like every other woman on the planet
You haven't met a lot of women. they are no more deceptive than men are. Everyone is deceptive.

false flagging fragile mayo detected, go back to /r/the_donald stupid mayo

true but if she is proven to have driven him to suicide, then what's to stop her doing it to someone who legitimately hadn't even laid a finger on her? Please don't tell me you believe all victims without proof. That's where it all goes wrong. At least try to verify that an accusation is valid

She wouldn't let you user, you're not of a high status in an industry she wants to exploit

he was clearly mentally ill and he was taking therapy sessions to work things out.
then this whore came out, accused him and rallied everybody in his live against him even though they had nothing to do with each other for years.

he was a faggot commie but he was clearly pushed towards killing himself.

The sad thing is some people actually believe that.
Some still think Kavanaugh is guilty.

Innocent people dont get multiple accusations detailing a pattern of abusive behaviour, have the people closest to them believe them based on their own experience, admit to their sister that they are guilty, then kill themselves because they're too chickenshit to live with the guilt.

From what I've read it seems like everyone was mentally ill and abused each other.
Indie dev community seems like a shitshow.

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He was a cultist in a sick religion. Its not so easy to defy the saint of your religion when you've been a devout follower yourself for years.


but innocent people still get accused. Look at Depp or Hardwick. both proven innocent in courts of law but will now never get certain jobs they could have before

None of that justifies Twitter feminists mobbing on a mentally ill man that everyone knew was prone to suicidal thoughts and paranoia that his community was trying to kill him.


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Any claim made against Zoe Quinn is inherently suspect. I'll start paying attention when the narrative gains traction outside gamergate circles.


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Guilty of what, exactly? Being a weird bipolar man with anger issues? Weird how nobody talks about how the voice actress for Naija was sticking up for him when a bunch of other indie faggots are entirely willing to shit on his grave. Wonder why he didn't rape her if he's some sort of monster.

literally brainwashed lol

>proven innocent in courts of law
You mean not found guilty.

Did you copypasta this from Jason Schreier?


I'm failing to see the problem of there being one less mentally ill soiboy in the world who was prone to abusive behaviour.

What part of a bunch of lefties colluding makes for convincing evidence? Do you really think it's a good idea for trial by twitter to have this much power?

Next time one of you autistic incels plan to get a gun and kill 47 random people, why don't you just go for this subhuman instead.

gg is not a thing anymore, you dummy, stop dragging that corpse whenever you want people to change the subject.

Alec was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random suicide, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Al was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids making rape allegations. Why? For clout. No one was taking his side, no one was calling for evidence, everyone was standing around with their twitter accounts out as his sanity was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Alec's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Al. See you in Heaven...

>You lived long enough to see a Yea Forums OP link directly to KYM

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Hi Zoe

There is no problem. The San Fran hipster indie dev community just revealed how rotten and truly evil its entire circlejerk is.

>being a weird bipolar man with anger issues
>not a reason for him to kill himself
One less freak in the world desu

Normal people who arent guilty dont kill themselves

You're couple years late buddy.

People with BPD and/or Bipolar disorders should be fucking put down for the well being of society, or at least sent to a mental asylum
Literally the most fucking EVIL scum ever made

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why did you post this while the drama-loving americans are sleeping? you better post this again later (a few times) if you actually want it gain traction

Slant women are just as bad or even worse.

That's not enough for Yea Forums to talk about him. People DO care about the investigation, but Yea Forums actually has a topic. Start a thread on pol or r9k.

Depp had proof heard was the one domestically abusing him. The cop called to their apartment had photo proof of she did to him. Stop drinking the kool aid.

Stop Believing Women Without Hard Evidence


wtf I love Hitler now???

get over yourself faggot, ED has been shit for almost a decade.

>gg is not a thing anymore
It was only five years ago. These people are all still around, and still very obviously obsessed with shitting on Zoe Quinn. There's no point denying it.

Agreed, I don't understand why we're letting Zoe roam free like this.

>all these godless heathens on Yea Forums defending the mentally subnormal who kill themselves

based broken-hearted orbiter

Full Throttle

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Epstein is too big for Yea Forums or even /pol/ to do anything about

I agree, zoe needs to take her meds.

ED was never good nor would it make it better, now get the fuck out.

ED used to be so good you stupid zoomer

Isn't it kind of obvious she's a bad person purely because she happens to be tumbling into difficult situations one after the other? She didn't bet on somebody actually committing suicide and now she's probably legitimately living the horrible reality she thought she was.

>not being aware of the interconnectedness of all things and being kind towards all things

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something else for her to feel victimized about :)

>only guilty people kill themselves
What is this 5 year old logic?

The only horrible thing she sees in this is the fact its really difficult to try and come up a way to come out as the true victim of all of this. You can't really top someone's death with "oh yeah? But I was harassed on the internet."

Not your safespace, trannies.

Sorry I dont want to burn in hell with bugmen

The only good that came out of that site was how it made the autists it made fun of absolutely furious and a few explicit images you'd be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. The actual "articles" were tryhard cringy nonsense.

Of course it's obvious, as the Buddha himself said:
>Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.

logic of people like zoe and pedoera

>Zoe going to have a lame "suicide attempt" with teen angst-tier cuts on the wrists, which she won't go to the hospital for.
>"See? I'm a victim too and this internet hate is making me think of killing myself! Donate to my patreon!"
Calling it.

Varied a lot by quality. A lot of articles were made by angry lolcows themselves, especially in Deviantart category. But there were quality articles too, like the Tourneyfag one.

Probably because it was spammed in every single fucking thread whether it worked or not. Get fucked.

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I want her in jail.

I don't want her dead. I'm not a fucking edgelord.

She deliberately and knowingly tried to ruin Alec's career while knowing he had mental health issues, some of which she claims to have dealt with herself.

She wasn't being ignorant, she knew full-well what would happen, and she went forward with it for her own selfish, hateful reasons. Nothing he allegedly did to her is as bad as actually fucking committing suicide.

she needs to be locked up to send a message that this kind of hateful, mob-based culture is NOT okay.

Dude I love masturbation as much as the next guy, but I don't fucking come to Yea Forums for that. That's what 144/155/180 are for.
Yet "have sex" is allowed because???

This. Like with all people, only the minority are honest when it counts.

god i hope some guy murders Zoe Quinn

Have sex is just this year’s u mad. Again, get fucked.

I mean, should I care? Should I really? I didn't like the game and neither did much of Yea Forums until a few days ago. Quinn's a piece of shit scam artist but we already knew that. people who follow her refuse to believe it with the same fervor that /pol/ refuse to believe Donald Trump isn't their savior. In both cases it's in their best interest to believe this person can build magic walls using other countries money or bash the patriarchy by accepting patreon bucks.

>B-buh she killed a man
Guy walked into a mosque and killed more and /pol/ celebrates him as "based" to this day. When has this site ever cared about the sanctity of life? because it was a white man instead of whatever boogey man committing suicide?

Worthless. All of it. She's going to come back and say it was all harassment against her, /pol/fags are going to go on about how this was a crime against mankind. It will have absolutely zero repercussions on me. no one will change.

I don't care. Neither should you.

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That makes 0 sense.
Have sex, jizzmind.

Did she even make more than one game?

glow somewhere else

>but /pol/

And yet, somehow, it seems like she has in the eyes of the MSM and her clique.

She is a woman. Sort of. Her words are the law. Wait for the next UN conference and you will see. She's gonna get a sit there.

Not against the rules, trannies. Your discord spam was obvious, now cope with it.

>wasting tax money on a mentally ill person
a bullet is cheaper and more efficient, user

>missing the point


I'm not a tranny you absolute retard.

I mean, should I care? Should I really? I didn't like the game and neither did much of Yea Forums until a few days ago. Quinn's a piece of shit scam artist but we already knew that. people who follow her refuse to believe it with the same fervor that /pol/ refuse to believe Donald Trump isn't their savior. In both cases it's in their best interest to believe this person can build magic walls using other countries money or bash the patriarchy by accepting patreon bucks.

>B-buh she killed a man
Guy walked into a mosque and killed more and /pol/ celebrates him as "based" to this day. When has this site ever cared about the sanctity of life? because it was a white man instead of whatever boogey man committing suicide?

Worthless. All of it. She's going to come back and say it was all harassment against her, /pol/fags are going to go on about how this was a crime against mankind. It will have absolutely zero repercussions on me. no one will change.

I don't care. Neither should you.

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god I hope some guy murders Zoe Quinn

Why do you antibrown trannies want to genocide brown people?

Man this is great video games.

May I recommend you to the kotakuinaction subreddit?

Did you know it's against site rules to start social media movements? I wouldn't want you to get banned user.

>I don't care. Neither should you.
That should be the TL;DR about this whole shitshow

I had an idea for a small game (like 2-4 hours playtime) about a respected Dark Knight (think FFIV) having to fend off a Necromancer modeled off of Zoe who would turn his former White Knight allies into walking undead husks.

I'll never make it, but i'd dedicate it to Alec.

>200 posts later

Back to resetera, tranny.


Giving women equal rights was a huge mistake


thanks for telling us what we should and shouldn't care about, radical centrist
your non-opinions are massively appreciated

>you don't want to join my personal crusade from which their will be literally no fruits
>Clearly you're the SJWs
Proved his point.

>>but /pol/

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Thtop blaming victimth, you guyth!!!

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You misspelled

Because due to the area of provinance beliefes cultural differences of brown people, they are more likely to refuse intercourse with trans and bash trans brains out of their skulls, thus they must be removed

Attached: day of the foot.webm (358x358, 1.32M)

Stop projecting your insecurities and weaknesses on things you hate

Sounds like you could get that out in like a day on RPG Maker.

>people who follow her refuse to believe it with the same fervor that /pol/ refuse to believe Donald Trump isn't their savior.
Ask me how I know you're a tourist who's never been to /pol/ in his life

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you mad söyboy?

You don't pin down a liar by giving them a fucking inch, mac, otherwise they just keep lying.

Yeah that mosque shooting was pretty based, Islam is inherently incompatible with our secular humanitarian society and the memes were pretty funny.

*nods respectfully toward you*

Probably but i would rather it have more unique gameplay mechanics that suited the core theme behind the idea. But that's why I haven't actually made shit yet, so i greatly appreciate the suggestion.

Who gives a shit about what /pol/ thinks? Try post this shit on /pol/ or /new/ and everyone will tell you to go back to Yea Forums.

Yeah, that's fair.
I hope your dreams come true, user.

You didn't seem to look at the post above that, or the image attached.

And in other news, water is wet and the sky is up.
Unless you're an Australian.

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wikipedia is far-left just like every other major website

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>everyone tells each other to go back to Yea Forums on /pol/
>and vice versa

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This, I'm surprised people are actually stupid enough to believe her bullshit when she's been outed as a liar several times.

But I guess whiteknights gotta whiteknight. Women can never do wrong, amirite?

>Islam is inherently incompatible with our secular humanitarian society
So is rape culture

Yea Forums is just SFW /pol/

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islam is a rape culture user
why do you think muslim women wear bin bags

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Yeah but only niggers rape, and I've been telling everyone we should get rid of them for the past 30 years.

It's because people accusing her of lying have been outed as liars so many times. Also, she has several people backing her up and you've just got your burning hatred for Zoe Quinn.

Haven't thought about that, I'm from the opposite side of the world, well maybe this tread will survive till dawn.

you mad söyboy?

Alec Holowka was a rapist and an abuser


>Woman kills herself
>everybody flips out and gives a shit
>Man kills himself
>"male fragility" and "tyranny"

What the honest fuck is wrong with people?

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He was only one of those things.
Q*inn said it herself.

You have no evidence of that. Good luck proving it. :)

And the people defending her are just in her clique that attacks viciously the moment anybody dares to criticise her. I don't hate her personally, I hate liars and journalists who push their bullshit agendas into people's minds.

Oh, and it's been proven she's fucked guys for positive reviews you dumb fuck

making fun of feminists is fun and hilarious, user. why haven't you taken the red pill yet?


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what's with the umlaut

We're currently in a time when being "normal" or just thinking in a rational way is pretty much discriminated. If you REALLY want to treat people equally, the people who push their "equality" bullshit will attack you.

So, how long until the inevitable litigation?

>Oh, and it's been proven she's fucked guys for positive reviews you dumb fuck
lol, it absolutely hasn't. God, give me the confidence of idiots.

you mad basedboy?

"Redpillers" are infinitely more ridiculous.

just like Stand users?

this is one of quite a few important images from back in the day and I'm still mad we never got to the bottom of this:


so many signs are there:
>uses a fake name
>pathological liar
>concerned with tranny, "non-binary" issues
>US indie gamedev who doesn't actually make games
>no tits when at a normal weight
>later somewhat feminine only because overweight
>those softcore pics where "she" covers "her" adam's apple with a scarf

the only argument against this is that so many dudes allegedly had sex with "her" and none of them said anything. counter-point to that: they're all SJWs afraid of being ostracized if they "out" a tranny.

onions is filtered

What happend to his channel speaking of jim



I wonder why..

he put all his stuff on bitchute

Don't give up bud, not everyone's like that. It's messed up sure, probably because some people care more about taking the side of the "right" faction more than the side of the "right" person. Even tho people aren't hive minds.

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>>Woman kills herself
>>everybody flips out and gives a shit
Not really. Remember August Ames? Even after she died those SJWs kept dissing on her.

Typical of a gamergater. Make a false claim with nothing to back it up. Get called out. Throw out random links and claim it's in there. Have it pointed out to you that it's not. Continue to insist that the other party "just read better" or whatever. Never quote anything concrete. Feels like I've done this a hundred times already.

Mods filter everything that hurts their personal sensibilities.
I miss Snacks, at least weeaboo was funny.

>push and bump non-stop the threads when zoe accuse the guy
>consequences may have a bad public image for our master
>this is not videogames! don't make threads like this!

I hate this new age of retards like Quinn. They have no room in the vidya industry. Their games are shit too,

>Feels like I've done this a hundred times already.
Of course you have Zoe :^)

>Make a false claim with nothing to back it up

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>say nothing but soi for weeks and weeks
>surprised when people get annoyed enough to filter it

>get proof thrown in your face
>act like it doesn't exist and still think you're right
Damn Zoe didn't know you still come to Yea Forums after all this time!

what movie? not seen someone smoke a culebra on screen before, is it set in a cigar factory or something?

Was she, anti SJW? If so, I suppose it's not surprising, it's probably about "factions" not about individuals for some of them.So why would they care if she wasn't promoting their agenda till the end? It's not okay, but some people are like that, sadly.


>Never quote anything concrete.
We're already there, huh?

There are literally no reviews and you can't prove any agreement. At worst you're looking at journalists failing to avoid the appearance of impropriety, you can't proof actual impropriety let alone intent on Zoe's part. That you're willing to stretch the truth so far in order to blame the wrong person says a lot.


neither can you

All she did was refuse to be in a scene with a bi-dude in a porno for her own safety. So they bullied her until she killed herself.

You're making the claim. Burden of proof is on you. He said/she said doesn't count.

>there are literally no reviews
Jesus christ really, it's like I'm watching historical revisionism happen right in front of my face

Which game developer is Zoe Quinn going to try and kill off next? Maybe some EA devs? Or maybe some Japanese devs from her paid trip to Japan?

Ea would be a good start

>defending a pathological liar that ruined people's lives on an anonymous Yea Forums board simply because she's a woman

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>The guy's own SISTER admitted that he was a guilty piece of shit
His sister watched him drag Zoe around by the vag? That's some freaky shit.

Mods filter anything that you people can't help but use every other sentence for no good reason

huh, okay. culebras are kind of a novelty cigar, they're shaped like that because cigar factory workers got 3 free cigars every day but some people abused the perk and smoked more so they were given three cigars twisted together instead so the free cigars looked different to the ones they sell

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Neither can I what? Prove your point?
This is an interesting psychological phenomenon where you've managed to utterly convince yourself of something that just didn't happen. Next you'll tell me you've seen them personally. Maybe by the end you'll resort to the Mandela effect to explain that it was real in your timeline.

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well women rarely kill themselves compared to men, retard

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You dumb nigger why do you believe zoe then? Is this bait? Am I being baited right now?

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EA Needs to burn at this point

Open the link posted above and stop acting like a retard.


>Continue to insist that the other party "just read better" or whatever.
>Never quote anything concrete.

I don't believe her on this. I also don't believe the "slept with reviewers for coverage" claim from a butthurt ex boyfriend either

Well equality isn't always the idea, you don't treat a person with missing legs like you treat a man who runs 2000 miles in terms of what you expect from them when it comes to movement, you don't expect someone who's been abused their entire life to be a spocial butterfly like the guy who's spent their entire life recieving accpetance and approval. We're not born equal, we don't grow up equal, we don't get the same oportunities, the same chances, the same conditions, not even the same health, some people are born dying, you treat everyone like a person sure, you strive to treat them with dignity and understand, sure,you treat everyone like they have a right to life sure, but you can't treat everyone literally equal, since people are not and never will be fully equal. Being average not "normal" if it makes people feel better for the word average to be used since that's more or less what normal means in this scenario as far as I know, isn't seen as bad as far as I'm aware, being rational, reasonable. fair require looking at both sides and looking at the science/facts/evidence before deciding what is correct. Both sides could use more of this, in my personal oppinion. Of course they might start ignoring facts and evidence for their preffered narative, as Bill Nye pointed out.when asked why there's still people who think the earth is flat. Might not be the same subject but the logic seems to hold.

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no, all humans are exactly the same, faceless interchangeable cogs in a neoliberal capitalist machine

There is no one statement against other, zoe made complex allegations with some story, the article shows incosistency in her story in multiple points, based on her own tweets, there is no one statement that can proof something, you need to understand the whole narrative.

Don't fall for their fake concern about women, minorities, or anyone else. Those groups are convenient to keep around for the sake of moral superiority, but the moment someone steps out of line is when he or she gets thrown under the bus.

wow left wing destroyed

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You're not even following the conversation so don't bother pretending you can follow the situation.

none of the "journalists" she fucked denied it, you complete retard. youre arguing about basic facts that nobody, not even the SJW cultists implicated, deny.

Oh then she deserved it, that's almost as bad as a dude refusing to suck another mans penis because "it's gay", actually sickening behaviour.
Jokes asidei wouldn't that be a bit like people here bullying a trans person for being trans untill they end them selves? Pretty sure this place would be full of "GOOD, DESERVED IT!" comments if that happened.

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You're living in a weird gamergate bubble if you don't think people deny the existence of "reviews" which factually do not exist.

Ah, Ben "diversity and racemixing for the goyim, an ethnostate for the Ch*sen" Shapiro

>Quinn notes how Holowka supported the mission of having “more than five percent of the industry” be women.

WTF i love Quinn now for killing that faggot

what you said is stupid.
this thread is full of responses
Stop saying stupid things





Zoe Quinn is a piece of shit. She's always been a piece of shit. Even in the most awful moments of Goobergate, her being a piece of shit was rarely in question. Most media outlets took the stance that people in Goobergate were really bad people because they harassed women day and night because of misogyny or slut shaming.

But no one ever denied at any point that she cheated on her then-boyfriend with journalists she had frequent contact with or that she was cannibalizing other feminist indie game projects for the sake of promoting her own ventures.

Zoe Quinn is a huge piece of shit and I hope that one day the sneering victim bully clique she's helped create in the indie game scene turns on her.

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the "5 guys" absolutely wrote about her """game""". what are you smoking?

Oh, okay, I-I'll get back in formation then.

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ouu, you were talking about gamergate... well.. i don't know much about gamergate, but something tells me that her last actions show her capable of any kind of lie, and anything she says should be taken with a grain of sault versus anything said against her.
Also, everything with prove adn vitness acoount against her was havily censored.

I still say considering statues of limitations even though he did everything they accused him of they still took entirely to long
If you’re only evidence is a testimony from 25 years ago that’s extremely flimsy evidence at best

Perhaps one or two devoted a line to it here or there. That's the most you'll find.

Ah Ben, "We'll just sell our homes if global warming is real and move higher up." Shapiro
I'm not sure those fish have the money to afford the housing tho.

yes, just google it

Yes actually
Defamation of character is a crime.

Also driving someone to suicide is involuntary manslaughter also a crime.

The actions taken wether intentional or though negligence caused the non-accidental death of someone else thus is a crime.

>all this victim blaming

Yikes! This ain't in chief.

how retarded is Yea Forums, why are you keep falling for obvious baits? Do you really think anyone here would actually defend Zoe?

Kek youtube.com/watch?v=X9FGRkqUdf8

What method did Alec use for the suicide anyway.

Attached: ConcernedPrestigiousLacewing-small.gif (450x250, 853K)

wikipedia is run by leftists
there IS a wikipedia article but it's been revisioned into the sjw version of history, the gamergate article

caution, do not read if you want to keep your sanity

tbf your point was really stupid

G-g-good g-goy

You're cancelled sweaty

Go back to r/the_donald

That's right Jay!

zoe should be arrested for manslaughter

Just let dog fuck them.

But trannies don't even need to get bullied to kill themselves

Hopefully some nigger robbing her.

This. It's possible that they're all lying, but through character witness, it's more likely that he did something and he himself isn't above lying. People in these threads want to find something so they go looking for it and connect dots in a way that they feel is at least equally valid to Zoe's accusations, but they will hardly ever admit even that. The intellectual dishonesty in these threads is astounding.

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please get your eyes checked

user, you're the one moving the goalposts if you're willing to step down from your previous claim that there were definitely reviews and they were written by all five guys (not to mention the implication that it was planned that way by Quinn). You have flimsy evidence and you're jumping to conclusions.

It probably takes into account that before people said it was about ethics in journalism, people didn't even know what the journalists had done or said and just assumed Zoe had slept for positive reviews.

I fucking wonder why?

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I'm not the same user you coward

God I hate people like this

Stay away from women into this hobby (gayming) as most of them are certified nut jobs

Put that femcel in jail. Along with that screeching banshee feminist femcel Anita Sarkeesian. Damaging, lying, stealing

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>queer theory
The what now? I feel like they're just making up words at this point

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>queer theory
What does that even entail?
Pondering about the way fags dress or why they do the lisp when speaking or that limp wrist thing that I don't have a name for.

Attached: Franky cant read.jpg (374x430, 51K)

>Innocent people dont get multiple accusations detailing a pattern of abusive behaviour
but this shit is happening all the time in the post fact world of rampant leftism

literally all the time, it's in the news like every other day of some lying college whore or mentally ill hollywood celeb who made false allegations losing their court case when they're eventually sued for slandering innocent men

have you not been paying attention to the entire #metoo movement? where a vast majority of these dumb bitches are jist making shit up against random guys?

why do you idiots invest so much time researching bullshit about some random internetpeople ?! these arent celebrities, just regular life bullshit people have to deal with every fucking day. some asshole or some bitch is lying and cheating somewhere right now and nobody gives a shit but once it gets twitter fame it gets treated like something of actual relevance.
you asshole are nothing but the edgy internet version of people who buy read and discuss gossip magazines

So is she going to jail for causing a death or...?

He was abusive by everyone's accounts and mentally unhinged. Meaning at worst he said a whole lot of mean things and maybe threatened to beat someone up. Thats still not good enough reason to run a Twitter mob to drive a mentally ill, suicidal man to kill himself. Even if every single allegation was true, the SJW twitter mob still did a terrible thing.

And Zoe of all people should've known to tread carefully, the self-proclaimed internet-bullying expert couldn't predict that a suicidal guy having delusions of his community trying to get him would react in such a way when they come out and try to get him.

I fail to see how that matters to you moving the goalposts in any way. Would you have replied differently if you'd known you were talking to more than one person too?

There is not a single living journalist who has earned a click.

God I fucking hate this world

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He was undergoing therapy for his paranoid delusion that some people in the indie game community wished to end his career, isolate him from his opportunities, and push him to kill himself.


Zoe BTFO, time for her to kill herself.

Yeah, she sure is gonna go to jail. The same way women who falsely accuse innocent men of rape go to jail for slandering.

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>Random internetpeople.
He was a game dev. This is Yea Forums.

That's old, user. Queer theory is the politics of being gay and how it relates to society and goes into the metaphysics of questions like "is prison gay real gay?" Really, if you've ever asked or answered the question "are traps gay" you practiced queer theory.

>le everyone is equal meme
Go back to reading marx, you dinosaur.

Are americans always like that? Where your own family would rather sell you out and see you dead just to get some likes on twitter?


Attached: [Chinese Battlecry].jpg (342x74, 15K)

Only a matter of time before her tech industry and journo connections all conspire to bury this nice and deep for her. Just watch.

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Not all of them, just everyone who lives in California and Quebec.

don't use that picture and then post the assinine drivel that you just did

my room mate is studying software engineering. lets discuss his sex life and if he should go with Nicki who is pure or Lisa who is a hoe.


>that limp wrist thing that I don't have a name for.
Queer theory does! These are homo-effecting behaviors.

>Thats still not good enough reason to run a Twitter mob to drive a mentally ill, suicidal man to kill himself.
If you extrapolated those intentions, you're going to assume and believe whatever you want.

>Zoe of all people should've known to tread carefully
I've dealt with suicidal people before and sometimes you have to wonder if they keep it up to protect themselves from criticism. I wouldn't hold people responsible for calling out bad behavior and warning others. Ultimately it's his responsibility.

Queer doesn't even mean anything nowadays, like non-binary. Its for bored people who want to be part of the lgbtbbq but don't want to have gay sex or mutilate their genitals.

It's literally because people who live in first world countries have no real hardships in life so they try to make the problems themselves to appear as a victim so people would feel sorry for them, likely getting some profit in the process. You don't generally see this shit in 2nd world countries because people have other important things to worry about and not some social bullshit that just makes people mad

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>Nicki who is pure
no such thing as a pure woman

>From what I've read it seems like everyone was mentally ill and abused each other.
Bro these people make and write about video games for a living. No fucking shit.

There's a reason we're all anonymous, and it's not just because I can and will call you a nigger, nigger. It's because I can call you a nigger AND not have my career ruined by it.

>If you extrapolated those intentions
Intent does not matter. Fact is they drove him to kill himself.
>"Zoe is an innocent angel! Its the suicidal people that are bad!"
Fuck off, white knight. When he's on his meds and mentally ill, he cannot be responsible to himself because he is ill. A self-proclaimed "inclusive and caring" community of SJW hipsters started throwing rocks at a suicidal man the first opportunity they got. The community he and the rest belongs to is a hive of rotten vultures. Every single one who partook in the Twitter hate mob against him shares the blame. Every single one of them is partly responsible.

Let your hatred flow unto me!

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>Good thing even men know that men are horrible and should always be considered guilty untill proven innocent.

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Which is why this place is still infinitely better than most online communities. When people are anonymous, they're more likely to show their true colors and not lie or hold up an internet persona that would be ruined if they tweeted "traps are gay"

Both deserve the rope. Nothing of value was lost.

What if ZQ kills herself because of this? She'll turn into a martyr for the twitter mobs.


I'll be contacting HR in the morning, David.

Man, I wish you were going to do that because it'd mean I actually have a fucking job.

It also allows a post to be judged by its quality and not username. Nor will you have orbiters defending a specific poster.

if you weren't around at the time, shut the fuck up, you moron

>When people have absolutely zero repercussions they will definitely tell the truth!
How naïve are you?

By OP's logic that would be appropriate.

let's hope so, it would be a spicy irony, but Quinn is too much of a narcissist to kill herself, especially when there is too much money to make out of this

That anime was surprisingly good

The police are free to prosecute anything they want to or don't want to. There is plenty of legal precedent for this.

He's baiting you, retards.

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You think every twitter persona is 100% them, and they never say anything they don't actually think just to get more social points/reach? It's more likely to see truth here than anywhere else. If you posted anything against Zoe on most "gaming" sites you'd be banned straight away.

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Give me at least three reasons why I should care.

>doesn’t affect me at all
>never cared about mentally ill literally who’s committing suicide
>never cared about night in the woods
This all goes for the majority of Yea Forums. Face it, you’re all just lonely and desperately trying to relive gamergate. But gamergate was about the games industry at large, this is just some deadfag’s personal life.

who actually wants to read all that shit

go troll somewhere else

It's more like everyone has the capacity to be shit, and gender or race isn't a significant factor in that.

Nah, she's going to jail for drug trafficking and tax evasion.

>It's more likely to see truth here than anywhere else.
Again, how naïve are you? Yeah, sure, people may be more willing to admit embarrassing personal details about themselves, but as soon as anything is actually at stake, this place becomes a mire of disinformation.

1. She’s a bitch and a liar
2. Alec Holowka had other encounters with girls that ended up reporting him to the police. Turns out he wasn’t angel after all. His suicide might have been a culmination of a bunch of things instead of just Zoe’s statements.

true, but the fact that Zoe just enjoys life after all shit and suffering and lying she have done, thats just depressing.

It's still infinitely better than any other place on the internet. Especially since you can easily see falseflaggers or viral marketeers simply by the way they post and how "tame" their posts are. Unless you can link me some site that is always posting 100% objective truth, that would be nice

Life isn’t fair. You want justice? Go cap that bitch yourself.

she is the most famous bitch that brought a shit storm on alecs head base on lie

Yeah Studio 4ºC does some good work.

i live on the other continent, all i can do, is participate in the discussion and i believe that this is also good, to raise awareness of injustice that takes place on such a massive scale.

>Especially since you can easily see falseflaggers or viral marketeers simply by the way they post and how "tame" their posts are.
This is just entirely your confirmation bias. You got literally zero proof. This is basically just licence to ignore people who disagree with you.

Reminder that her Patreon went up by 100% in the last few days.

>pathological liar with borderline personality disorder
>when she can just refuse to accept accountability and then milk the backlash
I doubt it.

where you get that data? her patreon goes stadily down

>we know it's a lie
>Alec is absolved of responsibility

>Us oldfags
Gamergaters are fucking pathetic, the least you could do is be honest about your mysogyny

Too narcissistic for that.

You should read it because it destroys everything Zoe has said. Plus it makes her guilty off being the reason he an heroed.

>ended up reporting him to the police
You got a source for that?

If you really can't distinguish a viral marketeer/falseflag on Yea Forums then you must be new here

Nah, she is just the female crowbar used to open up game industry to get pozzed by feminism and LBQTBBQ, just like Anita.
Trannies are part of the second conquering wave.

If they have solid evidence, why not report it to the police instead of posting it on the internet for clicks?

Attached: 1566845553605.png (891x677, 1.18M)

It has been reported to the police.

TL;DR: Zoe Quinn lied and tweeted like she was having fun times, was constantly on Twitter talking with her white knights about how they're busy having fun and making games during the time she was at Holowkas place.

Because although her lies made him kill himself she hasn't broken any laws.

If you actually think you can it's the third indication you've given me that you're hopelessly naïve. Convincing yourself you can tell the difference is just setting yourself up to fall for actual misinformation because you just "feel" it's legit whereas the guy disproving it just "seems" like a shill.

This. Nathan Grayson spent most of GG untouched while Zoe and Anita got the brunt of it for some reason. Ruling out misogyny as even a factor is dishonest.

Get raped.

>while Zoe and Anita got the brunt of it for some reason.
Because media hid behind their backs and made headlines about how these women are target for harassment. The two women saw the opportunity for attention and martyrdombux and assumed the role.

Nathan Grayson was not untouched in the slightest but of course you already knew that, Jason. Go back to Resetera.

from developers that knew him personally :

-" When we met Alec in 2013 he was a different guy than he is now. a year or so into the project we began realizing that Alec was a bit unstable, often lashing out at people he lived with. We heard through him and some others that he had some pretty volatile dating relationships. Nothing that said /abuse/, just hey there's a lot of drama here"

-"I'm not going to root through everything in there and give a line by line analysis, but I'll say that enough of the allegations are extremely plausible and just about all of it we've corroborated with other sources. many people who have known Alec for years have looked at the accusations and believed them."

***-"Whatever happened years ago, this week a contractor working for Alec, whom we know and trust, has come forward with her own experiences with Alec.Others have talked about how Alec's conduct towards women was something whispered around at game events. A woman I've known for a while got in touch with us this week talking about how she's been told many times not to be alone in a room with him. Men have gotten in touch about working with Alec and the things that happened to them there. There are other things, things from people we trust, things you'll probably never hear about. But honestly just being a really shitty boss, as detailed by Albertine, is probably enough for us to separate from him alone. To say nothing of the far more serious allegations out there. Multiple people are afraid to run into the guy at different conferences. We were with him at some of those conferences. Now knowing that people were afraid to approach us and say hello eats at me."

Again, they didn't go to court so that's why it seems like he was angel. But there was more to this than just Zoe's statements.

I dont use homo commie terms like that

You need to clean your eyes.
Start by putting your head into a toilet, flush and wait 3 minutes.


Attached: Angels Egg is tired of shit man.jpg (384x406, 51K)

>Again, they didn't go to court so that's why it seems like he was angel. But there was more to this than just Zoe's statements.
There wasn't, if they didn't go to court. If he did something truly horrible like beat someone up or rape someone, them not going to court or to police about it makes them criminals as well for failing to report a crime. Their is a community where using wrong pronouns is considered literal rape so most likely he was just being aggressive, dismissive and abusive with his words, with some extra aggression on top when he got drunk.

So, when you see the same thread made about a new game being released with the same image from the OP with the same links in the thread itself you just think "haha they must really be hyped for this game!"?

yes, but zoe's FALSE statement started all this.

Can’t both sides just kill themselves already just fucking all of you eat a bullet

>Because media
No. You did this. Take responsibility for your own bullshit for once.

Third hand accounts. Yeah, truly the source I was looking for. Faggot.

they didn't end up going to court because he killed himself, not because there weren't credible allegations against him.
A guy with a history of abuse relationships killed himself right before a court would have heard all sides of all the stories that were about to be reported about him. It makes you wonder why.

Why not, I've seen more repetitive sperging about shit that no one in their right mind would pay anyone to post, including this very thread's topic.

They destroyed his life for profit and publicity. That's just the bare fact of it.

It was a planned hit, alongside all the other accussations thrown at the time. To stoke controversy, and through controversy, garner media attention and pity donations.

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Why didn’t they go to police then if this is that serious?
You’re fucking grown yet you’re acting like he’s the playground bully.


Because they're attention whores

I guess that just proves you've been here for a really, really short period of time.

>he said she said that he knew someone who said that about someone who might have heard

yeah, cool story you failed abortion. these filthy vultures are just desperately trying to cover their asses now, because they know they are directly responsible for having pushed a person into suicide based on groundless Twitter bullshit.

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You need a license to ignore shit posts now?

You're literally doing the same thing.
Completely baseless post attacking someone just for attention (you's).

You're don't read anything about the case, you just want a reaction, that's literally the same thing.

I just hope we see Zoe’s ugly mug in a arrest paper

So this dude is in Hell now right?

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oi mate where's ya shitpostang loicense?


And it's not like this happened yesterday, it's been over 2 weeks. At this point you can't even use the "im lazy" card, you're just plain ignorant and pushing your agenda.

We're in hell. Dude got off.

You're just admitting you don't even have to be here for very long in order to see people sperg out about some inconsequential shit. Why wouldn't people use the same posting style they use for talking about twitter screencaps to talk about games they're excited about? You're ultimately unable to prove anything either way and you're just dismissing them out of hand because of the mere possibility that they have ulterior motives. Yet when it comes to politics you're curiously blind to ulterior motives.
It's a licence you give yourself to pretend to be intellectually honest whilst ignoring things you don't like because now you have a reason why they don't count.

still jeark off to her nuds from sucide girls.

>Not a single accusation
>Just people talking about the supposedly made accusations
>Best evidence is someone saying, "I heard he had volatile relationships but nothing to be alarmed about, just drama."

Oh wow, that means he raped like fifty women!!!!

>spent most of GG untouched
Yes I knew that. He remains employed with little pressure to fire him. All that fire and fury that there was for Zoe and Anita just wasn't there for the journalist who abused his power.

haha, it's funny how quickly all the glow in the dark twitter cult members show up to damage control when they realize shit's about to hit the fan
I hope you have your dismissive and misleading headlines written already, it won't take long until you have to use them

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I guess she really is a suicide girl now

>The intellectual dishonesty in these threads is astounding.
That's pretty much any topic /pol/ gets a mobbing interest in. They had their conclusions the second they saw Quinn involved and everything since has been a disingenuous attempt at clearing Alec to burn Zoe at the stake. If his girlfriend was literally anyone else they'd have left some spiteful remark about being glad he's dead and never given it a second thought.

Maybe, just maybe, Holowka got with Quinn in the first place because they're both pieces of shit? Just a thought.

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>user good boy! he dindu nuffin!
Not sure how this genuinely flies with anyone. Most be trolling, dishonest, new, or just stupid.

>who abused his power
I really doubt either party was very concerned with the quid pro quo of it.

I don't think shit is gonna hit the fan, twitter is gonna get a bit rowdy and some forums are gonna get busy for a while but mainstream media doesn't care about internet drama so it'll die down in a few weeks.

Developers arent video games. They're slightly better than jannies

I dont even have twitter you nigger, it's just that when I read about this I thought:

Is this really a case of a poor guy that was tormented to death? In that case I'm ready to burn Zoe Quinn. Or was there more to this?

So I got to reading, and turns out there was more to it.

Yes there was, people still go after Nathan to this day for it.

You just perceive it didn't happen as much because the media never talked about it. It was always about Zoe Quinn.

Seriously, just look at the history of people @ing him on Twitter. People hate him and he's kept around for the hate clicks.

If we're going off of Christian theology, yes.

It's k, there's always vigilante justice and a mob

>everyone on the site has the same outlook and mentality
ur a poohead


try to not wear down your enter key by pressing it too much, redditfugee

>commies SEETHE because their game was made by a hwite male they dislike
>commie game is now anti-SJW's
how do we feel about this?

>people still go after Nathan to this day for it.
People still go after Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian to this day but THAT doesn't prove anything about gamergate huh


I read up and apparently they're all retards who spend their time being jerks to each other or in their words "abusive". Shit, Alec Holowka's "friends" made a twitter group specifically just so they could talk shit about him but forgot to make it private so he found out all the shittalking they did about him. And it turns out Zoe Quinn has a history of lying, harassing and abusing people for profit, google trashoverride.

Basically everyone involved in this are shit tier human beings, the dude that killed himself, the bitch that tweeted about his behaviour, his coworkers and friends who doubled down and talked down to him. Everyone is shit here.

>He remains employed with little pressure to fire him.
Because his higher ups are just as corrupt as he is. But everyone knows how bad they are by now.

Or maybe ZQ just found another spergy dude with more talent than her to exploit for her own ends. Now what is more likely?

I'm not throwing baseless accussations of criminal offenses on twitter for upvotes and patreon donations. I'm not removing people from their projects, firing them from their job, or blacklisting them from the industry by threatening their contacts, unless they play ball to some hearsay and blackmail in a organized media hit pieces.

I'm making an anonymous assessment on the state of the case, on an anime curating webzone. Not destroying someone's life and livelihood, and alienating them from their community and peers online and in real life.

But by all means, go play apologist to a bunch of self righteous traitors and money-grubbing professional victims. You're here in the void too, shill.

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>gamergate goes after men and women equally
>"I can only conclude goobergaters hate women!"

Dont you fucking dare mention the last chan here

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>internet trolls be internet trolls
>professional victims be professional victims
Take your pick.

That photoshoot was god awful
I’ve seen brick walls look hotter

>And it turns out Zoe Quinn has a history of lying, harassing and abusing people for profit
Which would be more convincing if her detractors didn't have a history of the same.

fp best fucking post
we all knew she was fucking lying it was the scammed who wouldnt listen.

takes one to know one, faggot

no one except insecure redditors gives a shit about that

if you weren't one you'd know it's a formatting habit from markdown and was present on this website long before (You) came

>gamergate goes after men and women equally
They don't, they go after the women significantly more and more furiously.

What even is the difference between them anyways?

Spineless cucks get the rope too.

She isn’t trans just autistic. Source: I’m a tranny and I know what trans vajayjay looks like and hers isn’t it

No it doesn't, if they knew about all the crimes for all these seven years, they have been covering a criminal all this time. Alec killed himself because he was on meds, suicidal and had already written lengthy posts about how he's afraid his friends and community are planning to ruin him in 2016. His "friends" and community proved his paranoia right. That includes you tranny, theres no defending your actions no matter how hard you try.

could you provide evidence of this? you know, actual data?

important to what

good god would you listen to yourself

I wouldn't know and neither would you. All we can do is speculate using a bunch of hearsay and half-assed armchair psychology based on Twitter of all things.

Is it really paranoia if it turned out to be true?

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Pretty sure I could but fuck trying to find five year old articles about gamergate

>dealing with serious matters in private instead of publicly broadcasting them
But that would require the accused to be subject to due process, user.

Potentially, they're not mutually exclusive.

yea, "pretty sure" doesn't make for a very convincing argument
but what do I know, just the other week some guy killed himself because people were pretty sure he raped some girl

there are images of her downstairs?

No, take it as a compliment.
Only them will use terms like paranoid or schizo instead of the plain "retarded"

>Gamers hate women
>My proof is the mainstream articles I can't be bothered to look up
This is why anything you have to say holds no value.

quinn and sarkiesian didnt commit suicide.

At least, you're pretty sure that's the reason.

Yes a pretty famous one has her lips shopped like Homer Simpson.

>es, articles. Written by the same "news" outlets that were criticized for their collusion and lack of journalistic integrity. Nice unbiased source there, faggot.

>Pretty sure I could
But you don't, therefore you lie.

Hatred is usually deserved.

>the mainstream articles
No, dude, people did actual statistical analysis on the fucking tweets and shit, which is what user asked for. If you just want an account of what happened, I was there for it, so I don't have to refer to any articles, mainstream or otherwise.

It can be, but Alec was uncannily accurate with his statement about how things would eventually culminate. I think the worst part of this whole story is it looks like her really didn't have anybody to turn to and was facing personal and professional exile and work he'd put years of his life into being scrubbed.

Inb4 20 "independently written" articles released within 2 hours of each other saying she's being harassed unfairly for being a woman

Shut up, Portant.

Way to fucking assume my source isn't credible when I haven't even given you one yet, lmao, really shows how intellectually honest you're being about this whole thing
I don't lie, I just don't bother.

Hate doesn't magically manifest out of nowhere. Tends to be a reason for how it comes to be. What could those reasons be?

Her own mother seems like a convincing source.

lol user dindu nuffin

>I don't lie, I just don't bother.
No, you just lie. Like trannies always do.

A Nazi Yea Forumsirgin incel gamer NEET would know, I suppose.

Never forget that a Yea Forums mod helped Zoe Quinn by constantly manufacturing harassment WITH her.

That pic of them at the bar together while shitposting was posted by them themselves as they were doing it.

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You're an irrational cunt.

you're glowing, cult member

Oh, really, what ever outed me as a person you disagree with

what gave it away


How does she do it? What draws people to her to the point that she can manipulate them so much?

I know what you're talking about! They concluded more than 80% of people siding with GamerGate were not only liberal, but almost 50% were women and minorities.

How the fuck does that help anything you've asserted?

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Anyway the point is that any person on Yea Forums saying "hatred is usually deserved" is either admitting to being a loathsome person, or lying.

>implying Yea Forums needs to be tricked into harassing people

oh please don't get so defensive, you'll make me blush thinking I actually succeeded at offending you

>They concluded more than 80% of people siding with GamerGate were not only liberal, but almost 50% were women and minorities.
No, that was gamergate's self-reported totally trustworthy poll on reddit.

Those white knights likely have not touched a vagina in years.

Desperation is one of the greatest threats to a man's honor and integrity.

>Way to fucking assume my source isn't credible when I haven't even given you one yet

It's amazing the ways people unknowingly play themselves and act smug about it.

Way to fucking assume my source isn't credible when I haven't even given you one yet, lmao, really shows how intellectually honest you're being about this whole thing

As if you won't just believe whatever you like regardless of what I say

>Yes I knew that. He remains employed with little pressure to fire him.
Gamergate's biggest effort was trying to get advertisers to withdraw from Gawker Media, what was that if it wasn't trying to apply pressure for Kotaku to fire Nathan?

>on Reddit
You goofed.

I already said I wasn't going to dig up ancient history to prove a point on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Could've just left it at that. But instead you went out of your way to declare that you would never accept any source I could've possibly given you because you assume it's a lie out of hand. And that reflects worse on you than on me.
But you have given me a source. I know the one you're referring to.

Some people are just shitty people user, they weren't tricked they just saw an opportunity.

There was a reason why some Zoe threads were allowed and some weren't back in the day. Mod only allowed ones that would work in their favour. Part of the reason why there was a move to Infinitychan; Yea Forums couldn't be trusted.

And that happened over the "gamers are dead" bullshit, rightfully so. That had very little to do with Nathan.

Are you going to pretend reddit wasn't one of gamergate's main hubs and the one most obsessed with virtue signalling and keeping up appearances?

believe what? all you originally posted was a combination of 5 different buzzwords in a row
if that's your idea of an argument, I suggest starting a career as a writer for middleschool namecallings

Now why would someone or something be hated? Hmm...

>dig up ancient
Dude it's the fucking internet, it doesn't matter if you're looking for something posted today or twenty years ago.

You have spent a significant amount of time and effort dragging your heels. You're fucking pathetic.

A boycott.

I'm not going to pretend to know or care what reddit is doing, but the fact you think the analytics were done by reddit and not just reposted there is enough proof you're just talking out of your ass.

Not Edmund as well!! The Spelunky dev is also a Zoe supporting cuck. Two of my favourite indie devs I will have to ignore from now on. Shame.

the amount of effort you're putting into giving excuses and refusing to present a source only goes to show how non-existant that evidence is
you're like a kid holding his breath until their mom gives them icecream for dinner, I have nothing to lose by your refusal

Yeah, sure, I bet you know the magic search string that'll bring up just the one obscure article from ages ago amidst the deluge of words devoted to gamergate, it's so easy

Not like you have actual proof to the contrary anyway so it's kind of moot innit

Just your word against mine

i feel ya senpai

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The more you describe it the more it sounds like you're referring to a tumblr post than an actual article, holy fuck dude

you presented an argument, I asked for evidence and you gave none
my word is that you're full of shit, and so far you're doing a great job at proving my point

Notice how deepfreeze.it mostly lists men


That's not how presenting an argument works, you fucking assclown. You made a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

I can't claim I have an invisible dragon in my garage and you have to prove I don't. Stop being a retard, everyone already accepts you're full of shit. You're just wasting bandwidth at this point.

>You made a claim, the burden of proof is on you.
You made one first?

>you killed my dog
>no I didn't, could you provide any proofs?
>your word against mine, bro