Monster Hunter thread
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Where's your eggplants S-penis?
FUCK flying wyverns, but most importantly fuck rathian.
Post killscreens
Currently messing with Lagi
Why the fuck does no one talk about this creepy shit?
What could it be? Seltas elder dragon at HR200?
Adult Xeno'jiiva, AKA Fatalis Azul
A friend of mine seems to think it's the roar of a Frontier monster, though he's not sure which. Probably a future DLC teaser?
I’ve heard it three times today, all during Shrieking Legiana hunts.
why is nerg such a shoehorned mary sue
World sold like hot cakes
It's Cwealis.
there’s talk right now that true crit ele is around 1.5x for ig, if bow gets a similar number, it might be forced to run the absolutely atrocious 4pc silversol
>Nerg is actually going through a metamorphosis to molt into Cwealis
He's basically a second Rathalos now since newfaggots know him as the mascot if the game they started with
Pitched-down and dragged out Legiana roar? It seems to be calling for the other to join it in the area according to the minimap
I've heard this too and it freaked the fuck out of me the first time because every other sound is quietened to make this roar stand out
You cannot escape the Raths.
Wasn't base insect glaive elemental crit 1.25 while bow was 1.35? If it's just double value that'd be ludicrous for weapons that can make good use of it.
What about the buzzing and the shadow? And why would they pitch it down?
I think it’s the legiana’s “Help me, nigga” call.
What's the best IG in iceborne? I miss gae bolg.
Gae Bolg wasn't the best
Say hello to Brute Tigrex and his autistic screeching.
Imagine how comfy the Seliana Hunter Hub is going to be when the Winter Festival comes around
That doesn't sound like anything that could come out of a Legiana
>doesn't sound like Legiana
>weird ass buzzing
>weird round shadow
>I think it's Legiana!
yes ig was 1.25 in world, it remains to be seen if the weapon balance guys at capcom remembered anything about world’s bow and crit ele meta
Literally what would change
2ch thinks it's punished Xeno
goddamn that's some creepypasta shit
>Velkhana doesn't actually have any real plot relevance whatsoever and it's just another case of 'we thought monster X was responsible for Y, but it was actually monster Z'
>Meanwhile Nerg is given a new variant, gets to kill steal the final boss and become the new final boss
Why the fuck is Velkhana even the flagship?
silversol has absolute trash skills, it’s going to be a much more complicated matter for non-fire element heavy weapons even with true ele crit at that level
>Creepypasta kiddies now latch onto monster hunter
>When I grow up, I want to be an Akantor!
jesus does he ever shut up?
>Monstermas Trees/decorations
>red/green/white lightbugs flying around
>big ass yule log fire
Did they nerf the uptime of HH songs? I swear they used to last longer. At first I thought I was imagining it but then I noticed they added a second level to horn maestro so now I'm concerned they cut the base uptime just to do that.
Just like poor Lagi’s situation
At least in Gore’s case he just molted
>roar spam
YES. They actually did what I wished for it to be in IB
Just finished brachy, how far till the sound lizard?
I HATE Nergsue!!!
Here's some user's theory crafting for a dragon bow. Apparently it's rather trivial to get all the required bow skills to make silverlos work.
>yfw you realize it looks so ugly and so angry because we basically skin it alive in phase 1
I’m like 7 hunts ahead of you and still not there. I think I’m close though cause I’m about to fight Velkhana for real, as the first MR5 quest. Iceborne sure is big.
>Brute Tigrex is now a small Akantor ob crack
Just finished Zinny. Should I just fuck around in Guiding Lands until my MR caps?
You still have a bunch of MR ED fights in MR5.
I think Black Veil Hazak is the penultimate Assignment quest. Not sure though, I don't have the game myself, just watched some day 0 streams.
There are 22 story missions.
Yes, fucking around in the Guiding Lands is the endgame. I'd do optionals tho, just to get that out of the way
I'm bored of ls, bow and ds, What weapon should I make?
Those fucking eyes man
Yes. You need guiding lands exclusive resources to augment MR weapons. You're basically not supposed to ever leave.
I hope you all enjoy a monster that never stops breathing fire and (seemingly) can't be flashed
I just beat narga, how far away am I from fighting tigrex or zinogre?
Can't decide whether I want to rush the story for their sets or take my time.
>Don't forget you're here forever
Was bored.
Doesn't sound like Legiana even when pitched-up (or Legiana like the sound when pitched-down).
No, Namielle comes after Blackveil, Blackveil is the fourth to last mission.
wtf is this though? I would piss my pants if I found this in the game
Tigrex should be somewhere around that point in the game too. Zin only appears in post-game.
I'm going to kill Silver Sol and Golden Luna once (1) just so I can say I killed one and then never hunt them again
How is it, icebourneanons? How’s the grappling hook? Are they adding post launch monsters? Are there any out of left field monsters in the list?
Just bring a gun, meleeing Silver Los isn't worth it
Reminds me of youtube.com
i think i managed to see the shadow is the shape of a daora, i think
might be rusted daora coming about?
or overall same wing structure
>Music fades out right before it happens
>Shadow flies over
>Roar that doesn't sound like anything else in the game
There's no way this could be a glitch, right?
>By far the best G-rank expansion
>Pretty cool, not nearly as overpowered as /mhg/ doomposters want you to think
>No new monsters unrevealed, just a few subspecies
holy shit
This makes sense actually, IB added one mineable patch of melted steel to each area which you can sometimes be dropped off at when starting a mission.
It's probably just the final boss foreshadowing, but I'd love it to be a post-release update monster foreshadowing kind of thing. I love those kind of dynamic world events in vidya.
What is this monster's design philisophy? The face looks so uncanny and the rest of the body is a garbled mess of weird growths. I know the equipment is going for some Indian divinity theme, but the monster itself is a mess
>creature that can destroy the world get thwarted by a guy with oversize sword.
That has been a tradition with every snow map, you stupid nigger
seems ok but i have a feeling that namielle set bonus plus normal crit ele from velkana 2pc will probably outdo true ele crit
It's a Buddhist lion
It's probably based on asura/rakshasa/yaksha.
Handler shitting herself.
>try IG
>feel like 75% of the hunt is spent trying to get the right color buff
it's fun when you get the buffs but man
at least with charge blade you can just unga bunga to get buffs
>feel like 75% of the hunt is spent trying to get the right color buff
It takes like 10 seconds at the start of a hunt.
It's old as shit and you skinned it alive
I am tearing shit up with glaive.
Hey, they took a page from Frontier's Zenith Tigrex. Zinogre pilfered two moves as well.
do I just suck then? what's the strat on getting the right buffs? it was really hard to snipe Barioth's head and I'm still not sure how to get brown off of him
Why does literally every newfag and retard use Chargeblade? What's the psychology behind it? Because it's piss easy? It's not even THAT overpowered anymore.
1-3 = Charge Blade
4-6 = Hunting Horn
7-9 = Switch Axe
0 = Slinger/Claw only
If you have a fast bug, then you can easily grab all the buffs from most monsters.
Although some smaller monsters like tobi only provide orange from back/body, and it can be hard to grab it reliably, when the other body parts are in the way.
Well, since you did say in your previous post that you just tried it out and are new to it, then you understandably do suck. We all suck when we start off trying new weapons.
Can't help you with the IG advice since I don't use it, but whenever I watch TA runners, they always are very efficient and spend no less than like 10 seconds to gather extracts.
This guy is really good
>Monsters borrowing moves from their Frontier versions
>Shara Ishvalda dropping fucking spirit bombs and shit
It's only a matter of time until the actual Frontier monsters start arriving.
I can't wait.
I’ve heard it three times myself. They were all during Shrieking Legiana hunts too, so if you’re morbidly curious you know what to do. It spooked me right the fuck out.
i’ve been watching people stream ib for the past 3 days and i can tell you 99% of the people who use cb have no idea how to use it so it can’t be that
Reminder that this image is effective a decade old now.
Not that user, and I'm not sure about Barioth, since I don't have IB yet, but the general rule of thumb is:
>red - comes from the body parts used to attack, primarily head, but also claws
>white - comes from the body parts used for movement, such as legs and wings
>orange - comes from the tougher body parts, usually the torso, but sometimes legs or horns
>green - almost always the tail
Hey it sheds its own skin to go full “limiter unlocked” on us
Still, really, its biology and design is the weirdest thus far
>body frame of a dragon, but no scales
>the teeths and eyes are humanlike as fuck
>all the air holes on its body
>those fucking wriggly wings that can redirect sound and air into the ground to make quicksand
>it can hold literally sound, but then we can attribute that to “its magic, wont explain shit” like Kush or Velk
Technically, they already did arrive in mainline, like a decade ago.
and now they fixed all those problems and the games are selling better than ever with glowing reviews everywhere
what a world
>they want a shield cause cant roll
>SnS is punny
>L and GL is slow
CB is the only logical choice for them
Randoms can't even use GS.
Best G Rank game yet imo, quite a turnaround from base World which was kinda mediocre IMO.
The hook is cool, once you learn all the stuff it’s capable of it really adds some dynamism to every hunt, and makes slinger ammo useful outside the select few we used in the base game.
Yes there’s post launch monsters, the first is Rajang surprisingly. There aren’t many truly unexpected monsters added, but Yian Garuga is in and also gets a new variant. There’s a new Water/Thunder element Elder Dragon too who is pretty awesome. It has quite possibly the best turf war in the game against Savage Deviljho.
I’m sure you’ll love it whenever you’re able to play it.
Any recommendations for what LS and Hammer to make? I have some random KT for both and Wyvern Ignition for GS.
rolling for my brute tygrex solo
Trembling Ishvalda when?
Isn’t Shara’s deal that it just generates vibrations, and they manifest as sound because that’s how vibrations work? I assume that if he could cause violent enough vibrations at a small enough scale he could pull off some reality warping bullshit.
Good luck user.
Kinda disappointed at the amount of skills on mr sets.
I don't want them all to be min max shit built for time attacks or anything but I was expecting a bigger step up from hr armor.
>powercreep even harder
no thank you
There’s some outright hax tier shit in Rarity 12 equipment, but yeah the bulk of the gear skills is a little disappointing.
How did the autists deal with no damage numbers in their autist runs?
Just hit it until it dies.
there was this thing called watching how the monsters reacted to how you hit them instead of looking at numbers
Is spare shot worth it for bows?
I've been using it for a little bit because I like narga's armor but I feel like my coating supply doesn't really last long enough for it to be worth it, even if I'm carrying around shrooms to make more.
How long do you guys think until iceborne goes on sale on the ps store? I am very tight on money and my fucking car just decided to stop working three days before iceborne, absolutely cannot afford to buy vidya right now
I think it's a pretty neat concept for an 'earth elemental' creature even if the design is wacky as fuck. No explicit earth-based magic powers, but the rocky shell, the ability to control vibrations, turning the ground into sand and burrowing all tie into the theme quite nicely.
They remember exactly how much dmg they should deal for a flinch
There was a 4U bow speedrun (that is lost to time now) that is exactly that. The fucker always flinch Gore at the right moment
How did you get pictures of my tegu what the fuck?
I bet around Christmas time would be the first sale
Goldian is fine, it is actually surprising how many unique attack animations she has. Silver Los is still absolute cancer. take a wild guess which one gets the better armor
I can't fucking stand the CB, no matter how much I wanted to go into using it. This babysitting rotations distract you from any kind of fight. Its build is always a convoluted mess, you have to be extremely picky about your setup. I'm way too grug even for World's CB.
>need to complete every hr mission to get the ticket I need for upgrading my handicraft charm
Fuck, I'm too lazy for this shit.
Do a Youtube search and Charge Blade has all the clickbait cancer like Team Darkside doing titles such as...
>the BEST Charge blade build!
Just grug the entire HR with MR gear
leech it from someone else
I switched from Hammer to CB once 4U came out...
>team darkshit
>clans in monster hunter
Those carting autists are pure cringe
>tfw only have obe slot in the magical Farm tree with the nost basic shit because i rushed LR and HR to hit Xeno before Iceborne
I should realky get around those optionals
I never understood why normies fellate them so hard
Because zoomer retards need other people to play the game for them and also make them feel like they're part of something bigger. Team darkshit filled that niche.
meleeing most monsters in this game isn't worth it
>hates autistic Geese
>stomps down faggots who use Valstrax animations even if they are 5x his size
>just wants to duke it out with his hunterbro
truly the best
Sound glitch, nothing more.
>Kill steals a monster that is 1 inch away from death
Oh wow truly impressive
T. eostra
In exchange for the hook being very good, they made sure no flying monster will ever touch the ground again and for ground monsters to never stand still for more than 2 seconds.
Guys what bowgun should I be using to get to endgame? I just finished Shrieking Legiana and now I never want to play a melee weapon again.
>it's a glitch because I say so
>No mention of rathalos's "HELP ME RATHIAN AAAAAA"
That's pretty much legiana's booty call, rathalos and rathian scream bloody murder all over the forest too.
nice desu
post yfw it's astalos 2: electric boogaloo
But they never did it again because frontier jap players had an autistic fit over it, which is a shame. Now that frontier is dying, I really hope we'll get to see its monsters in mainline. Iceborne is already full of AOEs and people seem to have fun with it, so I don't see any problem with adding frontier monsters
>so I don't see any problem with adding frontier monsters
They look like shit except for like 2
Just fought moldy Val Hazak.
I swear I heard a woman's voice several times during the hunt.
It's just Vaal Hazak's wails
Why would anyone hate Frontier monsters aside from how ugly they looked? Otherwise, as far as moveset goes, most of them seem fine. I particularly like the black scorpion and the black dragon who has a face that looks like Guts's Berserker Armor helmet.
Speaking of blackveil vaal, I think it's pretty cool that they went back to the old ass mold wyvern concept art and actually incorporated it into the game.
100,000Z reward money for an investigation without using a voucher
Rollin in the money until I need to spend it all.
Most of the monsters created for Frontier's G Rank onwards are total clusterfucks
The ones who has an autistic fit were Frontier players, Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice got ported into FU and Frontier screeched because those two were the only Frontier exclusives at the time, so they never ported anything ever again
seems on par with Iceborne, look at the metal raths, brute tiggy, and scarred zinogre, froniter monsters would fit right in
Somebody post edgelord Rathian webms
Fuck Nightshade Paolumu.
Hunting that asshole without a sleep resist was a nightmare.
>It's the return of the False Wyvern insect concept from way back in one of the old art books, like how Blackveil is based on the old concept of a fungus-covered wyvern
They don't force you to stare at them for 80 hours while they do their absolutely epic cinematic attacks, you can actually fight them
Frontier faggots getting this desperate is the worst part about it's death
yea this kinda suck
>Even the insects use the wyvern Skeleton
people still do that, I saw a nip try to solo arena nerg with a lance, he spent 5 hours just resetting over and over until he knew every break and flinch
Post it, I wanna see.
Actually, is there sleep resist? I don't remember. At least no in base World. I might have completely erased it from my memory, because it was so irrelevant.
all current insect monsters use modified kushala skeletons anyways, so who cares
yes, it's as easy to gem in as everything else, three slots and you're completely immune
I want a Neoptereon to be like pic related in concept, except it folds up to look like a flying wyvern, only exposing its true form as a second part of the fight
So a downscaled Nakarkos?
>base World was kinda mediocre
I'm glad Iceborne has made you come to your senses
>It's a fuckhuge bug which uses the Skull of a Zorah Magdaros as a shell like Shen Gaoren
>You have to stop it from destroying a New World camp by any means
Guess you could say that, I'm just interested to see how the devs will design an insect that can fold itself to looks like a wyverm. Narkakos was a simple "it's two heads but actually tentacles, also I flipped my body backwards"
>Why would anyone hate Frontier monsters aside from how ugly they looked?
To be fair, mainline has the Handler so it evens out
I'm still looking for the specific one I meant, which was a flying wyvern (I'm pretty sure it was from one of the first artbooks with all the Gen 1 and 2 concepts and it's proving a bit difficult to find), but here's something similar from the World artbook with an insectoid fanged wyvern.
I think something more along the lines of a Neoptereon that hides itself as a popo or aptonoth would be kinda scary. Better yet, it could hide as a rock or tree or something as well, so when it moves around you can actually lose track of it and have to start tracking it again. That's actually a good idea, user.
that just sounds like another shitty crab fight
There's a link for the concept art book in the /mhg/ OP, the bug one is from the first
On psp there's cheats to see how much health a monster has so probably that
How the fuck am I suppose to kill Deviljho? I just got BTFO by that fucker. My go to strategy to spam flash pods didn't seem to work since he recovered from it so damn quick. I can already beat Bazel. But this t-rex is an entirely different beast. My equips are Rath set b. Except the boots, which is a HR Gajau boots. I'm using a switch axe btw, the Jyura Drought 2.
It wasn’t bad by any means but there some really amateur problems with it that they really should have known about during development. I liked it more than most of the 3DS games at least.
Just stay in axe mode and uppercut his face and chest all day. He can hardly hit you if you stay under him.
If you hit him during his big counter charge he gets stunned hard, wild swings or the fade slash make that easy
>worldsperm’s go-to strategy is to spam flashpods
man am i glad they killed that retardation in iceborne even though it barely worked on anything in base world
there’s a razorsharp/spareshot charm according to phemento, hopefully gunlance babies can stop crying about MUH SHARPNESS MUH ZORAH SET BONUS now
reminder that longswords new iai stance can be used to counter attacks and keep gauge
>Savage Deviljho isn't just a glorified reskin any more
Jesus christ what have they been feeding this thing
Elder dragons
So do the guiding land monsters not get optional quests, or do i need higher MR, because nobody uses investigations for anything and i want my guitars
You will not forget this Hunter's power!
there's a different sound like this in the ancient forest, supposedly it's just monsters calling others for help but they don't sound anything like any existing monsters.
>anagram of "gigantic nerd"
but it's not
Thanks user, you saved me a lot of time. Here's the page, I'll probably post a few more just for fun.
>Namielle just sort of floats stationary in the air in its cutscene
How is it doing that?
Squid magic
>That mantis
What bow should I make?
Why is everyone capturing the monsters i stead the killing? Because of the hp?
Hey guys
>weeabo stance into cumshot bukkake
Btw tell me why everyone is capturing every fucking monster in every fucking SOS mission I join for helping instead of killing them?
I'm getting pissed off at my climax getting ruined by capturefags.
Thank god elders can't be captured.
Probably a combination of the HP and the fact that some people still believe that you get more rewards from capturing
Also you need to capture every monster at least once for the special arena quests
More fast and higher probabilities of rare drops
Here's the fungal wyvern people were talking about earlier, it's almost identical to Blackveil Vaal Hazak.
I know that, but it's fucking gay.
Ah, I did found that staying right under his crotch to be the safest spot when fighting him while he's not raging mad. There's one time that when he turns red that he used this one massive stomp that it shattered my vitality mantle in one go and deals about half of my HP on me. Got stunned. Then he just bashed his head and carted my sorry ass.
I thought you were talking about this bug.
There's no benefit to killing. Capturing saves time by reducing damage needed and cutting off 40 seconds from the countdown after a hunt ends. I still kill monsters if they annoyed me.
It requires an extreme amount of will.
>There's no benefit to killing
I mean you have a higher chance of having more fun if you kill, but you didn't hear that from me
I don't really care, if they do better, if they don't i won't clutter my already nearly full inventory with traps
Use flash pods to interrupt monsterd that have you pinned
Sounds like you're really fucking early in HR to fight a Deviljho though. Gonna be a slog if you aren't familiar with the fight.
What's up with monsters and even endemic life in the New World looking increasingly alien?
Do you think they're dropping the hints that MH might be getting a spin-off/spiritual successor about hunting space monsters? The Final Frontier.
The least fun part of a monster is when they're at 20% health and start sperging out because they're gonna die.
Lost Planet has been dead since 3 user
I'm now noticing that this concept actually seems to come up a lot in this artbook, there seems to be a third version on the page with Wyvern Rex.
when the fuck are they adding fatalis?
Right after Alatreon
These are all lame as fuck. Just regular wyverns with a bug skin on.
If they include a bug monster in IB or MH6, I want to be more unique.
Please someone help this brainlet out: how the fuck can I remove the clutter shit like camera, BBQ tool, fishing rod from my object bar? I know I can move it around, but how can I get rid of these items
Well, the new world could work like the dark continent in HxH, centuries of untouched wildlife in a gruesome and unforgivable environment could breed some strange shit.
Monster Hunter has always been wyverns, mammals and insects
Don't you get additional rewards from capturing? Has that changed?
Have you fucking seen what hides under our own oceans
Just going to post the pages I find the most interesting in order now
You can’t get rid of those unfortunately. Just move them all down the end of the bar together so they’re out of the way.
Use the radial menu instead
Don't use the bar, it's way too slow to do anything with it, use the quick select instead
If I'm correct, you still only get 3 rewards for a capture but you have a higher chance of getting rarer shit. Some things you can only get from carving however, so it really depends on what you're looking for
True. Those can equally easily pass as deep sea creatures as well.
I think if you go to your item pouch and go all the way to the bottom of the menu where your BBQ spit and shit is there's a button you can press to disable them
But you should be using the radial menu anyway
Hey buddy, how’s it going?
But is there a monster that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Ruiner Nergigante? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about a starving Nergigante. I'm not talking about a Nergigante that has fed on Zorah Magdaros either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Arch Tempered Nergigante (with the instant slam abilities and being capable of both OHKO's and massive AOE spikes).
I'm talking about the Ruiner Nergigante equipped with his black spikes, a perfect moveset, control of Xeno and Zorah, with Sharah Ishvalda's DNA implanted in him so he has even harder spikes and can perform sound wave attacks while being an expert in kill stealing and running away
I hope next monhun game adds some fucking insectsnew and old.
Would love a fire ant based one where you would fight 5 or 6 medium sized ants and kill the queen at the end.
A moth with paralyzing dust would be cool as well.
I'm still fairly early I guess. I've just did the part where I'm tasked to do research on Nerg. Got so hype from finally killing Bazel, that I thought to myself I might be able to fight Jho. But boy, was I wrong.
A shame you still take damage though If you time it right, it should negate 100% of damage.
What are the coolest MHGU classes that aren't valor HBG or aerial GS?
What if I told you that MH is the sequel to Lost Planet sets on a distant future after 2
Bazelgeuse fared pretty well for a normal monster
Arguably the weirdest stuff in the whole artbook on this page
I think it's a risk vs reward kind of thing where you deal a """ton""" of damage at the cost of taking damage yourself
I think it has a high chance of flinching too but that's just what I observed
Imagine DYING to a fucking herbivore
Who's dick do I have to slurp up to get a mainstream MonHun game that features monster taming and breeding? This idea is literally free money
>Instantly produces offspring to defend itself
Gigginox did it
Hippos are herbivores yet are some of the most aggressive and territorial motherfuckers out there.
>ton in quotations
if that shit hits almost 400 with an iron longsword its pretty fucking strong
Aren't Diablos herbivorous?
These load times are killing me lads
Why even respond to spam?
Yeah, but herbivores in Monster Hunter have always been jobbers
Ive always wondered What environmental conditions would a planet need to support creatures growing this large?
More oxygen
a shit ton of oxygen
you can see early on with earth's shit there were huge ass insects and fish because of the insane amount of oxygen in the air
Did Seregios really shagged Rathian and cucked Rathalos?
>Join an SOS
>everyone else who joins seems to load faster than you
Now he's in hiding because the metal Raths want justice
Deviljho isn't really much more difficult, but if you had a lot of trouble with bazel it means you need to upgrade something or learn his movements yet
No, it’s just a meme from Steve’s canonical appearances bullying Raths.
I want to pet the kitty
Where the FUCK is my monster petting expansion already, Capcom???
I don't buy it. In both cases, it sounds absolutely nothing like the original monsters. streamable.com
My bet is that it's some sort of tease by Capcom, maybe teasing post-launch monsters.
Looking at this stuff and the supposed interactions I always get the idea that MH was supposed to have a lot more mechanics with monsters and there was less of divide between large and small monsters
I wish they could implement some of them in MH6, there are a lot of genuinely great ideas
Damn, that's deep
>what is bloodbath diablos
Behold, Velocidromedrome
An assblasted triceratops
So from the current MR event quests only the ones that give special equip are worth it (for collector reasons), so that's 1x spearfish greatsword (roughly 5x tickets to build and upgrade fully) and one of those hot bath furries to wear on your head (3x tickets). Is this correct?
The oarfish endemic life you can find on Hoarfrost Reach looks awfully similiar that coelacanth dragon
Ugly-ass nigga
Did they buffed elemental damage? or elemental/status gs/hammer is still dumb idea?
Fucktons of oxygen, it’s why animals were so fucking big millions of years ago. Also for the truly gigantic stuff like Zorah or Dalamadur, lower gravity than on Earth wouldn’t go amiss.
These next two pages have text, but aside from the little drawing of the wasp there don't seem to be any illustrations at all. Very strange.
Nergigante Blanco
I fucking hate Barioth/Narga/Tigrex.
Dlc hopefully
Did they change small monsters AI? They never bothered me before, now Vespoids and whatever are attacking me like I'm a free buffet.
it looks like the story fight, is there anything actually different?
Big damage numbers and it's fun
Haven’t played since around the time pickle dropped, decided to get back in with iceborne and holy shit why won’t anything die? I say videos of people just annihilating monsters, making them flinch and fall over nonstop, and here I am wailing on a monster and it won’t fucking stop attacking ever!
It has a lot more attacks, for some reason it doesn't use them in the first part of the fight
Here's a shitty quality clip from an old stream, there are probably better videos now. Dunno if the new moves are exclusive to Ruiner or if regular MR Nerg can use them too.
same idea with when you repel velkhana. its not going to show you the real moveset before the actual fight obviously.
There is no G-rank Nergigante that isn't Ruiner
Can anyone recommend a decent IG set that'll carry me through the end of high rank into G? I'm HR 40 or so. I figure Behemoth is the "best" but I don't know if I'll be able to kill him, or when he even becomes available. Using the final rank of the Deviljho glaive right now and old ass Odogaron armor from the beginning of high rank.
I mean it looks exactly like the story fight before Shara, is anything changed compared to that one?
Oh really? Like Vaal? MR Teo, Luna and Kush are still regular fights, right?
He has grey metallic spikes. They enhance his attacks and inflict bleed, but can be broken to tone down the range and damage. Something like that.
Yeah they don't have variants(Kush does but shhh) so they're just their normal forms
Btw, where the fuck does MR Zorah set come from?
he has that during the story fight as well, so I assume that MR100 just lets you hunt him normally then because I don't see another quest to fight one
After some time in the video he realises he's a variant and starts using all of his unique attacks
It's made from materials you can gather in the Guiding Lands
Oh, you mean that fight. Yeah, it's basically just a repel thing before the story boss. He "dies" too quickly.
>narga hammer
>hidden element
>no slots
Like ores and shit? So, it's a freebie? And the only source of uncapped Artillery.
Bazel’s a bit different from what I experienced of him. His tells are quite easy to see. Bazel’s “tough” for me when he's just dropped in when I'm hunting a different monster. On his own he's quite easy and my Rath set didn't take that much damage from his pods. And besides flying creatures are easy to topple with flash pods when they're flying or hovering on air. And in the elders recess I managed to mount him several times. While my fight with Jho in the Ancient Forest, I struggled so bad when he moved to the open area right near the first camp. Prior to that I did manage to do some damage to him. And I forgot to utilize those vitality plants. My palico is equiped with the plunderblade. Lucky me, despite carting, I got Jho’s saliva.
>SAED phials do 100-ish damage
>post-game MR
>SAED phials do 100-ish damage
Is there MR tax in the form of blanket damage reduction multiplier for all damage types including pure?
and Teostra is clearly not an anagram of testosterone, it's like it's a joke or smth
they nerfed SAED and the guy probably isn't using optimal skills/felyne bombardier.
i think it's meant to encourage you to use regular elemental discharges more and the new savage axe mode.
capcom does look like it's going for the body horror route with those ugly ass elders and the doggo straight out of silent hill
A lot of the concepts are from when they were deciding if MH was going to be more of an RPG or not before they settled on the current mission structure. Imagine trying to make something like Dragon's Dogma but as an early PS2 game.
>five gold reward Velkhana investigation
>cut and carved the tail
>still absolutely no lashes
Why in the fuck did they make parts harder to break in addition to lowering the drop rates? This is fucking retarded.
>everyone saying Barioth is hard and hell and is filtering people
>beat him on first attempt after needing a few tries for viper Tobi
Admittedly it was close, I captured him to save on time and still had less than three minutes left (though I was using an ice greatsword so that wasn’t making things any easier), and I was wearing a full set of ice resist gear - is his breath meant to be a major part of the challenge?
Or did I get the wrong impression going in?
thinking of getting an SSD for my PS4 Pro, does it improve the load times for MHW much?
Is IG good again in IB?
Yeah, but they nerfed SADE back in vanilla World already.
The IB nerf only reduced the axe head MV portion of the SAED. I don't remember them saying they reduced the phial scaling even further.
Itsuno actually finished the design document for Dragon’s Dogma back in 2000 but wasn’t able to begin work on it until 2008 due to being given the shot job of salvaging DMC2 and staying on for 3 and 4 to redeem himself for 2. It wouldn’t surprise me if the MH team took inspiration from that and vice versa with Itsuno when he finally got the go ahead to make DD.
Just capture it.. oh wait.
>47+ minutes for a Barioth
>b-b-but I didn't triple cart
Did you seriously think that was something worth boasting about, user?
Has anyone else fought Velkhana in the Coral Highlands? It doesn’t list it as one of his habitats in the Field Guide but I just joined an SOS investigation for it there.
Could someone explain how elemental damage works? I feel like I should understand what these numbers mean by now, but I don’t.
I guess this guy just isn't using good skills then, I don't think there's huge damage reduction or anything because I've seen much higher numbers in general compared to base game.
>revs up a SAED
>gets hit before it lands
>phials wasted
Will these shitters finally leave my weapon for something braindead like a Bow or a HBG?
If you look at just base pre-dlc world armours, they progress more naturally from that.
Shit like drachen and arch tempereds came way after, and the grank equivalent of those armours will probably be the crazy power creep ones
They'll either change to the next flavor of the month or learn how to spam regular discharges
It started off really tedious, but after I got a decent number of hits on it it seemed to inflate/fly much less often.
You don't spam those. AED actually has to land on the head or the weak spot. It's not just spraying free pure damage all over the monster like SAED.
probably yeah, punishing you for spamming SAED at every opportunity + the general speed increase in monsters means the grugs will just go play something easier.
Only killed it once before but when I did I think I got a pretty clean kill by just staying round its side so I wasn’t in range of its teeth or its tail.
I play GS and LS, what noteworthy additions does the expansion add to their movesets? I’ve noticed there’s a sheathing option for LS that leads to two different options, but haven’t really worked out what I should be using them for. And I might have noticed an unfamiliar prompt when doing my heavy GS combo but never worked out what it wants me to do.
>25 fucking minutes
is Rarity 7 Nerg IG no good for MR? I was wailing on him the whole time together with Pink Rathian and Legiana but he just wouldn't die
2-3 suns> bigger plants> more oxygen> bigger animals
Try using poison or blast weapons for early MR, since their damage scales with rank, you'll be doing a lot more damage with them. Make the MR Pukei glaive to keep up better.
>Rarity 7
That’s HR gear, why are you still using that in MR? Of course it’s not good enough.
Carted once, and I’m not boasting - I just expected to have to make several attempts, was surprised I didn’t and wondered why.
>still using high rank weapons
>why am i doing no damage
>is Rarity 7 Nerg IG no good for MR?
It's no good for HR either. You'd probably be better off buying some starter MR iron/bone weapons from the shop. Do they even sell those in IB? The equipment shop was kinda obsolete as a concept when it was even introduced already.
You're not braindead, unlike game journos. Congratulations. Unfortunately not the entire player base is like that.
>Velkhana investigation in Wildspire Waste
Damn, the map becomes really damn eerie when it’s snowing and there’s dark clouds overhead.
Because it's pretty obvious you played it extremely safe if you had only 3 minutes left. People who are getting filtered are probably going full aggro like with lower rank monsters, so they'll kill it in 20-30 minutes once they get it right, but will probably lose a few times beforehand.
Nothing wrong with either way. As long as you win in the end.
oh fuck am I supposed to transition already
I was getting reaccustomed will all the different weapons
Am I supposed to upgrade from HR stuff or can I start a from scratch for MR weapons?
Fucking hate tigrex, major shotout to the Odogaron in the Rotten Vale that turf war'd with it twice and the Girros that bite and paralyzed it, the true MVPs
iirc they don't sell Mr weapons at the start, but he can just craft an easy bone/iron Mr weapon by going on expeditions and farming mats
You're gonna love his sub
I did struggle a bit against viper Tobi though - is that fight regarded as harder? Went down easily once I got a poison immunity charm but it was a real nuisance until then.
I seen the webms, looks like a very angry, small Akantor. Geberally speaking I'm dreading the MR69 unlocks
Clever girl.
>the outcome of the Glavenus Vs Rathalos turf war is randomised
Part of it was just that he jumps around like a crazy motherfucker while I try to land a hit with a GS. Also, it was an ice GS, and I know he has ice resistance - not sure how much of a difference that made.
You blew it.
Ruiner Nergigante as shown by a nip with his katana
New slam, spikes with bleed, don't see any big difference. And he cleared it with ease thanks to foreskin and eieio
No. A small fry sub would be a tier lower than a flagship tier monster. With raelly status heavy monsters like V.Tobi or Chameleos, they just really want you to put on armor with negate poison, instead of just stacking the offensive skills.
Pretty sure he takes 0 damage from the Ice, so that definitely nueters your damage.
I also think a lot of people are getting cocky and approaching it like old Barioth
>New slam
I noticed at least three variations of the slam.
Bigger AoE on spike bursts. (inb4 listposter with his "frontier AoE" pasta)
Also a new move when he thrusts the claws in the ground and drags them as he drift turns.
So viper was meant to be a gear check? After I got the poison charm the last viper attempt was definitely easier than Barioth.
>mfw MR armor looks fucking sick
>mfw unlocking MR kushala daora
Not only does it look good, it also has 3-set bonus of negate all wind and its easily obtained by 3 beta pieces that have high quality slots and give +2 evasion, +2 evade Extender and +2 handicraft
Is this, dare I say, our set Swagbros??
How significant is his ice damage? I was wearing a full beotodus set, so I think I had a lot of resist. Would those breaths have been fucking me up otherwise?
No, Barioth is actually meant to be a gear check. The devs outright said that. Which you proved by almost running out of time. They're telling the players to stop clinging to their HR sets and weapons basically.
V.Tobi is a gimmick fight, which you either hard counter, or suffer through it, if you're not good enough to avoid it.
God I love winter clothes
no, viper was a test to see if people were smart enough to slot poison resist on their sets
He's got a ton of new moves, I guess he just starts to use them in his "metal" mode
Last one
Yeah it pays off to have a couple of decorations for these special species. The paloumo one tore me a new one, after I gemmed in immunity to sleep he was a cake walk as well
So is latent power actually worth using after it's uncapped? Has anyone even tried it?
>tfw PC
>already spoiled me eveything about the game
Oh, yeah, and he launches himself at you with both of his arms and wings. Kinda similar to a Valfalc move, but toned down.
what element is the best for what weapon? I'm looking at all the babby g-rank ls/hammer/gs/ig/bow/cb/gl I can make and I have no idea which to go with
Man, I should use the spirit opener more often. It's always available even with empty spirit gauge, and still has mind's eye property to it. And the basic spirit combo in general, instead of trying to fish for a helm breaker opening as soon as I get to red.
>what element is the best
>for what weapon
You're supposed to match the target monster's elemental weakness. Not put each element on a different weapon type.
yeah the plan is to have different weapon types for different monsters otherwise I'm never going to ever use other weapons
Hammer with Slugger secret feels genuinely busted in single player, you can easily just unga a monster to death because they're flailing on the ground for 70% of the hunt
Now this I've been waiting for
Is the game balanced towards having as many damage skills on you as possible to maximize damage output or is it just TA autism? I always used to min max sets as fast as possible for optimal damage but lately I've been having just as much fun making entire sets and slotting in what I can. Having access to the utility skills and making multiple different sets for handling different monsters is fun
Depends on the weapon, some can be made starting at Rarity 9 but others need to be upgraded from a HR weapon. Go take a look at all the new weapon trees at the smithy and see what you want to make and what you can make.
Yeah I'm currently just using the KO Charm on my hammer sets because one TP and one uppercut was all it took to bring it down
It's beacuse mr armors have many more skills than hr ones so you don't feel like you need to squeeze as much things as possible in them, you'll probably still do it when you have nothing else to do though
what is this autism. just use what type you wanna use fag
That’s just TA autism. Kill times are a bit on the longer side if you don’t try optimise damage only skills but they said they were making Iceborne a good bit harder than the base game and that’s exactly what they did. The intended way to play is to use skills to counter or minimise whatever damage type or gimmicks the monster you’re about to face has, and that’s how it’s balanced.
that's what I'm doing bro
God Lunastra is still insufferable. Fuck everything about that monster
Wildspire Waste looks really weird with snow in it.
I came back from a break when she was released and fought her once before I decided I never wanted to do it again. Does she even have anything useful in her gear?
There's a snowy wildspire wastes?
Wildspire Waste looks weird with a huge insulated theropod moose walking in the desert
>Kushala molts its tongue
Don't know, don't care
I need advice bros. I haven't played world yet, missed out when it released, and later iceborne was announced so I was waiting for it to release, but it's 4 month away, and I'm kind of getting an itch to play. Can I just play world now and then iceborne or are they a better experience together?
I like Banbaro but he's got no business being outside of hoarfrost reach. If they wanted him in other areas they should have made a subspecies or at least a variant that has shed some of its fur.
So I heard you guys like the clutch claw.
HH Chads where y'all at? Report in.
How's the nigger bats horn? Which new horn should I be working towards? I was in love with teostras horn before iceborne
World is fucking putrid garbage and Iceborne is one of the best games in the series, you tell me
>it's another FF collaboration episode
gee, I am sure excited for MR Behemoth
>clever clutcher
That is a fucking insult to the very word "clever".
It was incredibly bizarre seeing Banbaro outside of Hoarfrost Reach, in these environments where it looks like he'd be extremely hot
There are already plenty of invader monsters, and it's not like they've shied away from having monster only exist in one area, so I'm not sure why Banbaro is so ubiquitous
Is silver rath's armor still as based as in the old games?
I regret dipping my feet into gear optimization , i was one of those guys who always ran a full set with a matching weapon and i miss doing that specially with all this new armors but fuck i cant go back not bcs is hard without the best skills but because if you are not optimized hunts take forever , i definitely didnt care before but now im spoiled
Is Shara's tail severable?
Don't worry, user, we're all going to wear full metal rath sets in the end.
well I made a basic bitch hammer at the top of the list and I shaved off about 10 minutes but it was in the arena
knocked him out like 10 times though, what the fuck
Did they somehow manage to make the Insect glaive not hot garbage in IB?
Not that guy, but his name is obviously ner(d)gigante, which is to say, giant nerd.
>complaining about having more options when it comes to the locale you hunt each monster in
Why are you like that?
Cookie cutter skills
But what is that armor, is it modded?
No user. That's other monster hunter games. In world, the carve/capture tables are identical. Same drops, same rates.
> really want to use the new updated long sword
> its very popular , specially with streamingfaggots and dumb youtube
My contrarian spirit is conflicting guys
Anyone tried out true crit element yet? Is it worth it?
Most skills on that set look like trash.
>Tigrex can give you Effluvium debuff if you get hit by rocks in the gas areas
Remenber to pack Nullberries if you fight Tigrex in the Vale
But you had no trouble using it before IB, when it was very popular, specially with streamfaggots and dumb youtube?
Based Nergi reminding people why it's the eater of elders
>b-but ishvalda was near death
So was nergi, the cunt got buried under the earth after its defeat for the entirety of the final fight and popped out of the ground like the sick love child of Kool-aid man and Godzilla to finish the job and restore balance. He's the embodiment of order where Fatalis is unbiased wipe the slate clean tier destruction and now you'll all have to live with the knowledge.
Iceborne is a DLC pack. What you mean is that World is obe of the best in the series.
You're right, it's just weird to see him outside of the snow. He digs up different things when he charges with his horns depending on which locale you fight him in, which is a nice touch.
I'm a scrub who just started with hammer but the base MR iron hammer with free element fucking melts early MR monsters
You can get Velkhana to appear in every map through investigations. So far I haven’t got any of my own but I’ve joined via SOS Velkhana hunts in Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale.
>4U is 4
Please respond, I'll post some rare anime nipples if you do.
You can't play Iceborne by itself, it's not a separate game, it's an add-on for World. What a bizarre hill you chose to die on
It's just weird because he's so obviously designed for a cold environment, it'd be like finding a walrus in the Sahara desert
>Embodiment bit order
>Literally called "extinction dragon"
>French name is Nergigante CHAOS
Can someone give me a quick review of iceborne? Worth buying now or wait for a sale/more monsters
It's exactly the same as before, only this time you don't have to transfer files
They even released the physical edition of Iceborne with the Master edition
It almost doubled the monster count, fixed some stuff, added a new hub and tons of new featurea and moves. Well worth the price tag
No i actually didnt use , its just now with all the updated moves i cant really resist the weeabiness and think its actually cool now
Normal luna isn't as difficult as it seems once you start learning her attacks, at luna however have the nova attack that will kill you every time you don't have the fireproof mantle on, she has some good armor parts and the weapons are okay even if they got powercrept by kulve, idk about MR luna.
I'm going to hunt you to extinction so I can get started on making my narga SnS. By the time I'm done you'll be begging me to let you fight Acid Glav instead
Is there anyway to remove the horrible motion blur from these on PS4? Have had some cool kills but everytime I look at the the results screen you can only see like 10% of it while the rest is blurred harder than a Japanese dick.
Speaking of list-kun, I think he got shadowbanned on r*ddit. You can see comments on his profile, but they don't show up when you look for them in the actual threads
Yes, sometimes devs launch physical versions od bundle packs. I have a physical copy of Dark Souls III, and it includes both DLC packs. The Ringed City is not s separate game, it's an add-on just like Iceborne is an add-on for World. It's all the same game, get over your bizarre World hateboner
>or wait for more monsters
What kind of question is that? It's not like you're not getting post-launch monsters if you buy now, nor you will have to pay for them. You either buy it or you don't. And the price tag is well worth it without a discount imo. But you're the only one who can choose how to spend or not to spend your money.
Literally listen to the end game dialogue chief. His concept while based on Nergal and nature extension death and destruction doesn't change the fact that he's now penned nature's "Ok let's try to fix this shit" solution.
Don't you have better things to do in your life than stalking a mentally ill shitposter on reddit?
>Embodiment of order
>Restore balance
listen, I too watched that shitty American Godzilla movie but don't try to connect it with Monster Hunter
is evasion+4 overkill
>Soulsbaby doesn't know how Ultimate games work
Should've guessed
>triple carted to tigrex
It looks pretty similar to those goofy chinese drawings of demons if you ask me.
I personally like it, though.
no worries, in the 4 months we have to wait we'll have forgotten everything
Just checked it once now to see if he tries to be as persistent there as he does here.
Oh shut up.
Zap him
No, that's Shagaru, the literal reset button
Nerg is just a drooling lizard who picks on weakened elder dragons
hit it enough times rapidly enough and it may proc that element's blight*. Such as giving dragonblight to Rathalos and it stops being able to spit fire. Other than that, it just adds damage to one's attacks if the monster is weak to that element. In a similar way to how armor with bad weakness to an element takes much more damage from any attack infused with that element and an armor with high resistance negates a significant portion of the damage. This is how I understand it.
Sometimes monsters have hitzones strong against raw and weak to a given element. In the past, Naragacuga's wings were very strong against raw but also very weak to thunder.
(*thunderblight increases subsceptibility to stun, ice and water blight reduce stamina, fireblight drains health, dragon blight extinguishes elemental attacks)
So should I consider the Dark Souls III DLCs as separate games as well? Your logic is full of holes and makes no sense
Wait, is that "giving monsters blight" thing new?
I've only watch clips of Iceborne but is the combat as fucked as I think it looks? Everyone just spamming claws on monsters faces, getting free hits, and repeating over and over. Shouldn't these have a cooldown or something? Feels very unfun with most weapons.
The dark souls dlcs didin't add mechanics that fundamentally change the base game
They changed the skills AFAIK
>hit it enough times rapidly enough and it may proc that element's blight*
I don't remember this being a thing before
I was actually using Godzilla as a reference to the fact that he swings by to kick another monster's shit in.
It's hard not to pick on weaker elders when near every elder where you exist is just below you.
You're a fucking liar
Then don't use it. I never understood you retards. This game is as hard or as easy as you make it.
I think he just made it up.
So why does everyone shit themselves over styles?
I don't want to progress because I'm afraid that The Handler will come back.
Somebody please tell me she'll be away for longer?
Why did you even bother responding if you have no idea what you're talking about?
I distinctly remember giving rathalos dragon blight / seeing the blight on it / disabling its fire in previous games. The other elements I'm not sure. But for example water against Yan Garuga seems to speed up how fast it exhausts, even if it never actually gives a visible blight. As well as doing extra damage. And pairing elements to a monster's weakness also seems to increase flinches.
Looks like they used the idea of Crypt Hydra to make Nakarkos and maybe the Equal Dragon Weapon as a baseline for Atahl-ka's Mecha
Did Iceborne change how flinching from other player's attacks works? I seem to be getting knocked about far less.
I literally never heard about the things you are saying, the closest things are bow/sa exhaust phials
That's what I was thinking too, it didn't really occur to me until I saw they were both on the same page of the book.
new vault attack is strong but it’s difficult to consistently land it and the follow up combo on weakspots. thank god mm is dead so the stamina usage doesn’t hurt it at all like we feared it would in the beta
your old combos are still the same old for the most part, circle circle all day for ok damage
Same. I hate that stupid fuck. Even the steamworks cutscene is better with the serious handler getting BTFO
This looks like it could've been an early Kecha Wacha concept
You are a schizo
300 hours in and I cant use the radial menu for dick.
>fighting Blackveil Vaal Hazaak
>have PTSD from AT Vaal so i swap some decorations to have full effluvian resist
>decide to SOS to make it a bit faster, though i've been holding my own because based miasma decos
>3 longsword niggers join
>Vaal does his new nova bullshit where he lays some effluvian puddles all over
>i barely get damaged because resist
>the 3 motherfuckers cart at once
FUCK randoms
Bros... How good or bad is the GL now? I saw that it now have that supercharge with slingshot ammo, lvl 6 ammo, artillery 5, BUT the monsters have a lot more HP, so... what you guys think? Waiting on the fucking PC version, no double dip this time
Play alone
what does monster hp have to do with anything you mentioned at all
Monster Hunter World is great by itself (I played 575 hrs on the base game alone)
IMO just play World and wait for Iceborne, you will not regret it
World is kinda bad by itself so wait for Iceborne until you get into it. IC makes it way better.
>knock monster out 3 times in a row within a minute
>got like 10 knock outs throughout the hunt
what the fuck? I didn't even have any hammer or stun boosting skills equipped
The explosions have fixed damage, not scaling with ATK+, crits +, RAW and others way to up your damage, if the the explosions do double the damage now, but the other weapons do 3 or 4 times more damage, and the monsters have 4x times more HP, it sucks.
Don't listen to Yea Forums or anyone (even yourself) about how good weapons are, just let the speedrunning trannies do their job for a while.
>give weapons cool slinger burst combos
>crutch claw wallbang is too good not use
>wallbang uses up all your slinger ammo
you can tell they didn’t think this one through
Just grab some rocks dude
You can't use the claw into flinch shot(the thing that sends the monster running into walls)when the monster is enraged.
Also when you're using that, you can hit circle to turn the monster 90 degrees around but if you press it 3 times even on the very first time you get on a monster, the monster will enrage.
So at most you can get two of those in a row if people coordinate.
It's very strong but also requires some set up and awareness to use well.
Frontier has quite a few good designs if you actually bother to look, then again a huge chunk of you people hate a lot of mainline monsters anyway so whatever.
what hammer are you using?
Kurogane I, the starting MR hammer against MR Paolumu. He keeps getting buried in the slime flower right after he recovers and then repeat x3.
This. People in the beta cried about it being unbalanced and broken, but surprise, surprise it didn't in the final product.
Disufiora and Blinking Nargacuga get thrown around a lot, of course they're going to think everything looks like that based off those two alone.
How do I do good damage with the light bowgun? I just started IB and got the Jho gun, but it is a pain to use.
Thanks user, here ya go.
Stay near it's feet and attack them, it can't really hit you if you are under it.
Jho LBG is built for spread
Always use an ammo that can rapid fire for that gun's main damage. Rapid Normal 2's are universally alright if you want a generic gun but LBG benefits a lot from building to shit on specific monsters.
Lower recoil is more important than lower reload.
Use your Wyvernblast liberally, never sit on a full pile.
Get the shot damage up skills for your ammo type. Special Ammo Up is good too.
>tfw turned off damage numbers since World's initial releaae
>turned them off because old habits and also because they were visually distracting me from the mosnster itself and severely aggravating my autism
>still get along just fine without them but have absolutely no idea if I'm doing any real damage to a particular spot until it visually breaks and/or the monster stops limping which is fine but I still sometimes wonder in the occasional online hunt if other anons see me attacking "the wrong part" doing piss poor damage and thinking "what the fuck is he doing"
I really just need to read the damn damn bestiary already.
Just play what you want user, LS is more anime than ever.
Unlimited combos with the new iai attack and the clutch burst makes getting more spirit gauge a breeze.
holy fuck mr paolumu is like fighting a fucking gen 1 monster
my fucking god what a fucking piece of shit
legit worse than kushala
Folks does mirewalker deco help with Shara's quicksand?
Wait until Shrieking Legiana. You’ll want to kill yourself, believe me.
Holy shit why was this binned.
>mfw everyone dropped bow
Now I can use it without complains about it being OP
Do you have a download link, user?
Feels kinda like they used some ideas of how a giant quadripedal bat would fight in Kecha Wacha and Tobi Kadachi