Stop obsessing over fucking video games

Stop, just stop.

Why do you spend months of your life obsessing over the minute details of something you'll only end up spending a few hours on?

Why not practice an instrument, learn to draw, exercise, or study instead?

Life isn't a race, but at least make it somewhat meaningful, this isn't meaningful at all, you might as well be staring at the wall, so pointless.

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>my hobby of shitposting on Yea Forums for hours is much more productive than playing video games
it's not

reminder for gamers to stay hydrated every 3 hours and to wash your penis more than once per week.

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>Why do you spend months of your life obsessing over the minute details of something you'll only end up spending a few hours on?
>Why not practice an instrument, learn to draw, exercise, or study instead?
>but at least make it somewhat meaningful
None of those things you listed are meaningful

>Why not practice an instrument, learn to draw, exercise, or study instead?
cuz all that shit takes years of practice to become good at it and there's no guarantee you'll make money from it

vidya is enjoyable right from the get go, why would I do something else just because it's more difficult? fuck outta here you elitist fuck

There is no meaning in life.
Me playing an instrument or me sitting on my ass playing vidya, that choice will not matter in 100 years when I am dead.
If I want to have fun then who the fuck are you to tell me I can't, don't act like there is a meaning to this shitshow

i wash it every time i pee


Said the clinically depressed grandpa with a whore of a daughter and a goblin as a wife.

>Muh subjective meaning

Nooo rescue your father from the belly of the whale !! (Yes I'm into vore, how could you tell)

TL;DR lol!

I do all of this except drawing and I'm only slightly less miserable than your average Yea Forumsirgin, if at all.
Inventing memes and repeating them ad nauseam doesn't make them true, even if you have an audience.

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Video games aren't pointless they are awesome.

Also they lead many people to want to learn an instrument or draw so they can make their own.

>Why not practice an instrument, learn to draw, exercise, or study instead?

This is a meaningless platitude. It's a surface level argument. You have presented it to me with the hopes it will immediately provoke a sense of shame, using a cliche that most people won't consider in our shame-obsessed era.

Skills alone do not make you a more rounded or healthier individual, the application of skill does. If you truly thought the same way you would have proposed, for instance, a practical trade; something that not only requires investment to learn but is practical, fulfilling and useful to others. Blacksmithing, archaeological study, agriculture, one of the many schools of economics. "Learn to draw" or the vague demand I "study" serves no meaning without proper direction. You are insisting I find fulfillment in platitudes rather than offering insight or guidance.

I think you enjoy telling people what to do and asserting how "smart" you are more than you do helping others. Yet the fact of the matter is a skilled man with half your education would serve as a better role model than someone whose entire career is based off preying on insecurities and citing basic flaws many, many men before you have already considered. Maybe you're the one who should be acquiring some sort of practical skill.

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>tfw my boomer mum loves Jordan and watches him every day
Ugh. So fucking cringe.

kys degen
the meaning to life is the preservation of the aryan race

most of you faggots here are non-white so your life has no meaning anyway

What's so purposeful about learning a musical instrument anyway?

Nothing really, I just enjoy the banjo

Lmao white boy get no pussy

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I'm learning to draw to make videogames actually.

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Also fuck off I am probably whiter than you /pol/fag.

You know what is crazy is that you can play video games and do all those other things too. This is the most retarded shit ever and anyone who falls for it is a retard.

>Also fuck off I am probably whiter than you /pol/fag.

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Poltard thinks this copy pasted shitpost was a good contribution. When his idiotic position is dismantled elsewhere with facts he says bait.

>Poltard thinks this copy pasted shitpost was a good contribution. When his idiotic position is dismantled elsewhere with facts he says bait.

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>why rest when you can work???
Have you ever considered the fact that humans need to do both?

I'll give you a (you) sense you seem to desperately need it

Ooof. Why do you care? It is joyful, arguably one of the priorities of life. Who says people aren't doing creative 'meaningful' shit as well?

>telling other people to life a meaningful life
>doesn't even know what a meaningful life is
>tries to give everything a meaning
underage go and stay go

Then get the fuck out faggot
Worry about yourself then.

>video games
You don't know what joy is.

and you do?

I was forced to learn the autistic guitar when I was younger. Fucking hated every second of it because it took away my precious free time.

thanks juden peterstein

Let's see what you got.

>You don't know what joy is.
I do, there's a shit ton of different outlets, depending on the person. Personally I find, good friendship, sex, books, music, nature, travel and vidya to be some of the best. Books, music, nature and vidya being some of the most simple joys.

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>autistic guitar
is it hard to learn the autistic guitar?

I used to...then i became a gamer.

THIS! Real joy is working 60 hour weeks, and coming home to your wife that hates you and children that don't talk to you. Take that, losers!

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Why is the left so hellbent on ruining this guy?

nah I meant autistic

Explain what makes any of those better than videogames, keeping in mind videogames are now highly lucrative through streaming and esports, train multiple skills ranging from language to reactions, and bring entertainment both to those playing and watching.

Post his vocaroos.

No idea, he has the least offensive opinions on the planet. Really goes to show when they have to take his statements out of context to attack him, even though he has thousands of hours of him talking on his yt channel.

Seethr as you think about me fucking my asian gf

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why are you black

Good job giving this board interloping retard encouragement to keep shitposting.
He just copy pasted some dumb shit he saw and is now "trolling" you with his amazing sense of wit like the proto-redditor he is.
The report button is right there.

He isn't he is just reposting niggerell's pics.

>Good job giving this board interloping retard encouragement to keep shitposting.
>He just copy pasted some dumb shit he saw and is now "trolling" you with his amazing sense of wit like the proto-redditor he is.
>The report button is right there.

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Losers always obsess over the destination not the journey

>joy in travel
Travel is shite though, just annoying. Only good as a memory, I've never actually felt happy WHILE traveling, always just annoyed.

Because that is - or was until VERY recently - the forefront of modern human culture. One of two forefronts, actually. The other one being porn.
Everything that mattered culturally over the last 20-30 years, was made in one of those two medias.

There is no journey.
There is only the void.

Good job proving his point. The void is the destination, are you in the void right now? If not, enjoy the journey to the void you atheist cuck

God doesn't care about your journey, it's the final destination that will be judged.

Why don't you?

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As a child I hated everything related to learning, maybe nearly everything that was stimuli at all. I hated going to school, I hated every single activity in school, even the unusual "fun" ones like trips, I hated it when my dad tried to make me go to football or any other pastimes with other children. And I still hate doing everything but playing video games.
I just can't comprehend why people enjoy anything but them. The real world is so dull and tedious, learning and improving isn't rewarding or fun, having social obligations is the most maddening thing imaginable. If I couldn't be a NEET that lives alone and got kicked out of my apartment, I would probably just lie down and die somewhere because I have zero will to live or interest in the world beyond playing video games.

He's right.

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That's honestly fucking sad if anything.