soihammer ruined the best strategy franchise in the history of gaming.
Soihammer ruined the best strategy franchise in the history of gaming
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I'm still fucking mad.
But Rome 2 came out before it.
Rome 2's launch was awful, but with updates it's a pretty good fucking game right now.
chadhammer saved this dying franchise you mean
but thats wrong you fucking retard
god I hate nuhistory shitters so god damn much
Rome 2 was shit, but the last good Total War. This focus on Hero Units is absurd, and fucking ruins the game for me. I hate the idea of one man alone killing hundreds, its breaks the realism. Rome 2 was the last total war that played like a Total War game
>histcuck makes another thread on Yea Forums because he's so triggered about twg rightfully dropping three kingdoms and going back to an actually interesting game
I've played it recently and it's still bad. It's a competent game but still a step down from R1.
CA is the only one to blame here.
Fuck three kingdoms, it uses the same shitty systems as the Warhammer games. Everything passed Rome 2 needs to be erased or have Total War taken out of there title
That was Empire.
This, but Shogun 2.
It's funny to think when someone says "history of gaming" I'm old enough to say I sort of witnessed the entirety of it up to this point. Kinda like the history of Slovakia
I have yet to meet someone defend Rome 2 who actually played Rome 1.
It's still thrash and introduced a lot of shitty things that are still in the game series like armies tied to a general.
stop posting pictures of yourself
Slovakia was an independent state in WW2 retard.
three chinkdoms isn't even history, fuck that piece of shit
The history element is my favourite thing about Total War, so SoiHammer defeats the whole purpose for me.
It was a German puppet state. Have no idea why Slovakia is getting mentioned though.
>it has more players so it must be the better game
This is a middle school child's argument
you should go over to Yea Forums and post about rihanna and drake being the greatest artists ever with the same argument
It wasn't annexed into the Reich and was an 'independent', separate entity. A Slovak state.
I view the Empire/Napoleon release split as the Command and Conquer 3 of the series. Definitely indicative of some bad behind the scenes shit and a portent of dark times to come, but a solid enough game.
Do you even know what puppet/satellite states are?
or the history of Rhodesia
The dudes post implied he has been alive for the whole extent of the history of Slovakia, which implies its statehood. Compare WW2 Slovakia to what happenned to Bohemia, which was technically a protectorate but basically annexed into Germany. Legally, if not internationally recognized, a Slovak political entity existed for the first time in history, dear teenager.
>g-goyhammer ruined the franchise!
>its fantacucks fault the rest of the games are dead!
Since this is a Total War thread, I'm sure many do.
Empire was kino, I don't care if it was a broken mess. Napoleon lacked soul
At this point I’m convinced that the histfags have produced more salt over Warhammer than was used at Carthage.
how are we going to take you seriously when you say stuff like that?
It would be fine if it was an actually good fantasy franchise.
A satellite state is not independent. He's talking about sovereign borders and a state with its own government.
The Slovakian state had its own government, army, and border. Are you implying post WW2 Poland wasn't a state because it was a Soviet puppet?
Good thing Warhammer is a great fantasy franchise.
indeed and exactly
>Warhammer is a great fantasy franchise.
soihammer is nothing. At least 40k has some originality to it, but soihammer is literally a copy of bits of every other fantasy franchise out there
I'm talking only about its Independence, which I'm saying it wasn't independent. Fuck you are retarded.
*improved drastically
You are the retard mate, also cute pretending to be someone else in your last reply. Shoot yourself boomer.
Warhammer fantasy is one of the best in the series and I've been playing since medieval 1. This series has always been about the combat.
You are fucking ill.
Give examples of what specifically is wrong with WFB as a setting.
>calling it soihammer in a pissweak attempt to make history look better
Shogun 2 Fall of the samurai was the last good history game and you damn well know it you cum guzzling anus eater
Face it, CA sold out making fantasy games. They had a solid career with a dedicated fanbase of history lovers. Only to throw it all away for muh cool hero units, and funny green men. The normie masses love fantasy, so it was an obvious money grabbing opportunity. That you fantasycucks ate up, and proceeded to casualize a once great fucking franchise.
It's easier to get idiots to spend money I guess.
Warhammer 2 is the best Total War since Shogun 2.
Lol. This series has never been accurate. It's been about the sweet battles.
>soihammer is literally a copy of bits of every other fantasy franchise out there
>chaos dwarfs
>ogre kingdoms
>tomb kings
>every other faction thats significantly off the beaten path of the typical trope
>sold less than rome 2 and fucking chinkdoms
so what happened with the 3K hype, did all the Chinese bots fuck off
>no updates for Atilla to remove onagers spam
>no updates to make the hordes be less bullshit
>no updates
The series has never been about following histories actual progression, its about putting you into an era of time with historically accurate units, countries, gov't policies, etc. So you can imagine yourself as a general or great leader. The battles are fucking great but their just the icing on the cake.
No, if you want what you're talking about play a grand strategy. Literally all that total war does better than the competitors are battles. That's it. If you're not playing for the battles you're playing the wrong series.
And most of the series is fucking far from historically accurate.
Now we laugh at histfags who are still salty over Warhammer just existing, go play Thrones of Britannia or that little mode on 3 Kingdoms losers, while we wait for the third installment
But none of the games really give you much control over policy or empire management. The most we really have is tax rates, edicts, and some governor traits from M2 and before. Even historically accurate units is sort of a wash with some of the meme shit CA has put in. Battles and conquest have always been the central feature of the games and the other game mechanics are there to support or enhance it.
Describe me whats not historically accurate about empire, rome 1, and napoleon total war?
Total war chooses not to complicate the turn based bits with overly detailed information like a grand strategy game. Supply routes are clear to see, Diplomacy can be done quickly, new technologies researched easily and armies can be managed easily. All to give the player a feel of complete control over their country. Which translates well into the battles, which are just pure RTS kino.
>everybody and their mothers working on soihammer
>no updates for Attila
wow I wonder if there's a connection
They threw it away because history players rightfully stopped buying their games after R2.
They needed to cultivate another following, and WHFB players have nothing new aside from TWW so they religiously buy the dlc in exchange for a more comprehensive depiction of the now-defunct setting. It's an understandable progression.
It’s so odd.
Rome 2 absolutely fucked the IP’s name into the dirt, as evidenced by the much better Atilla doing significantly worse, and it’s doubtful the series would have survived without Warhammer salvaging it.
You’d have thought they’d be grateful.
>Uh oh! I quoted your post and attached a picture of soijak, you turkey! Now your argument is invalid!
People here unironically think this.
For shame...
>historically accurate units
R1 had
>Rome split into red blue green faction
>flaming pigs
>urban cohort
>barbarian head hurlers
>theban gays
come on man
A lot of the stuff is a bit anachronistic in rome iirc. Again play GS if you want all that shit. Total war is for battles.
Total war has always had dogshit diplomacy and empire management.
don’t use words you don’t know retard, puppet nations are by definition dependent on another nation to such an extent that the second nation can influence their internal politics to a great degree. Both Slovakia and communist Poland are therefore not seen as sovereign and independent.
Rome 2 was shit before Warcuck. Rome 1 and Shogun 2 are the best in the series.
You forgot roman ninjas.
The original claim was that the guy had experienced "the history of Slovakia". Nothing about independence here, and Slovakia as a state, independent or not, definitely existed 70 years ago.
IMO every one of these games since RTW has been dogshit.
I started playing these games in 2016
I feel like certain people want to turn total war into some hadcore autism simulator with map painting, hitler and all that stupid crap that /gsg/ audience likes to consume daily.
Total war is a casual game about huge real time battles like in LOTR and it always was this way. Warhammer is good. Rome 2 is objectively better than Rome 1.
So is R2 good or what? Itching to play some HisTwar
RTW 2 got updated though, bout a year ago
Not Atilla
>we wuz desert kangdomz
I've had a few Total war games kicking around in my library for a while, and I'm interested in playing a couple. Which one should I start with?
>is R2 good
No, it's still shit.
>inb4 but they patched and improved it since launch!
Yeah, and it turned from bucket of liquid, parasite infested nigger feces into crate of semi-solid nigger feces with few less parasites.
Medieval 2, shogun 2
Damn guess its back to shogun.
Rome 2 ended Total War history with its god awful quality
Warhammer is currently the best Total War game
It really comes down to your preferred setting, none of the games are deep enough to keep you entertained for very long unless you're really into the it.
the spectacle is gone gentlemen, i can’t even finish the campaign anymore. the battles are just chores now. when i was younger, the concept of thousands of troops killing each other was novel, an achievement of virtual reality that had never been done before. i’d record a battle just to watch it again and zoom around. I’d do different custom battles for hours, I’d play multiplayer every day.
Now it just bores me. All of it. These games get old and you end up uninstalling in a week or two, only to repeat the process 6 months later
soihammer isn't even a Total War game to begin with
Whichever one looks coolest to you. Every game has its ups and downs from setting, mechanics, and sometimes questionable AI decisions. If you already have a couple in your library just play the one that catches your eye and go down the list to see what you like and don't like. The /vg/ general is a good place to ask questions if you're not sure about things since some of the games jump so much in how their mechanics work.
it says so on the store page
fuckin Arcani lol
>finally introduced factions' variety to stagnating asset swap franchise
You can pretty easily mod MTW2 and get game set in fantasy settings which is fucking better than WH
>posts the worst game in the franchise
If you're gonna be a contrarian at least post a good game
call of warhammer was good but the new ones are just better
Bet you think No Man's SKy is good too, you pleb.
Napoleon would be so much better if the empire map was used. I really miss the colonial scope in nappy.
Having France being one single province in a game called Napoleon would be an insult against humanity.
soihammer is an insult against humanity
well, that too.
Name better fantasy franchise than Warhammer.
you know theres a mode without heroes right? your general is a mortal with bodyguards like classic total war
Age of Sigmar
How can you ask that when you know LOTR exists?
>Finally play my first Total War game
>Rome 1
>This is fun
>Decide to check out TWG
>It's chock fucking full of Warhammershit
Went there the other day. The real mystery is where have all the 3K fags gone.
>Rome 2 is objectively better than Rome 1
ayy lmao
Can someone please explain what the fuck happened?
>This focus on Hero Units is absurd, and fucking ruins the game for me
Which started with Rome fucking 2. The units locked to heroes with skill trees and all was always a route down to hero units.
That game ruined the franchise single handedly.
It's still fucked because it means every army gets 3 free heavy cavalry units, and they still have the hero's combat buffs and whatnot. The hero mode at least has the different roles for said heroes. It's clearly designed around that mode and a hacked together mode without them is just that, hacked together.
lotr is a literary masterpiece obviously and warhammer books arent going to get close but warhammer fantasy is much more suited to gaming as it was designed around a game to begin with
M8, what?
that's the worst about soihammer, the fanboys
Fucking EVERY fucking TW content page, whether it's Yea Forums, forums, youtube, fucking wherever is absolutely swarmed by soihammer fanboys and their pressure and demand is so high that even most historical content producers have switched.
It takes a really specific kind of herd animal kind of obsessive manchild to be into soihammer, which is why the genre generates such an insane wave of mongoloids that just swarm everything on the internet
>tfw actually hate graphically good games because the graphics distract from the gameplay
in my experience the richer and more complex the graphics, the shallower the gameplay
The most recent one in whichever setting you like the most. The exception is Rome 1 over 2.
Objectively wrong since one of the best RTS of the past 20 years was themed around Lord of the Rings.
>my game isn't interesting enough to garner significant discussion compared to warhammer
>this is warhammer's fault
The only people talking about TWW outside of /twg/ are historyfags shitting on the game.
The best total war game is and forever will be Medieval 2.
There was a decent group of historychads holding on, until 3K came out. You got a few people talking about Attila, playing DEI for R2 or whatever, and holding out hope for the records mode of 3K. Until then CA was still at least acknowledging some of the history games, but when the only active history game is practically fantasy anyway that's obviously no longer the case.
>catering to the lowest denominator because they're more likely to spend money on low effort, low quality shit
>braindead sois flock and drown out quality content
It's literally happening with every kind of media product out there, whether it's movies, TV, news, music or games.
the faggots aren't even talking about gameplay of the soihammer TWs, they're just nonstop jerking each other off to muh rats and muh lizards
Histcucks rise up!
there were only like 10 good RTS in the last 20 years tho
*blocks you path*
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Amazing shit.
What's even the point of that mechanic?
>trade lines
Ah yes... remember trade in total war? Lmao.
>2d art
Also it's 3d render.
>absurd cliffs
I think it means you can't land here. Actually useful information.
BFME is an objectively excellent game, so that is irrelevant.
>3K is the first game since the switch to warscape with a campaign that's even vaguely interesting
>The first game since Shogun 2 that has a soundtrack that's worth even having on
>The first game since Shogun 2 that feels like any effort whatsoever was put into it
>Combat still looks retarded up close but the overall movement of blocks of units feels so much more fluid and natural than it ever has
>The best diplomacy has ever been in the series
>game genuinely has some soul behind it
>all in the service of fucking heroshit, even moreso than warhammer somehow
It fucking hurts
Hobbit (book) and LoTR movie trilogy are the only good things about tolkienshit.
>muh elf language autism
>muh gorillions of ages of irrelevant history
ass creed shit
>STILL the best Total War game
How did they do it?
Why are the Warhammer games so soul-less, bros?
>ratfag thinks the Silmarillion is shit
checks out.
>What's even the point of that mechanic?
>Ah yes... remember trade in total war? Lmao.
I remember when trade wasn't just "scroll down the list and click trade agreement on everyone that doesn't hate you".
>Also it's 3d render.
It's pretty blatantly not. Hell, many of the buildings in-game were large complexes rather than just the simple building shown on the art.
>I think it means you can't land here.
No shit. Having like 3/4th of the coast be non-landable is retarded though.
>soul vs soulless
because the setting itself is soulless(>just stuff every possible fantasy trope into this bizarro world lol), and the games are dlc-milking machines
>>game genuinely has some soul behind it
I was playing as Cao Cao the other day and had a trade agreement with Yuan Shu (who had a jade mine) and I could see the little chink traders on the campaign map walking to my capital with actual carts filled jade
That took me by surprise
cant wait for ME3 where you can have Lionheart vs Saladin hero unit duel in front of Jerusalem
Rome 2's music wasn't mindblowing but it was extremely atmospheric and the kind of soundtrack you can have on a thousand times and it doesn't start sounding like shit.
Attila's PERFECTLY suits the theme, it's extremely melancholic and forlorn. You can slate the game for many things, but its atmosphere is absolutely fucking spot-on in every single regard, especially the music.
>Tolkien's personal autism that was never meant to be published
Are you high? Warhammer is the most soulful total war since Medieval 2
>muh elf language autism
Yeah, because actually investing some effort in your story and creating a detailed and immersive landscape in a way that nobody has before and nobody has done since, is a bad thing.
>no originality, just copying tropes from every fantasy franchise out there
>DLC milking
>overall just a cash grab by CA
>toxic fanbase that drowns out all other TW content literally fucking everywhere on the internet
>they don't even actually talk about TW, just circlejerk over and over, HURR X BE PRAISED
Non-retard answer:
Because people kept flocking to nothing but muh faction variety. It let them ignore all the little things in the game. No settlement battles, the same tiny set of maps, the most basic city building in the game outside of fucking ToB and especially the same god damn icon for every building in a tree. How the fuck they can excuse that last one is beyond me, it's so minor that it's baffling they wouldn't do it.
Also, the focus on 'finely tuning' multiplayer balance over crafting an engaging singleplayer campaign just makes the game feel bland.
How do you think Games Workshop managed to stay afloat for all these years despite the jewishly high prices?
Autism, Warhammer attracts a certain type of neckbeard that is unaware of ones autism and is compelled to keep consuming shitty products and lore
>the fact that his son published it means it's shit
Arguing that the Silmarillion is shit really isn't a hill you want to die on, m8
ooga booga
the world is built from the ground up to be internally consistent?
me no read long words, give new ratman miniature now!!!
when will wuhamma man add new cool races??? don't need to make sense, just make them cooler than the other ones!!!
Total Warhammer 4 Age of Sigmar when
>no banners/musicians
>no speeches aside from quest battles
>no dynamic speeches tied to what traits your general has
>no 1v1 giant animations, they attack each other’s ankles instead
>no minor settlements
>no night battles
>no weather effects during battle (i.e rain effecting fatigue and gunpowder units)
>no units pushing siege towers
>no reload animations for the majority of units
>no seasons
>no army painter or avatar mode where you fully customize your units and generals feature from Shogun 2
>no burnable cities mechanic
>no siege escalation mechanic
>no random civilians running around during a siege
>no dynamic music feature
>no soldiers who visually look sick and start vomiting during battle if the army is struck with the plague
>no soldiers who visually look tired and breathless during battle if the army is fighting in forced-march stance
>no unique camp-site battle map while in encampment stance
>no more Jeff van Dyck doing the music
>no armor getting a visual upgrade during battle if you upgraded the unit’s armor in the campaign
>Archaon's helmet clipping still not fixed
>Old World factions don't have new dialogue when engaging with the WH2 factions both in battle and the diplomacy screen
>Dwarfs, Wood Elves, Britonnia and Empire all share the SAME battle OST
>one(1) walled city sieges
>generals no longer gain visual upgrades as they rank up(i.e. viking generals in Attila would gain a gold trimmed helmet at level 4 and a fully decked out gold helmet at level 8)
>buildings you build in the campaign map no longer can be seen during siege battles like in R1/M2
>no dismount cavalry option during battle
>no shock cavalry switching to swords while in melee
>no burning death animations despite units having literal flamethrowers
>no visual trade caravans or trade ships on the campaign map
>no naval battles
>cant edit the campaign map, voice lines and music like in R1/M2
>no formations
>no captains
bad Yea Forums poster for bringing it up
please no
fuck off with conflating wh40k and whfb soi, the former actually has original ideas
soihammer is literally the modern rap/hip-hop/rnb of autistic gamers
Tbh I never played that much Rome 2, but its soundtrack is such a blatant step down compared to Rome 1 it's always thrown it out for me.
Attila's attempt to make some somber attitude for me is just too at odds with a strategy game taking place over hundreds of years, with regularly shifting tones.
I know what it does. What's even the point of that shit in the first place?
>I remember when trade wasn't just "scroll down the list and click trade agreement on everyone that doesn't hate you".
It clearly was in tw rome.
>It's pretty blatantly not. Hell, many of the buildings in-game were large complexes rather than just the simple building shown on the art.
sure thing buddy
>No shit. Having like 3/4th of the coast be non-landable is retarded though.
It helps ai.
>Because people kept flocking to nothing but muh faction variety
ah i see you prefer three kingdoms then?
If it doesn't blind me every 2 seconds with lighting strikes i'm not playing it.
pls no
>It clearly was in tw rome.
Not him, but you clearly haven't played the game if you say that. Trade resources had direct effects on your playstyle, and could influence shit like population growth. It was by no means revolutionary, but still much more in depth that what came after.
it's bizarre to me how the soiboys are always forcing the 'spearmannii lol' meme, as if having authentic units is somehow a negative
LegendofTotalWar here. Rome 2 is garbage.
>I know what it does. What's even the point of that shit in the first place?
To fucking see you mongoloid. Make you invest time and money into establishing a defence, or otherwise leave an area in the dark. You know, gameplay mechanics, to enable strategy. This was before the game was just "run around with your cool overpowered leader to stomp things one by one".
>It clearly was in tw rome.
Have you tried playing the game?
>3D renders
They had 3D renders in the full view, but those aren't the images talked about. 3D render or no, they're BOTH still massively better than R2's shitty little icons.
>It helps ai.
Too bad the AI is absolute dogshit regardless.
Yes and no. I just want a sensible middleground rather than these shitty half-games.
pics or it didn't happen
How much of a narcissistic bitch do you have to be to call yourself LegendofTotalWar?
Go to the diplomacy screen.
Select "Offer trade agreement"
It doesn't affect my map paint campaign at all on very hard.
lmao no
Yup, hasn't played the game.
40k is nothing more than retconned copy pasted whfb, but with guns. To the point that there are constant debates on whether 40k is a continuation of whfb or not, that's how pathetic 40k is. It also seemingly attracts histcucks because it tingles their /pol/ autism. You can't make this shit up.
Rome 2's soundtrack is just dull. He's right when you can listen to it a thousand times but it's not memorable at all.
I feel like everything past Shogun 2 is just a step down, though to be fair Shogun 2 borrowed a few tracks from Shogun 1.
>trade lines
user, that's one of the most important aspect of a game like Total War for economy, military and logistics. If i remember correctly, you couldn't build cavalry units whitout capturing a settlement with horses/elephants and only in that settlement.
The mount of autism and effort that went into LoTR doesn't automatically make it good.
>me no read long words, give new ratman miniature now!!!
Reading autistic fantasyshit for manchildren doesn't make you smart, fa/tg/uy. And yeah, ratman miniature can provide much better entertainment than text generator's diarrhea after it was fed a history book and some norse myths.
Warhammer is based. Only soyboys jerk over Rome
>Reading autistic fantasyshit for manchildren doesn't make you smart, fa/tg/uy.
>And yeah, ratman miniature are great!
Ah, not bad. not bad at all.
>rome 1
Purple pajamas men. Ez.
And they are still in Rome 2 btw, just with pure purple and not any symbols on their pajamas.
>To the point that there are constant debates on whether 40k is a continuation of whfb or not
what? you're either baiting or actually retarded
wh40k continues on from real world history
the only crossover fancanon is that whfb is some meme world in the eye of terror
Just make Empire 2 or Medieval 3 already
BOTET my nigga.
Especially look for the, now developing, Alternate Cut.
>The virgin Histfag/Fantasyfag
>The Chad Player who doesn't give a shit and plays both.
Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch...but with guns! Tomb Kings but....actually robots. Orcs with....guns! Elves but with.....lasers! Guys, 40k is so based
You're just listing differences in the games
Warhammer total war has more soul than any of the games made since Medieval 2.
Don’t really see the problem
typical insecure fantasyfag has to start off-topic flamewars.
>Warhammer total war has more soul than any of the games made since Medieval 2.
Like graphics and animations? because that's the only thing that Warhammer is better than the other games.
It's an abstraction to make factions distinct on the battlefield, come on user.
But its animation work is literally the worst of any warscape game.
no one is stopping you from posting and discussing shit there
Total War Saga: Troy
Total War games are all the same with different skins. DoW 1 was the only good RTS in history. Empire at War had the greatest potential in RTS history.
Like soul
it was clear the people making this game cared about the setting. The winds of magic mechanic the corruption mechanic etc.
The /his/ total wars have been corporate garbage especially Rome 2.
Why do you feel attacked, bud?
>DoW 1 was the only good RTS in history
The more I play the more I agree
>"It's an abstraction"
You want realism? How many times didn't units, on the chaos of the battlefield, accidentally killed off some guy of their own. There's your realism. Not paint everyone purple for the sake of it being easy. Not Roman ninjas, German phalangists and the rest of R1's bullshit.
Total War was always a series that moved closely between the line of history and fiction. If anything, now with Warhammer, they are more eager to be faithful in depicting things right as almost never before.
Now this, is autism.
Good thing it doesn't matter at all.
Whatever helps you to cope.
>To fucking see you mongoloid.
>Make you invest time
*general spams towers*
>and money
100-200 gold
>into establishing a defence
By spamming towers everywhere.
>otherwise leave an area in the dark.
And let rebels spawn.
>You know, gameplay mechanics, to enable strategy.
Minecraft tier strategy. So fucking deep.
>This was before the game was just "run around with your cool overpowered leader to stomp things one by one".
You can do that in rome 1. I dabbed on two barbarian stacks with two units.
>They had 3D renders in the full view, but those aren't the images talked about.
Get your eyes checked. Barbarian worshipping stones are clearly 3d rendered even on the preview image.
>Too bad the AI is absolute dogshit regardless.
AI got better though. A little bit.
>Good thing it doesn't matter at all.
The absolute state of this warhammerfag
>logistics in rome 1
why would you prefer long dead white dudes to some fresh rat pussi?
i swear y'all histcucks just closeted gay nerds lmao
yes, manual unit replenishment belongs to the logistics category. You know, before units stared magiacally getting automatic reinforcements in the later games?
>all these goddamn buzzwords and bait
>the only real argument is that your mad that thing is more popular then thing you like.
I can do it too.
Warhammer and 40k is one of the most redpilled, based, and AESTHETIC franchise out there. And if you disagree it's because you're a buttblasted newfag that doesn't know shit about the universe other then MUH FANTASY AUTISM POPULAR=SOI
Nah, it's the truth that annoys you.
Get fucked btw if you are a histcuck. Now we rule bitch, and the /vg/ general is ours. You have been ejected.
lmao, automatic replenishment was one of the best features they added in Napoleon. It sucked ass before (pre warscape).
damn these historysoys getting assblasted over nothing
>desperate fantasycucks trying to attach themselves to the far more popular and recognizable 40k setting
It's hard to take you seriously if you aren't even able to back your baits with some semblance of argumentation, bro.
> boyz
> not ‘umiez
>empire 2
>medieval 3
fucking yes please
Enjoy your warpstone aids and a dozen different diseases, assume she doesn't just kill you afterwords
get out rat!
You sound like a 12 year old.
>*general spams towers*
Okay? You still need to talk up to the border, or wherever you need vision.
>100-200 gold
Which you could be spending on units instead. Remember this is R1 and you aren't just locked by your lords.
>And let rebels spawn.
There are downsides, yes.
Or, you know, keep your people happy so they don't.
>Minecraft tier strategy. So fucking deep.
Any engaging strategy game involves a layering of multiple, individually simple mechanics. Remove them all one by one because they mean little on there own and you get a shitty strategy game.
>You can do that in rome 1. I dabbed on two barbarian stacks with two units.
>AI got better though. A little bit.
We could argue back and forth but really this shit's irrelevant. The game being easy is a problem with the game being easy, not an excuse to remove mechanics to make it even more braindead.
>Get your eyes checked. Barbarian worshipping stones are clearly 3d rendered even on the preview image.
Then how come it's completely different to the 3D model in the game and full render? Do you think they'd just make some separate mini-3D model for the other view? Even if they DID, what difference does it make?
>logistics in warhammer
Recruit anywhere, even in enemy territory
Unit replenishment(regeneration) even in enemy territory
Can only recruit with a LL
Yes there was, their own autism
Both would be great imho. Alternatively, Victoria
Hot take, rome is fucking lame and despite being a good game rome1 is infinitely worse than both medieval 1 and 2.
They're differences, that doesn't make them okay. Everything he listed is something that is lacking that wasn't lacking in prior games. A game constantly cutting corners is a game without soul.
You just shit out new stacks and hire mercenaries to keep ball rolling.
>Alternatively, Victoria
Fall of the Samurai tech/battles on a euro(or world) map would be kino
Fall of the Samurai already proved that 19th century warfare does not work in a Total War game.
List the rest of soulful features, I'm curious.
>Go to /twg
>see this
And it's not the first time. Warhammerfags spent more times waiting turns than playing the fucking game
Not really. The graphics alone made it a good game. It was revolutionary at the time. Also, the speeches were pretty fun. And once modded the game becomes absolutely godtier.
But Fall of the Samurai is amazing, though.
>Fall of the Samurai already proved that 19th century warfare does not work in a Total War game.
Now this is shitposting. Not even worth giving a (You).
Reminder that the Empire is rightful soil for the Vampires.
Vlad is my emperor, not that mortal.
Needs to be a world map, thats the whole point desu.
Worked fine from what I remember? Atleast no worse than previous battlefield metas. Though thats not really a high bar, to be fair.
Wow, nice army comp they got there. Goes to show how strategic the game is.
You are no Lord of the Empire, Vampire!
b-but muh unit variety!
all you got is different colours of spearmen!
Exactly this kind of junk is why everybody hates you
>go to /twg/
>no image such as this to be seen
really activates my almonds
I saw this saturday
I remember twg being pretty comfy during Attila days. What happened?
> Okay? You still need to talk up to the border, or wherever you need vision.
>Which you could be spending on units instead. Remember this is R1 and you aren't just locked by your lords.
> Any engaging strategy game involves a layering of multiple, individually simple mechanics. Remove them all one by one because they mean little on there own and you get a shitty strategy game.
Tower Spam doesn't require any point of INT to perform. Cope.
>We could argue back and forth but really this shit's irrelevant. The game being easy is a problem with the game being easy, not an excuse to remove mechanics to make it even more braindead.
It's still braindead.
>Even if they DID, what difference does it make?
None. I am arguing against "2d buildings". Looks doesn't matter.
Autists too afraid to post about history because they think twg only talks about warhammer so they make threads on Yea Forums to whinge instead.
Warhammer happened and theirncancerous fan base moved in and initiated their full blown autism which has persisted until today since this its the best game their shit community has ever gotten, not like there’s any competition
Why are you so worked up about fucking watchtowers, I wonder.
>Tower Spam doesn't require any point of INT to perform. Cope.
No shit, retard. Any single strategy doesn't and shouldn't require any intelligence to actually mechanically perform. Deciding which strategy to use and what to prioritize is the problem. For example, stupid people might think that because they can waste money on placing a tower on every turn that they should.
cope faggot
Because mana management in eu4 has more strategy.
>talk about watchtowers
>responds about watchtowers
>you get btfo
>w-why are you so worked up about watchtowers? triggered much?
Not even him but you're pathetic, try harder for (You) next time.
Nah. We have more soul than "blue spearmanii vs green spearmanii".
People are tired about some old Rome-things, and wanted a departure from the norm of the series and something different. You are just mad at this point.
>What happened?
>pretty good game
>civil war causes random territories to rebel and even historically loyal generals like Agrippa
>settlement design is so rushed that walls don't even meet, or don't reach mountains meaning troops can easily walk right through
>armies tied to generals now, can't even spread your troops over an area meaning you have to defend each small settlement if you don't want to lose it
>day 1 DLC
>no more family tree or giving generals different titles
>rushed release led to broken game
It's a bad game compared to the earlier ones, but holy shit it's a masterpiece compared to Warhammer.
What does EU4 have to do with anything?
Not the same guy, genius.
>Finally, after all these years... I wield the Warhammer Fantasy™
After Empire i and NAP i knew the series was fucking dead. I remember my first time playing Shogun total war 1. And my awesome math teacher gave me Medieval 1 total war as a reward for going from a shitty D student to a B student. I miss Civil wars. Even though ROme 1 was awesome. They began to dumb the game down right there, AI was retarded (but game looked 3d) No more civil wars.
I just play EB 2 Mod now. Im not even mad at Warhammer fan boys. Game is fucking dead and CA clearly just wants to MILK the series while they can. Someone needs to start a new company to replace them.
You have to be an idiot to go in debt.
My point is
>There is no strategy.
It's a nifty feature to give you tools to deal with fog of war. Are you also against fog of war in strategy games?
You give the impression that the only thing you wanted is a different campaign map with different unit models.
>You have to be an idiot to go in debt.
>hurr durr durr durff durr
That doesn't mean you aren't wasting money. you could be spending on something else.
I will never not be mad at shit-hammer
Technical issues aside, Atilla was pretty based.
migrant autists moved in and dragged down thread quality. Most obvious atm are the furfags that run free bc mods are furries as well
mugabe's dead
Too bad the techincal issues made the game unplayable
>release three kingdoms to pander to chinks
>chinks buy the game
>make mods for it
>CA banned those mods because it offended their community manager
>chinks are pissed and now every TW game has negative reviews
>all this seethe from history fans
Why are you so mad at Warhammers success?
This desu
There are still discussions about history regularly on twg. Just yesterday half the thread in the morning was talking about bronze age arms and armor since there's so little known about it you rarely see any media about it, much less videogames. The histcucks that make these threads on Yea Forums only want to complain that there's no history discussion on twg when their definition of discussion is reposting the pasta about no banners no musicians etc and they never campaign post or talk about battles and experiences.
What did Grace get mad about this time?
So is Medieval 2 still the best Total War game?
Also while I'm thinking about it, the Divide Et Impera mod or whatever was pretty fun and interesting.
>Histcucks on this whole thread
Damn it feels good to be a Fantasychad.
Shogun 2 (with FOTS) is.
>imagine being the retarded little brother of wh40k, which is itself already associated with turbo nerds
It was about this.
mods make it great, although that says everything about its development
Why can't people just be a TRUECHAD and enjoy both history and fantasy?
it was a pretty generic getting bothered at women wearing barely any clothes response but then CA actually made it their policy to shut down those mods
that's not why the chinks were actually mad anyways, they decide to partner with a chink company despite already translating their games fine in chink, which led to price rises and uncertainty over if chink arbitrary censorship will apply to the games
>they think twg only talks about warhammer
yeah, you niggers only talk about gayhammer like 90% of the time
not to mention most history-only posters already left
I see the fluoride is working well with this one
Imagine being so powerless that you can't start a history total war thread because Fantasy lives rent free in your head.
Go ahead and try it. Ignore any shitposters that try to derail it, and make a full on History total war thread.
Give me vision on my territory.
Or increase cost(not just gold but force me to sacrifice my units to build towers + let me use them to block enemy + upkeep)
100-200 gold does jack shit to stop my progression or add any STRATEGY
Why don't you go post some history there then instead of being a little pussy over here then? Are you afraid of getting some light hearted bants thrown at you about triarii? Did reddit become mostly Warhammer news since the DLC got announced a week or so ago? Is that why you started posting threads here to moan?
What Total Warhammer has to improve the most on is the music
still no iconic soundtracks like
I too would like to see him try.
Come on user. I'm literally opening /twg/ right now. Who's stopping you?
Ok, but why would that make them "better"? There is already a hidden cost with those things by virtue of having to micromanage one of your generals to build them. A small amount of micromanagement is OK. You are proposing to add more. How is that better?
>tfw you built a tower
The h*storyfan fears the DARK ELVEN COCK.
There is no strategy if there is no consequences.
Shogun 2 with expansions > Warhammer 1 final patch > Warhammer 2 > Medieval 2 > Rome 1 > shit > Empire/Rome 2
I didn't touch Napaleon or Attila because they were patch fixes for Empire and Rome 2 re-packaged as full price games. Miss me with that shit.
Now you're just saying words at random.
only shogun 2 had a comparable soundtrack
only if you play on some soviet era toaster
This is a good opinion.
Based. Frothing histcucks btfo by the truth.
>user throws in the towel
>listening to this and remembering the time you repeatedly exterminated a city you couldn't be bothered to deal with, then sent in an agent to give it the plague so it would never be a threat again.
because this is the internet where if you like one thing to have to hate the other thing. see:
fanboys truly are pathetic
underrated desu
How can people who call themselves capefans not like both marvel and dc. Both have great and utterly shit characters.
people who call themselves capefans should just kill themselves desu
I'm always surprised at the kind of concurrent numbers these games routinely pull, even the older ones like Rome 1 and Med2 do well for themselves.
britannia must have been really bad
>only shogun 2 had a comparable soundtrack
Come on man, R1 and M2's soundtracks felt like brothers.
It's almost ridiculous just how much less soul there is in the rest of the soundtracks though.
Britannia was just cut down pieces of Atilla/Charlemagne with the terrible province management we got again in Three Kingdoms.
shogun 2 has a realy good soundtrack!
Three Kingdom's province management was a lot better than Thrones. Honestly, better than WH too, though that isn't hard either.
Rome 1 and medieval 2 still have a so many players because they are excellent for modding.
Total overhauls are only possible with those two games.
Nah, Three Kingdom's province management boils down to color matching buildings in the major settlement to the minor settlement buildings. Doing otherwise is only being needlessly wasteful. If you have farms or pastures you build land development and the government support, if it has mines and toolmakers you make industry, if it has traders or docks you make inns and the courier post. Military buildings are completely useless outside of garrisons because its hard to fuck up shoving extra units in the garrison. Its just like with army and retinue management really. Three Kingdoms is a shameful entry into the series.
>see hype for 3K
>remember all previous tw launches
>dont buy game
>endure the wait for the crack
>finally play cracked game
>runs like ass and looks like shit despite the glowing praises
>go back to play empire: darthmod
nothing of value was gained or lost, darthmod: empire is still the greatest achievement of humankind that ever was or will be other than the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Himself.
EB2 feels a lot shittier than EB1 overall imo. It feels like 50 times slower, for one, and EB1 was already 100 times slower than vanilla. A lot of the new voice clips sound terrible as well. I like the Roman political system overhaul though, you get a lot of bang for your autism buck in terms of micromanaging where your generals go. Makes the blobbing much slower
Ah I see histcucks are having another chimpout, which reminds me 11 September soon can't wait to play empire for the first time.
Yes I actually haven't touched empire even once.
Do you know if there is any penalty for using generals that have "Imperium relinquished", or is it purely a flavor thing? I have been wondering for a while but never found anything on that.
>Three Kingdoms is a shameful entry into the series.
i guess you could say it's a shameful display
Rome 2 was a travesty, you faggot
>that one fantasoi that has been tirelessly posting random passive aggressive posts since the beginning of the thread
You can say "color matching" but it's barely related to that. It signifies the primary direct income type but that's about it. There's multiple bonuses for all the incomes spread out over multiple "colours", and they all have different ancillary effects which are almost always actually relevant. Plus actually having multiple buildings in each colour for non-income effects. Really the colours are just there to fit into the hero shit pointlessly.
Military buildings are mostly pretty shit though, yes, but it's better than them being the only point of settlements i.e. warham.
I have some bad news for you fags, total war, aka boredom simulator, was never a good series.
OK brainlet.
Your mum was never good. Tell her to get better.
I'm pretty it's supposed to give you a severe morale debuff. Whether or not the effect is actually applied I'm not sure, I've not tested it.
Military buildings aren't the only thing you make in Warhammer unless you're a shitposter that has never played the game. There's no reason to make more than one or two major provinces your recruitment hubs just like in most of the other total wars, everything else needs to be devoted to faction support buildings and income in order to be able to properly scale.
Play civ like a normal adult, nerds.
It actually might be applied, I have noticed that my units have slightly less than the infinite morale that is the baseline in this mod.
Play Endless Legend instead the superior 4x
>it's another episode of M2 fags not realizing they were the cancer that killed M1, the height of the series
Except the "income" is literally just single income buildings that do nothing but give some extra money. There's literally zero depth to it. 3K at least makes me chose between multiple buildings that can get me what I want. There's like three trees to the generic flat industry income building you can put anywhere, for example. It's demonstrably better than the complete lack of depth to the income in WH. The only choice you realistically get in that game is "where do I place my military buildings".
Don't be jealous of my superior intellect homos.
Oh, we're not jealous.
>soyperior intellect
/gsg/ for brainlets
I don't play civ 6 so you can stop with the basedjacks.
The extra step of keyword matching does not add depth. Acting like total war games ever had depth to their finances beyond "build X for +Y income" is disingenuous. Without elements of managing domestic policy with tradeoffs between the different economic focuses outside of research bonuses that have no downside besides time if you make a choice between one or the other is not conducive to strategy. Again you're sounding like you never properly tried to understand how to build your empire in Warhammer because the different faction support buildings are more important than spamming barracks everywhere which gets you nothing.
Yes, you do.
What a redundant thread the best total war game ever made is this
No I was greatly disappointed by 6 and went back to 5.
Histcucks still seething all these years later
>Infinite morale
Don't remind me. Sieges are insufferable in that mod for that reason. There's balancing the game around a deliberate pace and then there's silliness.
EB1 would be basically perfect if not for the limitations of the graphics engine making all of your soldiers into clones.
t. T*rk
The real top five total war games are as follows
>Third Age DaC
>Stainless Steel
>Europa Barbarorum
>Shogun 2
Disagree if you must, know that you are wrong.
No, but deciding if getting the building that gives +40% mining income when you are getting 200 a turn from mining or the +50% farming income building when you have farms giving you 120 a turn but also +3 food can be.
I'm saying that 3K expands upon the economy by giving you more than just build X for +Y income, by giving tying non-income bonuses to income buildings rather than the strict separation we've seen prior. There are far more buildings merging infrastructure and income than before.
>faction support buildings
It's literally just a matter of ticking off boxes so you can build one of any given unit, clustered around one or two regions preferably.
Infinite morale alone wouldn't be an issue. Look at DaC, most of the good units are near unbreakable and even the goblins can put up a lengthy fight before breaking. The problem with EB2 is that, on top of that, they must've buffed the defense of each units sky high, or something to that effect. If you look at two pawns fighting, you'll notice that they can go at it for a good ten minutes before a single one of them lands a hit. Add to that that projectiles are now completely worthless, and there just isn't a way to win battles without letting them play out for a good hour beforehand. It's laughably bad game design, and the extra polish on the game assets just isn't worth it.
Also no Jeff van Dyck
Their OST is such shit. It's background noise.
wtf, I love Ooga Booga, now.
What you're describing in your first paragraph isn't new to total war it was in Medieval 2 and rome 1
I know, and I had clarified I was comparing it to Warhammer primarily in prior posts as its settlement building is the most mindless. Mind you Rome 2 was also pretty lacking in that depth, idk exactly when it started.
>research rate
>agent capacity
>global bonuses linked to high tier buildings
>faction specific mechanics like food for skaven, slaves for dark elves, general unit capacity for tomb kings, etc
Yeah, sounds like you didn't really take the time to learn the game before writing it off on your first Normal/Normal run.
Pretty sure Empire is where it started.
Started with empire, all the building slots were set in stone essentially. Extensive modding like Medieval 2 would have made Empire/Napoleon pretty good and it's a shame it couldn't happen.
You forgot to mention Skaven being able to blow up settlements if not disovered. Corruption effecting the amount of summons in that region of control. Being able to plague settlements. Undercity mechanics. Ikit workshop and nukes/upgrades.
And this is only Skaven.
Kangz have have to grab the books to unlock different bonuses and different dynasties for more armies but they have no upkeep.
Vampires can sacrifice zombies to get 2k+ casualties which created graveyard marker on the map from where they can raze high tier stacks and so on.
Honestly WH2 is the most unique TW when it comes to faction variety and different mechanics.
Outside of skaven, it's literally just "build the building that pushes corruption in your direction to get better corruption".
>research rate
Build the building that purely exists for research rate to get research rate.
>agent capacity
>global bonuses linked to high tier buildings
Nine out of ten are these are linked to specific locations/trade goods and you have no reason to ever not build them.
>Faction specific mechanics
They are good, I'll admit, though a lot do boil down to "build [global faction resource] building to get [global faction resource]"
And this is still all before factoring in that 3K has buildings locked by the tech tree for the first time in forever.
Med 3 Will save us, warhammer has one last game.
Yes actually most people treat USSR satellites that way
I mean. its kiind of Medieval 2 engines fault. they cant do much against that.
But at least they are doing a LOT more thhan CA in trying to actually teach History.
Also just wait for te NEW EB to come out. They are scripting in Revolts. And changing a bunch of governments, also adding in more missions.
Play Baktria if you want to see just how good their missions can be. They are pretty fun and challenging. Makes me play other factions withh similar missions.
>Jeff van Dyck
>more like "Jeff van Dick"
I'm a Fantasychad, but fuck this dude. He's forcing me to mute the game's music and play my own playlist whenever I do a Vampire Counts campaign because his music is SO bland:
He didn't make the music for soihammer genius
Why does nobody talk about Attila :(
Jeff van Dyck isn't credited on TWWH or TWWH2 at all, user.
The music being so bland happened because they stopped using him.
I played Three Chinkdoms, Rome, Attila and modded Medieval TW and still to date the best gameplay Ive had from the formula is Warhammer 2 so far
yeah, that's because you're a faggot
Holy shit you are retarded, dude.
This, kill yourself OP.
The last actual TW game was Medieval 2. Doesn't mean that Warhammer: Total War is bad, just means that we actually got something entertaining out of the carcass that was the TW franchise.
Shogun 2 was good.
Damn, Warhammer nerds even beat the CHINKS
this is the average fantasoi
you sound like a damn hippie.
I think three kingdoms is fantastic actually. They learned some lessons doing warhammer, which are really good themselves, and improved upon the formula.
It was already casualized to hell before Warhammer, you weak little retard.
is imperial splendour any good or should I just stick to Darthmod
It was alright, but Medieval 2 was better and an actual TW game.
He might sound like a hippie but he's the real winner here
I can't look at Three Kingdoms without seeing bugpeople bait. Blame Hollywood.
>A response that makes
Am I still on Yea Forums?
>t. John Lennon
>mfw still playing Attila because love Late Rome and the period
>mod scene almost dead
>no updates ever
>still runs awful
Copy over shaders from Thrones of Brittania.
>posts the worst game in the franchise that completely ruined its credibility
>still runs awful
And histcucks wonder why no one bothers with that shit anymore.
>tfw still playing Rome 1
The game is 15 years old and I'm still having fun with it. Even without mods I'd still probably play a campaign every year or so.
Empire was CA's first big mistake and Rome 2 was just a product of it
cuckhammer is its biggest ever mistake
Warhammer is the only reason I started caring about Total War again
rome 1 = med 2 = shogun 2 fots > twwh 1&2 > napoleon > shit > nushitstory
Empire was such a great setting. Shame CA wasted it.
but it didn't even outsell Rome trainwreck 2 or the chink game.
Good to see a fellow understander of chorfs.
CA is saving the best for last.
new DLC content is the sole reason it occasional pops back up to first
Napoleon is the best game of the series, and is that low. these charts mean nothing
maybe they can capitalize on a 2nd iteration.
The campaigns fucking suck, and no one plays MP on such an old game. There's no reason to play it over empire
It did lead to sequels that also sold strongly though, which is more than Rome 2 can say
Napoleon was awesome because it was polished and actually worked. The setting was meh. Still if you want to play it, play the 'Masters of Europe' mod. Superb quality.
two more days until empire update
>same game pumped out barely a year after the first one to milk more money from the fantasy cow
Rome II was so fucking shit so stop deluding yourself.
Medieval 2 was fucking trash
It's only got good unit variation for Europeans in mid-late game
But the engine was absolutely fucking garbage to the point of making battles unfun
The city management was also the easiest it's ever been in any Total War
LME mod is more than enough reason to play it over any of the games. Pleb.
Even at its worst, Rome 2 is leagues better than soihammer at its best
Atilla bro, I feel your pain. The late Roman era is so exciting and full of copious historical bullshit but they left it in the mud because it was too hard for kiddies
He was talking about Med2, not Rome 2.
[citation needed] when tw1 released CA said it was their most successful game to date.
FotE is a good overhaul. It occasional gets updated.
Fall of the Samurai is the last decent game. I hate the mobile game esque settlement minigame they began with R2.
Eat shit, both are the biggest pile of shit, actually soihammer seems more fun, rome 2 killed the franchise with their BASEDfaggotry.
Empire was good, but dull.
Hopefully this revamp brings it to the same fun levels as Skaven.
still better than legend of totalcringe.
>Medieval 2 was fucking trash
Easily the worst fucking opinion I've ever read on Yea Forums
>but it didn't even outsell Rome trainwreck 2 or the chink game.
This is your claim, where is the source saying it sold more than those 2 games?
>TW:W max concurrent players: 111K
>3K max concurrent players: 192K
>R2: 118K
It's on steamcharts.
take off the nostalgia goggles
it had soul but the core of the game wasn't that great
Whoa, what intense strategies. Put some ranged units with the lord that buffs ranged units and they're strong? Absolutely insane, high tech gameplay right fucking here.
>there are people that genuinely think max concurrent players = sales
Holy shit lmao
Use words, user.
It's called a good indicator, and what you are doing is called coping.
>take off the nostalgia goggles
Wich Total War can you recommend to someone who hasn't played them? I bought on steam the one that came after Napoleon, but I couldn't run in my computer. Those musket and ball periodds, or the civil war, are amongst my favourite but If the game is good enough I could look into another time periods
>It's called a good indicator
No, it's really fucking not. It's a vague indicator at best. Pretending it means anything more precise than orders of magnitude is just kidding yourself. There's countless other variables that go into that than just sales.
For example, 3K is the only game out of those three that didn't have horrifically bad press around it at the time of release. Therefore, its players over time are going to cluster harder towards launch (which is exactly what fucking happened).
>More people buy the game
>More people play it
It is that simple. Don't try to weasel your way out with your pseudo science bullshit. People have posted proofs that TW W wasn't able to outsell 3K and Rome 2. You have posted nothing to invalidate that and have instead resorted to damage control.
Literally the only proof posted was CA saying it sold more though. Unless you're saying they're lying, in which I'm fairly sure some of their investors would have taken them to court by now.
One hearsay post isn't proof.
I legitimately like the campaigns, even the semi-scripted mini ones. The more focused and detailed European map is better than the shitty rushed "global" campaign map in Empire. The Napoleonic setting is also more interesting and is extremely polished for a TW title, only Shogun 2 is comparable in polish and presentation.
>cant run napoleon
You wouldnt be able to run any more of the recent games. Empire is for the 18th century line combat, but is built upon the same foundation as Napoleon (which was basically an expansion for Empire) Unfortunately, thats the best you could do for musketry, unless you want to try doing some pike and shotte mods for Medeival 2, but it's not the same. I'm not sure the technical specs of Ultimate General:Gettysburg is, but it is for US civil war, and heard good things about it.
Looking at other time periods, Shogun:Fall of the Samurai has the latest period in total war, in the 1860's, with rifles, revolvers, and cannon against samurai and spear, but that game would probably be too demanding on your system.
>actually understanding statistics is pseudo science
Do you believe the earth is flat and get upset when people try to do "pseudo science" shit like giving reasoning too?
>thinking your high school tier mumbo jumbo qualifies as "statistics"
People who think they are much smarter than they are are the worst.
>that one guy trying to make "soihammer" a thing as if warhammer is in any way shape or form "soi"
>numbr a mean number b
>i smart
But user, the poster who claimed that was wrong. Maybe you should check the veracity of the side you're backing before trying to sound smart.
>modern steamspy
The creator openly admits it's meaningless.
Everyone realized that throwing a swarm of yellow-branded chinks against a swarm of purple-branded chinks wasn't as interesting or fun as varied armies of different fantasy races with vastly different playstyles and capabilities.
The thing about mods is that they keep crashing. Theyre great, but unplayable.
>For your convenience on every game page you can see a margin of error for this game converted to actual users. It will look this way: Owners: 7,000,000 ±200,000. Please, take this margin into consideration every time you're using Steam Spy's data.
>The margin of error is calculated based on 98% confidence (if you know your math). What it means is that around 2% games have wrong stats on Steam Spy that are outside of the stated margin of error. Additionally, stats for games with smaller samples are very unreliable. I wouldn't trust any number below 30,000.
I think we can safely say it still has more weight than your baseless claims so far.
I hate you people. Rome 2 is STILL shit and I'm still mad about it.
I just want a new medieval game, that's all I ask for.
And if they're doing fantasy, to LOTR or GoT or something other then warhammer desu
>The thing about mods is that they keep crashing. Theyre great, but unplayable.
the mods that user listed dont crash
Europa Barbarorum is the only mod in that list where crashing is a real issue.
>Half of unit types refuse to work, 2h units are unable to fight, gunpowder units can't shoot, spearmen drop their spears and use swords instead
>AI is simply not functional, can only charge in battle (even with horses on spearmen), will stay in place as you shoot them to death with ranged units and artillery, can't attack or defend in sieges at all, can only retreat to central plaza, more than one layer of walls completely breaks it
>Ahistorical factions
>Map cluttered with "rebels" anyone can conquer without any repercussions
>No tech tree at all
>Shit battle maps, especially hill ones
>All interesting factions which could provide unique gameplay are not playable, like Mongols or Papacy, even though at least hordes were playable in Barbarian Invasion
>Useless family tree since there are too few factions for any meaningful diplomacy
>HRE works exactly this same as any other faction
>Crusades are broken for player since game can't measure correctly if player indeed goes in the direction of crusade
>Council quests are joke, it's only "conquer this settlement","meet with this faction" or "buy this settlement"
>Diplomacy is extremely lacking. There is no "Non Aggression Pact", there is only "Alliance" option without even being split into Defensive and Offensive Alliances. There is no way to order allied faction to attack something either. Region Trading is borderline cheat because of how stupid AI is.
>Battles are somehow extremely clunky even though everything worked fine in Rome 1. Battles are slow because of how retarded units are and how long it takes for them to do anything, including moving. Path finding is terrible and trying to place units in sieges can drive you insane because of all those inaccessible invisible areas around buildings.
>Lack of tons of quality of life features from sequels, like freely moving unit cards, groups being usable to segregate units on battlefield, rotating and moving units in formation without putting them into group etc
Why would you ever want this? I'm glad they decided to go WH really and not something boring like that.
That's the old system, from back when it worked.
Notice how there's no variance at all anymore on your screenshot, merely a range.
Stainless steel and europa barbarum crashed a lot. After searching on their foruns i found that its normal for them to crash when using newer graphic cards for questions of compability.
Back in the day i played third age total war without many crashes, but my system sucked at running the game with decent framerate. Same thing for stainless steel, but in this case because it would take forever to change turn.
I lost faith in historical total war after Thrones of Britannia
I am fine with CA escaping history a bit, but they could go to the mythology field, like AoE did.
I have no intention on playing warhammer.
So, it just means that it's less precise, but we're not looking for exact numbers. The point here is that the ranges for those two games don't overlap at all.
When did Rome 2 not become shit. I couldnt play it due to FPS drops on the ocean on the map screen.
Also Rome 2 added taxi generals and I hate that, Shogun 2 last true TW.
>HRE works exactly this same as any other faction
How would you want it to work, exactly?
rome 2 got good after 219318237 patches bro you should buy it full price desu lad
both are shit
>Also just wait for te NEW EB to come out. They are scripting in Revolts. And changing a bunch of governments, also adding in more missions.
tell me more
will I be able to play on win10 without crashing past 50 turns?
And ever since the change in steam's policy that neutered steamspy it's not even been accurate to that range, ESPECIALLY for older games.
Because it was a sales flop. You can (rightfully) blame its poor numbers on the shit state R2 was in, but the fact remains that it sold like shit next to R2, and even now has less than half the active players, so of course CA is going to take the safe option and put more attention on the game more likely to continue generating revenue.
What is it with this franchise and making people shit blood all over the place. What exactly drives a man to be this ridiculously autistic about essentially a gen war.
Blood everywhere.
people cant decide whether they want a fun battle arcade or a hadcore warfare simulator and so you get neither and the AI still cant make rational decisions besides throwing blobs at you
No it isn't
>tried EB2 once
>a pitched battle went on for literally an hour
>it was just one of a few I'd need to do to pacify the Gauls
I don't know who the hell has the time anymore for a campaign that'll probably take eight months to complete.
God here, can confirm that Rome 1 is dated garbage that no one should be playing. Install good mods and play areal fucking game like Rome 2.
Not him, but having it remotely resemble the HRE would be a start. Hell Warhammer does a better job representing the HRE.
Medieval 2 is still my favorite because I played it first and the mods fix a number of problems.
>one of a few
That's pretty optimistic, the AI spawns full stack roaming armies at random intervals. But my favorite bit of autism in the game are the roman reforms:
>Marian reforms will trigger if turn >500 and if you own at least 90 sttlements
I really like to region descriptions and the yearly rundowns of what happened historically but the mod creator really has no sense of scale. That, or he forgot that this is supposed to be a game, not a 1:1 simulation.
The total war community is filled with people from supremely autistic historians who debate the random alphabets that came to form the genetics of Europe to people who just like watching dinosaurs fight zombie pirates and can't manage logistics beyond "stay at home to replenish".
I remember the Marian reforms in EB1 taking like half that time and being equivalent to a late game event in another total war campaign.
Why turn 500?
ITT: seething historyfag casuals
That's the lower limit. Default reforms happen at turn 660 (107BC, the year Gaius Marius entered office). Like I said, they went for a 1:1 depiction of what happened historically.
The only Total War game i have bought his Attila, so I could play some multiplayer, and i absolutely suck at it, but man I love the late antiquity period, Also really liked Age of Charlemagne DLC, especially because that was the period the legendary paladins are said to have existed, makes me wish CA did a standalone game for that period.
Warhammer really should have an arcade mode and a "realistic" mode. Arcade mode would be what we've got now, while realistic would have many of the more complex campaign and battlefield mechanics introduced in Attila.
>makes both historyfags and fantasyfags seethe
how do the Chinachads do it?
Because Romance of the Three Kingdoms is basically a Chinese fantasy LARP.
3K isn't really a history total war, but it's too historical to be fantasy.
Just get most important expansions for grand campaigns on sale and install Divide et Impera. It's absolutely best TW experience you can get, even if autistic and battles can take long time.
WFB since 8ed and EOT kicked in is megasoy though. And do not even mention AOS or nu40k.
Can I get some heresy images
>Archaon's helmet clipping still not fixed
Why havent they fixed this yet.
fuck warhammer
Its pathetic enough that a literal-who bandit has to be its own faction, but they couldn't decide on a tone for 3K, between full han-supremist genocide anime or dry realistic medieval peasant rebellion simulator. Instead they half ass it in two separate modes that does fuck all.
After announcing they were doing the romance version of 3K and after warhammer, i expected Dynasty Warriors Total War. Instead its just shogun 2 with a fresh coat of paint.