do your parents ever watch you play?
Do your parents ever watch you play?
me and my dad played CS 1.6 together, good times
My dad and I played games together, vigilante, California speed, fighting Force, GoldenEye and later on GTA III
My mom and I would play Mario 64 and Pokémon Snap together all the time
>you will never know this feel
I'm not a dumb slav so I don't play shitty valve games, only the weird Bulgarian kid played counter strike in my school.
Damn I wish the Cold War never ended
i play guilty gear with my dad, and mario kart with my mom
>thinking any sidd was better in the cold war
lmaoing at you're baka compadre desu
I used to play hide and seek with my dad.
I don't care about the politics of the Cold War
I just don't want these fucking Eastern European retards shitposting here
Sometimes my father comes up behind me playing, looks for two seconds at the game I'm playing and tells me that it has "Sweet graphics"
He does this for literally any game I've played.
At this point I think he's just messing with me.
yes,so I stopped playing whenever they're on the house.
my dad used to sit and watch me play the latest resident evil game to come out
he'd sit there praising the fuck out of it and how they'd advanced since he played re1
i'd sit there telling him how objectively wrong he was and how its just shit
he's dead now
i feel like such a shitter now
>muh anime imageboard
hell yeah
my dad and I used to go HAM on some Dawn of War II
he was like korean-level-no-mouse-only-hotkeys good but then he fucked up his brain pounding 2 dollar tallboys
i still remember him teaching me how to play Age of Empires, feel sorta sad now
They're all retarded valve niggers that can't stop sucking off Gabes fat Jewish cock
They're used to censorship from the Cold War so they don't care about that
They're all digicucks or Emuniggers
hey that's not the topic of the thread can you please stop bickering about shit no one really cares about
If the Cold War never ended then video games wouldn't have been legalized in the east and they wouldn't be sucking valves cock and praising their mediocre games as the next coming of Christ because all they grew up with was bootleg Dendy games
And all those fucking Yugoslavs wouldn't have come here in the 90's
do your parents ever feed you food while you play?
nice blog post
do your parents ever watch you play?
user please get off the computer, drink some water and have a good lunch.
I've already commented about that
alright then shut up no one cares how you feel about how other people feel about things
I don't care how you feel Yaroslav
My older brother does almost exactly the same thing. He comes by, looks at the screen for a minute and, regardless of what the game is or what is currently happening, says "Looks good" in English instead of our native language. Then he just walks off immediately. He even does it if I'm just browsing a menu or something.
Fucking hell, mutt. You can't possibly be more wrong.
Also, you have some kind of fixation on gabe. Is there something you want to tell us?
>emulation bad
I see. Don't you have boot to lick?
My dad watched pretty much my entire play through of Run Like Hell.
Must've enjoyed the 90s B-movie tier cutscenes.
I'm not a mutt, I am 100% pure Austro-Hung-Aryan
The Slavic species are the mutts, you've got mongol blood flowing in your veins that's why you've always been ruled by foreigners. Your tsar was an Anglo and your communist leaders were Georgian
I played the MGSV prologue with my mom watching
she was confused by the man on fire on the unicorn and I told her it's japanese and she said "oh"
Well my dad at least uses our native language instead of english.
Still, why are they like this.
I don't even give a shit about graphics.
>incel mass shooter in the making
If your native language is not English please go back to wherever you came from
oh no no no
incel mass shooters don't have hot mommies
prove me wrong
I guess graphics is the most impressive thing for someone who last played a videogame in an 80s arcade
Of all the German Empires you had to pick the most ethnically and culturally diverse.
With Germans, Magyars, Romanians, Szekelys, Bosnians, Croatian, Slovenians, Serbians, Italian, Czechs, Slovakians and some other weird shit I'm probably forgetting.
What the fuck does austro-hungarian even mean from a genetical point of view?
My family comes from the same city on the austro-Hung-Aryanborder and we can trace our ancestry back there at the minimum 300 years
Since I'm a first generation Canadian it's safe to assume I'm 100% Austro-Hung-Aryan
My dad kept yelling at me (harsh yelling, not gentle yelling) for failing at Warsong Glutch when I was 12.
>He can't speak more than one language
Mamma mia, anonimo.
I don't live with my parents like some hikki loser.
Look at the top of his head!
t. errone
No need to learn another language when you speak the superior one
>he still lives with his parents
Nah, glorious Bagna Caudanon here
I didn't pick where my family was born, they lived in a town formerly known as Odenburg on the border between Austria and Hungary, and even up to the Soviet invasion of Hungary still supported the Habsburgs and to this day we support the Habsburg.
The current system of government in Hungary is a false government and a continuation of the Soviet imposed republican system.
Had we been allowed to subjugate the Serbs (a species that is more beast than man) The world would be a better place
I can speak Hungarian fluently and Im at probably a kindergarten level for Japanese
Good luck seeing up there kiddo
Too brainlet to learn another one I see, keep coping user.
My mom would watch me play Croc only because she liked the music in it. God i miss her.
bravo, magna la polenta
I play in the living room, so my brother and mom sees what I play occasionally, from games like Bloodborne, to recent games like Spiderman
Although I just put over 100 hours to Megadimension Neptunia VII and they saw almost my full playthrough...
My parents are poor family boomers so they grew up on the farm/in the ghetto with no TV or video games so they literally cannot comprehend my video games or my anime. Because of this if they see me doing something they will have no opinion on it whatsoever, so I was able to watch the most embarrassing things and not worry because I know they would not even know a human was being portrayed on the monitor.
They are probably trying to spark up a conversation with your autistic asses.
>Damn I wish the Cold War never ended
It never did
let me try string something together
Tu madre gusto caca perro
borgo dioo :D
Then just say you're hungarian or magyar you autist.
Also you do know that hungarians, like finns, have a lot more mongol sperm in their system than south slavic people right?
You're just another hungarian butthurt over the soviet occupation (as you should) no need to blame every slav for what the soviet russians did.
La polenta non sa di nulla.
La bagna cauda ed il bagnet verd invece...
That's the good shit.
I know it technically didn't, the Tsar isn't on the throne so the Soviet imposed government still exists but I don't care about that shit.
I just wish that censorship still existed in Eastern Europe and these dumb ass Slavs wouldn't come on the internet
At least the fucking Chinese stay on their own websites you dumb ass Slavs act like the Mohammedan invaders in Europe.
We should never have given you the internet, it's too bad the Americans didn't nuke you
I don't live with my parents because I'm not a child
I'm not Hungarian though, I'm Austro-Hungarian,
It's one country
Also that's 100% false, it's a rumour invented by the R*manians who are 0% human. Their ancestors came from india which is why your average R*manian has brown skin.
Also, look up the demographics for Odenburg, I'm paler than your average Anglo and I've got bright blue eyes. Very different ethnically from the eastern Hungarians who have a tinted complexion and brown eyes.
The Russian is a purer slav, he's only been conquered by mongols. The Slavs in the Balkans were conquered by both the Ottomans and the Russians which makes them even less human
I'm now sad
how the fuck are these people allowed to be parents? my parents would have beaten the shit out of me if I tried to do something like that..
>he lives at home
I haven't lived at my parents house since I was 19
Nah they never really had any interest in anything i did. They basically know fucking nothing about me and havent since i was like 9
keep on insulting in the only relevant language here, its really proving your point
Alright you must be a mix of misinformation and autism at this point.
It's not one country, it was a mess of nations that hated eachother stuck together.
Thank god for Saint Germain and Trianon, what a fucking mess of an empire.
Also hungarians originally came from eastern siberia, they also speak a finno-ugric language.
It is true that today hungarians look white and not mongoloid, but there's no denying their origins.
If you look white, you are more german (if not slav) than the original hungarians, no purity.
Also what the fuck do you mean with the purity shit, hungary was also mostly conquered by both ottomans and russians.
Maybe Sopron was still under the Austrians, but the Ottomans did reach Wien. They were stopped of course, but they did.
When I was a kid, yeah. It made me mad because I can't concentrate if someone's watching.
You wouldn't understand me if I didn't, I'm lowering myself to your level by speaking in this piss easy, arbitrary mess of a language.
I play Mario with my daughter. She also liked Littlebigplanet.
I used to feel like such a piece of shit when my mom would set food on my desk while playing. I would always immediately stop and come eat outside.
1. You're wrong
2. No we did, that's a R*manian lie, and no I'm 0% slav, check demographic maps of Austria-Hungary, odenburg and those western parts of Hungary are ethnically Austrian
3. Hungary wasn't conquered by the Ottomans, only the eastern half but they didn't stay long and didn't mix with us like they did the Balkans. That's why Serbians have darker skin than us and we never got conquered by Russia, we we're always separate from them.
Sopron? You mean Odenburg? There's no Ottoman influence in Odenburg, and even today thanks to Orbans wall there're not coming through anymore
>tfw neet living with single mom
>see her disappointment in me
>show her that I'm the #1 ranked player in the world at a specific game
>she starts being way nicer to me and asking me if i need anything more often
Feels good to be a real gamer.
Tűztoronyban voltál-e már
Ah okay you're one of those kind of people.
No need to talk anymore, I get the gist of it.
Call your hungarian cousins and tell them to fuck off out of Europe by the way, we relevant countries are getting sick of those leeches.
I'll tell you the same thing I tell my family when they try to talk to me in Hungarian,
are you all underage?
why are you still living with your parents?
that is the neet dream you are always talking about?
>I can speak hungarian fluently
>Speak canadian
Nice hungarian you have there pal, don't worry it's a really hard language to learn.
75% of continental Europe needs to be deported
If you're from the Iberian peninsula you're not white because the Moors conquered you
If you're from the Baltics you're not white because the Russians conquered you
If you're from Scandinavia you're not white because the Finns conquered you
If you're from Ireland and you're a Papist you're not white because your ancestors are invaders from the Iberian peninsula
If you're from the Balkans you're not white because the Ottomans AND Russians conquered you
If you're from Italy you're not white because youre from the Mediterranean
And if you're French you need to be deported because fuck the French
If i did that i would be back to play vidya after 5 minutes, what's the point of wasting my time?
Yeah yeah who gives a fuck
Read a book one day, it's fun and interesting.
Thanks, I think it's a compliment
I wish people here would think I'm an Anglo but unfortunately my accent gives it away
Canada? Oh you are a gipsy then
Yeah, my dream is to play as many games as i can before i die, it's called a realistic dream, you know, those you can actually realize. But that's me because it's the only thing i enjoy on this rock, i don't give a fuck about still living with my parents.
No, my family came in '56 back when it was illegal for non whites to come here, back when certain cities still had a 9pm curfew for niggers
god no. I played Mario Kart 64 with my dad quite often and Lost VIkings and Prince of Persia when I was very little but now I'm a 30 year old boomer so of course not.
I'm 20 and in uni, no job right now so no other way.
My parents are fine with it, my exams are going all right and I'm fine with it.
Why would I live alone at this point in my life? I gain nothing and lose much.
Well, yeah, I always returned immediately after scarfing my food down as fast as I could. Just felt like a piece of shit, is all.
>If you're from the Iberian peninsula you're not white because the Moors conquered you
that explains a lot. most annoying and shittiest tourists you'll ever meet. they're acting like fucking goblins.
>a species that is more beast than man
I know serbs are insane but you play too much D&D and TES games. lay off, man.
>dude just move out why won't you spend half of your pay on renting a shitty commieblock apartment
I've never played D&D
I don't really like Elder Scrolls
The bible warns us of a best with hands and walks on two feet. It says he can cry to God but he's corrupt and can't cease from sin.
This explains A LOT of these sub human countries like Russia and Africa
Austria-Hungary was the pinnacle of human cultural achievement, don't defile it's name with your subhuman tongue, magyar scum
Odenburg was originally a part of Austria, and its only because of a vote in the 1920's which was rigged by socialists that it went to Hungary.
>R*manian has brown skin.
You're thinking gypsies.
It's the same thing
Yet your parents speak hungarian, making you magyar scum
>Yes goy, move out and get a mortgage
>Only losers maintain the family home through generations
>Debt is good
It's mixed, my family are Protestants, grandfather is Prussian spoke German as a first language but he died young and my family just stuck with Hungarian. I don't know why
If you see a white R*manian he's just a Hungarian who wasn't killed by the R*manians after the treaty forced our land to be given to you
Shut up 56%er
Canada is 75% European
And literally every european country is above 90%
That 75% European means European white,
There are very few European countries that are above 90% European white
Only Britain, Northern Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Germany and Denmark are
Every other countries natives are mostly animals like the Iberian or slav
Did he actually suffer brain damage from too much beer?
Back to your cuck shed leaf
you don't need to prove anything to us user
>tfw used to play maplestory with my dad a ton
>always had a good time and we were always there for events
>he got to a really high level, like 110 back when the most relevant content for endgame was ludi/zakum
>tfw he's gotten old to the point now he cant even remember his login info
>he can't even remember the time we spent together on it
>tfw im probably going to lose him within the next few years
My dad use to watch me play Diddy Kong Racing but he was way better then me and was the only reason I beat the dragon silver coin race as a kid
The fact you feel like that shows youre a good son user, must people wouldnt have taken that time out their day to do what you did, were all proud of you
I'm not, I'm explaining facts
Yes I am, most Europeans aren't even really white
>this retard is still going
My dad used to play games with me a lot on ps2 when I was a kid, nowadays he mostly reads books and when I visit him we just play eldritch horror together
You have some nice self hatred. Was you bullied in school migrant boy?
>Play a racing game
>At mid ohio
>Local track
>Dad always wanted to visit but he was too busy with work
>He sits down to watch me
>I give him a clarkson style rundown of the track
>He watches me for a bit more
My dad is awesome. Love my dad.
>I'm Austro-Hungarian
No, I was born in Canada
I bullied the foreigners who came after the Soviet Union collapsed
Peak mutt
He's actually a fucking Leaf too which is even funnier, he LARPs as a European then says Europeans "aren't white"
This is why everybody hates Americans, you're fucking mentally ill
My dad used to play the Outfit with me all the time, we became something like 2 of the Top 10 players online on that game, although I did carry him a bit. We also played Counter Strike a lot
your mother's husband must be a pretty cool guy
GG with dad sounds awesome. My dad hated video games and shamed me for playing them instead of being athletic. It's not like he would play catch with me or do anything to spur an interest however.
I was playing animal crossing and he asked how I get points and I said there weren't any.
I said there's money but no score and said "so there are points, why did you lie to me"
I want to kill this retarded boomer, I can't wait to celebrate his funeral
my dad did when I still lived with him
Sure you bullied them you loser obsessed with whiteness on a bangladeshi tapestry weaving image board
my parents are from a foreign culture and my hobbies are incompatible with their generation/interests
I played a fair bit of vidya with my dad, taking turns/one life each most of the time.
He still buys and plays racing games, and considering he's divorced and disabled after a spinal injury I'm really happy he has something to do since most of his friends and family (me included) lives far away.
My mom used to play platformers but then somehow chugged the "vidya causes school shooters" narrative and did a total 180.
t. kike soon to be on a spike
my dad and i made age of empires 2 scenarios for eachother to play which was pretty fun
always thought he was a wizard as my smooth brain didn't understand how to use triggers and such. good times.
When I was younger my mom would play harvest moon and I'd lay in her lap.
Don’t see my dad often because he’s a country away, but he introduced me to a number of games when I was younger (Diablo, Quake, Half-Life, etc).
My mom on the other hand, she probably plays more vidya than I do (she has over 3000 hours in Splatoon 2)
I'm trying to get him to play something, but he likes shit like that fallout shelter thingie and hates me since his mid-life crisis hit him.
Nah thats asian moms, white fathers
I'm not.
I used to play Contra with my dad.
My dad never liked vidya but he still gladly seats with me and asks what and how I'm doing.
He's a surgeon so I managed to get him into Trauma Center on the DS. He'd borrow it at night while I was sleeping so he could play without mom nagging
Actually my grandma
Not really but apparently every game is pokemon according to him. Everytime i see family he always brings it up whenever the relatives mention their kids playing video games. Annoys the shit outta me.
fascist /pol/tards are pathetic.
The vast majority of Asian White relations are WMAF, so of course more shooters will come from that environment. It’s proportional
i remember when i was a kid and my dad watched me play i would always try my best and entertain him with pure skill, i loved it, i played alot of castlevania back then, good times
Nice larp. What game?
>user, stop playing video games and focus on school.
>When you grow up you won't have time for games anymore, you'll see.
Jokes on you mom, I have more time now than ever for vidya, I leave alone and I even give you money on a monthly basis to cover the debt the death of my father got us into.
Communist SJW's are cringey.
Dad used to be really into old school Tomb Raider games. Whenever Lara would run into a chasm (which happened often due to tank controls) he would flip his shit and swear in front of us kids, pissing off mom in the process. Good times.
Nowadays in he only plays Facebook games, though.
My dad claims to "hate games" but he is fucking good at space invaders and crash bandicoot, Haven't seen him play in years though.
Lol my parents only started "caring" about my hobbies once they found out I am going crazy. They used to break my shit before, fuck those faggots.