I'm making a little game in RPG Maker. What should I add? No suggestion is too dumb

I'm making a little game in RPG Maker. What should I add? No suggestion is too dumb.

Attached: EEAbsvbU0AEePJM.jpg (1609x1231, 96K)

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skeletons of any variety

A penis size slider in character creation

Tiny chested tomboy who has to fuck enemies to survive.

A cute little girl you can pat on the head.

A font that isn't the default one

A soundtrack filled with fresh island beats.

One boney lad.

Attached: NuBoner.png (201x197, 24K)

A turtle that wields another turtle.

I'm a bit new to this, how do I change fonts?

Attached: ReverseMedusa.png (511x437, 96K)


your mom lmao

I honestly don't know, haven't messed with RPG maker in years. I just know replacing as much default stuff as possible is a good look for RPG maker stuff, just my opinion I guess but games with default assets seemed to be looked down upon but your drawings are nice and set it apart already

Never mind, I got it.

Attached: boner.png (1599x1231, 365K)

A monster made out of mexican food.

Call it Chewbecabre

bats, those flying leathery bastards need to be in more games

Rape mechanic.

Nearly a dozen party mebers to choose. Kinda like Lisa: The Painful.

One turtle dude.

Attached: NuTurtleback.png (399x350, 70K)

A gun that's haunted by a spirit of a cowboy.

A lasagna golem, or a goblin wearing a helmet made out of a taxidermied duck

A stereotypical chimera, but the parts swap around

a jojo reference

a goblet mimic that appears to be a jewel-encrusted cup at first, but it is actually called a "goblet" because there's a tiny goblin inside the cup

An angry cat in a superhero costume

lol i am too as we speak
trying to figure out how to do the sidescrolling LISARPG style
any idea how?

a UFO but call it "weather balloon"

A cowboy that's haunted by a spirit of a gaun

Attached: 7160363D-DB70-4F0D-8CA0-9AD8C4212071.jpg (804x960, 136K)

extreme ghetto and lazy way to do it would probably just be placing invisible barriers above the character, so they can only move left and right

A LTG cameo and if you use some moves or partymembers he calls you a corny ass nigga and starts using his "get that ass banned" spell that kills you instantly

a mecha made out of lego bricks

A centaur whose top half is another horse.

Nice drawings OP. atleast it already has charm.
Godspeed with the project.

Attached: 1567747165248.gif (400x300, 16K)

a samurai that is also a wizard

A chicken with a wizard hat. Call it a gizard

a hidden cave behind a waterfall

Ability to fuck everything in the game


This but it's a random mob that can spawn in normal battles

A dragon knight. I'm talking about a quadruped dragon in a full suit of traditional knight armor.

meat armor

A defense attorney with spiky hair



alternate universe Girl Hitler
she's a cute superhero

Reverse centaur

Draw a generic fish with a cartoonish horn coming out of its head (Or use a narwhal). "Tunacorn."

a moose but with one horn and looks like a unicorn

make an area have a common enemy that looks harmless at first but then "expands" into a form that can wreck your shit

Attached: skin_granny.jpg (451x406, 39K)

the ability to murder women and minorities but not play as them

Attached: minorities go back.png (2090x737, 213K)

add Jotaro

Is it pure black and white?

conehead man

Attached: 96vpa50zuviz.png (1186x1180, 1.44M)

Can't believe wowoman still makes me laugh.

Can we get a very small demon (like an imp looking fucker) but with giant fucking horns that make it lob-sided that it has to drag its head on the ground?

Prostitute character that gives out buffs and debuffs in the form of sexual acts and STDs

Porn. It's the only way to salvage games in rpg maker.

What if it's got them big ram horns, and they're so big it rolls around like that one guy from Twisted Metal?

the pool guardian

Attached: Pool.jpg (600x700, 36K)

That would also be acceptable, it'd be like two halves of a Bulldozer, maybe the Wheel Demon pushes the Plow Demon.

You get those two together and it's a Demondozer.
You get five of the wheel demons together and they form a Combine Hellvester

A super cool dinosaur with shades, the more obscure dinosaur the better!

Do a t-rex with shades and pair him up with a very shiny stegosaur.

Add an invisible item that's invisible in the inventory.


This looks legit. I remember even making my own font but the details sadly elude me.

Diamond Ogre looks like Ramiel

Attached: EC9242BA-0993-463F-887C-61672BECBB33.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Rare variant of Wheel Demon with even bigger horns, get two of them together and you face the dreaded Sateamroller