*cucks you in your own game

>*cucks you in your own game
How did they get away with that ending?

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*hits pipe*

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Nah, raising a son is way more cucked.
You literally raise another, younger, better version of you that can beat you and steal your women.
Also That copypasta was made by Jews to trick white betas into staying childless.

it's called NTR you retard

My question still stands

Sounds like I just need to rape my sons into submission before they rape my women

Devs don't know shit about Kunio-Kun games. No really. That's the reason. They found out they fucked up mid development.

Quick rundown?

>source: dude trust me

river city girls is a videogame where two girls rescue their boyfriends
the twist: the girls you play as are not the girlfriends of the dudes you rescue, they just delude themselves into thinking they are

How did that not start a shitstorm?

the game's low profile enough that nobody who gave a shit to shitstorm played it

It did, resetera, tumblr and femininazis are in uproar.

what sort of a shitstorm are you expecting that'd start?

Why would it?

>It did, resetera, tumblr and femininazis are in uproar.

How does even make sense? Next you'll be telling me they're mad because a Japanese game portrayed asians or some other ludicrous shit. Do you guys really have to exaggerate everything that comes out of there to this degree? I've been on discord with many of them into the wee hours of the night and they just don't seem to fit into these panties you're trying to paint on them.

What's wrong with it?
If they were males rescuing females you'd be saying based all fucking day.
Nobody gives a shit, it's a videogame, if you're triggered go back to tumblr and make your own game.

Femininazis being upset that the supposed "girl power" duo are just some delusional psychos.

Attached: River.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

I'd fuck the boy.

I wasn't even talking about resetra and shit, just fans of that game
>omg, this girl is so cuuuute and badass. GO GIRL
>turns out she's just a delusional psycho bitch and the game is completely irrelevant

Is having a movie with your name on it be turned into a trilogy about dwarves?

i want to coom in Mami

How the hell would one start anyway? While it sucks that Misako got screwed over badly (since her relationship was actually a reoccurring thing throughout a few of the games), no one really knows much about the already convoluted relationships in the series to really give a damn. They'll just take the half baked explanation that appears in the game already as fact.

Is this yuri?

>How the hell would one start anyway?
For SJWs:
Strong, badass GUUURL POWER characters are delusional, psycho stalkers
And there was already a shitload of fanart about the MCs made by normalfags, who were arguing about which girl is best. Now they have to live with the knowledge they made fanart of literally mentally ill psychos.

In traditional societies you're the one who's controlling who gets to see your daughter and not, of course this was done sometimes in mind with the intention of gaining political and social momentum.

>no these cute girls have boyfriends
>Oh well, these other girls are cuter
>No wait actually these ones are the ones with boyfriends
He can't keep getting away with it

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Makes no sense, why would the guys choose the titlets over the ones with actual bodies?

If you're viewing the world through the mentally ill, the lens can distort what you would normally see. For all you know, the MCs might be the actual flatties.

Flat>Everything else

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Your instagram meme already makes your opinion irrelevant.

Yeah but their default state is uproar.

The game would've been WAY better if these two were traps. Imagine the MCs trying to get back their boyfriends, only to realize they dumped them a long time ago for some literal femboy faggots. That would be fuckin' funny.

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Imagine being alone in your room wishing you had some company, but everyone keeps leaving you because you're an emotional drain on them.

>Imagine the MCs trying to get back their boyfriends, only to realize they dumped them a long time ago for some literal femboy faggots. That would be fuckin' funny.
Kys yourself, faggot.

You okay, user? If you're feeling lonely, you can always talk to us, you know?

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>play as a girl
>get cucked
what's the point?

Sure! Lately I've been trying to focus my sex drive on my waifu, and ONLY my waifu. It's been going well, but I feel that those around me are bad influences and trying to interfere with my goal.
I'm debating going dark and dropping off the internet, because isolation would be better than manipulation.

holy based

They're not traps? They have all the signs.

cute boy on the right

here's a solution to your problem, tard.
just fuck your daughter before any other man does. now she's used goods and you would no longer be a cuck

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It kind of has in the threads of the game weve had.

Because it's funny

Always love it when people try to insert their fetishes into shit by pretending it "would've made for better story/gameplay/character just saying!!!!"

the clowns pretending to be intellectuals until nobody dares to be intelligent by fear of mockery is pretty fucking embarrassing.

This user is actually mad he couldn't get railed by a man. Holy shit.

imagine them double licking your cok

imagine playing as the cuck lmao

Why do we pretend like being cucked is a bad thing?

At what age should you initiate your daughter?

Why do you pretend like being cucked is not a bad thing?

>either Mami and Hasebe cuck them
>or Kyoko and Misako rape Riki and Kunio into becoming their mind broken boyfriends
Is this game, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

>what if canonically female character was Male instead
Traptrannies are fags

but that's wrong. If you play Tokyo Rumble they're still together there. (Though Hasebe and Mami are the superior choice yes. Rival Showdown has that pairing and is coincidentally better than Tokyo Rumble so you know that to be true. )

>entire conceit of your game's premise and marketing is a blatant fucking lie
>somehow people are okay with this

honestly this was half the push I needed to never buy this game and finding out that runkachunk voices one of the MCs (and the fucking game grumps are bimmy and jimmy) was the other.