Stop asking for tournaments of a dead as fuck game.

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It's not like they've been doing a good enough job with the series that warrants a less depressing scenario.
Pray for Infinite.

>saying oof

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>being on Yea Forums
dont kid yourself buddy


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not him but you're a fucking retarded nigger monkey piece of shit if you think that's remotely equivalent
fucking dumb retarded bitch if you hate Yea Forums so much why don't you go back to le redit xdddd you've probably got it up in another tab right now you fucking retarded faggot queer piece of shit newfag
I hope someone cuts your fucking brake lines you kike buddy posting cunt sandwich

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>posting w*jack
Goodbye :)

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>Stop asking for tournaments of a dead as fuck game.
I don't think anyone here is asking for fps tornaments in general, nonetheless ones on consoles.

It's better than being a wojack poster who doesn't have a single unique thought in his head

>mad kids who say oof

who hurt you?

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Reminder that the decline of competitive Halo has been happening ever since lolreach lowered the skill ceiling. So they cant blame the disinterest solely on the emergence of other more popular games, and their respective esports scenes.
Back then I wasnt even an mlg wannabe, but even I saw the occasional games to see how the top players did it. This days I really dont care about kill slot machine cod Halo. Dont care about any of those free kill mechanics either. Its sad what happened to Halo.

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>making fun of oof posters for being kids with no self awareness
>while posting wojack


Why do people do this? What kinda of a fag gets so triggered over a meme image that they have to report anons? And in hopes of what? That user aint breaking any rules.
Youre probably just a giant pussy.

Real talk, I squat 405 pounds ATG and bench 285, I could fucking kill you with my bare hands you fucking twink faggot. Calling anyone a "pussy" over reporting posts just shows how physically weak you are.
You will never know just what you could be capable of.

t. Pussy

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Halo needs good games again
I'm hoping that the MCC collection on the PC helps the series

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I am 215 and bench 390 and squat 585 with a 675 DL. 210 OHP seated. GTFO my bred tiny man.

I heard this was not advertised at all. By my friend. The one running it. Contracts were made that said a certain amount of events needed to run without marketing budget for that many. I can see why the event is empty. Did YOU hear about it before this autistic posted about it?

yeah well I'm 105 and bench 650 and squat 625 (having a higher squat than bench is for girls) and DL 900. 320 OHP, standing because I'm not lazy.

>unironically giving a shit about GAYLO, the Fortnite of its time
The most faggot game played only by the most faggot people. Bubble and Bobble say hi, Master Chef sucked our cocks.

Attached: How to deal with GAYLO fans.gif (204x154, 2M)


Halo has been around for 18 years faggot
And the original trilogy is better than most games coming out today

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I would have gone

>faggots have been around for 18 years
So? Won't stop us from ridiculing you 18 years later gaylo cringefag. Most casual FPS introducing the most cancer of mechanics into the genre of its time.

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Esports are pure cringe.

>look at me I'm mocking Halo am I cool now redd- I meant Yea Forums!

Mocking gaylofags like yourself has been a tradition before plebbit ever even existed.

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>kinda of a

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Lmao shut up baby dick

>the fornite of its time

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Is "everyone stronger than me has a small penis" the earliest example of coping?

Wojak spam is annoying mate
I mean I like the creative edits like Norf or any of the /pol/ or /his/ stuff but soijack and the crying wojak is fucking annoying

Gaylo deserves no more and no less than empty rooms.

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Kill yourself zoomzoom, just like gaylo killed itself.

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>lonely virgin the post.

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look at this dude
he just HAS to find some way to cope with his lack of physical prowess because he can't be bothered to actually work out like a man.


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announcing reports is against the rules retard

>Pray for Infinite.
>caring about Halo after 3

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i haven't seen this image in fucking YEARS

hahaha what a pussy, look at this faggot.


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Hey, that's already more people than the Stadia event!

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seems like he struck a nerve
kek, what a response

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Get BTFO, son!

What's a Halo Gay Evolved thread doing on Yea Forums? Didn't we drive off this cringe game and its fanbase 15 years ago?

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lrn2read retard

>in the 10 or so years 343 have had Halo, the best thing to come out of the franchise is a set of skins for Gears of war
This is the worst timeline.

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No user, you are the poo poo & pee pee

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as someone who still follows competitive Halo I had no clue this event was going on. Then again I don't like Halo 3

>how dare you have modern language

If you find contemporary lexical phrasing to be contumely then you have some contrariwise ideas about language.

Quake lost and there isn't a single thing you can ever do to change that :)

avatar posting is against the rules, see you in three days chump


Don’t include anybody else in your faggot ass shit bud lmao
Speak and stick up for yourself stop being limp wristed

this. you can have a deep and exciting multiplayer shooter without COD-like ADD kiddie bullshit
see: halo 1-3

one was the best imo. indestructible vehicles made them more tactical. couldn't just take off in the hog to bum across the map because your team wouldn't necessarily get it back when you died.
limited, slow movement made players think about situations before wandering into them. there was a use case and strategy for every single weapon. the graphics were crisp and clear and it was easy to see what and who you were shooting at. here's hoping MCC PC is good.

>waaaah waaaah mommy, they insulted muh gaylo!

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read what? your schizophrenic nonsense? lol

Damn you’re mad as shit hahah


Thats actually not true. The very first thing that 343 did was release the TU for lolreach, and it was good. Unfortunately it was too late to save the game, as players had already moved on.
After that though, its all been downhill.

Now now big boy, don't go shooting up a school you hear?

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I’m sure you’ll beat me to it

Eric and Dylan played Doom tho

What’s funny is that the skins are of characters they didn’t even create.

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Hows it feel being outnumbered? Halo isn't hated like it used to be anymore, get dabbed on :)

>your average gaylo fan

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That you?


Based. Btfo

Rookie numbers kid. ngmi

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>The last Halo game came out almost half a decade ago
>Everyone hated it

It's not that hard to understand. All I can do is hope that 343 has spent the intervening years learning from their mistakes, and making the necessary improvements to their formula. 4 wasn't great, and 5 was really bad, but I still don't think that Halo has been Last Jedi'd yet (though 5 came close).


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I don't believe any of the people responding to this post saying they can do more are telling the truth. I don't really believe this post either honestly, but those other ones seem more reactive and as a result are even less believable.

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>console FPS tournament
It's astonishing these people think there would be more spectators than the special olympics.

Because nothing 343 has ever made (let alone their awful characters) has been worth a wet shit. You could go ahead and delete everything 343's has made in the last 10 years and nobody would bat an eye. Hell, people might even celebrate halo 4 & 5 being deleted off the face of the earth. They're so fucking pathetic, literally 343 has only survived this long coasting off the brand made from bungie's legacy, and microsoft's bottomless moneypit.

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Jesus Christ it's Ezio Autismore.

Whoa. What part of the dark web have I opened up here. This thread is fucking autistic.

>console fps
>console eSports


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>oh wow
Can people not?

>Halo Infinite

Attached: woke.png (630x653, 562K)

If you were 10 years old when you played Halo CE, you're 27-28 years old and older than 90% of Yea Forums by default

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you say this while posting images saved from facebook.

Halo used to be one of the most watched esports back when it was made by Bungie

halo ruined FPS games

>look at capitalism
>"yeah, works perfectly, bruh"
You are just as dumb as the commies who defended their dying system to the last bitter inch.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>Being competitive in a console shooter.

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They dropped Raimi? What the fuck

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It stopped being the most watched before Bungie jumped ship. Halo, although a good game, has a pretty weak skill ceiling. Hard to be impressed by "pros" when they look like average people playing.

Works better than whatever commie shit you think works.
That guy must have some big cognitive dissonance going to work on a product that will eventually be sold.

capitalism must go

The only squat you do is on dicks you flaming flamingo!

I think it's less a defense of capitalism as much as people who write shit like that are slackjawed cocksuckers farming woke brownie points.
Also as bad as capitalism is there is nothing as dumb as commies.

We unironically need national socialism. It's demonized because of Nazi Germany, but it is the best way to run a nation. There has to be more to a society than 'muh money' 24/7, we need more as a species.

Many European nations have systems close to that balance but because they don't insititutionalize racism it's bad, awful and cucked. Then people vote libertarians who dismantle every socialist system, calling in the foreign megacorps, shitting on the poor and sending the nation in a death spiral of just cutting down everything in name of freedumbs and short-term utilitarism.

>Didn't we drive off this cringe game and its fanbase 15 years ago?

no, microsoft and 343i did.

don't claim credit for what you could never do so completely and thoroughly as corporate mismanagement.

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ninja and his 15k viewers on mixer will save halo

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Take your schizo meds

The glory days of competitive halo 1 and 2 will never return. I miss it.

dude halo sucks ass.
Halo is just a slow game made for the xbox

>samefagging yourself

>skill ceiling

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>when even Quake fucking Champions gathers a bigger audience

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I never played past Halo 3, what did Reach do to fuck up multiplayer?

>Quake Champions
That game is still around?





There is no point in watching a console shooter competition. Aim assist festival isn't entertaining. Halo is slow and boring.

I don't know what gaylo is OP. I don't speak faggot