WOW classic levels/ class/ race

18, shaman, orc. What is the consensus on Yea Forums of everything?

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its a home for homeless

31 Mage, Undead.
Game is good, but I need to be in the right mood to play it.

35 dorf rogue

Quite happy i need to wageslave throughout the days, or i would not leave my room from launch to this day. Also quite happy about my server choice, almost all the guys i've met were nice.

20 Warrior, Tauren
Vanilla world and quest design only works with full servers. Retail moving towards cinematic solo experiences was meant to distract from the declining population.

Op here, I'm new and for a game made in 2004 I am impressed with the world building and had a few memorable moments. And that's coming from a guy who has been bored of games for years, but my friend begged me to play it so I did. I started in Durotar, travelled to burrows, and touch down in the Tauren area. But blimping to the underworld was epic, and getting in an open-ended pvp with my bro nearby with a level 21 alliance and winning was pretty memorable.

22 Troll Shaman. I'm feeling that voodoo, mon.
I'm having a good time, but it's important to interact with the community. Chat with people in dungeons, make strategies, talk about drops, not just mindlessly lfp all day long.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

47 night elf druid
it's alright but has some glaring problems. its like trading pserver chinks for retarded retailfags and twichdrones. pick your poison.

55, dorf warrior.

Game has been great but there are some weird ass bugs I don't remember ever happening back in the day. In some boss fights where there are two NPCs, I've managed to pull only one of them. This has happened couple times now, once in ZF and then once in ST.
Also when enemies retreat at low health, they sometimes run through walls. Especially shitty when they have a dot on them and they run through a cave wall and you can't loot them.
Also requesting stop at the closest FP with gryphon sometimes drops you on the spot.
Also where the fuck is the keyring?! It was in 1.12.

That's exactly the experience I got during general chat fucking lol

33 orc warrior
28 troll hunter

Classes start up again in a week. Not going to make it

38 hunter.

trying to get herods shoulders. will start questing in STV soon.

35 Tauren Warrior that I'm solo leveling
15 Troll Shaman I'm leveling with a buddy who doesn't have as much time as me
I have been loving the game I have no complaints thus far, barring a random high ass level ally mage rooting me and killing me AFTER I've fought a mob and am at like 40% hp

40, Orc Shaman. Upset cuz Linux is blocked right now as a shit attempt to stop the DDoSing. Besides that, kinda bummed that the game is so nerf'd from being on 1.12

So they did not make the game an absolute recreation? How so?

level 40 dorf Warrior.
I'm not having fun, I just play this because of peer pressure.
I couldn't get those people together for any other game.

dont worry. once you hit 60, you be the king.

37 mage and 25 warrior both human because Teldrassil a shit and I didn't wanna do the run in launch week, gnomes are gay, and my dorf will probably never get leveled past 10 because I forgot how much I dislike hunters.
The game is great, but the server stuff is bad.
>FUCKING. LAYERING. Everything about layering is awful: abusing it for faster resource grinding, giant server queues because they decided to cram a bunch of people into layered servers instead of just having more servers and merging them later on, having it but somehow still having a million people to compete with in every decent grind spot you go to because there are way more people playing on one server than was ever intended
>asston of fucking lag compensation
>can't handle DDoS
Also want the Twitchdrones to fuck off. Zoomerbegone apparently doesn't cover the 7 bajillion Twitch emotes.

I know, I've been through the motions. Thats the whole issue, I did all of this way too often.
Only content I didnt touch in vanilla was Naxx.

31 nelf druid. It's going okay, I generally leave horde alone unless they chimp out then they get ganked while trying to fight mobs.

That said I'm not sure where to level I don't seem to be quite high enough for hillsbrad and STV. Might go to the shimmering flats.

Patch 1.12 balance is the last patch before TBC. The world was nerf'd hard by this point to let people experience the world before the new exac. It is not representative of launch difficulty, or the game as it would have been back in the day, during the equivalent of "Phase 1"

same. I played because my friend insisted, desu I had not been addicted to games in a long time. Also I am the op, but a I sought the game and after playing loads it captured me. Probably because my life isn't super great, but the time interspersed is a value. I am having fun, but how are you not?

I did all of those quests multiple times before cataclysm changed the world.
I dont see any great value in redoing them. They arent difficult to me. I'm several magnitudes better than I used to be back then.
I still remember most of the idiosyncrasies that were standard in vanilla.
I enjoyed rediscovering some things I legitimately forgot like timed quests, but that only lasted for about a week.
World PVP is a big joke to me. If you outnumber people you will always win. If you play a hardcounter class you will always win. Playing on a PVE realm would feel wrong though. Cleaving people that want to pick my herbs in half is important.

Right now I'm just going through the motions. I only look forward to BRD but not really Molten Bore. Im a bit curious how the raiding experience stacks up to me and my guild being filled with 10+ years veterans though.

28 dwarf warrior here. I am pretty happy with classic, as all my old time friends are finally playing something together. And we have a fun party. Though I wanted to play rogue but had to go warrior as we nobody wanted to go tank. Now some guy tells me that I should have rolled human, as they have the best warrior stats. Is that true, bros? Is my dwarf guy not up to the challenge?

37 druid, life Is comfy. I should spend more time on my schoolwork

human gets weapon skill +for both maces and swords for some godforsaken reason.
that gives them an advantage as warriors that really want weapon skill but its not the end of the world.

at 28 I wouldnt reroll, I'm a dwarf warrior myself and its fine. perfect minmaxing isnt required in vanilla, but its still bullshit that blizzard fucked the racials like that from the start.

yea i get that when fighting multiple enemies, but wouldn't a meta strategy counteract that? Also, first time I played wow

Based dorf.
I'm level 8 though

I assume you're referring to my human racial post.
Weapon skill is good for warrior because it gives hit rating and you want to hit the bosses at endgame.
bosses are all three levels above 60 so you need extra gear to hit them consistently and dual wielding has a huge hit chance penalty.
with the human racials you need less of that gear to reach those hit caps.
you can compensate for that with gear, it just means you will have to sacrifice some other stats. its not the end of the world though.

24 human warrior. Currently enjoying Duskwood.

But how influential is that 5 points to weapon skill? I mean, I have something like 175 weapon skill. So, it's like 1% on level 60 or so?

I think its 2-3% against bosses, not exactly sure.
at endgame you have gear that gives you 2% hit and I think you need 8% extra hit so that all of your special attacks always hit bosses.

60 human warlock

Levelled up to 42 as druid, solo
Rerolled to Priest to level up with my bro, who is barely on but classic was taking over my life anyway.

20 Undead Rogue

First time playing and I’m loving it. Didn’t really to expect to find groups so easily for stuff.

41 Orc Warrior
>Got my Whirlwind Axe
>Got my Carapace of Tuten Kash and Scarlet Monastery mail
>Currently at 210 Engi, going Gnomish
>Mfw Rogues actually attack me
>Mfw literally 2 shot clothies
>Haven't actually fought a Druid since level 20 something

Fuck I love being a Warrior

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Troll mage, level 33.
How am I supposed to AOE grind mobs? Do I have to wait until level 40 for ice barrier? Also, what is this spellcleaving thing people keep advertising in general chat?

>Also, what is this spellcleaving thing people keep advertising in general chat?
3 x mage, 1 Warlock, 1 Priest. You have the Warlock use Eye of Kilrogg to pull the entire instance and all the mages AoE kite it down.

5 skillpoints is equal to 1 level. raid bosses function as level 63 mobs with 315 defence. 300 weapon skill against 315 defence results in increased parry/dodge chance, reduced crit chance and glancing blows. +5 weapon skill cuts this disadvantage by quite a lot since mobs 3 levels above are light red while mobs 2 levels above are yellow.

until you realize that 90% of the opponent faction is frost mages.

I've only run into one mage so far who knew how to Rank 1 Frostbolt, and I'm working on getting a Frost Reflector anyway.


Been playing with 21 points into subtlety because I didn't want to be an NPC combat rogue. The gameplay isn't that bad, but the lack of good daggers (without going to the AH) is killing me.
Just now trained maces because I found a good one. Not going to respec, since im already 9 points into combat; just going to see those 3 points into improved ambush as 'lost'. Not willing to sacrifice my prep, and unwilling to waste my free respec already during lvling.

You should just go full Sub. Once you have Hemo it's a decent leveling spec while always being vastly better for world PvP than combat. Combat is an absolute joke in the world.

So I should roll a human warrior instead of a dwarf to be viable in the late game?

>Also requesting stop at the closest FP with gryphon sometimes drops you on the spot.
iirc the request stop wasn't in game in vanilla. As far as I know, you logged out to get dropped off at the next point in stead of your destination. Think they put this hop off thing in so you don't have to risk standing in a queue again.

you will always be viable vanilla raiding is a joke.
playing a race you're comfortable with is ultimately more important.

>Classes start up again in a week.

Every race is viable, Humans do 2.4% more DPS when you have no +weapon skill gear. There is significant Diminishing returns beyond 312 weapon skill, which can be attained by any race. The human racial is basically ythat you don't have to spend 800+ gold on Edgemasters.

it isnt that big of a deal. it was a big deal on private servers where content was overtuned and you had to minmax all the way down to racials. just play what you want.

32, human Pala.

50 Human Rogue. Game is pretty fun. Can be frustrating at times if you don't have a good quest path planned out. Had a point where I had to travel to Africa and back to get/turn in a bunch of quests and that was pretty annoying. Other than that, it's been fun. Got Thrash Blade + a decent offhand recent and I'm steamrolling everything.

26 undead mage
No idea how to level faster - should i just grind mobs 2-3levela below me?

I wish they made 1.12 harder or took the pre nerfed patch but overall it's the best WoW has ever been since 15 years.

Level 12, virgin, homosexual.
Any qt orc's around to smash my ass?

I just realized that Im gonna have to respec my talents when I get a sword or mace.
what a shit system.

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16 Warrior Tauren
Having a lot of fun so far. Didn't play retail and never played WoW back in the day but I always wanted to.
I want layering to finally stop though, after the DDOS it was broken for a little bit and Orgrimarr was populated as fuck, it was really cool to see and that's what I always wanted to see when I wanted to play WoW

45, Troll Shadow Priest
Thinking of Giving up, I've had more than enough of my fill of classic

21, Warlock, Gnome

Honestly I missed out on WoW and only got in around Lich King.

Holy fuck it was and still is a great experience. This is seriously one of the best times i've had in a game.

36 Gnome Warlock.

Finally getting into Scarlet Monastery. Just ran through the Graveyard, Armory and Library but it's such an iconic dungeon.

Questing around Hillsbrad a but too on sunday night and it was packed, a full on warzone. I just did a quiet but of fishing there before bed. Loving it.

>15 dwarf warrior
>13 human rogue
>8 nelf druid
its boring even with my friend

Getting tired of the treadmill and knowing the game is gonna be a shitshow by the time I reach end game. Playing a warrior to and I dont give a shit about pvp minigames.

Most of them dont know how to play and are fucked by the engi helm and intercept. It usually ends in me getting sheeped and them running or me teabagging their corpse after critting twice in a row.

33 fem human rogue

I work a lot so my time is rather limited, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far
Hope I can afford the mount at 40, currently at 35g or so.

I don't know what you are talking about. There are way more nice daggers to find in dungeons as you level compared to swords

I just can't deal with playing sub to start because you miss out on the early +hit.

Level 21 Main, Rogue, Undead (Skin/Herb)
Level 24 Alt, Priest, Undead (Tail/Ench)
Level 17 Alt, Warlock, Undead (Mine/Smith)

Really happy as I'm finally plowing into the leveling on my main after taking a while to level my alts to give the rogue bags, weapons and enchants.

the consensus is I'm in love, bros

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