I know this game is old now, but I remember a lot of people talking about this game when it was released. Decided to try it, but it's garbage. Bejewled with extremely shitty rewards. It can barely be called a "porn" game with those shitty pics. I remember flash games from early 2000 doing a better job. The only added is voice acting, really.
I know this game is old now, but I remember a lot of people talking about this game when it was released...
Other urls found in this thread:
Kyanna is my waifu
>this game is old now
>its been four years
wtf is happening Yea Forums
Huniepop isn't a porn game, it's a game that has porn in it. Porn wasn't even in the original pitch, it's something that backers requested.
Also it's great.
It gets boring quickly. You expect something at the end but get nothing.
Eh, I really enjoy it. All down to taste I suppose.
I praise it to make the dangerhairs buttmad
Lola is best.
You must be happy that she's one of the only three returning girls then.
It's a puzzle game nigger what were you expecting
Life moves pretty fast.
You don't stop a look around for a while, you might miss it.
You don't even know.
Her outfit is even revealing and her boobs got much bigger.
I love chocolate so much.
Everything you wrote is correct and I love it anyway.
Official Huniepop Tier list:
SSS+++ breaks the meta and needs her own tier tier:
High tier:
Kyu, Tiffany, Celeste
Mid tier:
Aiko, Lola, Beli
Low tier:
Audrey, Venus, Jessie
FFF--- so shit that they must be quarrantied to their own tier tier:
Kyanna, Nikki.
>momo at the top
Never seen worst taste
>not even noticing the vulgar voice acting was the highlight of the game
The rest of the ranking is decent, but
>Momo at the top
Get real nigga
including the moans.
>Not wanting a gullible and pliable woman as your partner
What are you even doing.
I'm just a bit dissapointed the designs in HP2 are rather dull so far, as for their outfit, it's almost the same "Tank top + short".
Hoping for some girl at least wearing some pantyhose.
I agree with you user but we havent seen all the costumes yet so theres still hope
I think part of that is that it's a tropical setting. The alt outfits have all looked different
That's fine, but Momo was intentionally made to be obnoxious.
>Momo at the top
A fellow man of taste, I see.
>it's garbage.
Sorry about your shit taste user, Huniepop 1 is fucking kino
Nothing in the series after that is worth a second glance though.
>doesnt make visual representation of tier list
Peak of average Yea Forums IQ
How would Valve deal with the 'problematic' sequel of this game? IIRC the whole eroge shenanigans of Valve of late was because the first one was removed from the store due to pressure of some conservative groups but got reinstated quickly due to backlash. I can't imagine of any tricks they would pull to get an excuse to remove this without getting absolutely shat on.
I mean, that literally encompasses one game at the moment.
Huniecam is trash and Pop 2 is already confirmed for shit girls, so it has no chance of being good
>Audrey isn't at the top
>Momo rated highest
>Audrey in low tier
Audrey turned out to be one of the most divisive girls in vidya
Which kind of secret character would you want?
>FBDO is 33 years old
A robot girl
Fucking this. She’s one of the nicest. As well as Beli
even on the tier list. cat fags go home.
Beli's CG were fucking awesome, she was the most conservative girl and holy shit her CGs were raunchy.
Audrey was voted as the queen of Yea Forums you fucking newfag. Had you been here you would have know that damn voiceclip that I can't find anymore.
imagine thinking Yea Forums is better