It's out! Are you ready to challenge your fears, Yea Forums?

It's out! Are you ready to challenge your fears, Yea Forums?

Attached: celeste.jpg (1460x730, 177K)

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The new levels?

Is it another shit game by some tranny but is supposed have some real deep message?

Yea Forums really doesn't know how to have fun with games. It's crazy

Call Celeste a tranny game all you want, but Yea Forums will never live down the raging boner they had for Lena Raine before people pulled receipts

I wish I knew what you're talking about.
I'm just guessing based on certain indie developers.

How hard are they? All c-side tier?

I haven't even unlocked chapter 8 yet. well I mean I have but I don't have the hearts

Some few screens in, And I'm loving the little blowfish. Feels much less random than the bumpers.

this game sucks

harder than c sides and 100 screens long
or at least that's the tagline

Just how do they find the creativity for all this shit? Jeez.

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game looks fucking gay lol any grown man over the age of 18 playing this garbage should cut their own dick off because they certainly have no testosterone left to justify owning one

woah super mario maker 2 looks like this????

>Lena Raine before people pulled receipts


I think the developer is a shitty human being, so I cant support this game.
I might pirate it though.

it's a he

What did he do?

He wrote that he didn't like the dev that killed himself last week, that's it. That has been twisted into him dancing on his grave or something.

more like challenge your queers lol

No shit because he is supporting lying SJWs

Nah, he straight up said that he's glad that the NitW guy killed himself.

Provide source

Jeez I thought Yea Forums was exaggerating...

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>Tfw your controller is dead
Welp, Yea Forums, time for me to suffer, i'll go through this shit with a keyboard
I can't wait
Nice edit faggot.

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how much of an incel do you have to be to edit a twitter post to get people to hate womyn

buh buh buh based!!

The tranny composer for the game. When >she popped up at the game awards or whatever all of Yea Forums collectively lost their shit and started furiously fapping until they heard >her voice

It's great, they have great ideas. The medusa you use as glider is great and gives you much more control than other momentum-based modifiers. Feels more like an extra move for Madeline rather than something you have to simply deal with.

>new levels midnight PST
How do I get them? They're not showing up.
Is there new music?

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40 minutes of new music according to the devs, what I heard so far is fantastic. Apparently you just have to complete chapter 8.

The original is bad enough, you don't need to lie.

Also the game is about Anxiety, not 'Muh depreshun'

>tfw these fucking fish
I both hate and love this mechanic

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Damn nigga chapter 9 is fucking hard

woah... A tumblr looking game is made by a sjw tranny...

just looks like a mix between super meat boy and that one part in VVVVV to me

After beating the base game and about half of the B sides on keyboard, I'm now replaying it with a controller and holy shit is it much more uncomfortable. I can't hit the diagonal like 50% of the time, am I retarded or simply not used to a joystick?

Took a little inspirations from the D sides didnt they

Like re-complete it?
Are you playing on steam?
How do I update?

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try restarting steam if it doesn't automatically download the update

I'm not even close to the end and it's already the longest level in the game by far. This chapter is insane

It's now showing up.
I'll just play later.

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You did go through the secret route with the required wavedash after the jellyfish right?

Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru.

Are there new characters?



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>"you only need to clear 8A to play the DLC"
>gets blocked by heart gate halfway through if you haven't done at least the B-sides

what the fuck there is no reward for doing it?

the game is literally yet another indie pixel shallow gameplay retro styled game about mental illness

that last screen is some serious shit
they weren't kidding about harder than C-sides

Is the golden strawberry on the dlc literally impossible

AAAAAAAAH I love these fucking fishes

Attached: fish.webm (533x300, 1.07M)

almost every room in this DLC is a little puzzle, it's great
hard as fuck by the end though

is it actually harder than C sides?
my problem with them wasn't that they were super hard, but the single rooms were long as fuck

I really don't like the new music.

Rooms aren't as massive as C sides but still feature multiple challenges in a row. They also require some figuring out, the new mechanics are really interesting and unique.
The entire chapter seems long as fuck, so the golden strawberry is probably near impossible for mortal beings

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I just completed the half point with the white heart. Felt kinda weird having a tutorials about C side mechanics now. But then again, C and B sides at times introduced mechanics out of nowhere like hyper walljump.

You dont need to beat any B side, there are 7 regular heats in the a sides. Each A side has one.

Yeah that's because they had to make it unlocked after 8A instead of 8C like the originally wanted to, which meant it's possible for people to get in without knowledge of the hyperdashing so it has to be teached again.
I do like how there is a path split where you can go for a little harder challenge if you know about wavedashing but it doesn't seem like there is a reason to do that path at all

The last room as at least twice the length of 7C's last room

You need 15.

>but it doesn't seem like there is a reason to do that path at all
Speedrunning I'd assume. I noticed several rooms with alternative paths or apparently useless geometry.

oh great

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if you die during any of that you have to start it all over?

Yes, it's the final screen

>second half of the chapter just becomes kaizo celeste

and that's a good thing
can't wait to see what speedrunners do to chapter 9

>lmao just hyper walljump off a moving platform

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Been stuck here for the past 35 minutes, am I doing it wrong?
The way I understand it is to activate the block, do horizontal hyper, then vertical hyper. How in the fuck am I supposed to time it correctly? Am I missing some tells? It's beyond tight, even if you do get the hyper walljump you have to get it absolutely perfectly or you end up on the spikes to the right, the fuck?

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You can use the black glitch in the top to time it, but it's still tough
Make sure to hold neutral while doing the vertical hyper or you will just hit the spikes
enjoy immediately dying after that because you don't know what to do afterwards

Wuts a hyper jump?

check out a speedrun where people wavedash off one of those directional POW blocks is it hits a wall

you just go flying

Attached: wavedashmovingplatform-2.webm (1280x720, 971K)

>Make sure to hold neutral while doing the vertical hyper
Holy shit that was it. I of course died right after, but I'm much more consistent. I was pressing the diagonal I think. Thanks user.

it gets seriously fucking hard after the heart gate

Yep, thanks user, done. I always forget that you get more elevation if you wait, I was doing it the very instant I touched the block where in reality you can wait just a tiny instant to go much, much higher. What a room.

it just keeps fucking going

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how the fuck you get past the the guy you dash in to to make him go?

Is there supposed to be an update? Because I don't see anything.

Longest chapter by far. Feels longer than summit A + B combined

Xbox is still waiting on certification from MS

I just did this without going the other way
Do I just miss out on the normal path? Is that it?

The first guy to make video proof of him beating chapter 9 with the golden strawberry is a literal fucking god.

It's 100 fucking screens and half of them are C-side tier

That explains it. Xbox is behind everyone else, as usual.

SJW terminology update: the word "womyn" has been adopted by trans-exclusionary radfems and now means "actual women and not trannies", therefore the term is now considered transphobic by the mainstream leftoids. A real SJW no longer uses "womyn".

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You guys got Dark Souls 3 DLC a few days early though

Even her voice is fine lmao Yea Forums is just autistic

They just couldn't help themselves, could they? I knew this shit was coming as soon as Matt came out as a tranny or whatever he's calling it

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>madeline actually has a dick
wtf celeste is based now


>emotionally unstable tranny


LET THEN HAVE THEIR STUPID FLAGS why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this? can Yea Forums move on? it has been 7 fucking years!!!!!

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At least we know it's not about abortion now

This room alone is draining my soul

It doesn't need to be about abortion since the game itself is one.

Did theo gave her the dick?

Yea Forums hates when people show pride in anything, so pride flags are inherently triggering. Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins, after all, and we are all good christians here on 4channel.

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>pro-abortion themes
miss me with this gay shit

You shouldn't be proud of being a mentally ill freak

see madeline is trans

i would like to go back, but i fear it's been so long since i played it that the intended challenge of the level will be too much for me to jump back into.

>mentally ill freak
we are in fucking Yea Forums

it starts mid B-side tier difficulty and after a very obvious halfway point the C-side and beyond shit starts

>abortion meme still making rounds

You can just tell how shit a game is when a fake meme is still the most relevant thing about the game here.

That and the massive amount of sois asking for games to not have failstates anymore because of this game's stupid fucking assist mode.

>madeline is trans

flag behind monitor along with a faggot one.

How the fuck do i get this on my hacked switch? I don't want to go online at all

>flag behind monitor along with a faggot one.
the left put those flags everywhere so what!?

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user here is (you) for the effort


Where would this idea even come from? I know you're just shitposting but I can't comprehend how anything in the game would point to this.


>dilate my eyes

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Fuck Platformers, Fuck Celeste, Fuck Epic Games, Fuck Trannies and Fuck Jannies

How the fuck do I get past this part?

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so what is the best new song?

Attached: GASHDANCE.webm (480x360, 725K)

You dilate

Not Canon in D

>join the official Celeste discord to talk about the DLC
>greeted with a bunch of trannies seething because someone used male pronouns

Can't make this shit up. Turns out discord trannies isn't a meme after all

terrible art/graphics
terrible music
good gameplay

how do you time the second vertical hyper in this level?

Should I buy this game? I have a thing for hard games, but generally I fell out of touch with indie titles a few years ago, it just became too much and too much of it was vacuous arty shit. This looks pretty good though.

It's cheap

Miss me with that gay shit.

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The mechanics are solid and there's a lot of challenging optional content (including the huge DLC that just came out today). Story is typical indie shit but it's unintrusive and you can skip cutscenes if you don't care about the story

20 bucks for an indie title isn't what I'd call cheap. I got Super Meat Boy for 3 dollars and played 115 hours of that game.

>20 bucks for an indie title isn't what I'd call cheap.
But it is

>Story is typical indie shit
but is good

It objectively isn't. It is on the more expensive side of indie titles.

That said, compared to a triple A release, it is cheap, and from what I've heard all the DLC is free so they most definitely probably deserve my 20 for it.

Opinion automatically disregarded

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Pirate it. Don't support the shithead of a dev.

You can get an objectively better game for 5 dollars less.

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>Pirate it. Don't support the shithead of a dev.
I don't like pirating indie titles. I'm perfectly fine pirating triple a shit though. Explain what makes the developer a bad person.
>inb4 he's a leftist so that makes him bad

>comparing 2 completely different genres.
I love hollow knight but you sound like a retard

Was with the clique that threw Alec under a bus because believe woman.

friendly reminder that this game lives in you faggots heads rent free

>comparing the prices of two indie games

Trannies are dumb.

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Alec fucking did it, this is not an ambiguous thing, he did it and it was known that he did. It's tragic that he killed himself but he still did what he did.

>objectively better game
I love Hollow Knight, but the two games have nothing in common besides both being about jumping in a 2D space.

>believing in Zoe

figures a celeste thread would bring you faggots here.

Maddy is trans!!! Trans rights!!!!

You realize he could already have hollow knight right? You are a retard and trannies live in your head rent free

She's a big girl.

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Chapter 9 is actually never ending

That's a very lewd way to drink a slush puppy

Underrated game coming through.

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>tfw badeline and the bird start throwing you into spikes

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Now this is based. Didn't like that tumor = lives thing in the future but overall still a great game.

Maybe try marketing your game instead of releasing it
Most people who liked meat boy likely never heard of end is nigh

It really was great, shame that pretty much nobody cared.
Edmund games to me also feel very honest, so to me when he picks a theme for his game it doesn't feel political in the slightest, there's no angle to it, it's just very personal and underneath that theme there is also a dumb little story. People probably don't think too much about it, but I like how he does things.
Yeah, it's a shame. He had some kind of falling out with Tommy, and I guess he gave Tommy the thumbs up to keep making meat boy shit while he did something new. That new meat boy looks like garbage though.

just made it to the heavy sideway winds in chapter 9 how close am I?

did you reach the 15 heart gate yet? that's the halfway point

That just proves the only good thing trannies are for is porn, further proved by the fact all passable trannies are in porn

>tfw all those faps and fantasies I had about curing a cute redhead girl's depression with my dick
Gone... like sperm in the rain.

I used four keys but there's still one gate what the fuck? I checked every room to see if one respawned but nothing. Restarting the game did nothing too.

there's a secret exit

Thanks, found it.

>further proved by the fact all passable trannies are in porn
What an absurdly stupid comment. Considering how 90% of trannies in porn AREN'T passable, that tells me that the same ratio exists outside of porn. Like, do you honestly believe that every tranny that ends up being passable, every single one of them, desides "well, I actually managed to look like a girl so I OBVIOUSLY have to go into porn"? Jesus you're stupid.

will I need a guide to find all the strawberries?

No. The soundtrack was made by a tranny, but the story is surface level. If you're playing this, it's for the gameplay.

t. ranny

> Game about abortion.

Yea Forums turns everything into a boogeyman and thinks this is going to pollute all of their precious video games, not realizing that the more they demonize and push back against it, the more publicity it gets and the more LGBT communities get to play the victim, thus making people like your average Yea Forums user look like the bad guys.

I don't really understand why Yea Forums gives so much of a shit anyway considering the games this stuff ends up in are either indie games that Yea Forums was never going to care about in the first place in, not to mention are in an abundant market so there are still tons of indie games available that DON'T have this kind of content, and when it ends up in virtue signally AAA games, it's always franchises Yea Forums doesn't even care about form shitty publishers like EA, so Yea Forums was never going to bother anyway. You can't even count Mass Effect considering that shit has been there since the first game and the injection of it was far from the worst part about ME3 so Yea Forums had already written off Andromeda anyway.

If Yea Forums users could just learn to grow up and leave it be, they'd see that the whole thing will die down. The entire reason why LGBT is as in their face as it is is because they get to play the victim in the first place and for no reason other than they exist. Such an absurd reason to pick a fight with them is obviously going to land sympathy on their side. Stop pushing them and they have no reason to push back. Stop rallying against them and the world has no more reason to rally with them. Just fucking ignore it and move on and the rest of the world will do the same.


what the fuck, it cant be, trans never look like good

This room is draining my life away. Easily more frustrating than the entire core game combined

it gets worse lol

>just grow up Yea Forums!

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I have been here for 6 hours and my hands are almost dying
Just a little bit more...

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I wish for death

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Spoiler me, does she accept the death?

How long is this? this dlc is way too long.

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What the FUCK do you mean you have to do ALL that shit in one single fucking live

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Your at like 70%

It's good platforming but it's too long for one sitting. This is why A/B/C sides exists, to pace it better and make you feel like your getting somewhere.
Not bothered about length but the pacing is terrible

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The final room is like an entire different C side worth of rooms in one room
no checkpoints
fuck you

So considering this is now the hardest content in the game, where does it stack up difficulty wise with other precision platformers?

>that last screen
Yeah, I'm done. This is a bit too much.

Based Changed poster

>quitting on the final stretch

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The final 2 minute long stretch with 0 checkpoints.

Why is this board so obsessed with transsexuals?

>he thinks it's just 2 minutes

It's not even 2 mins. You can do it in 90 secs

Keep trying. That room is easier than 7-C, just longer

What do I do to get to the power box? I took the red orb to the right but it seems like I'm softlocked now since I didn't turn off the box first, there's electricity everywhere.

Kill me

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hitting the electric box twice and touching the bird is literally the end

I also died just after that point with the feather


Just beat it
now what
oh no I need to go back to get the achievement strawberry too don't i

holy hell this dlc is evil

Okay I guess this DLC isn't for me then

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After beating it I am completely exhausted