ITT games v has tricked you into getting and because of such trickery you no longer trust v's judgement

ITT games v has tricked you into getting and because of such trickery you no longer trust v's judgement

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Nier Automata for me. Never trust Yea Forums on made in Japan games.
By the way, how the hell did you fall for your pic? I didn't even saw that much of a praise here and criticism was legit and easily explain what a mess game actually is.

Is that Fortnite?

Who in their right mind listens to Yea Forums??

Sorry that Yea Forums can't identify with the terminal shit taste you have the misfortune of living with.

Hollow Knight and Risk of Rain 2 are the games that Yea Forums shilled a lot, and that was the only reason I even learned about their existence, and I ended up not liking at all.
Now that I think about it, these games were probably only promoted by viral marketers and not actual Yea Forums posters.

It was a good lesson though. If completely unknown games suddenly have threads with full of replies that appear to discuss games like they were always being discussed on Yea Forums, then it's the work of viral marketers.

Well i was scrolling through a thread about it and the gist was "dark souls 2 but worse" so i figured how bad could it be since dark souls 2 was already pretty bad for a souls game i thought what could possibley go wrong and then bam it went just as wrong as i figured it wouldnt.
Nope its called outward.

Smash Bros 3DS

smt: nocturne, deus ex 1, morrowind.
It's the holy trinity of Yea Forums-core, OLD GOOD NEW BAD shit taste.

I got starsector on Yea Forums's advice, with sseth pushing me over the edge
turns out it was the right move

Outward is comfy as fuck. People shilling it as dark souls haven't played more than the very first 5 minutes.

>fallout 1 and 2
>arma 3

>it's not a porn game bro, it has good combat, I swear
>takes an hour to get the piece of shit running properly
>thirty minute tutorial
>combat is literally low, mid, or high punches and then QTE to remove clothing
>requires inane grinding to level equipment otherwise you deal practically no damage

The first risk of rain's actually good though, albeit short

deus ex is good if you have patience and enjoy reading

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Dues ex 1 isnt bad. It is dated.

you're a dumb nigger with shit taste
risk of rain is whatever but hollow knight was some good shit for metroidvania fans

Not him but hollow knight is boring and bland, I got burned on it too.

V does have some good opinions every now and again. It is rare but it is still there.

I liked Outward. Taking anons' word for it is fucking retarded though. You know how many illiterates and underageb&s come here right?

Benefit of the doubt up until that point.

That's why I always pirate a Yea Forums recommended game first before buying.
Dodged the Outward bullet easily.

Deadly Premonition

Yea Forums has great taste and insightful opinions on every subject BESIDES video games


Fuck that noise.

>j-just copy a build from the forums

nah, fuck this shitawful balancing.

I was fooled into having my cock and balls removed by posters in the Something Awful forum.

Fallout 1 and 2 are kinds shrouded in nostalgia and lots of incorrect memories of how the games actually were, I can't in good faith recommend either of them to anyone who doesn't already like isometric RPGs.

I don't know how you got baited into playing STALKER though, literally everyone calls it a Russian Gopnik simulator for a reason. Also, there are a billion and one mods for it anyways.

It depends on the game. Silent Hill threads are great, but going into an mgs v or Witcher thread, for example, is usually met with contrarians or people too butthurt or blinded by defensive fanboyism to have any objectivity, to the point where I have to wonder if I'm talking with literal children. But Yea Forums told me to play deadly premonition and stalker and I wish I had sooner

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This is one of the most overrated franchise in history.

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>Well i was scrolling through a thread about it and the gist was "dark souls 2 but worse" so i figured how bad could it be since dark souls 2 was already pretty bad for a souls game i thought what could possibley go wrong and then bam it went just as wrong as i figured it wouldnt.
That's no one's fault but your own. Why the fuck would you buy a game when someone told you it was a worse version of a bad game?

It really is.

would be a nice little enjoyable game too if it had a traditional save system

Every fucking Character Action game ever. I'm no good at them because I have shit reflexes but every single time one comes out Yea Forums attempts to meme me into buying it.

Kenshi was the only good game Yea Forums recommended. Stuff like RoR2 is fun, but contentless so the fun dies very quickly. I predict Cube World is also dog shit just by looking. Everything looks like it doesn't feel impactful so there's no enjoyment to be had fighting mobs.

What’s bad about it? I bought it because you can hang lanterns on the back and the survival mechanics seemed nice. Especially when Skyrim’s is godawful.
I disagree about grinding. The upgrade system is really easy compared to other Acquire games. Doing the AKB500000 two times will forever be one of the worst game segments ever though. Nearly everything about it dope though, all the neat costumes, characters, stances, walking animations, and weapons etc. Give it a try some other time user, play it for the waifus.

>try out jet set radio
>it's fucking awful
>turns out all the nostalgiababies actually meant Jet Set Radio Future
>except for that one autist who shows up in related threads from time to time to say that the game doesn't play like hot garbage if you play it absolutely perfectly

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>play it in a shitty console
>dude the franchise sucks
Nintendo was dragging down the franchise try World