
Splatoon thread

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I have no woomies to bump with but I love that OP, bro

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Then get some they are cool as fuck

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Is she forgotten?

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Bro idk there used to be so many

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I don't know where to get them enlighten me

does pearl woomy
Japanese Twitter

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octos and squids should hug

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I get all of mine from Yea Forums old threads

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Oh shit a Splatoon thread.
You squiggers better not let the thread fall off Page 10 again before I have a chance to post my drawings. Pic not related.

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gay squid incest

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How do I learn how to draw? I want to make woomys. Either that or learn blender.

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Woomies would never be antifags

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I don't even think they know what politics are

>Throws Ink shake at you

Attached: ANTIFA Inkblot Art Academy 60.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Sexualize the cephalopods

apparently has a guide. Hardest part for me is actually constructing the human form. I start with a stick figure of my pose and build upon it with basic shapes, before finally detailing the finer elements. Then it's coloring and shading, and finally, looking for a clever, well hidden spot to put your signature (optional).

Use references.
Read a few books to give you an idea on how shit works and some excercises.
But more importantly, draw, there's no working around that, you must draw a lot.

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It's okay when they're cousins

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Why can't Callie keep her fucking hands to herself?

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>or learn blender
tartar pls

Because it's OKAY when they're COUSINS

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