Holy shit, I'm playing this for the first time and it's incredible. Currently on the third mission.
This game makes every single MGS title aside from V look primitive as fuck in comparison.
what does Yea Forums think of it?
Holy shit, I'm playing this for the first time and it's incredible. Currently on the third mission.
This game makes every single MGS title aside from V look primitive as fuck in comparison.
what does Yea Forums think of it?
This game is about when MGS drones stopped considering those games to be stealth titles.
Basically, Kojima screwed up and his fanboys did damage control by saying they weren't "REALLY STEALTH GAMES I SWEAR" even though 90% of the gameplay was stealth based.
yeah yeah, wait till you play the lastest splinter cell games
Don't play any game that comes after it you'll just be disappointed
Wait until you play this.
one of the greatest coop games I've ever played
I miss this game and playing with friends. I wish the series didn't take as hard a nose-dive as it did. Stealth games have been shit ever since/non-existent.
that's a horror game tho
enjoy it op
chaos theory is a tightly knit awesome story with non causal stealth mechanics
truly the best of its class
>This game makes every single MGS title aside from V
>aside from V
I've only played Pandora Tomorrow, should I play CT?
You should play both 1 and CT. Pandora is kino so may as well replay it alongside everything in order of release. Get it on PC with all the fancy widescreen fixes off pcgamingwiki.
Excellent games. Skip Double Agent.
I'm a bigger fan of Pandora Tomorrow
It's garbage that people only defend because they're Americans butthurt by the success of MGS
remember when stealth games were fun and challenging and didn't rely on a shitty
>wait for it
>wait for it
>wait for it
mechanic which even on the hardest difficulty is still easy mode?
The banter between Sam & Lambert is god tier.
me too friend
i think mgs2 is the best metal gear because it remains core to what the original game was
pandora tomorrow remained true to splinter cell
chaos theory is very nice, but your ability to just run through a hail of gunfire, not give a shit about alarms, and one hit any guard from lowly terrorist fag to highly trained elite pmcs kinda sucks
Skip Double Agent if you can't get a hold a PS2 or original Xbox copy*
There are 2 different Double Agent games, with completely different gameplay. The ones n the ps2 and xbox are more like Chaos Theory in terms of gameplay
Most of the missions limit you to 3 alarms only. And if you play the game at a respectable difficulty, which is the hardest difficulty. You'll enjoy the stealth mechanics a lot more, because everything one hit kills you
One of the best games ever made. With the exception of Bathhouse Seoul, fuck those two.