>friend from work lives somewhere with incredibly slow internet
>he routinely asks me to torrent shit for him since he knows my speed are vastly superior to his and i can do it comfortably without interrupting my other shit
>feel bad for him so i agree
>i have his hard drive here and a list of games that he wants to me to get for him
>i plan to install a number of mods onto them to fuck with him for laughs
>a few of the ones that he asked for are re2 remake, valkyria chronicles 4 and resident evil
can Yea Forums please recommend me some ideas for what mods to use? I dont want them to completely ruin the games for him though (like i said i feel sorry for this nigga). My first idea is to install a nude sherry mod for remake 2 (but not for any of the other characters) so that at first the game seems normal but then half way through its all like lol wtf
Friend from work lives somewhere with incredibly slow internet
Other urls found in this thread:
Cute girl
>My first idea is to install a nude sherry mod for remake 2 (but not for any of the other characters)
That's funny
AND cute!
I want to fuck Tomboy girls
what is this new epic forced meme I'm seeing around here?
she's got a cute face but she is as flat as a fucking board
why do men fetishize women so much? like every kind of woman there is at least one man that is attracted to her, even fat women are fetish
forced coooooommmm
post more tomboys.. jannies don't have to know
same here
>why do men fetishize women so much?
tits or gtfo
but since this is Yea Forums go kill yourself tranny
I wouldn't call that flat. as long as they are B and up, all that matters is the shape anyways.
actually this meme is funny
oh nonono dude she is fucking flat
I would go look for them but I would get banned for posting nudes
user I think that's just called liking girls
Ununbased and unbluepilled
>tfw no tomboy gf
Get him the randomized mod for RE
It's easier to find a tomboy gf (male)
Never give up, never surrender gentlemen
I want to marry Chio so fucking bad
autistic gamer gfs are underrated
is that a tyrant?
Not to be a cooomposter but you fags completely ruined this guy's videogame thread.
Sorry for not participating, OP, I just don't like any of the games in question, so can't help.
Thanks bud
Quality post
I'll be honest with ya mate
whats holding me back is anxiety and lack of a job
>implying masturbation and video games can be topped
Don’t let the mods know I posted this..
Not even going to give you a (you), you fucking dirtbag
same here, go to hell
mr.x nude mod would be pretty hilarious for re2. Dont know much about the other games
Just don't have anxiety bro
Not my fault OP made the classic blunder of posting an image more interesting than his thread
Just fucking kill me Pete, you promised.
I'm nowhere near as anxious as I was 2 years ago thanks to aging but being a shut in really fucks with you
Anxiety can be fixed with therapy, medication, or mindfulness/meditation training.
Can't help you with your job though, but fixing your anxiety might help with that.
Here's your (you) dumb spam replier
>matched with a 5'7 lanky cosplayer girl on tinder
>kinda 7/10 face when outside of cosplay (she did 9S and P3 door-kun)
>treated me like I was her lil bro because I'm like 5'4
>insecure because she thinks that nobody likes tall girls
>got her IG and all but things kinda slowed down for a while now even though we kinda clicks
should I persist and message her again? I don't wanna come off as desperate
I've moved in with my gf seven years ago and this is exactly the shit I've been hearing from her as well. Excuses. Sit on your ass and make up excuses, like a woman.
Dos' fuckin thighs T, 'av you eva' seen a gooma like 'er
I'm bread.
lol thanks user that one makes the list as well
to be fair, she is extremely cute
>have fast internet
>but constant disconnects
>can't play online vidya anymore
feels bad man
>muh tomboy
pathetic weasels, the lot of you.
Do it. Even if you fuck up remember that not messaging her wasn't going to work anyways.
I don't even care if I can't play vidya again ever, but masturbation however is a whole nother level. not a day goes by without it if I don't leave my house. Can't help it since I work on my computer and why bother going outside if I had to pay for a drink to use the goddamn wifi
You're sharing tinder stories on Yea Forums. You are desperate.
Don't worry boys I lift and I do my best to get a job and talk to people, after all I do have a wicked sense of humor from my dad and I am a surprisingly likeable person
I'm not a quitter but I feel comfortable about talking about my issues here
you guys are my bros
post tomboys
I hope that life will be better for you from now on.
Do it you fucking faggot
it's not easy to meet girls these days and the chances get lower
Fucking poofy tinder cunt. My day we just asked them out for a pint to see if they wanted a fucking shag. Get tae fuck m8
who's this? she looks like a beefier sophia lillis
>people actually think this thing looks cute
that's not a tomboy it's just an ugly girl would you fuck justin bieber too you faggots?
I bet Etika was your bro as well
bros.. I just wanna eat a cute girls butt... once in my life
fuck that nigger
I dont even follow him and I didn't give a shit about his death
Biebs used to be pretty cute desu senpai.
actually it's quite easier, but having a second date after the first one? that's where it gets tough. People usually get put off right after the first meeting because what you see in the photos aren't exactly accurate
Its not as cracked up as it's built up to be
As long as your liftin and keeping cheery, all's good m8
>5'7 lanky girl
5'7 aint even tall for a girl. But then again, for a manlet it might be a different story. Nigger, just message her retard, youre a manlet, you aint got shit to lose. But its not a good sign that she treated you like a lil brother though, specially if you mistook that and she actually treated you like a toy.
>being a hetero guy who's into girls is a fetish now
god, I want off this hell ride.
fucking clown world.
>lack of a job
i too know this feel. fuck my country.
shes older than sofia (she is at least in her 20s) though. i shall provide source (i do infact have it) once i am satisfied with the mod suggestions.
>I have a wicked sense od humor from my dad
It's over
Getting creative there.
Are you faggot or something?
We're a simple people
Dude his dad is the joker show some respek
CJ mod for RE2Make
Do it for yourself idiot
if she isn't up to snuff then ghost her
She's actually a nude model, forgot what her name is. It was posted on the site like weeks ago.
It's like human's as a species have spent the last, idk 7000 years, fucking each other so the species continues. Seems biological at this point
no im not a fag, im just curious, why arent women attracted to men like men are attracted to women?????
does anyone have the greentext of user meeting a tomboy and fucking it up in japan?
>maybe another day of not doing what I like with my extremely limited time on this earth will improve my life
Women fetishize men just as much as men do it to women. They just don't fetishize (you)
Women are attracted to men the same way men are attracted to women, I've seen plenty of fat asses and sissy boys with gfs out of their league. They just dont like short guys.
It's a buyer's market and men put more stock in having a spouse than women do.
That's the most 14 year old question I've read this week. Goddamn, kid
I know for a fact you're not a woman.
Have sex vocel.
because eggs, user.
yeah, it sucks badly. I know.
Women have standards
Men have preferences
now go to sleep since you have school tomorrow kid
Because women are the selectors. Unless a woman is hideous, or a dude is taken, 99% of men won't turn down easy sex, because fundamentally, they are designed to fuck.
Women are designed to choose who they want to fuck. This is why women can be sluts, but men can only be chads.
I'm just sayin it can happen to both parties. I've had a match in the past who won't stop nagging me and I didn't have the heart to just ghost her because I was in her shoes a couple of times. Then I realized that that's just the way it is
They do u big virgin
everytime I see this stupid meme I always say it to sound of the GoW Boomers "BOOM". youtu.be
toughen up faggot I haven't been on a date in 2 years but I learned that if a woman aint up to snuff she's out of the question
just post her name already
tomorrow? school is now for my lil sis, but im a neet so i get to stay home despite having a college education
why would I do anything else? what benefit is there to putting in any effort in this shitty society? I'd rather just phase out and die, at least that way I can be happy
DAMN Sophia Lillis looks like THAT?
>graduated out of college
>has no job
If this was 2005 I'd call you a lazy fuck but it's believable today
it's a Jewish propaganda
>170 cm
End me already, Pedro
oi give us the instagram
Natalie F Abby Winters
Tomboys might not be real, but they make me happy. Post tomboys
d-does that happen often?
I'm trying to work on my thesis while everyone's been posting their graduation left and right on instagram. fuck
How can i get a comely tomboy gf, bros?
They are real, 85% of them unfortunately grow out of that phase in high school to fit in and turn into generic sluts.
go get it, if not for work, but for the sake of learning, working's not the entire life.
are you in asia or something? I'm 5'7 and get mogged by 80% of women
This girl needs diapers ASAP
Simple as, m8
Allah willing, we will all have tomboy wives in heaven, but only if you are a virtous man worthy of such a reward.
>tfw no sophia lillis gf
they do, they just don't tell you because they want to appear pure and not slutty
>learning anything in college
lmao, good joke faggot
college is for accreditation, not learning
who is this best tomboy porn star
>tfw I'm more likely to raise one than marry one
ur mom LMAO
Install skyrim with this mod "the dragonborn dies"
You just get executed at the start in helgen, alduin doesn't appear and the game just ends lmao
are you saying that there are women out there attracted to ME? wtf, am i attractive?
Reminder that the 3rd chapter of spirited girl was translated today