When will this shit ever end? I just want good level design not "OMG SO HARD, MEMORIZE THIS PATH FOR FIVE HOURS THEN REPEAT"
When will this shit ever end? I just want good level design not "OMG SO HARD...
When reviewers and jeneral public will start recognizing that flaw and complain.
Meanwhile play N++
Great fucking platforner, but no one plays it because the worldbuilding is scarce :)
I blame Super Meat Boy for this.
How long after this angry post
did you start making that picture?
the main audience for nes/snes games and platformers are literal autists
it won't end
my problem with this shit is that people defend it by pointing to shit like mega man. which is wrong. mega man DID have sections like this, but they were EXTREMELY limited and only lasted one-two screens per level if not per game. hell more often than not they even give you abilities to make the sections easier or even flat out skip them. the majority of the levels give you plenty of room for error (see: the fuckhuge healthbar and constant health/1 up drops).
Nothing will surpass SMB3 baybee. So the new trend is absurdly difficult platformers.
Name three (3) games.
Not OP but I've seen the original image on Yea Forums weeks ago.
Pretty much everyone is sick of Super Meat Boy shit.
OP is just mad Calaeste is popular.
smb, iwtbtg, iwbtb
Literally hollow knight.
>yea bro HK is the perfect gameee
Step 3: Make the story behind the level design a thinly veiled metaphor for depression
You mean literally a single lategame optional area in HK with no important rewards.
Indie platformer fans be like: "oh my god this ten second exact sequence clearly laid out before me that I have an infinite number of attempts at is so hard!"
Mean while in actual hard platformers. Also this is just the final part before a bullshit hard boss, there's around five minutes of screens before this and you better believe if you run out of lives you're doing those again.
I gave a well reasoned argument for why that is the case, while you only repeat things you've been told.
not only is something like that webm more difficult, but it's also more fun
Nah, having to repeat the same screens you've already finished in old games doesn't make them hard, it just makes them tedious.
No it makes them actually hard by punishing the player for repeated mistakes, therefore requiring the player to be consistently good at the game.
>having this shit of an opinion
Old platformers are normally only like an hour long, though, if you can play them straight through.
Someone play N++ mp with me.
never mind it's local only...
Parsec, dummy
This shit was never a thing during the 80s/90s, this garbage comes from the "fan game" and indie scenes.
Even classic Megaman never went this crazy with spikes.
That's one section of the game, they didn't build an entire game out of that shit.
Not remotely the same thing. For one that's just one small segment of the game, the majority of the game is not like that. And secondly, you have a health bar, and touching those things just hurts you and doesn't kill you.
Celeste b-sides are retarded. Devs just put spikes everywhere and limit how often you can dash, its just not fun.
They should make a web client for guests.
Maybe it's all Battletoads fans making these
You just don't recognize good level design when you see it.
And that's considered the worst level in the game. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though.
To be honest Earthworm Jim was a bad video game that's only fondly remembered for its style, never for its substance.
yeah but earthworm jim was a bad game and this was the only level like that
Literally only 30 seconds of one single level.
At some point, you're going to have to look at shit like this as progression of the medium.
We don't toil our fields anymore with hand tools, we use tractors
We don't hand wash our clothes anymore, we have machines for that.
And we don't have to enter passwords and repeat entire levels anymore, we have checkpoints.
Claiming that it's better when you had no other choice back then is just blind nostalgia. 10 year old you would have been fucking ecstatic to see a checkpoint before that boss instead of slogging through that room for the seventh
Fucking zoomers.
>platformers in 2019
It's a nice game, but it's mid-town jank city.
>And we don't have to enter passwords and repeat entire levels anymore, we have checkpoints.
Fucking casuals.
If you can't beat a level of a game without getting game over then you are not good enough at the game and should have to replay it.
That's not what that word means at all.
>Even classic Megaman never went this crazy with spikes.
You poor naive fool
aesthetically it's great but it plays like shit and the last levels are all super low-effort shit
after major mucus it all falls apart
That's literally nothing compared to the shit OP is talking about.
Super Meat Boy was nice as a game of its own. It didn't have to become a fucking game genre.
You landed on the left side didn't you?
Are they actually people who go through the whole thing and land in the left side?
what's that? is that like hamachi?
11/10 Game of the Eternity.
It's some software that lets you stream game from host/server to clients like self-hosted Stadia or OnLive I guess.
It looks like it gives remote access to more than just game so can't use it to play N++ with anons.
Not quite. It's a program that lets you play local multiplayer games online by allowing you to stream the game to other people and having them control their character remotely.
I've done it at least once in my 5-6 playthroughs, at some point your brain just turns off and all you're focusing on is dodging the spikes. Then one time you finally make it and the dust in your head clears, only to realize that you landed on the wrong side.