>one of ninty's big 3 but hasn't gotten a real new character since melee >half its reps are clones of eachother >Everyone but Sheik is historically low tier, now even she's bad >main villain is still mostly a clone of Falcon >2 most requested characters are assist trophies, destroying hope of dlc
Nope but Sakurai does have a strange grudge against Golden Sun.
Noah Long
Sakurai hates puzzle games. 5 Smash games and the only puzzle character is Doc. No Lip, Arle, Bub and Bob, or Layton.
Daniel Ward
The best solution is to change the redundant Young Link - turn his moveset into a transformation based one based on Majora's Mask, something like this:
Deku Link: >Neutral B: Shoot Deku Nut >Side B: Spin >Up B: Flower Hover >Down B: Transform to Goron Link
Goron Link: >Neutral B: Wind Up Punch >Side B: Spike Roll >Up B: Ground Pound >Down B: Transform to Zora Link
Zora Link: >Neutral B: Zora's Fire >Side B: Boomerang Arm things >Up B: idk some sort of directional dive for recovery >Down B: Transform to Deku Link
It basically turns into the Pokémon Trainer triple forms, but good - Final smash could be Fierce Diety Link
Dylan Murphy
Who needs beta Skull Kid when you can have chad Edelgard instead?
I think their issue is that aside from the main cast all Zelda characters are kinda one-offs, which is a silly reason to ignore them although at the same time i guess it does make it kinda hard to pick only an handful among the dozens to represent
Easton Hernandez
I'd rather have the Chad Ghirahim if we're getting another sword character. >inb4 muh totally unique Axe moveset
If only there was an iconic zelda character that appeared multiple times and had their own spinoff series
Nolan Torres
>more transformation characters fuck that, just rework him to use other items from OOT and MM
Parker Morgan
The only options you'd have are Impa and Tingle. One-off bosses and NPCs don't seem to matter to Sakurai. Anything's possible after Piranha Plant, but that's not really much to hang your hat on.
Nolan Russell
John Butler
Isn't most of the FE characters technically one-offs
Carter Ramirez
Exactly. Do you think they could get away with him as DLC?
Landon Reyes
Chase Phillips
Young Links items are lame lmao >slingshot >deku sticks >boomerang >bombs >hookshot (MM) The only different item would be Great Fairy's Sword, the masks are the real novelty
Caleb Sullivan
Sakurai himself stated that Tingle isn't playable because of the hatred the west has for him
if we get an echo pass of sorts impa could work well as an echo of shiek. shes been in a large amount of Zelda titles. enough to be recognizable
Jack Morales
True, but at the same time aside from Chrom (which is an alt) we only got player characters, in its own way the FE series has even more characters that get ignored than Zelda
Lincoln Diaz
They really should've given Toon Link some of his unique items
Gabriel Evans
Here's how you fix it >Declone Ganon completely; doriyah can fuck off >Add one other mainline villain; skullkid or ghirahim One-off fags can fuck off too. We already have a ton of unimportant side characters in Smash.
Jaxon Young
you just said no one off side characters nigga ghirahim and skull kid are one off characters
Jeremiah Green
>One-off fags can fuck off >Ghirahim
Thomas Ross
Chrom is an echo, not an alt and he's also a player character
Also i don't think that counts for a franchise like FE, the only character being ignored is Lyn, who used to be the FE poster girl until Smash screwed her over and got replaced with Lucina
Christopher Rogers
Grandma's Soup is final smash
Brandon Sanchez
There is really no excuse for Zelda's rep in Smash, and I say that as a Splatoonfag. There's so much more potential for fighters and yet we get three Links and a clone Ganon? I hate the argument of >X was only in one game so they can't get in >X wasn't the main character so they can't get in Trash excuses, Midna was the driving force of TP and her riding on Wolf Link would make a hell of a lot more interesting moveset than whatever fucking Fire Emblem lord Sakurai is gonna try to shill next.
I don't think he hates LoZ, there just aren't many interesting characters to add. They're all one-offs or don't have much moveset potential.
Ayden Harris
I guarantee more people have played Twilight Princess than any Fire Emblem game
Aesthetically, 7 FE characters is nothing short of retarded because whitey all look the same and fight the same
Gib wolf and gremlin girl
Austin Rivera
Because they were actually from a game that people enjoyed, instead of being the least popular lord in a flavour of the month memegame. Face it, if anyone from that game gets in, it's going to be Dimitri.
Levi Gonzalez
Shouldn't you be burning your paycheck on gacha rolls FEfag?
John Parker
I just don't get why we haven't gotten Ganon as a playable character. They already have multiple links and zeldas why not give us the trident wielding pig monster?
Claude being a bow using wyvern rider would be cool to see in Smash but they would never choose him.
Anthony Stewart
One I said one-off fags. I meant faggots who make the argument "Duuurr Sakurai won't add one off characters."
Christopher Barnes
>not wanting her to be a transforming character with hegemon on her down special.
Kayden Williams
Thinking Sakurai would add Edelgard instead of the default player character is the height of delusion.
Dominic Anderson
Maybe add in Vaati who's basically the main villain of half of the 2D games
Charles Wilson
Have you seriously not been reading the thread, all of your points have already been proven to be bullshit
Christopher Adams
>Face it, if anyone from that game gets in, it's going to be Dimitri. Anyone who expects someone other than Byleth, the main character and avatar of the game, is delusional.
>but Anime/Swords People have been REEEEing about Anime, Swords, and Anime with Swords since Smash 4 launched. Since then, we've gotten 7 new/returning swordfighters added compared to the initial Smash 4 roster (Roy, Cloud, Corrin, Chrom, Young Link, Joker, and Hero) If anyone working on Smash gave a fuck, this would have stopped a while ago.
>but Dimitri is more popular Yeah, and both Leo and Camilla were more popular than Corrin. So why did Corrin get in before them?
Liam Williams
Sakurai's deep-seated pathological obsession with default player characters is frankly disgusting.
Asher Sanders
>getting mad that he uses the default player character when theyre the default PC of that game
Juan Williams
It's less about self-inserts/player characters and more about wanting to use the main character to represent a game. Never once in Smash History has Sakurai put in a side character before the main character. He always puts the "Donkey Kong" in first, with the "Diddy Kong"s coming after, if at all. Robin, Corrin, and Joker are all the main characters of their games, as well as self-inserts. However, they are put in Smash because of the former, not the latter.
Tyler Ramirez
He would have broken that "rule" with Heihachi but it wasn't to be.
Hudson Walker
Arguing about who the "main character" is in a fighting game is really messy. Chun-Li is the main character in Street Fighter in a plot sense, but everybody knows that Ryu is THE Street Fighter character. Ryu appears in the most crossovers and is the most dominant in advertising. That's why Ryu is in Smash. Now, I know jack shit about Tekken, but what I do know is that Heihachi is the character from Tekken that appears in the most crossovers, so i'm inclined to believe it's a similar situation there.
William Foster
>that Street Fighter 2 world tour in WoL Adventure mode is underappreciated
Elijah Carter
>The closest we have to a character outside of the core trio is one of the core trio wearing a disguise. Could be the Sakurai bias. Although he also thinks of representation outside of just characters. There's a lot of items from Zelda.