Why do straight people get so enraged by homosexual inclusion in video games?

Why do straight people get so enraged by homosexual inclusion in video games?

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Because those straight people don't have sex themselves

Because it doesn't make sense. Can you fuck a dude, or anyone else, in the game? Nah, it's only purpose for inclusion is pandering.

>we want the dick sucking crowd

It was really forced to be honest. I wish these companies would stop just throwing in gays to just stir up controversy and actually plan this stuff

fags are annoying and disgusting


t. former fag.


Why do gay people get so enraged by homosexual exclusion in video games?

Pic unrelated, we use the Russian canon here

Because including homosexual characters as a marketing ploy is a demeaning violation of basic human dignity and should not be celebrated.

Plenty of other games have featured gay characters without waiting 6 months to have them come out of the closet like its some kind of gay rights DLC.

I love the cock
But I'm sick of homo pandering being everywhere

No one is seething except you, incel.

where, where is this pandering? because I only play games that have good homo content so I buy like 1-2 games a year, if that. This year it's Greedfall, next year it's Cyberpunk, so where is all the homo pandering you speak of?

so did they try and make you pray the gay away first, or did they just go straight for the shocks.

Because inclusion like that is retarded and an obvious attempt at brownie points.
t. homo

It's only bad when it's forced like Overwatch.

>I'm one of the good ones!!

Because, let's be honest, he was gay from the get-go. He was flipped to satisfy a demographic and it ruins it from there.

Mental illness should be discouraged not embraced

what even changed about him being gay?

Nothing and that's the joke. There is no real story.

>OW is on the downturn and we're bleeding MAUs as a whole across every game and platform!
>Diablo Chink Grinder was a massive fucking failure at Blizzcon!
>How do we fix this/deflect the public away from these problems?!
>I know! We'll make a well-liked character a faggot and do it "subtly" in an online comic and we'll spam it to the largest loudmouth faggots and "allies" on every social media site!

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ok buddy

It always feels arbitrary. Listen man, I really don’t care if you’re gay or a tranny or a furfag or whatever, you’re not hurting or hindering me so I’m not hurting or hindering you. Everyone deserves some kind of representation somewhere. But it’s almost never done gracefully. It always comes across as disingenuous, like ticking a box on your list is more important than giving a demographic a hero to look up to. Soldier is a good example of this: there’s nothing wrong with him like dick, but liking dick doesn’t do anything meaningful for him as a character. It isn’t relevant. It’s just pandering.

What's wrong, cishet scum? Are you mad your big strong shooter man likes it up the butt, hmmm?

Numbers are down and continue to falter. We're not mad, we're just not there anymore.

because gay personality revolves around letting everyone know you fuck hundreds of men constantly and are obnoxious about it. same reason most people hate annoying playboys

why are gays so insecure they have to invent words to refer to straight, normal people

This example, Soldier 76 right there. His sexuality was never a topic, he was just the "dad". But outta nowhere, after almost 4 years, Blizzard bows down to a small, but very vocal minority, and makes him gay.
Nothing about the reveal felt right, and it was never even remotely inferred, but it sure ruined a lit of dad jokes. All just so some dickheads could justify their "Soldier X Reaper" fanfiction.

>but it sure ruined a lit of dad jokes.

>why do tumblrfaggots make up words to insult straight people on fags inwanted behalf
because its tumblr

>design character
>write detailed backstory, give them human characteristics, make them relatable
>game releases
>years pass
>devs say "oh yeah, he's gay!"
Retconning a character for the sake of injecting political bullshit into videogames is extremely obnoxious.

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nah fags are subhuman

>A casual mention in a comic

Is he a top or bottom?

Because homosexuality is repulsive

>Why do straight people get so enraged by homosexual inclusion in video games?
How do you think gay players would react if they retconned a gay character to be straight?
How do you think twitter would react?

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Forced because 76 is as far away from being gay as you can get.

I don't, tho? I only hate (((bisexual))) inclusion. Thank God Overwatch doesn't has any. I ain't gonna play it anyways because fuck lootboxes.

>big beefy guy
bottom 100%

Dont act like you havent heard about it, user. Devs are announcing sexualities over twitter, if that isnt pandering then wtf is it

Overwatch builds charscters' personality and traits with voicelines and shit.
Now if any of those implied he was homo the past 3 years. It would've been okay.
Shit came out of nowhere.
Also, doesn't affect gameplay at all. He can still shoot straight.

shitdicks don't deserve a place in polite society

why is that so unbelievable to you

Remember that this was a ploy by Blizzard to distract from the fact that a "female pro player was kicked from a team" when in fact it was a top 200 dude on a surf account with a titty streamer voicing it in while he played. Game journos wrote about it for a week before the truth came out so to try and quickly sweep this case under the rug they took a shit on top of the rug so no one would look under it

FPS, no story aside from half the cast is faggots...gee I wonder what the issue is.

>he doesnt ACT gay
You dont have to act gay to be gay, user.

>only 4 white male characters
>one of them is a fucking lunatic
>one of them is clearly evil
>one of them is a fag who is depicted saving poor little brown children in his intro trailer
>one of them is a walking meme who doesn't know what time of day it is

The whole timing for Ellie turning out to be Punisher for Blizzard to then publish that 76 is a homo is pretty sketch. Even the written story they gave read like a fan fiction someone shat out in an afternoon

It's almost as if white people are boring as hell whoah

White people walked on the moon.

Ok turn that into a character trait for a hero shooter

Literally one game user, one game. Shut the fuck up. You speak as if this is an epidemic.

Homosexuality is indeed, an epidemic.

And you're next.

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Only fags play overwatch to begin with.