Anyone here still play it?

Anyone here still play it?

There are usually 450~650 viewers watching, as opposed to the 20,000+ from its peak.

Back when there were only a few hundred characters, it was feasible to memorize most of the fighters and the matchups. Now that there are thousands of characters, it's not really possible anymore; almost every fight will feature a character you've never seen before.

Because matchmaking causes similar characters to fight each other, the odds are usually close to 1:1, instead of the crazy 217:1 odds we'd see in the past.

There are still big upsets at least once per day; 1:20 odds that can make you a millionaire in one bet. But all of the top 100 accounts have over $30,000,000, so being a millionaire isn't that special. The top account actually has over 2.3 billion.

All of the cheating sites (like hightower) are gone now, so getting rich actually takes skill (or a hell of a lot of luck) now.

It's a completely different meta from 2013. I'm curious to know how returning veterans feel about it.

Attached: SaltyBet.png (485x368, 37K)

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yes when i need some background noise, i just run saltybot and do manual bets on fights that catch my interest.

>Anyone here still play it? There are usually 450~650 viewers watching, as opposed to the 20,000+ from its peak. Back when there were only a few hundred characters, it was feasible to memorize most of the fighters and the matchups. Now that there are thousands of characters, it's not really possible anymore; almost every fight will feature a character you've never seen before. Because matchmaking causes similar characters to fight each other, the odds are usually close to 1:1, instead of the crazy 217:1 odds we'd see in the past. There are still big upsets at least once per day; 1:20 odds that can make you a millionaire in one bet. But all of the top 100 accounts have over $30,000,000, so being a millionaire isn't that special. The top account actually has over 2.3 billion. All of the cheating sites (like hightower) are gone now, so getting rich actually takes skill (or a hell of a lot of luck) now. It's a completely different meta from 2013. I'm curious to know how returning veterans feel about it.
You fags always complaining calling shit reddit, it makes shit easier to read then having a blob of text like above. Also believe it or not reddit didn't fucking invent it

Could just be nostalgia but it feels a lot less fun than it did back in the day.
Tiers and the complete saturation of generic anime characters has turned me off, seeing characters I know/find cool/can even laugh at once every five or so matches just isn't as fun for me.
I still drop in once in a while, still some good matches now and then, and it inspired me to just build my own MUGEN.
It's fun to watch EVO through them sometimes.

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Not for a while, the points you gave + when the sped up fights removed a lot of charm. Still a cool idea

it was more fun when noone knew the characters and there were no tiers

Almost every regular just bots now and openly admits it. Moderation is garbage, can't believe Salty gave a loudmouthed commie mod. Playlist ranges from awful to fantastic. Exhibs are tired at this point and tournies feel pointless without the edge illum gives, matchmaking can be pretty consistently entertaining but again there's no point taking it seriously without illum stats and bots being the vast majority of betters. It's okay background noise/second monitor filler and not much else these days.

>so getting rich actually takes skill (or a hell of a lot of luck) now.
its all luck though

I still watch when I need something mindless but it'd be better if it weren't 30% weeb trash and 20% touhou

I always bet $10,000 on Red, no matter who the opponent is. I've made $1.5 mil in the past week. The profit comes from the rare 1:20 upsets.

Surprisingly way more effective than actually trying to bet intelligently.

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The fact botting isn't banned is so fucking stupid. What the hell does anyone gain from farming imaginary currency for a twitch stream?
I think the playlist is fine besides the forced SaltyBet song covers.
Really I think my biggest problem is the entirety of illuminati shit. I get the server costs money but giving access to and even the ability to alter stats to people willing to pay up every month takes away so much from that core idea of "two random characters duke it out guess who wins".
And fuck exhibs, so many mouthbreathers make the same dogshit Veku/Boko/one character vs an entire tier matches. They're such a slog to sit through.

As someone who bots about 60% of matches, I'd honestly say they'd lose a lot of viewers if they banned botting. Tweaking your bot and deciding when to manually bet or bet against it is a game in itself.

No joke, the guy who did those SaltyBet covers did voice acting for Breath of the Wild and Persona 5.

>And fuck exhibs, so many mouthbreathers make the same dogshit Veku/Boko/one character vs an entire tier matches. They're such a slog to sit through.

Exhibs are my favorite part, but I wish Veka/Boko were banned. That shit is cancer.

>it's another "Fat Tony and friend" episode

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What bot are you using? The one I keep finding with Google searches is called "SaltBot", but it looks really complicated to set up; I don't want to fuck around with "Chromosomes" and other shit like that.

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I'm more than aware they'll never ban it because fags actually buy their bots premium, so it lines Salty's wallet.
I still think it's a total fag thing to do.
Learn something new everyday. Good for him.
Exhibs conceptually would be the best part of the stream if it were actually people trying to make cool fights.
There still are people who do that but they're utterly flooded by the people who just throw shit together with the same five or so meme characters nobody finds funny anymore.

Imagine having one brain cell. Download the bot, go to github, download the txt files, import. Wam blam. Now sit back and accumulate fake money instead of watching matches, chatting with friends, and having fun.

yes i use saltbot and it's not that complicated, just use presets for a while and read the instructions and you will figure it out.

I actually logged in a few days ago, they removed my like 4 million, so I just logged right the fuck back out. They got so far up their ass with the pay to progress shit that it stopped being fun to watch because people were paying to meme in garbage shit like omega hanks and omega woods.

I still watch and talk in chat while I bot. There is no point in just letting it sit and run while you're not there.

It's been a long time. I was in the top 500 once, with $2mil, which I lost a few weeks later. That was a hard fall from grace.

I think it’s dumb that the paid users get all the stats and shit. Takes the fun and randomness out of a lot of it because it generally makes things very clear who’s going to win

Legitimately asking, what is the point of using the bot if you're going to actively watch the stream and could just bet yourself?

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That's part of the fun though, they don't always win. Knowing the stats lets you make the fun risky bets. Plus as much as I love SaltyBet there is no way in fuck I'm autistic enough to sit and watch it enough to memorize all the matches that every single character has had.

I just love saltybets, its one of my favorite things in the entire internet. Never cared much about the betting itself, just seeing absurd mugen matchups is fine by me. In a way, it made me appreciate Terry's inclusion in smash so much more since SNK fighters are so prevalent in SB.

I still bet manually a bunch, especially for tournaments. It's because I have it on a 2nd monitor while I do other shit. I don't have to pay attention to it for every match and I still have a horse in the race. Sometimes it's fun to just see if I agree with how the bot is betting and bet against it and see if I can get the upset.

I hate that it's in follower's only mode after EVO happened, but I still see the occasional good moment like Rei putting some shitty Element OC retarded Iori color swap in a 79 second time-out combo

Its a colorswapped OC dunot steel 2hu that emanates 50 thousand particle effects per second around her vs a weird thing made in microsoft paint with a japanese name. Both are S-tier. Who do you vote for?

Who the fuck is Salty? This always bugged me. He created one of the most unique internet fenomena of all time, he has a twitch stream that goes on automated 24/7. A whole community built around it. And yet nobody seems to know who this motherfucker is. There's just no trace of him anywhere, he's like a ghost.

The 2hu, MS Paint chars are overrated.

99.9999% chance it's spooky's pseudonym.

Is the 2nd one a googoo? I don't trust that motherfucker.

Saltybets has a 100% chance of being funny every time you tune into it. It's like taking a glance at the depths of human psyche, every Iori and Touhou pallete swap, every bizarre MS paint thing, weird chibi character, every single one of these actually had someone put time into making them. Why? Who are these people? Why did they make these things? Did they know they were bad? Who is responsible for aberrations like Pelecanus? It's a portal to the 2006-2009 era internet where something being strange was enough of a justification for it existing and it just fills me with the weirdest sense of nostalgia.

Every single time someone noteworthy connects their real life identity to their Internet username, it results in their life becoming a living hell. You never want to do that. Salty is smart for remaining anonymous.


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