There are people on this board

>There are people on this board
>In this timeline
>Now living
>That are excited for fucking The Outer Worlds


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Other urls found in this thread:

>imagine trusting Obsidian to make a finished game

No! Deadfire WAS poop user BECAUSE it DID removes wifes IN ending user AND Deadfire DOES have WORST wifes AND wifes story user BECAUSE wife anons do NOT play wife games TO have wifes leave IN ending user AND Outer Worlds does NOT have ANY wifes user SO Obsidian did NOT learn FROM Deadfire user SO Obsidian IS poop AND Deadfire IS poop AND Outer Worlds IS poop user!

Attached: Xoti.jpg (210x330, 59K)

Looks like fortnite. Was never really excited for it, and it turns out the game looks even more unpolished than Fallout 4. That's pretty terrible.

>Looks like fortnite. Was never really excited for it, and it turns out the game looks even more unpolished than Fallout 4. That's pretty terrible.

Attached: 1549264633790.png (680x525, 106K)

Are they using fucking Gamebyro? The animations and the way the camera moves looks exactly the same.

being deprived of sex for too much time will lead you to some questionable choices, I don't judge though to each their own as long as it's legal

Webm related
It looks literally like New Vegas but with more colors and better textures

Attached: 15894398346.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Why would anyone try to emulate New Vegas? The gameplay is fucking atrocious and the game is only saved by its characters and story.

That blurry before the camera mimics autofocus effect legitimately gave me a headache. Why do this shit? It's a fucking video game, not a real life thing you film.

Welcome to Obsidian, the Bioware with less budget, but with people as incompetent as them, living with the glory of 20 years ago.

I'm a big fan of Arcanum, why wouldn't I be excited for the Outer Worlds?

>Obsidrones with no argument posting wojaks.

I mean how can people defend this?
I personally dont get the people who shit on Cyberpunj 2077 for bad graphics but this somehow get a pass.

Look at the fucking mouth ffs

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Tranny devs.

how can you honestly complain about a videogame? like, just dont fucking buy it. No one is putting a gun to your head and saying buy this

lmao obsessd

I'm cautiously optimistic. New Vegas is my favourite game of all time, but there's been alot of red flags so far. The gameplay looks janky and unoptimised, the humour comes off very "borderlands" like.

B-But it's Obsidian!!! That company that made those games that I liked in the 90s!!! And they recycled Fallout 3 putting a few mods on an even smaller and linear world!!!


I rocked your mom's outer world last night

Imagine being this retarded.

>this timeline
How did this shit start? Is it a Twitter thing?

Are we pretending that Bioware has made anything worthwhile during the last decade?

Hell, I'm always excited for fucking.

Not a good enough reason to scare me off.

Looks like New Vegas with grass.

New Vegas sucks by the way.

>complaining about graphics in a fucking obsidian game
Are you retarded? Their most popular, polished fucking game, New Vegas looked laughably outdated the day it came out.

Because it looks like New Vegas but without the boring Mojave desert setting.

is this fallout 4.5?

>MFW I search for this copypasta and it's not copypasta

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I've always assumed it was from Undertale.

Well I learned something about poop today.

>Fallout NV is good game on its own, shooting mechanics aren't great only bearable by how it relates to RPG mechanics.
>Saved by solid RPG mechanics and great story and characters
>Game has great mod-ability
>Mods add more quests and story
>Mods fix gameplay
>Outerworlds confirmed to have shit characters that are cut and paste loyal to a faction or not.
>Gameplay is still shit
>Obsidian has said that it will have no mods due to EGS
Well fuck lads.

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He has a point, user.

Thank YOU anons! You ARE both GOOD anons!

New Vegas is the only good 3D Fallout. But Outer Worlds looks kind of trash.

get a trip so i can filter you faggot

I actually thought this was Destiny modded to look like fortnite till I read the OP

What! I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay user BUT trip is NOT okay user! (Is not! Is not!)

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FP Xcom?

>Imagine games

>last decade
>Drgaon Age: Origins
>Mass Effect 2
What a witty and clever post.

Dragon Age Origins?

>you can only talk about video games in a video game board if you say positive things

The graphics were bad
And so was gameplay
Animations were literally pre 2000 tier.
So the only thing left was the story and thes sandbox feature.

Both shit only touted by no-taste, entry-level mongoloids.

Yes exactly, and for many people that was enough to make it a pretty good game.

>The Outer Worlds
but why did you post a Fortnite video?

>he's actually just a contrarian out for (You)s
Color me surprised. You'd say the same thing back in 2012.

This entire game looks souless. Looks like it's trying to heavily emulate Fallout 4, which was a big disappointment.

having a teensy stroke there mate?

What! I CANNOT stroke TO Obsidian user BECAUSE they DID have BAD wifes IN Deadfire user AND they do NOT have ANY wifes IN Outer Worlds user SO I CANNOT stroke TO Obsidian user BUT I DID stroke TO Obsidian BEFORE user WHEN they DID have CUTE wifes user! (I did! I did!)

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you'd make one hell of a rally codriver

No mans sky graphics bro.

Why do devs insist on recording gameplay with controllers, it makes all the jank look even jankier

Can someone post the filter for this type of post again? It was funny the first couple times but now it's just old.

>being deprived of sex for too much time will lead you to some questionable choices

>becoming EGS exclusive actually saved me 60 bucks
Thanks, Tim.

Every game has the same generic run animation I'm so sick of it.

Thanks for your feedback, I'll avoid both deadfire and outer worlds

Thank YOU anons! You ARE both GOOD anons!

>excited for fucking The Outer Worlds
I don't believe one person actually is.

t. person that was going to pirate it anyway

Pretty sad your only notable feature is your ability to bitch your steam daddies cock tastes better and you don't want Epic daddies cock none.

wtf? Where does it look like Fortnite? Looks like No Mans Sky engine was modified to run a fallout clone.

friendly reminder that anyone saying this game will be bad because of deadfire/poe that this isn't a josh sawyer game and is made by the chadfags known as tim cain and leonard boyarsky

>fallout 1
>temple of elemental evil

all absolute kino

Attached: timcain.jpg (474x316, 15K)

What! It does NOT have wifes user SO it does NOT matter user! (Does not! Does not!)

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I'm excited for it. I even have it preordered.

Obsidian never made a good game and this one isn't going to make a fucking difference.

>There are people on this board
>excited to play video games

really sums up the Yea Forums culture

I had completely forgotten this game was a thing, to be honest.

>Obsidian never made a good game

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Since it will be available on the pass I'll try it out. Not like I'll lose any money on it.

that's +1 social credit for you, yuan

I wish i could ask if it ever gets tiring being such a fucking bore, but I know the answer. The answer is you dont care about this game, or any game you post about. The point isnt to discuss video games, it hasn't been for what, at least six years? God forbid anyone should have any hope for a good game from a studio who have, historically done decently. Fuck off.

I wonder what excuse the obisidrones will have this time?

New Vegas was a downgrade in everything compared to FO3, it's a game made by people who think they're smarter than they are, for people who think they're smarter than they are.
For people that are actually smart, New Vegas is an embarrassment.

>New Vegas was a downgrade in everything compared to FO3

a downgrade in what exactly? it uses the same engine, but has better writing, better factions, actual choice and consequences, and actually fits with FO1 and 2 lore...

>FO3 is for smart people

pic related

Attached: fallout3.png (912x670, 85K)

>That blurry before the camera mimics autofocus effect legitimately gave me a headache.
Yeah, it's shit but so are your genes if something like that gave you a headache.


But thanks for proving my point, IQ95.

But how is it worse? "the devs think they're smarter than they actually are" says nothing about it.
>Obsidian hasn't made a good game
What was wrong with Kotor 2?

I do not think you are the real wife scholar.

It's not as though I haven't played an outdated-at-release, janky game before

Excited for what?

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>B-But it's Obsidian!!! That company that made those games that I liked in the 90s!!!
Most of the companies I've liked in the past are crap now.

>tim cain

he's an old faggot though

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HAH gottem