I still miss him.
I still miss him
dont be sad he got his shit together and is living a better life
Is working at Walmart really a better life? I’d rather him make videos and live off the monetezation. He could get disability checks too.
>Is working at Walmart really a better life?
You cant be a shutin sperg and then expect a career handed to you. Working at Walmart was the step in the right direction and so was taking up hobbies outdoor and eventually moving out
He’s disabled, he can get financial aid. He could get a comp sci degree BA or a technical degree. Anything other than fucking Walmart.
The problem is he’s content with it and doesn’t consider other options.
>He’s disabled
I disagree
Source on any of this ?
His mind functions perfectly fine. He just has crippling OCD.
Being a swimming autist isn't any better than being a video game autist
He'd easily qualifiy for mental disability money
>starting posting vids again (not commentated, unfortunately) to dailymotion
>confirmed on facebook he's working on platform masters again
the future is looking bright, bros
Don't meme on me, kid
>Being a swimming autist isn't any better than being a video game autist
One gets you outside improving yourself while the other continues making you a laughing stock to the internet
Working wherever and interacting with people is a complete improvement over being a shut-in. Think about why solitary confinement is an effective punishment tool in prison, you can be the biggest badass giganigger, but placing you in a cell alone is the worst punishment. Humans are social creatures, being alone is the worst possible punishment you can attribute to someone. Don't be a shut-in.
>doesnt know uli
Yea, kid, looking up shit you once didn't know makes you no less of a meme sperg
>so mad hes trying to turn it around on me now
Getting forced to interact with people you hate is way, way worse than being alone
>he’s content
>no u
Last bump for your shit thread, kid
look how mad you are
lurk more faggot
I'd say lurk more but you don't even need to.
Stop being such a spoonfeeding retard has just google it. And don't be a complete fucking brainlet and ask me how can you google a picture,
so platform masters never ever?
And it still wouldn't be
he claims hes working on it again in his free time
Forced interaction with animals you hate just makes you want to shoot and violently kill those animals, user.
Not every person is the same, and you're naïve or just stupid to assume every person on this rock sees the world through the same lens. Some people actually prefer, and relish solitude.
Having purpose and being content, is all that matters.
Retail is a trap that ruins you more than welfare ever would
>Forced interaction with animals you hate just makes you want to shoot and violently kill those animals, user.
the world needs more people snapping fucking shit up
and having independence most of all, I have to add.
There is a spectrum of needs for social interaction. Which we usually call introverts and extroverts. Being an introvert just means you need less social interaction than most people and you prefer being alone. But that social interaction isn't zero.
You are not supposed to work retail all your life user. He had no skills or work experience so this was his starting point
working at Walmart is pretty based for him, he gets benifits n shit, dental, healthcare
It always feels arbitrary. Listen man, I really don’t care if you’re gay or a tranny or a furfag or whatever, you’re not hurting or hindering me so I’m not hurting or hindering you. Everyone deserves some kind of representation somewhere. But it’s almost never done gracefully. It always comes across as disingenuous, like ticking a box on your list is more important than giving a demographic a hero to look up to. Soldier is a good example of this: there’s nothing wrong with him like dick, but liking dick doesn’t do anything meaningful for him as a character. It isn’t relevant. It’s just pandering.
trips confirm it
wrong thread buddy and btw all trannies and fufags need to burn
I'll say it's plausible.
I'm not in a position to run my own experiment here, on a private island that I own, with absolutely ZERO contact with the outside world, but left to subsist or thrive off the land for myself, living for myself, which is purpose enough.
I do think your average caricature of an introvert would be just dandy if they were fulfilling all their basic and material needs on their own.
Yeah sorry I’m a massive faggot, I’ll do better next time
There exists cute furry girls with bunny/cat fursonas. Although I’m sure like 96% of furries are autistic and ugly.
Youtube videos are not a reliable/good source of income unless you're on the top.
He isn't.
Which is why I said he could get disability checks. He’s not the type to live on his own anyway and the money he makes would be just for him.
So, platform master never got released?
He's a normal guy now? with a girlfriend and friends and all this stuff?