
Rate my house

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.11.27.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

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Attached: 2019-09-09_01.11.33.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)


Disgusting, user.

post more so i can steal the designs to show off to my friends

Breeding farm is pretty basic
look up Minecraft forest cottage i didnt design the house

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.11.45.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

havent done much with my farm
dont know how to make it look nice

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.11.48.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

little staircase that goes down to the ground level since its on a hill where there are a few mineshafts

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.12.00.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

where the first mine was started and now where i have a chicken farm

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.12.07.png (1920x1080, 988K)

chicken farm

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.12.12.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

nether portal at the top of the hill my house is on
directly behind it

Attached: 2019-09-09_01.12.39.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

any suggestions for it?

let me guess, all your grounds are invaded by zombies and skeletons during the night



You house looks cool user.
You like my house?

Attached: 2019-09-08_14.38.38.png (1366x768, 1.66M)

im never going to have the patience to build something like that

I used to live up on this mountain before I built the fort

Attached: 2019-09-03_21.23.49.png (1366x768, 769K)

i came in here to call you all faggots but damn these are nice and comfy houses

good job everybody

any advice on the nether portal
i was thinking of doing it in the basement but didnt want it in the house
i dont want to move it since it goes directly into a fortress

Attached: 2019-09-01_12.47.35.png (1366x768, 751K)

Strip the birch senpai

build him a shED

>all these anons using vanilla textures
biggest offense itt

Attached: 1392184551462.png (640x480, 411K)

Strip the birch, I'll give a nicer texture

How do you build the roof like that when mc is all blocks?


have you never played it?

Answer him politely.

Fuck off samefag

Nice porch my man

should i put anything on it?

a dog

i dont want him to get cold

but it's summer

i dont want him to get hot

What's the difference between Java version and MS version in terms of content, i already know Java is modable but what about base content?

be actually gets a few ease of life improvements but is full of if shitty Microtransactions for mods and texturepacks


so not worth getting it then, Java it is then

With slabs, stairs, normal blocks or combinations of those and choosing what suits the house best. It takes some time and experimenting to get a good feel for what roof is best for what houses, but it isn't too difficult.

Attached: 4.png (1920x1080, 3.97M)

minecraft just screams soul to me

Treat your garden, it's a fucking mess

Attached: restaurant.jpg (1920x1017, 210K)

lol fuck you that's incredible

very nice
what's that structure on the left?

Anyone want to see a few pics from a friend and mines desert town? its pretty detailed

Attached: 2019-09-09_11.08.27.png (1920x1017, 2.43M)

There were a dozen people here. Many travellers and explorers. Rent was Free. Now it's a ghost town. Locked away in the filesystem for months. We will return.

Attached: unknown-135.png (722x492, 379K)

A dungeon, the interior is like 15% complete because there's too many floors and I'm lazy.

Attached: dungeon.jpg (1920x1017, 140K)

what texture pack is that?

I shared this place months ago on this board. My tower that was undergoing reconstruction was seen on the left in the previous image. What used to stand in it's place was disassembled by hand. Highest number of work accidents occurred during project due to a failure to ensure safe building practices in an environment with inconsistent latency.

The administrative district is what you see directly in front of you, harbor to the left, dormitories to the stairs on the right, and the markets to the right of the administrative buildings. That is a significant oversimplification of what lies within this place.

I should also mention, this was all done in survival mode.

Attached: unknown-103.png (1909x1005, 2.89M)

that's how the new minecraft looks by default
you can change it back to the old looks without downloading anything if you want

thanks user

The birch really clashes with the rest of the color pallete, and not in a good way; however the overall structure is pretty neat. 2/10 the birch really fucking bogs this one down.

Did more or less the same thing in 2012
Had a big castle made entirely of wood on top of a huge forest, trying to blend in with the trees, was roleplaying as an elf while my friends were in the mountains being dwarves

It looked like shit in retrospect, and I lost the screenshots

The birch logs ruin it for me. I think something like birch planks or even white terracotta would look way better on your build instead. You could also strip the logs.

>want to make a nice small comfy castle on a mountain
>i dont know what to do first to even start the damn thing

I like my houses small and simple

Attached: improved memecraft house.jpg (3840x3240, 3.54M)

>smoker smokes

build the castle (whichever style you want), then build houses around it, when satisfied build a wall with towers
don't forget the moate

>600 FPS in vanilla
>40 FPS in vanilla, but with medium shaders

Attached: 1554684996054.jpg (195x259, 16K)

Don't worry little cute user.
This dude got usefull videos on castles.
Castles start as a stone box, then in few decades they keep adding stuff like walls, towers and separate buildings for different purposes so in the end it usually ends up as a group of rectangular buildings with walls around them In some cases such as on top of mountains the buildings themselves make up most of the wall and create a nice little yard in the middle.

Not a fan of birch wood but I appreciate the attempt
Might look better with a third kind of wood as a medium in some spots, or even just birch planks

>started a new world
>found a village near my base
>only one villager in it
>go into the Nether so I can start brewing potions and cure some zombie villagers
>can't find a fucking Nether fortress anywhere near my portal

alright, now what's that thing in the back right?



Why are there so few Minecraft seed resources. Are we supppsed to just generate random worlds like that’s how you’re suppposed to try and enjoy the game?

I think so, yeah.

Attached: EDEWcLYXsAEWeCR.jpg (1200x675, 302K)

Due to how they're generated in the world you're a lot more likely to find them traveling along the X-axis (east/west)

There are 2^64 possible seeds, people just share the cool ones they find and even then they'll become obsolete over time with each update that slightly changes worldgen
Generate a world and if for some reason you're not satisfied by the first night try again. If you're looking to start in a specific biome or looking for a rare feature nearby your spawn there's definitely enough known seeds out there to find that.

>start a game in a hole
>decide time to leave a hole and build a proper place
>spend a week irl running/flying around trying to find a nice spot
>find a huge area of elevated clay canyons/pillars (modded)
>imagine building my multi-story base there
>its all cool and great
>spend a week trying to figure out how to set things up
>drop minecraft for two months because other games
>come back
>decide not to build in here, instead move somewhere where i can dig a lot of area with underground facilities
Every fucking time. Now i moved to an area near a giant mountain with a smaller one near it, not what i wanted but still maybe i can do it there...
Like, how do i go about building underground base but not make it cramped? Always felt like building huge, open underground areas is impossible because heigh limit is so low from bedrock to average ground level.


make a gazebo out of nether brick and normal brick, and if you want to use wood, spruce or dark oak

I know this feel.
I get most of my joy from exploring. Once I settle I loose interest and eventually restart.
Looking back I do that in many games where early and mid game or the most fun. I think I have never ended a Darkest Dungeon campain dispite having 70+ hours.

Does anyone else build giant storerooms with a chest of every item in the game?

If ~60 blocks of height isn't enough for whatever you want to do then you should be autistic enough to build your own mountain to contain it.
Most hilly biomes average around y=80 and mountains can easily reach y=120+, build into them. If you're planning on spending weeks or months on a build then you should be prepared to do some serious landscaping as part of carving out your foundation, unless you're doing small-scale stuff or deliberately preserving the natural landscape you're never going to have a completely ideal spot to build in.

>you're a lot more likely to find them traveling along the X-axis (east/west)

I tried that. I got one long ass path going east and west from my entry portal. Nada.

Don't animals and mobs just trample your shit like this?

no because im not in any way organized choosing instead to toss shit in chests like a retard without care

The centerpiece of my dream mega-project would involve a giant museum/collection of EVERYTHING built around/under spawn.

Crops only get trampled if something jumps on them so that'd only be an issue for the stuff right next to the hill. He should still definitely at least have some kind of fence though.

My main motivation to build comes from wanting to build dedicated structures for the purpose of storing specific resources.
I made a massive set of tree farms to acquire and store all the wood I'll ever need, I've built a chunky wizard tower to store everything I need for brewing potions, and drained an ocean monument for somewhere to farm and store all the sea lamps I'll use, for a few examples.
I like having entire double chests with full stacks of one resource, before moving onto a new project.

I love the idea of a museum, that'll be my next project for my world

I do more or less the same, I always play with the same two friends so we build a fortress but they tend to enjoy the building more than the decorating, so when they go off to build shit I purpose everything into things like storehouses, churches, armouries, houses etc. I add things like books that I type out with puzzles or riddles as to secret stashes out in the world to find.

Yeah but what the fuck, they don’t have an official seed they use to test new shit, let alone iterate? Shouldn’t there be a vanilla or let’s say canon environment?

>first night

default textures are the unanimously go-to textures for builds
1. they are okay textures
2. most people see these textures, so a building must make use of them aswell in order to appeal to most people
best way to see minecraft is one of the two default texturepacks + shaders for lighting and water because water in minecraft looks like shit. water should not be blue when there is only one square meter of it
using any texturepack but default makes a building quirky and puts it apart from most buildings

Attached: IMG_20190907_011432_764.jpg (719x960, 204K)

Just as an example, in a church in the world I hid a lever that leads to and underground cult church that worships Redstone and if you read the book on the lectern in contains some hints as to where the church stores it's valuables (Some emeralds I put in a chest and buried). Took my friends about 1 week to notice the lever and then a few days to find the treasure.

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Not bad at all. I usually go for larger windows but you aren't half bad.