How do I justify playing as a chick in WoW? A Male Priest just doesn't seem right

How do I justify playing as a chick in WoW? A Male Priest just doesn't seem right

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>A Male Priest

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If I'm gonna stare at my character from behind for hundreds of hours I'd rather stare at a hot elf chick's ass.

Well there's your first problem.

play a girl in game because you'll never be one in real life tranny

Yeah, who ever heard of a male priest?

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There's the other question: human or night elf female?

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Something something gender is a social construct

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All of the armor looks way better on all of the male character models. The only good looking female model is the Orc and Undead Females

Who cares, I'd fuck either.

Playing WoW takes you halfway to gay already, might as well go all the way.


It sounds like you literally already justified it. Alternatively: who are you justifying it to? Yourself? Your friends? A district judge? God? Yea Forums?

If you're looking at your character instead of your surroundings then you're both bad at the game and a dumbass and a tranny

yeah lemme just avoid looking at the thing that the camera always locks to the center of the fucking screen. what a retard.

What Private Servers are left to play on that don't have a completely abysmal few amount of players? Is Warmane the only one?

Roleplay as a chick and get free shit off everyone

Why do you need to justify it? It's just a video game, bro.

Stop being insecure

Think about her silk rob between her thighs and her hard nipples under the thin silky fabric

I didn't even roleplay as a chick and these dummies thought I was a girl and would give me free stuff

Just fucking play it if you want to, only retards will care unless you pretend you are an actual girl

I choose a human female priest. I like those big ass titties

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Dont worry user everyone knows that every female character in wow its played by a horny dude

Why the fuck do you need to justify it? You're not your character, idiot

You'll love being a healer user, plenty of men are into dominating sissies like you who heal.

Why are there so many semen heads on v

Why do you need to justify it, fag?

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Just play what you want, you fucking retard.
I play edgy emo scythe wearing loli whores in every game i can. Who cares.

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depends, if you're a classic cuck kill yourself, if you're a retailchad play as a panda girl because they're the cutest

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Their lives are utterly devoid of meaning so they spend their time chasing pleasure.

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You disgust me on a primal level. Animal fuckers like you honestly deserve to die

You sound like you need to jack off

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Imagine playing as a fucking panda or wolf furfaggot

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What's wrong with male priests?

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Why the fuck are you playing wow in 2019?

Say you came up with a girls name first and go with that.


I’m a tranny so it’s fine for me but I don’t understand the straight males in my guild that do it, especially the ones that come off really masculine. The male character models all have better animations and look cooler in gear anyways.

Btw just hit 60 Yea Forumsros

Neither if you’re playing priest

So these are the types of people standing in the fire...

cut your penis off you're clearly a girl user stop living as a boy, and fullfill your character spreadsheet, and shieeet we wuz eunuchs and shieeet

This hasnt worked in years.

user i'm a chick i'll show you my tits for some sweet bitcoin my dude i swear beleb me

>3 monthes hrt
every time

Warmane is the current best. The other i played on were bug infested.

>Why yes I play males

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are you fucking retarded? why do you even care? do us a favor and kill yourself, retard.


the only time i want to see a women is when im actually inside her

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It's the fucking Brazilians and other third worlders, I know it.

That’s cringe bro...

Just fucking do it, you dont need to justify it to anyone. If you are asked just say you prefer the aesthetic of a female priest compared to a male priest.