Name a flaw, Yea Forums
Name a flaw, Yea Forums
it take forever to level shit
pvp has become a shit show since ballista, claws, ags, etc
rigor made zerks obsolete
slayer is better for resource gathering than resource gathering skills
its runescape post 2006 thats the flaw
the community is still dead or obsessed with powerleveling
it desperately needs the run energy update
the GE killed bank trading just like it did in nu-scape, so now everyone just beelines to the GE and every city in the world is dead again
100% solo "MMO"
Y'know, I was just thinking about making a runescape account, It's been about 11 years now since I last played.
I decided against it though, I just don't think it would be the same.
>"hey cool sword dude"
>"I'll give you my sword for 50k, just drop it and I'll drop my sword too"
>"hell yeah, sweet"
>silverlight sword
>take the gold and log off
Some skills are so click intensive you'd have to be an autistic robot not to go insane, and they have the nerve to ban autoclickers. I'd rather play cookie clicker.
It's not rs3
there ya go.
a community who's composed of 95% meta players who also dictate how the game progresses with updates, patches, and new content
It costs money.
this is the worst shit. zeah, the only worthwhile new content got gored and turned into an ultra clashing pile of shit because they turned down sailing as a new skill.
Warding wasn't great either but fuck man, it was something NEW. unless it fucking maximizes xp gain no one seems to want it on osrs, it blows.
Maybe if they actually fleshed out sailing like they did warding it would have passed.
OS has a fundamentally clashing playerbase between purists and non-purists. You can see how much the devs regret basing nearly every decision they make on whether the players approve. There's not enough old-guard on the OS team / or who care, to realize Jagex and RS were at their peak when Jagex did what they want, and the players had to accept it. As MMO devs should.
if they flesh it out and it still fails they look like massive cunts for wasting time developing it, that was the premise. They said they wanted to make sure the next one looked great, warding took a couple years to make, and still got canned. All that time wasted.
Shitty updates that make it not old school.
Also these things in particular.
It's not. If you can find some buds to play with it can still be fun but otherwise it's horrible.
I can't play it on console.
>it take forever to level shit
That's a good thing
Sailing got a fair amount of votes for how bareboned it was. If they revisited it I bet it’d get more votes than warding.
Shits so easy to 99 now.
Is Classic Runescape still around?
private servers
but why the fuck would you want to play RSC?
>>it take forever to level shit
It actually doesn't anymore, he's an idiot. You can afk your combat skills to 99 and almost
all skills can be trained ala woodcutting now, they have added methods that require one click to do your entire inventory while you sit and watch. The game is as difficult as growing plants now.
the official one closed last year, there was ANOTHER dupe found and people dropped thousands of high end equips and shit in the starter area, it just ruined it (not that there was more than 50 people playing, 48 of which were bots though). They just killed it off, it probably cost more to rollback than it would to just turn it off. Pservers exist and are usually pretty heavily policed, but they too barely scrape 50-75 players.
>Grand Exchange got added because zoomers didn't want to gather materials themselves
>game is literally ran by leddit
>jagex doesn't even respect the poll outcomes anymore and just does whatever they want
>the community as a whole lets them get away with it
They should honestly just implement pay to win microtransactions like they did with RS3. Nobody would quit.
It's development is literally controlled by reddit since it's the only place where jagex does community management
It’s not 2010-2011 runescape
>nex/nex sets
>soul wars/stealing creation/fist of guthix
>best graphics revision
Early 2011 game when nex just released would have been better. Fuck anyone who disagrees
>Pservers exist and are usually pretty heavily policed, but they too barely scrape 50-75 players.
Doesn't seem worth trying then.
>>jagex doesn't even respect the poll outcomes anymore and just does whatever they want
>>the community as a whole lets them get away with it
do they? I thought that was a big thing about osrs?
dungeoneering sucks ass and Summoning is useless until you can use spirit terrorbird
>implying anyone played SC besides dedicated clan worlds
best game ever
>skill is useless until x level
So most skills then?
>implying anyone played sc besides dedicated worded
This is how it’s always been for every minigame.
no, because I cant think of any skill that requires you to get to lvl 52 to do anything useful with it
Remove summoning
it''s an mmo
60% of players are using cheating clients
60% of the economy is controlled by botters
please tell me what the context is
fishing between work and sleep demoralized me
I'm curious about the motivation of the few who stay though
Well what’s useful. Most skills have that level hat people consider a milestone. For summoning, it was 52 which was easy to obtain.
Third party clients are cancer, should have never been allowed. Now most RS players are brainlets that need a shaded boxes and on-screen timers telling them how to play.
I'm trying to quit OSRS but I'm addicted to this shit dying game.
They do occasional balance changes without polling them, which have always been nerfs as far as I know, which they call "integrity changes" or something along those lines. The only other unpolled updates they do are the holiday events.
Cant transfer my original account over.