New Umihara Kawase announced for PS4, Switch
Hopes? Dreams?
I wish it goes back to self contained levels. Fresh's single map was pretty tedious

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Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet. I need to get back to Fresh at some point.

B-but Yea Forums told me the series was dead

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Holy shit another one already? The first one didnt even come out on PC yet

Oh nice I guess Fresh didnt flop?
I didnt buy it because I hated the hunger system and "open world" stuff
Really hoping it goes back to simple stages

SFC's been out on PC for a while now.


Fresh has been out for like a month

What the fuck?

Probably being built with Fresh's engine. No way Studio Saizensen is turning shit around and churning another one out THAT quickly, unless Fresh sold really well on some off chance.

>All these people shocked
The sequel was in production for awhile now.

I hope they don't let nicalis touch their game again

When was that stated? First I've heard of a sequel was just now.

nicalis probably co-funded fresh

Who would they market a game like UK to? Its got anime girls but practically no story, is gameplay focused and quite hard. Cant market it to the "hardcore gamers" because it looks and feels like a comfy walk in the park. And it's too weird all around to appeal to the average platformer fan who just wants linear levels and simple mechanics and doesn't like unfamiliar shit.

Don't forget we have Cotton's remake coming as well.

Maybe that's why they keep putting her in crossovers

whats the best umihara game i havent played a single one but wanna play one

I think most people like Shun the best. The trilogy is like $15 on steam anyway

It's almost like it's not a mystery as to why the series is still niche as all hell 25 years after it first debuted.

Either the first once, typically referred to as SFC due to it being a Super Famicom game, or the sequel Shun are generally seen as the high points, but the series' return with Sayonara is more beginner friendly. I would say the best entry is, oddly enough, Sayonara + on Vita as it includes both SFC and Sayonara in one package. Barring that, those 3 games are all on PC and you can sort of just pick one and go for it. Know that whichever you choose may affect how you feel about other ones as it's really dependent on which games' physics you get used to first. I started with Sayonara which feels rather light so the heavier physics of Shun throw me off a bit, for example. SFC is a good midpoint between the two.

>Fresh's single map was pretty tedious
Fresh wasn't a level to level game?

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I mean Fresh is a $5 game being sold for $40 so I'm sure it made a pretty penny

It's sort of Metroidvania style in that it's one big map, albeit mission-based. If that sounds weird, it's because it kind of is.

Think metroidvania but mission based where you go from point A to B. This means you repeat the same platforming a lot. There's also a health and hunger meter and one part of the challenge is how long some missions are

>Game sells best on Nintendo system
>They keep putting it on Playstation
The backstabs continue

Fresh has only been on Switch. It sold "best" there because it wasn't available anywhere else.

Censored confirmed

Ah yes, Umihara Kawase. Famous for minigames where you strip off the clothes of Japanese schoolgirls then fondle their boobs while they beg you to stop.

Pray tell, what would you even censor in an Umihara Kawase game?

Ain’t really much to censor the game is fairly modest

Hell yeah. I thought we'd have to wait a lot longer for another one.

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Will she get a new outfit like she does every game?

So is fresh good or not?
I hate the fucking graphix

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They made an attempt at having a real story with Fresh so I'll be interested in seeing how they continue it.

Eh, didn't like the one on 3DS, not going to bother with this.

I don't want her midriff to go away so soon

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Can't wait for B-cup Umihara with covered up midriff and armpits.

It plays like a refined Sayonara and the mission structure is take or leave. If you have a Switch then I believe there is a demo, though it could only be on the JP eShop which is hardly a difficult problem to overcome.

3DS one is the worst version of that game. It's since been ported off with extra levels and an improved framerate.

What if it doesn't and the new outfit keeps the exposed midriff and armpits?

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Considering what the banner looks like already it's probably still the Fresh look

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Then all is well in the world.

The premise is a little bit typical japanese weird but the gameplay has a good niche with relatively easy main routes but a brutally unforgiving skill ceiling for everything else. Adding more tits or turning Umi into a space marine won't change the basic concept.

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I was really angry about Nicalis fucking up the Western release, but considering how only some years ago they were ending the franchise with Sayonara and now they suddenly have a new game only a year after the last one, Fresh must have sold well enough.