Real talk, what is the purpose of Western game devs intentionally making their female characters ugly?
Real talk, what is the purpose of Western game devs intentionally making their female characters ugly?
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Who's this semen demon?
Eh I'd fuck it.
Sad. The absolute state of modern men.
Where is her bellybutton?
variety and more believable world if not every npc is a supermodel
Because your pic is what most female western game devs look like.
They're not doing it on purpose. Western developers just don't know how to make cute female characters.
You think ancient men wouldn't fuck that?
Fat people decided it's easier to change culture than it is to change their dietary and exercise habits
If she lost only 30 pounds I would fuck her
Why do game devs have to be hot?
Wrong. They've outright downgraded looks.
in the headband
If she lost 30 pounds she'd be out of your league.
>If she lost only 30 pounds
Why would she bother when there are people who would fuck her already?
>even he won't do it
You're in no position to turn down anybody cümbrain.
Otherwise she is missing out on this coom
The real, honest, answer is that you all have conditioned yourself to only enjoy anime girls.
A wise man once bestowed some knowledge onto me that was passed on to him "If you want your lay you can't fuck beauty queens every night"
They made Alloy omega ugly on purpose in Horizon
>Modern men
You realize a body like that was indicative of fertility, to men back in previous eras?
Not saying I'd go out of my way to fuck her, but she's hardly unfuckable.
What the hell
Not gonna lie bros, that woman has what I consider to be a near perfect body. Please god link her instagram
to not make the goblins of this country self conscious about the way they look in the mirror
Tattoos in general are disgusting but stomach tattoos are particularly repulsive
what the hell? that's gotta be a fake penis
Belly tats to hide stretch marks are such a sign of weakness. That said I'd smash with the force of 1000 suns
*hits pipe*
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Tattoos on her are punishment for your mistake.
It's obviously fake, cum doesn't shoot out in a constant stream like that it comes in rhythmic spurts
Isn't she supposed to be a tribal savage though?
Tribal savage doesn't mean you'd be ugly though. They tend to get the best genes eventually, it's why so many nordics are so good looking. They descended from tribal savages raping and pillaging everyone.
to be fair, if she lost like 5-10kg, she would be pretty, or at lest a butterface.
no shit, sherlock.
if its a fake penis, why censor it?
comunists - 1
apartheid - Half A pressess.
Copypasta or no, I always thought this to be extremely hypocritical, since someone spent time to prepare a wife for you, it's only fair you do the same for the future generations for the continue progress and prosperity of mankind. Sure, you can nope out of it, but what we have today is what you're getting when you do so.
>Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits?
>Now I know what you're saying, a person is a person, you can't say they're only 3/5ths. Well hear me out, Martin Luther "King".
How did pannenkoek get away with this?
A lot of artists in vidya industry are tumblrinas who hate beautiful people.
Only in the West. You need to remember that part. Japs love cute girls
You raise her well for the very purpose of getting her with a nice responsible young man that some other man spent time raising. That's the goal. Why? Because this produces lineage you can be proud of. Someone to carry on your legacy.
The alternative is a stacy who rides the cock carousel in her youth, dries up in her early 30's and bitches about not finding love for the rest of her life. Ending your bloodline in a miserable whimper.
In syria if you have girls you get paid for marry them so at least you get some money.
They want to have an equal number of Male and Female players, but since they can't attract more female players they instead do their best to drive off their male players.
Unironically it's because most women are so used to competing with other women that they view even fictional characters as competition
Don't even dare mention attraction to any other woman, fictional or otherwise, because as soon as you do they'll take it to mean that they are somehow inadequate
She is already out of your league, bore
That got me.
I wonder why
for whatever reason the west wants realism in their fiction
As a man, if you take the pussy then you will be happier.
It doesn't matter if you think you are slightly too good for her. Rejecting any kind of advance may feel ok in the moment, but it's fleeting. It doesn't make you a better person.
Getting your dick sucked by a new girl does make you feel noticeably more at ease in life and with attractive women.
You can lie to yourself and say you're above 'gamer', but the fact is you can't get the women you want. Your lack of sexual experience shows, and it's a turnoff.