>no team deathmatch
but why
No team deathmatch
by "in-house multiplayer" i didn't think they meant they'd gut half the game
seriously this
what was so hard with taking Doom 2016's multiplayer and improve it by not make it feel like Halo?
>team deathmatch
So you are a shitter playing deathmatch and you need a game mode where they can carry you sorry ass. TDM is a mistake.
too many people complained about it.
i'm just honestly glad they're not heading down the autistic battle royale path. I just want doom to be a cool single player game more than anything else.
The regular multilayer from the previous game was extremely poorly recived
Even if they made it good people would go in biased and decide it was shit anyway.
>putting less effort into the MP stuff and more effort into SP
why is this a bad thing?
Well, you are right, but then why bother with mp at all? Asymmetrical multiplayer sucks ass, even though they tried their best to make battlemode look cool with these trailers
>Asymmetrical multiplayer sucks ass
I think only one side having copters in rising storm makes for a pretty cool dynamic.
>caring about multishit
There's plenty of games for that, I'd rather have a solid DOOM title than a half-assed one.
>too many people complained about it
why? literally all they had to do was remove demon runes
are they still doing the demon invasion thing were you can invade other people's single player campaigns?
>were you can invade other people's single player campaigns
Wut. If this is a thing this game just went from a pre-order to fuck off tier. I don't want other people in my fucking games.
We all know this will be announced as an EGS exclusive two days from launch
No way they wouldn’t let you opt out of it
It is optional, obviously. They confirmed this at the first gameplay reveal in 2018. You seriously would pre-order game you know jack shit about?
That's alright, and yeah I saw enough to be interested in pre-ordering. I can cancel at any time so if shit starts to slide hard and I change my mind it's no issue. Done this for many games over the years.
Probably same reason you never saw Quake Champions make it to systems, the 'too fast' gameplay is a pain in the ass with sticks.
2016 and eternal are garbage
You redditors will never learn
how did you get a copy of eternal so early? im jealous
>standard edition has better box art than deluxe for once
Based id
I don't need to play it, its just more of the same with more stupid gimmicks used as a crutch for bad game design
shut the fuck up nigger, no one cares about your worthless input
Fucking hipster faggot, shut the fuck up.