Why does this section have indie devs so mad?

Why does this section have indie devs so mad?

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Literally nobody is complaining about this except a handful of very definitely organic posters who most certainly aren't on Jinping's payroll.

doesn't this basically mean devs can't release unfinished games

why is that a bad thing

Turning temporary Epic exclusives into permanent Epic exclusives to own the Epic.

This is indie devs we're talking about. They're not happy Steam could say no to their shitty asset flips if they wanted to.

Epic gays BTFO

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>implying anyone cares
It seems to be a response to Borderlands 3 having a delayed launch on steam. a lot of indie devs are going for epic exclusivity because the deal comes with a pretty big safety net.

it seems odd that steam is going for a power play. you should go on gog or just pirate :)

This forces poor devs to decide by themselves

>Indiefucks are mad
Link please, I need to see this shitstorm

Can't jump onto epic train anymore. Gotta commit, which these hacks hate to do.

>What do you mean I have to actually release my game on your platform if I want to use your services?!
This is a good thing. If you want to release exclusively on Epic Store then use it's services to communicate with the community and advertise your game.

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>Waaaah I cant create a steam product page when Im not even selling on steam
Good. Get fucked, parasites.

>safety net
>tencent bribe

If you advertise your game through Steam prior to it coming out, you have to release it within 30 days of its formal release date on Steam. So basically no more last minute deals with Epic, and if you do they're limited to 29 days. Or you have to go balls deep on Epic and live with their joke of an everything.

now no developer can advertise a game on steam and not release the game on steam, either release the game on steam and other platforms or don't put it on steam at all

When did this happen? Did any indiedev comment on it?

This means three things.
-You can't bait and switch anymore. If you have a steam page and you release that shit on another platform, console probably excluded, then you're required to release it on Steam not later than 30 days.
-If you already have the game out prior to having a steam page then you're required to once again release date game within 30 days of the creation of the store page.
-Developers thinking of being an epic exclusive can't take advantage of the hype and community a steam store page builds up over time. No steam store page until that exclusivity deal is over.

There are concerns over early access titles and games on itch io but let's be honest here. Valve doesn't give a fuck about that. They just want to enforce this rule whenever Epic is involved.

>be exclusive to them or us!!!!
Valve is honestly burning a lot of bridges with this new policy and it’s hilarious. I respected Valve for not stooping as low as EGS but now Steam is pulling the exclusivity deal now too. Disgusting.

Someone said that this is old and has been there since either 2017 or December 2018. So who fucking knows honestly.

If you had a real life store, would you let your next-door competitors hang ads for their store in your windows?

Yeah it's strange when they should complain about valves draconian pricing of games instead

Wait so why is this a bad thing? Are the indie devs that are actually mad?

They're not demanding exclusivity though you bumbling chucklefuck.

>burning a lot of bridges
With who exactly?
>Steam is pulling the exclusivity deal now too.
No, they're just preventing people from advertising on steam and then selling out to epic.

>Seething chinkoid enters the thread


They can't take chink bribes anymore

Surprised they didn't do this sooner.

>Steam's perfectly reasonable distribution policy becomes stricter for everybody because of scummy competition

When will these indieshitters fucking learn Yea Forums?

valve is chinker than epic unironically.
if epic was a total western company the industry would dramatically change.

Man I wish I got paid for shitposting on Yea Forums.


As long as the game doesn't come out on PC on any other platform before Steam, Valve doesn't care how long you have a preview page up.


It's not even becoming stricter, this policy has been in place for two years. They just finally remembered it was there and started enforcing it.

But will this keep the store from being flooded with titles that aren't released yet?

>valve is chinker than epic unironically.
>if epic was a total western company the industry would dramatically change.
Probably because they'd be taken to court over anti-competitive practices.

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valve isnt such a great platform. you overrate them and valve underrates devs.

it flourished cause it was relatively free for everyone. now it seems they get on some high horse. this is one of the signs of decline.

Ching-chong bing-bong to you too Mister.

>not allowing your competitor to hang their ads in your window is a sign of decline

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sorry but i dont understand your chink language

care to elaborate

I'd argue that all the devs fleeing Valve's shitty DRM platform, leaving behind nothing but Unity store asset flips and early access cartoon character porn "games" is a sign of decline.

>all the devs
Who? Borderlulz 3: Worn-Out Welcome Edition? Ooblets?

Why are you guys so obsessed about this, like who gives a shit

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I'd argue nobody really poses a threat to them so they are waiting, researching, and investing in the next video games money making opportunity. Why else are they keeping up with new tech like VR? Sure devs can go to epic, but nobody gives a shit about it when steam has unfortunately captured majority of the users over time.

It pays better than China's minimum wage.

does this mean store pages for games like the outer wilds will be taken down soon?

>Lol we don't care about these devs, they're nobodies
>But also, we collectively shit our pants for days when they don't sell their games on Steam
Holy shit imagine coping this hard

Oh no devs can't lie and promise a steam release they not deliver on it because epic paid them for the exclusivity.

I don't even play games. But the whole epic vs steam bullshit makes for some good shitposting.

Didn't borderlands 3 shit their pants because they insisted and banned anyone who didn't call one of their fictional characters by the correct pronoun or whatever?

And ooblets was those guys shitting on their customers for being entitled despite pulling a bait and switch.


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30% that takes care of all the backend shit like payment processing, refunds, api, ddos protection, key distribution (which they can sell other places without a cut) somehow isn’t enough for these indie goons. now they want steams page and discussion boards to stay up while they sell their shit elsewhere.

>Why else are they keeping up with new tech like VR?
Because you avoid the being fired in the next purge by working on things the board and the CEO are interested in. They are the ultimate patrons and decision makers inside Valve, and getting on their good side is vital if you want to stay employed.

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I really think EGS should Tiananmen Square Massacre and Free Hongkong Free Tibet while getting Winnie the pooh Multi Party system

>Didn't borderlands 3 shit their pants because they insisted and banned anyone who didn't call one of their fictional characters by the correct pronoun or whatever?

The difference is Valve don't enforce the chinkoid rules on the global version of steam


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But they're also not happy that Valve lets other indie games on that aren't made by their friends and so it makes it harder for their games to be seen

>You can't bait and switch anymore.
obviously scummy devs will be mad if someone takes their scam tools away

not big on reading? It means you can't use steam to advertise exclusives to other platform.

Thanks for confirming valve is capable of fucking around with new tech because they have no immediate threat.

Quite the stretch from "banning anyone" to what that mod actually wrote. But I do find your endless gaymer outrage to be adorable.
What will you be mad about tomorrow? You weren't allowed to call someone a nigger online?

What a coincidence, Epic doesn't enforce those rules on their shitty store either. Point is "because EGS sold out to Chinks" doesn't work when Valve did too, and in a far more direct way with this shilltastic capitulation to the Chinese communist party. Get raped, idiot.

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>I better do what the CEO and board tells me to or else I'll be fired without warning
>This means Valve doesn't have to worry about competition
This thread is some next level cope mother of God.

based and retarded


>I am literally a below room temperature IQ human that cannot read, but I'm going to post and get mad anyway.

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Try again in English this time, Chang.

There's a grand canyon leap between calling someone a nigger and getting banned vs calling a robot (with a male voice actor) a he and getting banned.

enforcing rules to prevent anti-consumer practices is hardly a sign of decline.

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I don't like Steam either, but name another client that has a ton of people invested in it. Only other client other people are ok with using is like blizzard's battle net. Even if games are cheaper else where people are going to hesitate to buy because it might not have steam keys.

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that makes sense but whod buy a game on a different site when they discuss it on steam? i thought those sperging out on the forum were all hardcore steam users.

Serious question. Why does every moron on this board immediately pivot to trannies the moment their utter retardation is pointed out?
>Points out how hypocritical it is to minimize and hand wave away the impact of devs fleeing Steam while simultaneously engaging in endless pants-shitting over those devs leaving.
>Oh yeah well, trannies!
Yea Forums is fucking obsessed with trannies and totally lacking in any coherent arguments.

>I don't even play games.
This should be grounds for permaban on Yea Forums.

Trannies is just the new fag then.

tranny was not even mentioned you absolute nigger

Nobody said anything about trannies. Take your meds schizo.

Wow, devs that try to trick customers into thinking the game is coming to Steam get punished
Who cares

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You're the first one to mention trannies at all in this thread.

You're right, banning people from your own forum/game for misgendering a fictional character is a completely rational and accepted behavior.

Please support epic games and ignore steam.
We are on the right side of history.
Everyone who doesn't agree is racist.

mods and jannies endorse shitposting by allowing it

If not for funposting, my life would be really boring.

>Points out how hypocritical it is to minimize and hand wave away the impact of devs fleeing Steam while simultaneously engaging in endless pants-shitting over those devs leaving.
>implying the devs who left actually had any impact on steam
>implying those devs left for good when their games are slated for a delayed release on steam
>implying Yea Forums shitting on bait-and-switch practices is the same as endless pants-shitting over those devs leaving and losing masterpieces like ooblets and bee simulator to epic
>implying that post had anything at all to do with trannies
gr8 b8 m8
No seriously, great bait. Baitposts with multiple layers like this are way too rare

Did steam enforce this rule at all?

Can't scam Steam no more.

>Hey, borderlands 3 is banning people for misgendering a fictional character.
>Heres a link
>Dude, that's not the point.

Wew what a ride.

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Not at all.


>That's been around since december
Then this is some incredible 4D chess by steam
Rather than choosing to enforce the rule rightaway and getting into legal bullshit while giving EGS ammo for good PR, they get EGS piss off the fanbase before choosing to enforece it now, thus looking like heroes for responding in such a way

that's assuming that Steam will actually enforce this, which would be too much trouble for them. they also have the problem of not having anyone at the company who can do competent PR to cover for this.
if someone doesn't get approval from gaben himself to take action on this issue they won't do anything, which is a symptom of their company structure.

Fucking chinese bots all day long. I'm sick of them

They probably honestly don't give a fuck. Someone on the steam team is probably giggling to themaelves seeing leddit and teitter go wild over this.

Though the "threat" of it existing is more than enough. And if some really egregious shit happens then they can just pull the trigger whenever they want. But I bet nothing big will come out of this and Epic will probably slow down on the bait and switch shit.

There's also the issue that if they did enforce it earlier, the legal battle would tear the indies caught in the middle apart. However, now that the EGS fad has died down a good extent and no indies from steam(that we know of) have sold their souls, this would be a perfect time for them to activate this clause

You say this, but I've seen it. I go past a petrol station on the way home from work that has a billboard on their property. The billboard advertises the fuel sold at the next petrol station which is like 200 metres down the road.

i never trust chinks but wonder why gators like kotakuinaction are so pro valve. they literally cant accept any criticism like sjws. its strange.

Because gayben sucks chinks dick and likes sjws.Steam is a tranny social media platform, filled with ERP larp.

If you asked me they'll probably only take action if it's a mega big release like what happened with Metro Exodus. But for indies? They'll probably let it pass. Maybe say if it's a bigger indie like say Silksong, god please that doesn't actually actually happen, the clause will suddenly go into effect.

>Everyone who doesn't agree is racist.
and white

they can't buy it on steam if it's not released on steam. the whole point of this is you can't use steam as a marketing tool if you delay your release on steam vs other pc platforms.

Because now they can't advertise on steam and also pocket that EGS money

Valve's platform literally sells DRM-free games, and the only notable game companies to stop selling on steam over other pc platforms self-distributes. The vast majority of mainstream games on PC are still sold on steam.

be more subtle and less gay next time

>EA's games
>Ubisoft games
>any Blizzard game
>literally any mobile game

Yeah sure buddy. "Mainstream"

Breaking news!!!!!111one!1!1! Mcdonalds now allows burger king to hang whopper signs inside their storezzzz!!1!1!one!

Hey retard, learn to read:
>and the only notable game companies to stop selling on steam over other pc platforms self-distributes.

And half the games you listed were never sold on Steam in the first place. Slam your hand in a car door for being so fucking stupid.


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>Xi jinxing
My desire to know more intensifies

every game on epic is DRM free unless the publisher adds some 3rd party DRM to it because they have no DRM outside of the license being tied to your account

Nobody said epic was a DRM platform.

quickrun down on this meme?

beijing, 1989.

i hope this harms faggots like that one dancing game that jewed everyone recently
i don't even know what its called i just know a cuck dev with milk bottle glasses kept calling the people who donated to patreon and kikestarter privileged dicks who didn't deserve anything lol

>be exclusive to us

i mean brad pitt vs asians

Once upon a time in Hollywood, incel stoners had a fantasy where they could beat up Bruce Lee

I couldnt play the "free" What Remains of Edith Finch unless Epic Launcher was on

apparently rule exists for like half of year, it only exploded now, because some dev was reminded of it by valve, which caused Epic to run damage control that hilariously backfired so now EVERYONE think rule will be enforced against them, even through it never was.

because their actions now have real consequences
responsibility and all that shit those fuckers never learned in their entire life

Another retard

Because they can't use Steam for free advertisement in the upcoming releases and then pull out and get an exclusivity deal elsewhere anymore without getting sued.

I mean this isn't really that bad, if you're going to do an epic exclusive deal don't advertise on steam and pull out at the last second.
Also epic is probably just trying to snipe popular indie games on steam that's why it's always last minute.

Have you considered the person hosting the ad is making money while putting a game up on the Valve store costs about $100 for a flat one time fee IIRC?

Not even that. You only pay that 100 bucks once the game releases. So shit's literally free as long as you fulfill the requirements they ask of you for the storepage.

>devs can't release unfinished games
Exactly the opposite.
It means devs can't postpone finished games on Steam for no reason.

I'm surprised they aren't being sued already, it's pretty much flat out false advertising.

That's exactly what they were doing. Epic uses Steam Spy and the # of times a game has been wishlisted to figure out which ones to poach from Steam.

it doesnt matter if its right or not. if sjw devs are triggered, media will side with them and valve will have to go into the sjw hellscape and their kangaroo court.

thats all that matters.

Steam has danced around these fucks for more than a few years now. They can handle it.

All this shilling, all this falseflagging, all this barking on twitter and STILL nobody cares about EGS.
It's honestly amusing.

Because it's bullshit.
I mean, they can of course make that demand if they feel like it, but it's kind of dickish.

There's nothing bullshit or dickish about it. If devs don't intend to launch on steam then they shouldn't have a steam page. See

i wanna get paid shilling for EGS on a indonesian fish raising forum too :(((

From the sounds of it it's still utter shit.
If it were a competent store I imagine at least most people could just ignore their faggotry but if it's actually causing issues how could they just turn a blind eye?

The devs are getting loads of chink money so they only people bitching are customers


Kys 黑鬼。

Could be the same owner.

No, to "own" the devs.
Epic doesnt sell anything, they go there for the bribe, and then release shit on Steam for actual sales. No more.

i dont understand that language tranny chink

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nah, doesn't work that way here.

Honestly, they can thank Metro Exodus and Deep Silver for this, partially. Reminder that the season pass for that game is still purchasable on Steam and they still post patch notes etc, but the base game isn't.

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Imagine being this much of an illiterate.

Except they're free to release the game on steam and anywhere else they like gog etc
With epic you are stuck on epic and nowhere else and if you try to do some deals behind their back you will get hit by a lawsuit so hard you will effectively cease to exist along with your studio and your game pulled off the store

Epic is as anti-consumer as they are anti-developer

Well here's a new word for you then 黑鬼。

Epic actually allow simultaneous release with microsoft and GoG, they're purely trying to fuck over steam

I've yet to see any proof that anyone is angry
OP is just baiting

it's just chinks accusing others of what they do them self. If you're indie dev, you can release on EGS only with exclusivity deal. And I don't mean "if you want to collect bribe", but at all. It's either go exclusive or go away

Nope as if the monopoly cares about finished games and not just kepping their grip on the industry

Based steam locking itself out in a attenpt to damage control

Steam doesnt care about quality tho

This shit is old people. From some videos I've watched, that agreement had already been implemented, with that clause included even since 2017.
Meaning that the devs with games that had a Steam page who switched to EGS exclusivity had already breached the agreement.
Valve doesn't show any signs of enforcing and acting upon it though.

Nah if anything works the other way with valve drones boycotting it because muh drm wars

>There are concerns over early access titles and games on itch io but let's be honest here. Valve doesn't give a fuck about that. They just want to enforce this rule whenever Epic is involved.
Yeah gaben is afraid

Fuck them the less games they get the better

30% is literally stealing


Its because they are feeling the heat with bigger devs too

>Epic Store
good one

This, at least Epic is clearly on the side of developers. And let's be honest, in the current climate, developers really do need protection from their customers, because they've become far too toxic to be trusted.

There's nothing stopping them from releasing on steam 1 year later they just can't leave up the steam page that says CANT BUY IT HERE LOL for a year

Enforcing it might be more trouble than it's worth for Valve.

>Probably because they'd be taken to court over anti-competitive practices.
Yeah valves monopoly needs to be addressed

What monopoly?

That's stifling developer advertisement though and it really isn't fair, when devs bring so much money to Steam.

Games require Steam to be installed and most games nowadays only come with a steam key and nothing else. That is a monopoly.

So they force devs to either become part of their store(monopoly) or they end up blacklisted

Given that only trash like ooblets, bee simulator and satisfactory have switched to epic, not to mention the massive public hatred of exclusivity business giving good devs reason for pause, it's safe to say that valve wants egs to do what it's done all this time for so long-the much needed quality control, and for fucking free, no less

You went too far. You're not gonna get any with blatant bait. Gotta be more incognito about it.

How is it not fair?

Whole lotta emotional arguments in here and no actual justification

>started enforcing it.
You know you are a monopoly when theres no competitors and thus theres no need to enforce your own rules kek

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If the game isn't on sale through Valve's store, they're clearly not bringing Valve money.


No only you as long you dont go with the competitors valve doesnt care

>install wizards

It's not up to Steam to advertise games.
That's up to the publisher.
Now all of sudden their 30% cut makes sense huh.

>when devs bring so much money to Steam.
This theres a reason valve is so rich and is that 30% cut

>the massive public hatred
Drone plz

It's less their 30% cut which is less than all other platforms or distributors before GoG came along, and more the fact that they offered the best services to consumers, which they continue to do, which is the only reason they get the majority of the business. The moment a better platform comes along, the moment Valve will lose their hold on the industry

Steam certainly doesnt give a fuck about devs thats a fact

That 30% is basically highway robbery

They can still jump on the epic train, then a year later release it on steam, the only difference is now they can't have a store page for their game listed for that year of exclusivity. Once the 1 year exclusivity clause wears off, they can push it directly onto steam, same as before. Only difference is it wont be free advertising for a year prior to it.

Not seeing any sales numbers, chinkie
Hit any landmarks yet? Any new exclusives? Yeah, didnt think so

But it might be

It's not when you consider the features Steam offers both customers and developers.
Their main competition doesn't even have a fucking cart feature.

It's less than their competition though.

you can always charge more if you think the customer is fine with paying 100% of it

>Hit any landmarks yet

They actually went backwards lmao and delayed a bunch of planned features

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>thinks public hatred of exclusivity is the same as public hatred of EGS
truly pathetic if the only thing that defines your """store""" is that they sell shitty indies before other stores can

Most of those features are either useless, barely work or are unnecessary. Releasing a game on steam is basically getting swindled into every single extra when buying something.

If that were the case, then gog, uplay, origin, etc should have outpaced steam a long time ago
Fuck, even EGS should be doing a lot better than it is right now against steam

Then don't bitch about not being able to use steam to advertise games you're not selling there. If you want to release exclusively on Epic's store then use it's resources to communicate with the community and advertise your game.

But it isn't. If you're not selling it through their store, and in turn giving them what we their cut is, you're not making them any money. They get no benefits from you being there without selling it whatsoever.

>Most of those features are either useless, barely work or are unnecessary
So then there shouldn't be a problem with devs not being able to take advantage of those features if they're not selling the game on steam.

>Most of those features are either useless, barely work or are unnecessary
According to you, an EGS shill. According to the people who matter (consumers) those features are fine and worth paying for. The truth is developers are greedy and want more money than they need, which is why they're against Valve's 30% cut but fine with Sony and Microsoft's 40% cut.

It's the industry standard. Not to mention it's also even lower than the retail cut.

lmao well this thread went hilarious.

I guess the shills finally woke up.

Valve charges extra for advertising tho

>That's stifling developer advertisement though and it really isn't fair, when devs bring so much money to Steam.

If you aren't going to launch the game on steam why the fuck should you get a steam page? On what planet is that unfair?

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>recently added clouds saves
>recently added preloading
get a load of this steam drone

That 30% pays for the absolute best infrastructure available.

In the planet where paying people to not sell their product with a competitor isn't a monopoly but offering a service good enough that customers choose it over your competitors who are selling the same product is a monopoly

Wow it's as if the 30% cut does matter if devs are mad that they can't use steam's features and community building tools to advertise their game because they chose to take the exclusivity deal.

Really makes you contemplate.

[citation needed]

Why is nobody bitching at microsoft, nintendo and sony about it being a robbery then? Discord offers a deal even better than epics at 10% as well.

>they offered the best services to consumers
Lmao at this drone doesnt remember the early days of steam

>The moment a better platform comes along, the moment Valve will lose their hold on the industry
Gog already exist but valve has a monopoly tho

daily reminder 30% cut is robbery and kills the steam kike when mentioned

>recently added cloud saves for FIVE games
>recently added a feature that's been in steam for the past 15 years, and is actually one of the truly meaningless features he loves to bring up against steam
Get a load of this chink shill

Because those are actual monopolies that require their approval to sell shit through their stores.

>Why is nobody bitching at microsoft, nintendo and sony about it being a robbery then?
Because nobody else will release their games on those platforms lol
Basically even though Steam's cut is less than PSN or XBL's cut, devs whine about it because it's a convenient way for them to make Valve look like the bad guys instead of them for accepting chink bribes

>recently added clouds saves
which only works for 2 games. nearly all games on EGS don't have working cloud saves
>recently added preloading
which still doesn't work properly even after it was implemented
>get a load of this steam drone
says the shitbrained epic drone

Also Epic is fucked now because they based all their search for deals using the most wishlisted games on steam.
now that they can propose deals to games already on steam, they has to go completely blind on deals with upcoming games, before they end up in the steam store, so many of them can be literally gargage tier indieshit and becoming an huge failure.


Not that guy but I have literally bought games simply because of steams cloud save before. I play singleplayer shit and never multiplayer so I could easily pirate and save my money. To me, the cloud save is worth the purchase price. Yet this is unnecessary, right?

>Lmao at this drone doesnt remember the early days of steam
You mean back when Steam was literally just DRM for Half Life 2? Yeah I remember that and it was shit, good thing they decided to actually add features to it so it wouldn't be shit. If only their competitors did that instead of just dumping that money into more exclusivity deals.
>Gog already exist but valve has a monopoly tho
It's not a monopoly when people choose your product over a competitors. A monopoly is when consumers have no choice. A good example of a monopoly is the EGS

>The moment a better platform comes along, the moment Valve will lose their hold on the industry
kys, nobody is abandoning his games because of features

Daily reminder that in spite of the lower cut and the free use of UE in EGS exclusives, devs still have to get paid to go exclusive, and that thair games always release later on steam anyway

>It's not when you consider the features Steam offers both customers and developers.
Like fucking what lmao seriously

Explain why do you think it's robbery? Jeff Vogel has been making and selling games longer than a majority of people in the industry. Stream's 30% covers the entire payment process, from refunds, transaction disputes and chargebacks. Distribution is handled by them so he doesn't have to ever worry again about bandwidth or outages on his part. That comes along with general distribution so no need to constantly remember to send the keys and software to clients. Speaking of clients, he doesn't even have to deal with them directly anymore, that's all done via Steam's customer support. Steam also gives him his own store page and forums for ALL of his games. This is the business side of making games, and Steam has managed to automate that process for everyone. Publishing games as an indie developer has never been cheaper or easier, yet you believe that all these services provided don't warrant a cut for Steam? And it's not just Stram that ask for 30%. Other services have adopted the standard Steam has set up. GOG, PSN, XBL Marketplace, Nintendo eShop, they all ask for 30%. Hell, the patching and distribution of games is a process that requires the platformer to review and an additional charge in consoles. That shit is free on Steam.

What do you think these services deserve then? If you think they deserve less, then guess what! Steam even gives you that option too! Generate keys and sell them directly from your site. You'll get your bugger cut that way. Consumers have the option to pay for games even cheaper than the retail price if they want to by going to key resellers.
Indie devs have it easy these days. They can focus strictly on the game making portion and release it. Problem is, they're so coddled by today's environment that they don't put in a single bit of thought or effort in the business & marketing side. They think Steam should handle that for them as well, & on top of them, ask for LESS!

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Try again in English, chen

>which only works for 2 games
why are you lying subhuman ?
>which still doesn't work properly even after it was implemented
why are you even fucking lying subhuman
>says the shitbrained epic drone
get your brain straight or you will kill yourself, you are disconnected from reality


This post is wrong. PSN and XBL ask for 40%, not 30%.

Pot calling the kettle a nigger. You are complete subhuman scum with literal shit for brains.

>ge doesnt remember the first 5 years of steam was indies
Epic doesnt only have indies tho

here ask a ex valve jew about pic related

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Wasn't preloading added like 6 months ago, I remember it being available for Anno and I remember it not even working

PSN and XBL ask for 40% and additional charges for patches

>literally no coutner argument
>only response is DA JOOS

watch as the epic shill recoils when its hurt

Attached: EGS.webm (640x360, 2.26M)

Should be easy enough to prove it then, right?

Ah yes (((geldreich)))

>I have literally bought games simply because of steams cloud save before
wew you are retarded

They probably also cost money to the devs for all we know

literally who? a janitor?

I said get your life together or you might KILL yourself steam drone

Attached: areyouokaysteamdrone.jpg (870x1065, 88K)

>for all we know
So you're pulling shit out of your ass. Thought so

>shopping cart fans

Oh yeah? Name those useless, barely working, unnecessary features, then.

Your life is a completely worthless and you should honestly kill yourself epic shill

On the side of publishers*

>copy paste from literal who vs copy paste from valve ex
your copy paste is not even true steam drone, sony and microsoft is taking 40% because of physical shenanigans

>Epic is fixing this
By creating a monopoly?

>They probably also cost money to the devs for all we know

Why are you making shit up?

Attached: 1492541011364.png (680x680, 413K)

no other platform ever did cloud saves before...

Yeah thats nigh impossible with valves monopoly

Attached: index(11).jpg (300x190, 9K)


>Can't use Steam wishlist to nab what's popular
>Can't use "Epic controversy" to advertise your game
>Have to go through Epic's non-existent curation now
>Advertise on your own, with exclusivity on top of that, of a featureless store competing with AAA games
Good luck, indie devs.

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud save API
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

Attached: 1512686218635.png (800x1032, 698K)

I feel sorry for your parents.

Hmmm, I wonder what could lead to someone who was fired having negative things to say about their former employer...

>See? These twenty games now support a feature steam's had for over a decade now in all of its games! STEAM BAD EPIC GOOD!
Kek please dont stop

Attached: 1562138588854.jpg (531x471, 127K)

>The truth is developers are greedy and want more money than they need
More like valve is greedy

Because they cant get free advertise from steam and switch at the alst momento to epit for the big money.
Basically, any dev that complain about this is just a greedy asshole and their games should be blacklisted already.

>No reviews
steam reviews are just dumb memes, read reviews online
>No voice chat
wow now i cant talk to 12 year old timmy screaming slurs on the mic
>No community forums
literaly shit
>No workshop
i agree
>No screenshot sharing
no one cares about your screenshots
>No wishlist
if you truly cared you would know what games you want
>No game tags
useless, no one uses these
>No shopping cart
buy 1 game at a time and finish it, shopping carts encourage buying a bunch of games and not playing
>No discovery queue
this is always shit
>No one-click online streaming
no one cares about your streams faggot
>No h-games
>No music category
use spotify
>No software category
use anything else
>No video category
use netflix or another streaming serice
>No linux support
no one uses linux besides nerds
>No regional pricing
no one cares about 3rd worlders
>No payment option variety
not necessary
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
what is this, myspace?
>No achievements
>No controller support
yes there is
>No family sharing
family sharing is so people dont' share 1 copy of a game, no one actually shares it with their family
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
no one likes using steam with a controller
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
you have a hard drive
>No backup feature
same thing as cloud save
>No adding third party games to your list
use your desktop
>No third party key registration

Attached: 1564414938187.png (320x320, 28K)

>valve bad, epic good
So what's better about epic? They charge less and offer less features in an unsustainable anti-consumer business model that's destined to fail since the only reason developers release games on their platform is because the platform holder pays them to do so? What happens when the Fortnite money dries up?

No they don't. The cut for selling on PSN and XBL is 30%, the reason third party companies pay more than 30% is because of console licensing fees that platform holders like Sony and Microsoft charge on top of the digital distribution cut. Third parties pay for licensing regardless of whether the game is sold digitally or physically, it's completely separate from the revenue split for distribution.


Attached: noooo president xi help.jpg (1007x706, 250K)

By offering a 10% smaller cut than their competitors on top of having a better service than their competitors?
EGS is not a competitor since they don't directly compete with Valve in any way

Ah, this might be why Ready or Not got pulled off from the store and my wishlist.

>o-only two games
>kills himself
nothing personal steam drone but time is ticking, not even lying like a kike will save steam

But user, the post you are quoting didn't say "cloud saves". It said "cloud save API". Try harder next time.

Why should I care what kind of cut the publisher gets? It's not like the games on EGS are cheaper with a better cut.

Your parents have gone for the abortion after all, what a shame.

100% it will be gearbox launcher with preload of borderlands

That's absolutely fucking disgusting, what the hell?

Who the fuck asked you you toxic racist misogynistic gamer? We don't need you, Epic pays us the money we lost by not selling our game. Fuck off.


>Because nobody else will release their games on those platforms lol
So you are accepting valve is a monopoly and devs are forced to put their games there

No, they just dont whant developers to use steam as free advertise. Do you think real life stores let you put your stuff on the shop windows for free while you are selling them on the store inf ront of them?
Also how is it a monopoly if this rule is applied only on games already released and being sold on other platform on steam? it's literally the opposite, because you can sell the game on all the paltform you like if you keep the release date close for all the stores.

You do realize that valve could've stomped this exclusivity garbage and EGS into the dirt for contract violation a year ago, right? The clause in OP wasnt introduced yesterday in the terms of agreement
The """monopoly""" has been giving EGS a free pass all this time and it's still a trashfire. Explain that

Attached: 3rdbomb.png (732x914, 863K)

>Because those are actual monopolies that require their approval to sell shit through their stores.
Sounds like steam

>EGS is good because they don't have toxic anti-dev features such as forums, reviews, or refunds and most of their features are useless and unnecessary

Ok then if you want to have a steam page and use steam features, you have to release at the same time as everyone else


Attached: a4940684cf58f1de4ff8df71859eecd881fa444b411de43ab4f130232f202c0b.jpg (440x384, 46K)

Remind us about the borderlands 3 preload and how epic refused to offer the service to them despite it being the industry standard for years and only caved in when THE DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES had to work on the store to implement it themselves.

What does Sony and MS's control over proprietary consoles have to do with Valve?

>i-its not two, its twenty! take that!
Is this underage or are all chinkshills just this retarded? I cant tell anymore

>[citation needed]

Nobody is forcing devs to use steam, moron. If you're going to have a steam page then you can't delay your release for timed exclusivity while having a steam page. Go eat rocks you illiterate.

Borderlands 3 only has pre loading because fucking Gearbox had to code it themselves for epic. Probably for free no less.

On further research, it was lowered to 30% sometime this gen, likely as a response to Steam gaining traction with normalfags
It was definitely 40% at some point in the PS360 era though. Additionally they still charge for patches and don't offer the same features that Steam does without the consumer paying extra for them.

This. If Epic REALLY wanted to prove a point, they would have the games that are on both their store and steam priced lower, but at the moment they're the same price.

No, forcing people to be part of your store would be something like paying them to not release their game on other platforms (EGS)

They're the same price because the publishers set the price of their games and it turns out pubs weren't whining about the cut being too large, they just wanted more money.

No idea why everyone is sperging out, the contract is extremely fair, you just have to release your game within 30 days of a release on another store if you want a steam page, Valve is still going to lose out on a ridiculous amount of sales because despite what steamcels say, if their new super cool game comes out a MONTH earlier somewhere else, the vast majority will buy it there.

The only people who should be mad are devs who now cant bait and switch using steam for free advertising AKA devious rats.

Attached: 1556651588183.jpg (700x700, 56K)

>hurr durr copypasta
If you want original posts, then make original arguments. The whole "waaaah 30% is too much" whining has been refuted countless times by now, it's a fucking red herring when no devs are moving to epic exclusively over the revenue split without reviving payment upfront. You can't refute the post either, just screeching that vogel a JEEEEEEEEEW because you have nothing else.

>unironically defending a web store in 2019 not having a shopping cart when the fucking soul food restaurant run by a sassy black woman and her boomer husband in my hometown of 30,000 people nestled between inaccessible mountain ranges has an online store with a fucking shopping cart
Imagine being this much of an actual cuckold

I literally don't understand why the fuck you retards are defending devs being greedy jews. I doubt steam would honestly give a fuck about epic, Once fortnite dies that store will be abandoned and all the devs who jumped ship won't be forgiven. honest work is the only work which pays off at the end.

Attached: 1567498961450.png (960x560, 303K)

Its a monopoly if a company is effetively the only supplier of product. Having a monopoly is not itself illegal, but there are many other digital PC gaming storefronts (Uplay, Origin, Battle.net, Microsoft store, GOG) that I doubt Steam could be considered to be in a monopolistic position. Being in a dominant position does not equal "monopoly."

Valve has no board and no actual CEO.
Gaben is the owner of Valve, it's not a publicly traded company, so if Gaben is ok with something, there is no one that can make pressure on him, he can do the shit he whant, unlike Sweany and the chink boards that move him like a puppet.

>if their new super cool game comes out a MONTH earlier somewhere else, the vast majority will buy it there.
Then how come games don't sell on Epic when they're timed exclusives?

>proprietary consoles
Funny because steam runs on a proprietary os they even tried to make their own but failed spectacularly just check shartifact too lmao (just like with every thing they do besides their current drm monopoly)

Attached: index(3).png (117x72, 1K)

Holy shit thank christ. This killed so many games i was hoping to buy.

Why would this piss of indie devs? Don't you mean Epic devs?

Says the valve dronr e lmao

That's only the case if the developer or publisher chooses to release their game exclusively on Steam. Valve doesn't require or pay for exclusives on their store. There's nothing monopolistic about offering the best services. Especially since nowadays most games are offered on multiple storefronts yet consumers still choose steam over those storefronts.
>Funny because steam runs on a proprietary os
Linux is a proprietary OS?

Says the subhuman epic drone

Because EGS is a heap of trash
I know how you keep telling yourself how features dont matter and how EGS exclusivity will help save PC gaming, but the thing is that majority of the playerbase dont see it that way. If they tried catering to the fanbase a little better, it wouldnt be so bad

Exclusivity by epic is ironicaly a legal monopoly. Nothing steam does is a monopoly.

Based our greatest ally fuck valve and fuck steam

user they don't know the meaning of monopoly, you think they understand proprietary?


Attached: (you) ANIME GIRL.jpg (1361x810, 165K)


Based. These devs don't know the real headache of handling your own distribution as well.

Not him but it's probably a fancy way of saying it's all Epic shills.
Epic belongs to Tencent, Tencent sells data to the Chinese government,

>It was definitely 40% at some point in the PS360 era though.
[citation needed]
Keep lying for valve you drone

It was never that high. All 3 major console platforms take 30% for selling on their digital storefronts, but selling a game on console digital or physical is more expensive than PC because of the combined costs of distribution and licensing.

>Game Status: Coming Soon!
>Game doesn't come out on the platform it's being advertised on, ever.
>Somehow this isn't false advertising, and doesn't piss off people.

Yea Forums is retarded.

>Citation needed

Valve wants to put pressure on devs because its afraid lmao

Again, pot calling the kettle a nigger.

>barring developers from getting free advertising, forums, and preorders, all features that are useless or unnecessary according to epic shills, by getting a steam page without actually releasing the game on steam

Are you literally retarded?

>Exclusivity is ironicaly a legal monopoly
This fucking retard lmao.
So you are accepting valve has a monopoly huh?

Most Steam games aren't exclusive to Steam retard

Good. Stops devs from pulling the shit that Gearbox and 4A Games pulled.


>Use money to try control the source of games and divert it away from competitors
Seriously, how much do they pay you? Even I could shill for epic better than you at this point

Nobody is forcing devs to sell games on steam. You faggots conflating monopoly with popularity. Stop being a dumb cunt.

because they cant pull another metro exodus

>he doesnt know about forks
Even the ps4 os has a gnu distro which in the end doesnt mean anything and valve end up failing anyway lmao

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>he thinks they get paid
The only thing they get is their entire family not get sent to the labor camps

Steam has done more for devs in terms of digital distribution on PC than any other company

Where are the mad indie devs about this?

>he doesn't know the difference between a distro and a kernel

Attached: 1561077072144.gif (277x277, 515K)

So no proofs? i thought so drone lmao

Go eat rocks you illiterate shill.

Reeee im not nerd stfu

I feel sorry for your parents.

>not having some joint venture
it absolutely works that way

They are a defacto monopoly for consumers if you want to buy theres not much else other than steam wheater devs or steam is to blame is different topic


>go on gog
Epic exclusivity is also fucking over GoG

What if the other stores weren't shit?

>no it isnt
Stop making up words to justify your bullshit, faggot

>Linux is a proprietary OS?
99% of steam use windows you retarded valve drones

>They are a defacto monopoly
You don't know what any of those words actually mean. The vast majority of games can be bought without going through the steam store. When crying about Steam being a "monopoly" you shitters talk about being forced to use the client. No developer benefits. No mention of the value to the end user.

>"88/12! It's good for everyone!"
When talking about EGS the shitters change the topic and talk about the benefits solely about the developers. Do not bring up the loss of functionality and community for the end users. And being forced to use client suddenly becomes acceptable.

EGS, the developers, and the publishers all bank on a single, fundamental concept to make the current EGS scenario work: Their end users are too impatient to wait out the exclusivity phase. That's it.... their opinion of the end user is nothing more than "They'll eat anything, no matter how much we shit on the plate." And they're right. A quick look at the end user (lol) "boycotts" over the last two decades cleanly paints a road to success. Dangle and strangle.

>wheater devs or steam is to blame is different topic
Of course you're going to handwave the fact that valve isn't paying devs to sell exclusively on steam

>consumers still choose steam over those storefronts.
Stockholm syndrome

They're not even remotely a monopoly for consumers. They're only a "monopoly" from the perspective a dev who absolutely has to have DRM on their game, and even then they can choose Origin.
If they're not anti-consumer kikes, they can make a deal with literally any store out there. Itch.io, humble, greenman, gamersgate, amazon, windows store, etc, picking only one or making arrangements with as many as they feel like. And if they don't want to make a deal with anyone, they can sell it themselves directly. Absolutely fucking nothing other than DRM "forces" them to look to steam.

>Of course you're going to handwave the fact that valve isn't paying devs to sell exclusively on steam
incoming Darwinia shitpost

Why is this causing so much drama? You don't see Microsoft advertising Death Stranding on Xbox. Why should Valve bend over to advertise Epic exclusives?

>Over 3 years strong
Meanwhile at shartifact

Attached: 1543975609958.png (943x369, 184K)

I don't really like steam, but I hate Epic. What do I win?

see >expecting quality and service is stockholm syndrome

Fortnite BR isn't even 2 years old yet.
Though underageb& defending Epic because muh fortnite explains a lot.

thread full of angry indie devs twitter.com/glassbottommeg/status/1170756177111633920

and based garry making fun of them twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1170814341341470722

user epic even gives games for free

>Paragon is dead
>meanwhile Dota 2
>UT is dead
>meanwhile CSGO
Two can play your retarded game.

Steam is on linux, mac, and windows, propritary and non-propritary os you braindead epic simp.
EGS doesn't work on Linux without emulation.

>every game on epic is DRM free
Why do you keep pushing this lie?

So does Valve. Both only give out free games that were either already free prior or games so old you can buy them for dirt cheap if not pirate them easily.

Most epic games aren't exclusive to epic retard
So why call epic a monopoly

I genuinely don't get it though.

Why are these indieshitters so mad?

>mods actually deleted the anti-China copypasta
top kek okay then

You mean the industry standard
Something the epic store lacks

They just removed their roadmap for features means that they never planned on going with it in the first place. Surprising absolutely nobody.

Because only one of them is paying for exclusives and has an actual monopoly of sale on those exclusives, you fucking retard.

twitter sjw indie devs want to find any reason to be mad at valve since they decided to let just any game on the store, and i guess some of them are reading this wrong like some people in this thread

Free Tibet The Tiananmen Square protests of The Tiananmen Square Massacre The Anti-Rightist Struggle The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human Rights Democratization Freedom Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Formosa Republic of China Tibet Dalai Lama Falun Dafa The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo Winnie the Pooh

all in English so you can't delete it for foreign gibberish

Thank you, came to post this. The majority of these are ignorant of this. Speaking of services, listen to this to get a little glimpse of what payment was like before Steam. The relevant part starts from 25:08 and ends at 31:17:


And that's only one aspect. Hell, even user's list is far from complete (Statistics, anyone?). Without Steam, Vogel would have never sold 33k (!) copies of his Bundle (worth $155k) - and this data is from 2 days before deadline.

>Vogel: I think the demand has always been there, but I just didn’t have a big enough microphone. Single player story-driven RPGs are one of the oldest, most beloved, evergreen computer game genres.
>The biggest frustration for me, over the years, is that I’ve known there are hordes out there who wanted to at least try my games, but I didn’t have the PR muscle to reach them. Steam changed everything for everyone.
>It certainly changed my life. The Humble Bundle is also fantastic, for the way it lets anyone, for a tiny price, try games and genres they would never have otherwise. That alone makes the Humble Bundle great for the industry.

UT isn't dead, it's just doesn't have the sales pull as Fortnite, so it's currently suspended. It's not dead, it just won't get updates or anything. When Fortnite gets less popular, Epic will surely resume work on it.

>UT isn't dead, it's just won't get any updates or anything
>Epic will surely resume work on it.

Attached: 1559117146992.jpg (1462x1462, 942K)

>A guy who has been around since before your average indie dev was born sees the value in Steam
>Your average entitled millennial keeps on screeching about how terrible Valve is
Really makes you think....

>Being in a dominant position does not equal "monopoly."
True they are an OLIGOPOLY

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-04-28-at-8.01.51-PM.png (1170x684, 91K)

I wish lad. I wish. Maybe when UE5 comes out.

>trusting boomers
Full retard

Which storefronts is Valve colluding with?

GOG and Bethesda's Launcher obviously. And soon Microsoft.

Epic is the only one here to stop them.

Irs true tho

>b-b-but he's a JEW and a BOOMER
You went full retard

Why should valve advertise a product that they're not able to sell? Would you also expect the PSN store to advertise nintendo switch exclusives?

Steam is available on 3 operating systems, none of which are owned or created by Valve.
Valve did create their own linux distro for the steamboxes, but it's not proprietary and is as open as any other typical distro to my knowledge.

I would not actually put that opinion past your average smash babby.

It's a difference from perspective. He's lived a world where distribution isn't handed to you on a silver platter.

Or it might just be because Steam has more features than its competitors.

By that logic Epic is also an oligopoly by colluding with Ubisoft

Also it's really funny to me that Microsoft is selling their own UWP games including Gears 5 on Steam but not on Epic.

Smash babies don't play games other than Smash and Switchfags don't care about nintendo games being advertised on competitors stores, they want games on those stores to be ported to the Switch.

I'm pretty sure that epic has said 12% is not sustainable and that it's only 12% to start. Eventually they will raise that, probably close to if not completely to the 30% steam takes

>it's true tho
Define "DEFACTO MONOPOLY" you fucking idiot

Not even remotely.

These devs are retarded. Steam's discoverability tools are getting better by the fucking day and they're going to miss out on the new wave of potential customers who're going to use the "Deep Dive System" and the "Interactive Recommender" that'll see their games.

Muh discoverability is an absolute meme at this point.

>valve isn't paying devs to sell exclusively on steam
As far as we know but they are at least lowering the cut for triple AAA so they dont leave their exclusivity:


Attached: 62010404_352372632090974_4124686685572110755_n.jpg (1080x1350, 182K)

based retard who missed the unity xbox live arcade-tier nigger spam

Actually present that question to them, and they'll say otherwise.
Or has this struck close to home?

The cut has absolutely fuckall to do with exclusivity you drooling ape. It's based on revenue targets.

Attached: 1560881170275.jpg (1170x1414, 795K)

Like what seriously most of the time they are useless and most users dont use them

If I don't "discover" a game that's basically a hex editor moving a @ around through pseudocode, I'd call that working as intended.
And I unfortunately did discover such a game on steam once.

>as far as we know
>guys, I dont have any proof of this, BUT STEAM BAD!
Again, stop pulling shit out of your ass

Indie devs had increasingly been using Steam store pages to not even sell their games but instead serve as a billboard linking to other storefronts where the released game was already commercially available.
Now if your game is for sale elsewhere but not for sale on Steam, you don't get to leave free advertisement for it on Steam--you'll only get to have a page if it'll be available through Steam within 30 days.
Never underestimate the audacity of an indie dev, though, I imagine this just means they'll announce Epic exclusivity at the absolute last minute possible in order to maximize how long their store page stays up on Steam.

>for all we know
>as far as we know

Are epic drones not familiar with burden of proof?

Nothing to do with that.
It means they can't take Epic Store exclusivity for more than 30 days.

they're mad because their games aren't good enough to get discovered so they want to kill off all the other innocent indie devs that just want to get by

This. I've changed computers 3 times in the last 3 years and the cloud save was a god send

No they won't.
And no, I'm just pointing out the general behavior of Smashfags and Switch fanboys. I don't care about exclusivity because I'm an adult who can afford more than one platform.

>stop exposing!!!!
Sure as hell they dont like lowering the cut to those triple AAA but keeping them exclusive is worth it

Attached: 1566972537632.jpg (489x518, 59K)

>most of the time they are useless and most users don't use them
If that were the case then Steam wouldn't be the most popular platform.

>keeping them exclusive

What part of "The cut has absolutely fuckall to do with exclusivity and is based on revenue" do you not understand, you illiterate cunt.

Attached: 1561230351207.png (307x256, 77K)

>it's not proprietary and is as open as any other typical distro to my knowledge.
This is correct. It's just Debian with graphics drivers (which other Linux distros also have access too) and the Steam desktop client preinstalled, and configured to startup in Big Picture mode. You can achieve the exact same effect by just installing Steam on your Linux system yourself, and you're able to install a normal desktop environment to SteamOS or a Steam Machine and use it like a normal PC.

Well its a logical assumption when epic started gaining traction valve just couldnt lose those triple AAA exclusives

>Well it's a logical assumption
No it isn't you massive retard.

Yes :^)

What the hell are you talking about? That revenue cut got introduced before Epic and the muh 12% started.

>I'm pretty sure that epic has said 12% is not sustainable and that it's only 12% to start.
Nope they have said it is

t. deflecting smash babby.

>Now if your game is for sale elsewhere but not for sale on Steam, you don't get to leave free advertisement for it on Steam--
As if valve drones would go out if their way to buy somewhere else

If you say so, there's no way to argue this is a bad thing.

I'm sorry your fragile ego is hurt by being wrong on an indonesian fishing forum, but your Kafkatrap bullshit isn't going to work here.

So what does EGS actually do except pay for exclusivity? What's the benefit for devs to put a game on there or for me to install it and browse it?

Way to shoot your own argument in the foot.

>if you truly cared you'd know what games you want

The wishlist is for your friends to see and potentially gift them for you, as well as to remind you when a game you would like is on sale

>shopping cart
>buy one game at a time and finish it

The cart is to buy multiple games at once that are on sale.

more money per sale
also you don't have to deal with the nigger infested steam forums that sounds like a huge plus

>Gaben outsmarts Tim again

Real answer? They want to support UE4 and it's gamedev ecosystem.

The exclusivity deals are just a bandaid.

>if you truly cared you'd know what games you want
Funny considering Epic uses wishlisted games to decide which ones to offer exclusivity deals for.

How does EGS accomplish this?

For you? Nothing.
For the devs? They get MILIONS of dollars and guaranteed sales(epic pais for the unsold copies) just to not put the game on steam.

They already take 5% for UE4 though.

What's the cut that egs takes? I saw in the thread steam takes 30.

>you don't have to deal with nigger infested steam forums that sounds like a huge plus

Attached: 1561085597475.jpg (600x800, 79K)

>more money per sale
but 88% of 10.000 is still less than 70% of 100.000

Cope you indie fag. You niggers trying to leech off epic while using steam to advertise, now deal With the consequences.

They don't take the UE4 cut if you release the game on the EGS.

That doesn't answer my question.

They simply dont.

>fixing this for all gamers

What the fuck does that even mean? if anything the consumers have suffered during this "war"

>triple AAA
what a retard

>devs bring so much money to Steam
it's literally the opposite, steam is spending money keeping up the store page and the forum for a game they are not selling and not getting a single cent from the devs or the game.

>being this retarded
Lmao then why arent big devs putting already released games on steam somewhere else
whats the difference an extra strorefront carrying triple aaa games? Because valve is culluding

Nope it was a response from valve

Epic drones will say EGS' revenue split benefits everyone both devs and consumers, even though the number of AAA games launching on EGS without Epic literally paying them to do so can be counted on one hand.

Why no, I don't like my games being hostaged on any platform for any duration of time, why yes I would like GoG to adopt this distribution policy as well.

Attached: 103560014528.png (700x902, 314K)

>Lmao then why arent big devs putting already released games on steam somewhere else
Are you literally retarded?
>triple AAA games
guess I know the answer

well you can only blame valves monopoly

>making your digital product exclusive instead of available for everyone
Why the fuck that indie devs are so shit in marketing let alone simple business decisions?

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of. It just makes you look retarded.

Noooo kek

>Nope it was a response from valve
[citation needed]
Keep lying for epic you drone

Well its true valve drone act like no steam no buy

how is a fake 30% affecting me the consumer? are games cheaper on EGS? will borderlands 3 still cost 60 on steam after the exclusive deal ends?

>A shooter is more popular than "RNG CHESS"
Why yes, yes it would be.

Honestly small selling platforms like GoG would benefit from easy cross-platforming, currently a lot of people don't go beyond Steam because it can take several minutes to go from one platform to the other just to play a game when they can easily do that in a matter of second on the same platform even if the game cost higher, if they manage to remove that issue they'll be able to effectively get more people willing to use theirs and being actual competition to Steam.

>devolving into broken English
Fuck off back to your favela.

Wake me up if it's still alive and kicking after 13 years.

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You should trust someone based on the merits of what they say and the reasoning they use, regardless of age or the time in which they were born. 'Reason' and 'logic' are timeless and eternal, regardless of which technological era you live in

I had to make my self install gog yesterday, I wasn't bothering for some time. Probably gonna buy mosto of my single player games from it ... unless the modding community for some reason moves to steam instead of nexus. One thing I know I'll be buying from it, is old games, since they supposedly do alot more to make those function on current day machines.

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>mfw valve is still a private company and epic is not

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>mfw steam drones doesn't know what private company means
my fucking sides

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No thats the official statement but the timing and reasons behind such action is obvious

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>epicshills STILL dont know the difference between partnership and ownership

>implying Valve won't pass along global data if the CPC requests it

I don't understand why they're mad about this but have been defending Epic Store exclusivity.

This is so companies cant pull a Shenmue 3 again. It caused a lot of anger for all sides involved. You can't advertise on steam because that is false advertising which hurts the the image of all companies involved.

Keep crying valve drone

Found the tranny

dont reply to me again, underage steam drone and now try to buy some epic shares ups wait you are braindmged sub 80iq monkey
>% = partnership, in private companies low iq bimbo

Prove it isnt :^)

Its okey when valve does it fellow valve drone

Don't you have some protestors to murder, Xao?

>I had to make my self install gog
This kinda proves most valve drones would never support good companies

Why is this being brought up now when it's old policy? Didn't gaben just not choose to antagonize devs even though they have the right to invoke the clause?

Shut up Epicfag.
I for one enjoy the freedom and non-monopoly to choose between Steam, GoG and similar instead of you Epicfascists.

Slow day. People are starved for console war-tier drama again.


It's not even on the news but it's fair. These devs shouldn't be allowed to advertise for free and sell on Steam only to revoke it after becoming Epic™ Exclusive.

If they want to go Epic then they stay there. Fuck em.

>Hey you wanna buy this on Amazon, Nope! Now it's on Alibaba. Go sign up now.

No one's being forced on Steam. The point is to not falsely advertise it being available on steam and then pull a houdini and bring it over to Epic.

Steam doesn't want exclusivity, they allow devs to sell anywhere just not to do a switch and bait and fuck over the customers.


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sony and microsoft do this as well. seems reasonable to me. what's the problem exactly?

>very first argument is cope
lol poor epicchink

>3 years strong
lol it was dying like every other Epic game before the BR update
stop rewriting history chink

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This is like 5 years old change in their policy. Valve was fucking up with their competitors for the last 14 years, but epic is not going to back down. They are going to save pc gaming from valve greed

Satisfactory sold like crazy stupid steamcel

>Fortnite went from averaging 200k-250k viewers on Twitch to sub-100k as soon as Ninja left

It means that they have to release their games on steam within 30 days of the initial release date.
They're doing this cause a lot of epic games were using steam's services like forums and shit cause epic doesn't have them without releasing the game on steam

>No one's being forced on Steam
They are foced its like smalls shops trying to compete with walmart/ amazon

an oligopoly

Nooooo gabe san preeaase

Because the monopoly was forced to acknowledge it sules see

Oh shit they did could saves to some of their games, now we wait for shopping cart, wishlist and maybe even the arcane feature known as forums for one or two games

I don't understand. Are people RPing as chinese shitposters for shits and giggles, or did we somehow get the attention of the actual 50 cent army?

But this rule predates the entire EGS

well tim is not gayben :)

>200k avg
>pulling numbers straight from my ass
>he didnt even abandon fortnite at all
cope and play some apex and artishart in the meantime tim taking over and fucks jewben in the ass

Yeah, Gaben runs a working digital store

>Went from 200k viewers last July to less than 100k today
>Everything is fine
Also Ninja only averages about 15k viewers on Mixer nowadays. He played Microsoft like a fiddle.

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Tell me one good reason why a store, ANY kind of store, should advertise a product that is exclusive to a competitor

ur a nigger

it was in dev contract as long as greenlight was a thing.

So what's the next fotm going to be if fortnite is kicking the bucket? Autochess already came and went.

>all western shit is going to epic
>all the good eastern games will be on steam
>bandai nanco pretty much told epic to go fuck itself

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Government granted monopolies. Stuff like a pharmacy which only deals in over the counter medicine directing customers towards a licensed prescription medicine dealer. Can't really think of anything else.

Modt likely the former, the autism on this board could cause a flood.

>good eastern games
>bandai namco

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>tekken 7
>soul calibur 6
>all arc sys games

This, they can't play it safe anymore by specifically targeting games they know people are hyped about.

Not really helping your case at all


I know you are stupid but they can sell on steam and any other platform, at the same time.

When Yea Forums, reddit, twitter, and resetra all think youre a cunt, youre probably a cunt.

Its not my fault you have shit taste

>and based garry making fun of them twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1170814341341470722
you cant pick up on obvious sarcasm

Honestly who cares? Not even Valve cares since this has been in effect since 2017.

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European wrath

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Everyone's just going to go back to Minecraft.

Honestly I think Steam tricked them with that Bee Simulator shit, too. Who actually buys those buggy shovelware sim games? i thought zoomies just watched their favorite streamer NINJA or PEWDIEPIE get paid to stream the pile of shit and then never touch it again once their paid marketing shill hour is over.

Egs wasnt a thing in 2017

I love the Exile games and had no idea about this interview.
Thanks for the link user, was intresting

Retail stores would take upwards of half for physical sales.
30% plus free marketing and access to various other features of the service is nothing less than a gift to publishers.

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It was tho. If you wanted to play unreal tournament you had to install it. They also had a couple other exclusives and even gave away free games like gears of war

This is not true.
They have to release the same day unless it's already out, in which case they have 30 days from whenever the policy takes effect.
People on this website can't read.

It was just the "Epic Launcher" and they weren't a store / didn't sell anything.

i want to believe its shitposters but ive seen /int/ and many chinese actually post here on Yea Forums

actual 50 cents are probably mad busy with hong kong right now, people are just farming for (you)s
doubt they have reason to go on Yea Forums though, and you'd see a lot more people complaining about the cringe ass copypasta, not because it works, but because it actually DOESN'T work
I can't be the only one that thinks that way