Resident Evil 4

>Resident Evil 4
>People are being eaten out from the inside by parasites
>Dog is in a bear trap
>Free dog from trap

Attached: resident evil 4 dog.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:



It's usually whipipo too. I like dogs too but cmon.

It was too late for the people, but it wasnt to late for the doggo. Plus, the ganados are tryinb to kill Leon, and meanwhile the doggo helps Leon.

Are you feeling ok?

Even if this is an ironic shitpost this is a very bad thread, op

the game rewards you for not being a faggot and killing or leaving the dog because being a faggot is not cool

>non white

Absolutely abhorrent post, OP. Post attache cases.

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ITT: Whi "I'll kiss my dog on the lips, but I'll wash my hands after shaking a blacks hand" pipo

that dog

>dark souls stream
>gets to sif

TFW really invested in the Resident Evil storyline but fuck this game plays like shit so I'm going through it using a trainer to give myself infinite health and ammo

I don't even feel bad about it. The only reason I'm playing it and not just watching a cutscene compilation is because I wanna see what kinda stuff they do with boss battles and such

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I like this new meme template
Fuck dogs
Fuck cats
Fuck animals except for small furry woodland creatures

Humans are fucking trash.
It's easier to feel sympathy for beast than man.
Humanity needs to be wiped from the Earth, and let the beasts roam free once more.

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I thought they were spics

lmao, love this meme
why do burgers love dogs so much?

can't beat this masterpiece

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1000% based

It's that dog...

retard alert

of course retarded fa/tv/irgins hate dogs
kys felinecels

t. rashid jaffar goat-raper jr.

>either browses Yea Forums or watches TV
Are you feeling ok?

>we're supposed to understand your shitty board's memes

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Pretty sure it's establish once last plagas get to your nervous system you' re fucked, every villager you kill is a poor soul you're freeing from horrible pain and mind control

Calm down Mohamed.

>Yea Forums preaching about how human lives matter over dog lives
>meanwhile thousands of gore threads have been posted on Yea Forums showcasing humans being ripped apart in some of the most hilariously gruesome way possible
duality of man

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Don't worry I've seen plenty of edgy faggots post webms of animals getting fucked up

why do people who think like this never kill themselves?

The people that post those disgusting threads love their doggos though!!!1

gore threads are usually stuff from china and they aren't human

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Dogs can't stand up for themselves. Unless it's a fucking pit.

Humans mostly deserve what they get

Yea Forums is not a monolith

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I want easyshitters to stop posting.

>Rabid animals that murder, rape, and eat each other don't deserve what they get because it's their nature
What if rape, murder, and other human shortcomings are just our nature too?
I mean, they've all been things since the dawn of man.
Morality is a spook

Every group is a monolith except when it's a group I perceive myself as being a part of, we are individuals.

imagine browsing Yea Forums.
what a faggot

Is this what they call "Reddit"?

Canine's life doesn't compare to human lives!

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serious question; what happens if you dont help doggo? does he just not show up later vs the colossus?

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He journeys heroically for 1000 miles to kill you

>he keeps smoke grenades

your whole post pretty much explains itself.

why do you hate dogs? what's wrong with you?

The funny thing is you faggots are obsessed with the sneed meme and guess where that came from

I'm actually black, but go off I guess sweetie.

>OP is insecure because he knows he's such a shit person that anyone who knows him would rather save a dogs life than his

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ayo. it usually be da whipipo. da whipipo they no understand. you gotta dance to wagadugu for de rein. di make de rein com.

You guys buy pitbulls, of course you don't understand why people like dogs.

He dies and his ghost haunts you for the rest of the game.

>smoke grenades
What the fuck? Are you an actual idiot?

Humans are inherently evil. Dogs either act on instinct or are pure cuddly friends.

>Humans are dying left and right
>So I shouldn't have any empathy for a dog


Yes i am and tired at that.

why do burgers kiss their dogs on the mouth?
why do burger women sleep with their dogs?

this is better than every thread on Yea Forums this year
the show is better than every vidya released this year as well

better than *pic of random vidya character* 'HE'S IN'

Dogs' mouths unironically have less germs than black people's hands.

That sounds like bullshit but I believe it

The attache case is gay and the only people who like shuffling around 2x1 rectangles are mouth breathers.

have you ever been a dog before? Just taking the piss. Related, i think it's not even a thing. There is just sympathy, not empathy. It's a made up psychmeme hooblah

How do i immediately know you also do not like the aiming system used either and probably want to be able to move and shoot

I'd pay you to take it back.

Its just furries pay them no mind
Anyone who gets like that over HEKKKEN CUTE SNOODLELOODLES either wants their dog to bury their bone in them or to bury theirs into the dog. Avoid at all costs.

RE4 is literally the least important entry to the storyline. Even RE7 is more important

furfag white people do that

>the exact same thread from Yea Forums

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>People are being eaten out from the inside by parasites
No, foreigners are being eaten out from the inside by parasites. There's a big difference.

bullshit though a bear trap would wholesale take the fucking leg right off.

t. beast fetishist

well you'd be fucking wrong, that was one thing the game got right, in addition to the village chapters

Then why don't you kill yourself, furry?

sneed is the dumbest meme ever made

white bitches live and die by the knot

humans are just beasts that got really, really good at surviving though

I've noticed this same thing when reading news about every day life. The animal abuse news always have the angriest comments.


Because they're just sad that they have turned their lifes into shit and want to blame everyone else.

fuck dogs, cat bros where you at

people flipped out when mr tv man brought his shitbull on stage at e3. I honestly don't get it. My ex talked about how much she loved dogs but gave hers up after 4 months. my fag enabling friend constantly recommends me shit indie games because they have good bois in them

Saddler personally uses his staff of teleportation to form himself next to you using the biomass of all nearby ganados in order to take shape and then shoots you in the head with a bullet made of bone from a biorganic pistol his hand forms into while calling you a faggot

You know you shoot infected dogs and work with uninfected people in the game, right? You actually played the game and aren't just shitposting, right?

meow mew mew meow meow

embarrassing brainlet post
find Christ, freemasonic doomer puppet, you’re not an animal

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>meow mew mew meow meow
what did he mean by this?

>this game plays like shit so I'm going through it using a trainer to give myself infinite health and ammo



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>cope: the ideology

itt furries try to defend and justify their bestiality fetish

DICKHEAD, the whole game is about saving people that the parasite hasn’t already thoroughly buttfucked.

>nothing matters bro just do as thou wilt and stop having families so we can replace you with a dumber slave class: the ideology

allow me to derail this thread
tfw this costs $30

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>everything is mutually exclusive
i probably agree and promote everything you do. You can be a traditional and family oriented non-degenerate and an atheist. I'm probably even more hardline pro-religion than you are. Please pick your jaw off of the floor, I know that must be uprising.

Didn’t know Chief Irons browses Yea Forums

>Awkwardness of tank controls compound an already unnerving game with absolutely eerie atmosphere

I literally couldn't get past the tank controls, what an awful control scheme.

I've watched it be played and thought it was excellent though.

....Spencer, is that you?

> I like dogs too but cmon.
do you like humans more than dogs?
not individuals, the average human who will probably react with an insult if you offer them help.

Why is your objective moral values dependant on how the subject in question affects you? “I place moral value only on those that benefit me in some way”.

The average dog would bite you if you offer it help. Unsocialized dogs are just retarded wolves and wolves are pretty fucking stupid.

If something is harmful or not beneficial to me it is objectively morally bad. Prove me wrong

Undomesticated dogs don’t count as dogs, then they are just beasts.

anyone remember watching this years ago?

please consider applying your ideology towards someone in a position of power and realize what a destructive snowball effect that actually has. in your ideology, morality is relative to what you can get away with. you have morals not because you’ll be judged fairly for your decisions, but because you want to establish common rules so that you can have the security balanced with the maximum amount of freedom possible within that paradigm. therefore you have your “family values” because they’re a useful balance between freedom and security. however, the higher you go-i.e. the richer and more connected-the less security you need and the more freedom you have. therefore, you get to the top and because they are above the law, they tip that balance all the way to one side, and don’t have to sacrifice any freedoms, and you end up with occult pedophile rings that are above the law, completely untouchable, and rule the world from the shadows, all because people like you who could not think outside of your own shoes did not consider the ramifications of your ideology. They did however, they built your entire world in order to structure your mind in such a way as to validate themselves; after all, they don’t need to follow rules if there’s no man who can stop them and no God to judge them.

What ideology do I have? I said I lack one. I'm an imperialist monarchist in favor of a state religion. You typed a lot of shit full of implications, you talk like a fag, and your shits all gay.

>I said I lack one.
>I'm an imperialist monarchist in favor of a state religion.
way to contradict yourself.
Monarchies and state religions can’t work without God. God is actually an important check, a necessary branch if government, but without genuine belief in God, the church is doomed to corruption. You want the impossible, can’t have your religious monarchy without real faith.

>atheist that wants a state religion
you what

Jesus Christ. I said I personally am an atheist. That has nothing to do with me advocating for others to have religious belief. Can you not understand the concept of pragmatism?

statism is a religion
no coincidence that communism promotes atheism and atheists want the government to run everything

For cultural and national unity and stability.


An anarchist, how disgusting. Go away

OP are you having a stroke

even now you can’t make the connection between your own ideology and the your ideal for others. you cannot have your cake and eat it too, your ignorance is frustrating and juvenile. You want to have your own secret club of hidden truth while you brainwash everyone else? congratulations you just replaced the ruling elite with yourself and changed nothing. The problem here is the fundamental disconnect between the family unit and the state family. a strong monarchy needs strong family values and a royal family that leads BY EXAMPLE. Rot in the royalty trickles down to the family, and rot in the family reinforces the rot on top, creating a circular degenerate feedback loop. You must lead by example.

Serious answer, you never see him again. Probably because he's still stuck in the trap.

further slightly modified version of Christianity would be best. Just have to... correct some things about some certain cuck things in there and some things about a certain chosen people.

When did I imply the ruling class wouldn’t be actual believers? Of course they should be. You’re an absolute brainlet that can only think in simpleton axioms.

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You being an atheist is WHY we don’t currently have the government we want. Legitimately think about why you believe what you believe, recognize that it is the source of why you don’t have what you want. in order for this to work, everyone has to believe, including you. you’re the chink in your own armor

not an argument

the elites are promoting global warming/environmentalism/eco-communism/gaia worship to be the new world religion
logic, facts and arguments do not matter anymore, just blind faith in the guys in white robes, or white lab coats...

which is why they are tearing down christian values as fast as they can, even if they are good values to keep

Get it right, OP. Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they're doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten.

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What government do we want? What do you see wrong with the government? It's not because of some people being atheists. There's never been an "ideal" system. I believe everything you "think I should". shit that FDR started....and corporatism, IMF, world bank, is what you should focus your efforts on.

We have some shared ideals, but I think you're FAR, far removed from what I think an actualized version of our society should be. You're probably the same as the average MIGA boomer civnat.
You're disgusting. Go join an antifa sect or something.

Too many grenades; not enough minethrower; two buttons to heal; two buttons to shotty; three buttons to magnum; one box tmp, rifle, shot ammo too many

oh so you're just a literal fascist

Fuck off to shill somewhere else Jim

>Of course they should be.
I really wish people learnt from history instead of dragging me along for the future shitshow

It's a Yea Forums meme you dips.

history is a collection of lies agreed upon.


>Go join an antifa sect
You shouldn't use words you dont understand

>implying there aren't a massive amount of anarchists among them

Fucking ghost shills I swear.

Who are you quoting?

I'm pretty sure that is more of you faggots crossposting your bullshit just like this trash.

>Save people in-game
>They don't do much, you gotta keep babysitting them or they backstab you
>Save doggo
>Helps you fight a boss 30 times its own size
Yep, I think doggos are BASED.

atheism is the source of everything wrong with our world, and you are a brainlet if you don’t see it. i asked you to think about why you’re an atheist, clearly you did not reach the epiphany I was hoping for. The federal reserve, world bank, media, government corruption corporatism, degeneracy, globalism, jewish hegemony, jesuit/secret society/occult pedo rings, all of these things are the result of atheism, which is satanism with a new name. In either case the end result is “do as thou wilt,” and all the evil in this world is the result of people doing as they wilt without fear of divine punishment.

BAR is a shitty meme weapon, and this is coming from a guy who almost exclusively picks the weapon with the highest firepower.

Scraping their cats from under the wheels of a truck :)

Still a shitskin?

why was that the only dog immune to the plagas anyway

>all of these things are the result of atheism
user...this is so tiring. Where do you want to focus on? Some options are: i could list and Christians who aided and abeded, and even led, the things you protest. I could argue current christianity assists it and is even promoted for the zionist angle, so many avenues. People do things for reasons. It's not all muhh Crowley satanism if only people just believed in god, please grow up.

>why was that the only dog immune to the plagas anyway
It wasn't, most likely died later. Remember how you used a machine to de-parasite yourself later in the game?

>billions of animals are slaughtered daily to feed a marginal amount of human population
>but nooo, dog lives are more important than human lives
clown world, jesus christ

My cat doesn't go outside so not a possibility

All those boy molesting priests were pretty good actors then I guess, if they got into the priesthood without believing. And all those higher-ups who defended them from legal consequence were pretty convincing too

It's almost as if you can't save most of the people because it's too late for them, you stupid nigger.

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The argument is, usually, it's because of a metaphorical contract that we entered into with wolves as a mutually beneficial relationship, and that's why we culturally revere dogs instead of, say, pigs. I hesitate to use the term but it's a social construct, and I don't mean that to disparage it, it's still real. Dogs aren't meant to be food because that's now what we created them for.

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let answer your deflection very simply: fake christians, catholicism is actually ancient babylonian nimrod -catholic church is the whore of babylon from -zionists are not true christians otherwise they would realize that the new testament is extremely critical of jews and labels them the synagogue of satan. Fake christians doing exactly what the bible said they would do does not prove that christianity is at fault.
nimrod-worshipping scum are not christians, catholics are a bunch of pagans

some of it is, however nobody says the USSR was a success though and that seems to be the dream for many millennial and zoomer retards now

Has nothing to do with germs. It's to get the stink off.

Your genuine belief aside, that’s a losing fight, even if i happened to be a believer for the sake of argument. You won’t get anywhere being the saint virtue of the “real” whatever. 99 percent of all Christians in America would outcast and label YOU a satanist.

Dogs literally eat shit, now stop tonging your dog queer.

>dog so hungry it eats shit
Feed your pitbull, nigger.

Go back to your grave, Napoleon, eternal seething manlets

Am I the only one who 100% agrees with OP in that genuine subhumans who are so emotionally unstable that they think this way towards animals need to be unironically put down?

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>that stench of coco butter and sweat that permeates everything

Well I mean you probably care more about characters in vidya than some shitskins dying in Syria so who are we to judge really. It really do be like that sometimes. Things are all like whatever

I don't own any dogs but if I was a nigger I would definitely own a shitbull so I'm compelled to agree with you.

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The only reasons I care more about specific videogame characters than the Syrians is because I'm Jewish.

I’ve met a few niggers in my time, let me tell you. Some were dog owners. Never seen one with a terrier, nor retriever, nor shepherd. Every one, always Pitbull. Not a meme. Every time.

they also sniff and lick other dog butts, pee in public, hump legs and can't dispose their waste
only plebs like dogs

> sniff and lick other dog butts, pee in public, hump legs and can't dispose their waste

i don't know what women have to do with this but you should stop being misogynist and have sex, user

user. The only reason a non-retarded dog would give more then a wiff or 2 of another dogs ass is if that dog had an infected anal gland, and in that case all you have to do is get a few fingers up there and squeeze, no big deal.

Here's a guide on how to do it ez pz. Don't be a pussy.

are you dogpilled user?

notice how civilized cats are compared to dogs?
mark twain was right

>95 percent of their time spent being lazy NEETs, other 5 percent spend torturing prey for lulz

Actually it checks out, literally me

least they're not noisy like dogs

a nigger killing thread died for this.

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I just want you to give dogs some relief user. But if you are too much of a selfish bitch to help your favorite doggo out when it comes time to man the fuck up then maybe you shouldn't own any animals, and maybe be put in jail for animal abuse while we're at it?

Why are you so intimidated by safe, warm, aesthetic dog anuses?

Protip: if your re4 inventory looks like this, you probably have autism.

Based. Cats don’t give a shit. If a burgler breaks in a cat will just go back to sleep instead of barking like an autistic dog at perceived threats.

I know I'm years too late to experience it. But is there any chance that the online for RE5 and 6 isn't a barren wasteland?

who are you roleplaying, europoor...?

>save dog
>shit choice
>makes fight harder later by making it less predictable and making movement erratic so more chance of missing shoots
>shoot dog
>shit choice
>wastes ammo and achieves nothing
>ignore dog
>patrician choice
>wastes nothing, achieves everything

Sorry, fence sitter, but the canon choice is that Leon saves the dog and him and the dog become Bros and bite El gigante together.

Imagine getting killed by someone as pathetic looking as him.

I’m white and I fucking hate dogs

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I don't think he can anymore, user.

>this game plays like shit so I'm going through it using a trainer
Sometimes I wonder just how little people experience and how shallow their experiences must be when they manage to say shit like this. Why even bother with vidya?

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let me explain to you edgefags

animals, mostly the ones who human takes as pets, literally making your brain react to them like you would react to your own child. People who have pets, grew up with pets or had pets, see poor dog suffering and their brain is sending them "yo nigger it's like your own child suffering" so they react to that.
There is a fucking reason why the easiest way to make someone a villain is just show him hurt/kill a dog for example.
So yeah edgefags stop being edgy. People like dogs because they perceive them as literally children. They also like the whole loyalty thing.

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you have a bright future in journalism

>nobody says the USSR was a success

Fuck you with that pic, user.

Yes, user. All animal slavers are mentally ill. We all know that.


shut up nigger

Attached: dogs are worthless animals only suitable for slaughter.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

if you don't like dogs you're a nigger or you aren't human

Wining audience sympathy through a dog when everything else is scary and foreign is a century-old media-trope user.

should I post "bathtime lol", catfag?
Or what about Python Christmas?

>full case
niggers with autism ruin themselves and are the exact people who kick and scream when they need to pass on an item because their inventory is too full.
protip leave a little space

Cats are superior.

I'm glad nobody actually went through with this.

Attached: this trigger the catfag.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

>It's usually whipipo too
i can't wait for slavery to be reestiablished so i can fuck you in the ass you dirty nigger

>any handgun besides red9
>killer 7 instead of butterfly
>actually buying a scope
>riot gun ever
>wasting pestas on Large case

What are some other signs of being a shitter?

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It’s not any boffer it’s Hewie

takes less time than you'd think if you just keep shooting near chickens to make them shit out eggs, but yes

Fuck that was good
May the (you)''s pave your path

using a blacktail on the pc or wii version
>its one feature, "superior handling" AKA higher aim sensitivity, becomes useless when you gain wiimote or PC aiming speed

what are you on about you fucking sociopath it's a video game, he's there to help you with El Gigante later not make you gush like a baseddrinking fag

Chang pls

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you just know

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Why catfags hating dogs? Is it the toxoplasmosis?

Complaining about peoples gun choices when you haven't done random combos of random guns because fuck it.

Those are some pretty brutal stats to pull out your ass.

you know that it's a wolf and you shouldn't close your mouth around them, right?

where is the knotting video

It literally isn't a hard enough game for any of this to matter tho.

it's much easier for humans to feel sympathy for animals in video games because it's much easier to make an animal behave realistically in a game compared to a human character

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Professional on the original GC version was pretty tough

All subsequent versions had the difficulty nerfed substantially

True, Professional on GC was a good challenge.
Flash grenades and teasing multiple plagas to sprout became a fucking necessity.

Dogs are like infants in the womb, they are inherently innocent, so decent people feel their loss and suffering keenly.

>Those are some pretty brutal stats to pull out your ass.

You're knot lying.

>virtual rendition of something you can't even possibly imagine unless you're a doctor or some shit
>virtual rendition of a very common pet in a very common trap
Wow i wonder which will get more of an emotional connection you fucking ingrate

or you can buy an alarm and cameras

unironically based, i used to find this shit edgy but looking at how we're hurtling toward a global oblivion by the sun itself by our own actions, yeah we gotta go.

It's not the animal's fault if it doesn't love you, user. It's so easy to get their unconditional love, but of course, that's alien to you.

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Lmao cat

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I love cats!

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>see re4 thread
>scroll and see niggers arguing about cats and dogs
you faggots just hate games.

The very first post was more about doggos in media than about RE4 though.

But you're not wrong.

>you're not wrong
yes, he fucking is
the moment you lump everyone who posts on Yea Forums as one critical mass is the moment you fucking out yourself as being a newfag redditor who only visits for the memes
fuck off cunt