How do I progress in Underrail? I went down into the tunnels to try and do the first quest and everything I come across just kills me in like 3 turns. I know I’m absolutely shit but I don’t wanna change the difficulty down to easy, can anyone give me advice on how I even get past the first enemies?
How do I progress in Underrail...
You gotta treat combat like a puzzle in this game, also don't doubt the usefulness of utilities like any sort of booster or throwable weapons
Did Sseth lurk these threads while he was preparing his review? Lot of his portrayed builds remind me of ones we've gone over in here.
How does suppressive fire work with shotguns, the tooltip says burst attack but shotguns can't use burst, and I've never seen it work even if I hit two or more guys with a regular shot.
get a combat shotty
I heard that they suck though.
I think I remember anons saying they saw pics of his aniki build while shitposting.
Sure, if you consider clearing an entire room with shell spread shit.
Sseth is always on this board, he probably starts the threads
I'm on the fence about buying this game. I have indie shit blocked on steam so outside of sseth I didn't know about this. Looks great but I wasn't able to muscle through Fo2 because of its age, anyone know of a torrent for this?
Play the Uninstall Wizard
Install Fallout instead
This game is a lot harder than Fallouts
probably went wrong way lad
throwing nets, bear traps and flares are your best friends at the start of the game. use chokepoints like doorways to make them fight you 1 at a time. if shit gets too rough you can just step back and close the door. buying a vigor belt from old jonas helps a lot too.
if your planned character lacks either decent tankiness or decent init you're going to be spending a lot of time reloading.l
oh that game is shit
We hate underrail now?
What's the number in the parenthesis?
I don't get how people find it so hard to pirate games
effective value reflecting bonuses/penalties from stat synergy/skill synergy.
>Get more CON, you shouldn't die to rats in 3 turns.
>Use chokepoints so you won't get hit by four rats at the same time.
>Rats and other monsters cannot open doors. Especially useful with fenced doors that the first area is filled with.
The effective skill, having points in other skills will boost it
Does a full psychic build works? By that i mean no weapons beside your mind
The real number influenced by your base stats and equipment. For example you put 50 in guns, but your perception is shit, that means the number in the parenthesis will be lower.
Mind is the best weapon
one post
Why do these games always have to be futuristic/sci-fi stuff. I'd love to play a party fantasy game like this
That's not how you greentext you reddit piece of shit.
> everything I come across just kills me in like 3 turns
don't walk face first into combat, use stealth to initiate (if you can) and terrain to fight at the pace your character is built to handle. Alternatively build a high con character. Dumping con is fine if you know what you are doing, maxing con won't help you if you don't know what you are doing.
Also, think of what your character is built to use. without your build info I can't really help you.
It's also possible depending on your attributes/skills/perks you're fucked from birth and need to retry
Are there any waifus in this game besides your weapons/armor
>I wasn't able to muscle through Fo2 because of its age
Underrail feels modern in all the right ways that prevent me from going back to some older rpgs while retaining most of the good things about older games.
> I have indie shit blocked on steam
90% of actual good games in the past half decade have been indie or at the very least low budget/eastern euro. Especially if you're an RPG fan.
>anyone know of a torrent for this?
The game is literally up on GoG you shouldn't need to request anything to figure out how to pirate it
Yeah, so modern you can't even run without a combat skill and you have to speed up the entire game to move at a decent pace. Fuck off with this fuckin' faggot cocksuckin' shit.
Is save-scumming expected or encouraged? Should I try not to do it?
It's a game you natty ass bitch. Play inwhatever way makes you happy and stop looking for approval
Your objective is to beat the game, however you get about doing that is your prerogative, zoner.
>Yeah, so modern you can't even run without a combat skill and you have to speed up the entire game to move at a decent pace
lol this is whole mandatory combat meme is the most bizarre criticism. I literally cannot think of an RPG game other than maybe like age of decadence where non-combat build is actually possible unless you are COMPLETELY relying on a party of other people to carry your big brain ass. But I guarantee if you couldn't handle Underrail you couldn't play AoD without a step-by-step walkthrough
>it's actually on sale
How did Ssethalore become so popular that he sparks sales boosts with reviews?
at least for me, save scumming gets really fucking tedious, so if you want to actually stick to the game then try not to do it
It cheapens mechanics like traps and throwing chance for obvious reasons but imo unless you're a complete expert and plan everything you do all the time it's a necessary part of the experience. I almost see it as if the game is half designed around it because unless you know exactly where everything is (basically cheating) you will have to make use of it to progress at some point.
plus you can get RNG fucked and lose a combat you would've won 95% of the time due to missing an opening shot or something.
Because it's essentially a review copy for an indie game, so of course the dev put the game on sale when Sseth told him the video was going to be uploaded
bros I've never played fallout 1 and 2, should I play those before this?
It doesn't matter. No, not really. That said you should play those regardless at some point in the future.
I should mention that the setting is less post-apocalyptic than people imagine and more in line with that of the dying earth genre, it's so far past the event that it's an afterthought to the setting.
It depends if you cuck yourself hard enough by running away from somewhere and then loading in later and trying to rng past all the guys beating you left standing there who just fuck you up
it took me 4 trys to get into this game for some reason
Sseth and Mandy are really good at selling games on their mechanics, unique narratives, or both.
makes you think
So, are there romanceable waifus in this game?
yes. the waifu is your f9 key.
I feel like a ninja playing a stealth knife build. I don't know what it is about the combat, it feels so good when you pull off an ambush. It's like a combination of Knights of the Old Republic and Neverwinter Nights. I played Fallout 2 and the combat didn't bite me in my ass the way this does. I bought MHW: Iceborne last week and I haven't touched it.
> complaint about the game forcing a trait to do a basic jog
> moronic faggot starts sperging out about character builds
How the fuck do i make money, i am at the SGS still but i am a poor fuck and need an upgrade. I can't even kill 2 psi beetles at once
Selling guns, turning in quests, lock picking, hacking are all great money.
I actually got pushed by the two psi beetles all the way to junk yard where I got some better shit rode a boat back to base, and then flanked the beetles with a mk2 nade
actually pretty sad
I have nothing against the dude and I am glad more people are getting into the game but holy fuck people cannot think for themselves at all and its fucking depressing
You're probably reading too much into it. It's probably just kids, spouting memes as they always do.
Kids should still be learning to think for themselves instead of mindlessly parroting youtubers though
I got into CRPGs myself as a kid, disheartening that so many kids are only seem in it for the memes and literally admit to only buying it because he mentioned it
>I got into CRPGs myself as a kid
I'm sure you did it all on your own too without any recommendations from anyone.
>I got into CRPGs myself as a kid
Me too. Played the shit out of BG1/2, Might and Magic VI-VIII and Ultima VII. I still was a cringy, cancerous little shit though.
well yeah it was the fucking 90s I just picked whatever grabbed my attention in the store
>its now stupid popular cause of a sseth video
god the forced marketing from before was bad enough. don't you stupid faggots realize sseth is a goddamn shill? you dumb consumerist chimps.
I dont give a shit if he's shilling it on a gunpoint. Styg is based and Underrail is 5/5 and deserves all the attention it can get.
What !? Other people might be actually enjoy MY SEKRIT GAME!? NO!
Play as a hammer wizard
This, basically.
hello shill. your boss' game is trash nostalgia wank like every other piece of trash media drip fed to us by the retards coming out of game design school.
fuck you game has always sucked and has always been a forced meme here's your $0.02 pajeet
Newbie here. I opted for an assault rifle build and just want to know about when can I expect to obtain my first rifle? Found one crafting component so far and also what kind of armor should I be aiming for?
Thank you, i can feed my family now.
Metal armour Assault rifle is the most newcomer friendly build in this game
Also expect a lot of daka
This, I'm glad they buy it even if they are too brainlet to finish it as long as it means more money for them to put into the next game.
Still sad that so many people are just meming brainlets though
do you think it'd be worth taking psi when building a dick ass knifer?
What is the skill check for disarming bear and frag traps? I have 22 trap skill and i can't do it.
99% sure it's not a fixed number.
That's pathetic.
Imagine how much sseth must cringe when he reads this shit
It depends on who set them/where they are
Rat King's bear traps take 90 for example, most take less.
Doubt he cares.
Does this mean that even if it says insufficient skill and i keep trying it may be disarmed sometime or am i retarded?
I remember when I got this in some dirt cheap bundle. Actually maybe it was some other indie game that got popular, but I'm pretty sure it was this.
Zoom zoom
Why do a lot of builds on the forums not actually put any points into the martial weapons thetical to the build until late LATE game, is it because the bonuses don't matter as much until then?
It means it changes depending on the area.
It always surprises me how fucking spooky this game can get
So if I own the base game can I pirate the DLC?
yes, you can pirate it
>Pirating Underrail
probably with creamapi
Karmically it balances out, do as you please
I mean, will it work?
>people got into a game he enjoys because of his positive review
probably keeps him up at night
Bit assumptive my man. I've watched most of sseth's videos because I find them funny and the only games I've played as a result were this and Starsector, because they looked interesting beyond being the subject of a funny video.
Could use some help, first time playing. Want to make a psi dude, which weapon tree should i focus, if any? Is melee decent?
Which build would you say is the most challenging? Unarmed, pistols, or pure throwing?
If you want to find yourself on the business end of serbian ninjas, yes.
>bit assumptive
no its fucking not as I am literate and have eyes
You probably went the wrong way. Level 9 is where you want to be. Talk to Malcolm there.
How do I make the special bolts for crossbows? Like tranquilizers, thunder, etc. Been using a vanilla crossbow paired with a psi build for the entire game since I have maxed out AGI and WILL.
speedhack so stores rotate their buy demands faster.
But do you have a brain to infer? I've been exposed to a bunch of games through sseth's videos and have only been actually interested enough to play two of them, not everyone who leaves a positive review after finding a game through a youtuber "cannot think for themselves," despite your need to feel better than others
pure throwing by far
We've been having almost daily threads about it for ages. Are you retarded?
>ssetm makes a """"review""""
>spoils the best quests and character the game has to offer that entirely depend on the plot twists
holy fuck sseths is a fucking nigger
>muh waifu!
Eat shit bitch.
>Balkanshit slav devs
No thanks
>he thinks when im talking about the best character in the game im talking about that bitch Evelyn and not Dude
holy fucking shit you are stupid as fuck you stupid nigger
Did you get the wrong thread, bre?
If you think the ratking was the best character in the game you're learning disabled.
Do you lol? you are clearly not the people I'm referring to that mindlessly parrot memes rather than think about the games they play
I'd say you're not one of the retarded ones but how defensive you got really makes me wonder
To this day it amazes me how Sseth can so effortlessly trigger the collective autism of a majority of Yea Forums
How much of a contrarian, for the sakes of being a contrarian someone can be on this board?
How obtuse
Dude's new quest is shit other than the army base. The quest itself is a huge spoiler anyway so stop being such a pussy.
Lemme give you a hint user.
Shitposters will congregate to anything that gets popular for You's. Undertale was beloved, legit fucking beloved, for two whole weeks. The comfiest threads I was ever in. Underrail had quality threads, discussing builds, lore, bosses, dificulty, strategies for over 3 weeks, often more than 1 thread a day, with 0 shitposting.This isnt people being legitimately irate, its people pretending to be outraged as an excuse to farm replies, as happens with console warring, any kind of discussion regarding new game, so on, happened with Witcher and every other big new game.Dont be stupid and reply. Let the shitposting children reply to eatchother and avoid the threads marked as shitpost grounds.
You find/buy crafting recipies for them.
And it's great. It's so funny to watch how these autistic contrarians start their mental gymnastics routine.
or perhaps you guys monologuing like this just gets annoying
Its not a monologue if its a actual vidya thread with over 20 ips discussing games. But whatever ya want shitposter kun, have your pity reply.
Melee is toptier and you should go with what is coolest. Fists are the most common combination with psi. Also known as psimonk. Highly recommended.
it is because you're not discussing the game at all. you're just rambling about some eceleb while pretending to talk about the game instead of rambling about said e-celeb
That's why you guys are annoying, if you shut the fuck up about justifying yourselves as some NEW WAVE defending your BASED YOUTUBEBRO all the time nobody would care
>you're just rambling about some eceleb
How ironic.
Thanks dude, to be honest i have no clue what im doing, but i guess thats the charm of starting an rpg for the first time.
Play as a psi monk or hammer wizard
You are notably retarded if you have ignored the fact I have been talking and participating in 3 weeks worth of threads previous to ssseth. As expected of a drooling retard.
Dont feed the trolls, user.
Is a Raiden build viable?
High tech melee with maximum speed.
When should I fight those lunatics with the dogs next to the station?
You progress by refunding this piece of shit and getting a better game, like Atom RPG.
>Oh, look at me, i'm sooooooo much betterer then you. I have you know, that *I* have been int this ITT weeks before you saw that one youtube video. And you know what that means, it means that *I* am sooooooo much betterer then you, filthy sseth-peasant.
Please, go to reddit, retard.
i thought he was the guy with the winfast wizard portrait
What's better about atom?
Nah, bro, Atom is too bright.
cool newfag I've been playing underrail for years
shut the fuck up and talk about the game like everyone else, you aren't special and neither is sseth
The threads were comfy until his unwanted defense force showed up
not at the very beginning, you wont stand a chance.
you can cheese them with traps and grenades, but they aren guarding something important.
Yes, full katana weeb laser ninja is viable but you'll want throwing/traps too.
yeah I guessed this might be a game like Risen where just because you can go somewhere doesn't mean you should
they sorta serve as a soft wall yeah. you'll deal with them soon enough
I liked atom but its nowhere near as good as Underrail.
Hey guys, just starting. Is it possible to build a melee/gun hybrid? I also plan on being stealthy and commit war crimes. How minmaxy should a build be to not get butt-fucked on normal difficulty?
It has actual roleplaying for a start
>Finally kill Magnar in my INT no caltrops/traps run
>Run away from spoopy toasts like a bitch because no torch and forgot my plasma gun at home
>Game crashes when I get to the Aegis base
Alright Styg, next time I will suffer through multiple sormibaeren assaults as usual, I get it, I just wanted high quality leathers.
you should stick to either guns or melee. dont do both.
best warcrimes are from throwing anyway, which you can mix in any build
Spear + Shield or Spear + Temporal?
spear + shield + temporal
search youtube for underrail hoplite.
Viable on Dom?
Spear + shield + temporal. No reason to not grab temporal on any build.
Thanks, user. Also what about Versatility? Is it a waste of time?
i played it on hard and it was cool. i'd say you could manage dom
Versatility is a good skill to have early in the game but you get progressively diminishing returns, and the fact that it boosts only effective weapon skill means you still have to invest points into something to get feats.
It's not a bad skill for a hybrid ranged/melee/psi build, but don't expect it to be useful beyond Hard difficulty.
idk, maybe for easy mode it should work. doesnt look good to me.
it's always a good idea to specialize into 1 combat skill.
even if you're doing guns only, you have feats that work for assault rifles, but not energy pistols.
so just pick one weapon type and build around that.
throwing goes with anything
What about swords + temporal?
He said that he use builds from "some" sites
temporal is great for every build in the game
he didnt include burning man
Alright, thanks guys. I'm gonna play at normal, so i guess i don't need a super optimized build. As for the combat, i guess i would try assault rifles for a start. Or maybe shotguns. Can't go wrong with that.
assault rifles with full metal armor is probably the easiest build to play.
you dont even need throwing for that coz you can literally throw grenades at your feet.
your bursts will also fuck up everyone standing in your way
>yfw testing out Dominating difficulty
AR are rather feat heavy while shotguns are the opposite, bear in mind shotguns need three feats at best to be in their best possible shape, maybe four if you want to add Gun Nut in a crafting focused build, AR need more than that to be better than shotguns, although if you do invest in them they do get better than shotguns.
Also consider that Shotguns have vastly inferior range to all other guns unless you use long barrel shotguns, which are still mediocre in terms of range and get a damage penalty, AR have much better versatility overall and have access to a plethora of special bullets, whereas shotties are all about erasing things quickly with superior firepower and positioning.
Dominating is only for specific minmaxing, and even there a lot of stuff doesn't work and you should expect a lot of padding and F9.
>erasing things quickly with superior firepower and positioning
>need three feats at best to be in their best possible shape
Oh, alright, that sounds pretty fun. So i need minimal investment perk-wise and i can fuck around with other skills and perks without worrying that i fucked up my character. Then Shotty it is!
what build should i take if i want to craft stuff like ammo/weapons/grenades and i am playing for the first time? I was thinking about going shotguns
Also, mind sharing those shotty perks?
I skimmed through Sseth's video, he said the surface world was nuked to hell but as far as I can recall since I last played the game 3 years ago, nobody really knew or at least told the player character what made the surface uninhabitable, could have been a meteor strike or a biological weapon or even aylium shit as far as I remember, is Sseth just pulling stuff out of his ass or did I miss something?
>is Sseth just pulling stuff out of his ass
Yes. He does that a lot.
Your versatility comes more from loadout, not stats.
Is Evasion and Dodge worthless? I was reading up and saw that but don't know if it was for previous versions
you need to go all in
so high agi, max evasion/dodge
+ all the feats & equipment that boost them
You have to use light armor in order for it to be worth anything.
Keep in mind Shotguns have a more spread stat requirement than other guns like pistols or SMGs outside of their low feat requirements so it's better to pair them with some other gun type, throwing or heavy psi.
Sixth Shell is the cornerstone of shotgun gameplay, while Fragmented Chaos will be the boost to your already high damage through crit empowerment, after these two you can get either Barrel Stare or Leading shot depending on your build, both are useful in their own way and you can still get both if you want to really focus on shotties, but honestly, it's not at all necessary if you know how to play the game and want some more exotic build.
Combat shotties also need 6 strength to be viable, 7 if you want to invest in Full Auto, but then you have to consider making your build focused on combat shotties alone since pump shotties do not need STR beyond 5 and don't have burst, so you can use those two stat points somewhere else and have another free feat slot, Combat Shotties are more investment heavy in general.
Another thing you have to consider is that certain shell types are better than others depending on the situation and enemy type, other guns like AR can just go yolo and spam whatever since they have better utilities through burst and lower AP cost, but shotties being 25 AP a pop and with low range mean you really need to know your shit to be effective, on the other hand, since they're low requirement weapons it means you can still cover up their deficiencies easily with some other weapon, my favorite build is a Galaxy Brain INT crafter with shotguns on the side, and it's pretty effective, although a bit slow to get going.
They make a difference if you keep 'em maxed and wear light armor. Otherwise, yeah, worthless.
Figured, that's why I don't like him too much. His videos are sometimes entertaining but the overabundance of memeing makes then uninformative and even misleading.
He's literally friends with the developer you dumb fucks.
I have to admit that I still can't decide on character. I like pistols and shotguns, but I also like Persuasion. Can't do the charismatic gunman build that I did run in Fallout games.
My largest problem is that I feel like I have to choose between Intelligence (Hacking/crafting) and Will (persuasion). Looked at shitload of netbuilds already and nothing really fits.
What builds make use of Metal Armor?
Hammer Wizards
Hammer Wizzard
Guns are bad. Decide between pure psion or melee.
you can still put points into persuasion even if you have will 3
i almost always pick one social skill
Does that mean the developer told him the entirety of the backstory of the world with lore not revealed to anyone else? Doubt.
So.. I'd like to build short-range psi/shotgun build.
Skills: Guns, Throwing, Hacking, Lockpicking, Mechanics, Tailoring, Temporal Manipulation, Persuasion
Feats: Paranoia, Stoicism
I'm new to the game and I'll play on Normal. I don't want to go all minmax.
Sword&board sundowner
Sledge magician
Psychosis or Tranquility for pure psi?
Psychosis is more fun
is this still a good build? video is nearing three years old
Shotties might require more strength to use, but I'm not sure. Also I heard that ammo for them is heavy. Consider bumping str a bit. Also consider investing in psychokinesis for the force field ability alone, it's fun shit and very useful.
so underrail really is a part of undertale's timeline? toby at it again
>spawns and burrowers
>40% chance to hit them with a gun
>two of them can fucking end me easily
>hit a burrower with a 44.
>it does like 10% of his health
>can only fire a 44. twice per round
Should I just stop using pistols and go for rifles? Do you guys know a good way of getting one cheap? My character attached so you can laugh at me and call my build shit.
>6STR for a pistol build
>3CON for a first playthrough
>Fighting burrowers with ballistic peashooters
>Let alone a 44.
No wonder you have 3INT.
If you really, really want to use ballistic pistols you need to know the game pretty well since they're the weakest gun type by far and require extensive knowledge of the system, moreover you don't just fight off hordes of spawns with a single target weapon, just throw nades or something for fuck's sake.
burrowers will fuck you up early game
posting just your base stats doesnt tell us everything about your build
pistols are good, anyone who tells you otherwise is retarded. they're not brain-dead easy like assault rifles
it's good
you can also include dlc feat blindsiding
>sseth makes a video
>instantly the wiki starts getting error 500s
I got bored of my sniper build after more than 100 hours into the game. I’m not even going to try to finish it with this build. What build should I try next?
Everyone new thinking they'll play through the game without crafting
Oh to be young again
high mobility unarmed chad
ar tin can
pure psi
best choice: chemical pistols
The thing that is fucking me up the most is low CON, I think I really fucked it up not putting at least 5 points into it. Look at this fucking shit, this is the result after I exploded eight of these shit things and played with 100% tacticool approach.
I'm gonna get a fucking rifle, fuck this shit.
How fast can I get a chem pistol?
con you usually go 3 or 10
if you have 3, you should at least put points into evasion and dodge
>siphoner man
>take the psi pill and 3 will because
>exothermic aura
>run around like a fucking maniac on fire
is great fun
smg run and gun man
hammer man
wizard man
psi monk man
assault rifle spray everything until it dies man
I have around 40 points into evasion, not dodge though.
I'm not watching the video since it's long as shit but sniper builds are viable but they can be tricky in my experience since if you get caught out for too long, you can easily die.
I run a sniper/shotgun build, my strategy generally is
>stealth in, snipe a target, ideally melee users or psi users
>if there are a lot of dudes and space, snipe, try to run behind covers and stealth out
>come back into it, sniper another dude, repeat
>shotgun anyone that comes too close (shotguns require the expansion, if you don't have that, use a assault rifle or SMG I guess)
If the room is too small to easily get around, I stealth and place a shitton of bear traps and mines to get them in bad places. Or alternatively, if I really think I can't fight them, I just stealth it through and avoid fighting, which is fairly viable in Oddity mode since it's not like you're missing out on a lot of XP (though enemies do occasionally drop oddity stuff)
For the sniper rifle, I recommend using the Spearhead or that one SVD rifle you can find underground beneath Buzzer's (rail crossing) shop because while they do less damage per shot, they only cost 24-25 AP per shot which is really good since most of the time, you'll end up one shotting people with Snipe/Aimed Shot anyway. For the shotgun, a burst shotgun with the barrel stare perk is my favorite since you will melt anything that gets too close to you.
The downside is that this playstyle can be annoying and you should expect to die easily. If anything gets close and manages to hit you or you just eat a lot of bullets, you will die very fast. You will also need feats and you will always be wanting for them.
I don't know enough about the game to say pistols are complete garbage but they definitely do feel the weakest, especially early game. You can beat the game without having to craft, but it makes it significantly harder since vendors don't really give that much good shit unless you're lucky.
Do not listen to this man he plays on classic i've seen him
You are like baby, watch this.
psychosis or tranquility themed will wizard
fixer in the junkyard has everything you need.
you can also combine chem with energy pistol build since a lot of the things are the same.
Psychosis as previously mentioned
Psychosis for glass cannon wizard, tranquility for Zen tactician wizard.
Do you want more emphasis on nuking - psychosis
Do you want more emphasis on control - tranquility
Note that either way they will still be able to do both things
use grenades
shitty eceleb game
hehe moim i baited 4chen xDDDD
Dilate tranny
absolutely based
which wizard is the one that uses LoC + Enrage for every single encounter?
For that specific thing both can
Need 5 dex for leading shot, it's straight better than barrel stare
You don't need will or to put more than 70ish points into temp manip since the useful skills for you don't scale
Either points into agi and stealth/evasion or bump strength and go tin can. Low armour low movemnt is death.
Take chemisty up 69 effective, it makes the game allot smoother.
Good luck friendo
Pure wizards
Both wizards can and should do it, but Tranquility wizard is better off for that due to more fuel.
Psychosis wizard is strictly a high crit damage dealing wizard, while Tranquility Wizard is more all rounded and versatile.
Hold one
sseth made video about game? no way
With the amount of bullshit enemies in this game, I think psychosis is better. In a different game, tranquility would be better. On the higher difficulties it's kill or be killed.
zoom zoom zoomers
Learn to spoken
mind posting a copy of your build, I really enjoy crafting and wanted to do shotguns.
What do you fags use to clear rocks?
tnt charges.
read item descriptions in shops, you zoner. it's not a race
>Interaction skills + Utility skills + Thought Control
No other combat skills are necessary and investing in the scientific disciplines is a waste of time. Crafting isn't worth it and the extra dialogue options you get generally don't do anything except earn you a couple lines of throwaway text.
As long as you aren't a mouthbreathing retard with the ability to prioritize threats and press the appropriate button at the appropriate time you'll be well on your way to effortlessly depopulating every zone you care to enter by the time you get to core city.
Thank you mate. Some extra questions.
> I raised Will to 7 for the sake of anti-psi tankiness and Stoicism. And to get that first shotgun from armory (I played yesterday for like 3 hours). Was that a bad idea?
> How much STR do I need to get decent armors?
> Are shotguns ok for crowd control in this game? If so, do I need grenades or should I pick extra crafting skill (chemistry)?
> Should I dump INT like a brainlet that I am?
>not using the jackhammer
i bet you dont even wear tungsten
well, pre-foundry. bre
>maxing con won't help you if you don't know what you are doing.
Yes it will, what the fuck. A shitload of con is the best way to learn the game at first. 3 con and 8 con is the difference between bumping into 3 enemies and getting murdered or tanking everything effortlessly. If you don't know what you're doing and you have as much con as an irradiated cancer patient you're going to be savescumming every single fight and you're going to hate the game.
but tnt charges start being sold when you deliver the drill parts and unlock the foundry
Sprint isn't used for movespeed out of combat, the increase in movespeed is negligible. It's used because it gives you extra movement points in combat.
6 agi/10 con dodge/eva hammer master race
the drill, jack. you don't get a drill until foundry. you get tnt charges post depot a, pre-foundry. why was this so hard to comprehend?
Is this an accurate depiction of Serbian life?
This is one of the main variations of my build, sometimes I swap the 6DEX for 6STR if I feel like going with combat shotties, sometimes I get 10WIL instead of 12PER for Locus instead of Scrutinous, I make some small adjustments depending on how I feel like.
Focus point is in the Energy Pistols, these will be your main tool for all the game, Recklessness, Critical Power and Ambush are for zapping groups to death with your electroshock guns without using Aimed Shot or just have some high crit chance for all around utilities, all psi schools will be key to your survival thanks to the shutdowns with Mental Breakdown and Cryostasis coupled with temporal contraction, but do not rely on Psi schools for damage on this build, even with some tweaks here and there they're purely utilities for your shotguns/energy guns, you can use that 100 in Thought Control to get Mantra at veteran levels though, it's a nice change of pace if you want to be slightly more psi dependant.
High biology will help you make all the drugs you need while the decent chemical levels will help you with molotovs, though you should be mostly using Plasma/Warcrimes for this build given the high electronics.
Clothier is useful for two things, Leather Armors(I suggest infused Bison with Kevlar for the mid/late game) and the early game Riot Armor (Also with Kevlar or black cloth for more Stealth), it also helps you out with Tabis, which is great.
Gun Nut is essentially late game utility when you need your shotties to melt things like groups of Nagas or Strongmen faster, a Gun Nut high quality Short Vindicator XM is my go to, you can easily reach 300+ attack values with that, coupled with maxed out Sixth Shell, Fragmented chaos and wise shell use you'll shit out damage.
High mercantile is absolutely key to get this shit going though.
can someone recommend me a hammer tin can build
but post-depot you can just go to foundry for 25 super steel pennies and pick up a hackjammer for free
not to mention the foundry being the easiest location out of the 3 you unlock post-depot
yes, but underground
The first quest gives you almost 500 credits and an SMG for free, I don't get how you can end up being poor after that. I had over 1k in the first few hours in my first playthrough and was swimming in mats, blueprints, ammo, and hypos.
Here are 2 sledge builds. I'm deciding between the two right now on what I'm going to play
based Sseth
>grenades have cooldowns on it
balance reasons
otherwise youd be invincible
multiplayer balance
He revived Starsector too. How much more based can a man get?
Why the fuck do you think?
>Plasma/Warcrime/Flashbang every turn
>macgyver build
macgyver doesnt use guns
People are slavish with the memes but I can't deny the guy is good for games. I still remember him from his Farm Simulator video.
He does in Underrail.
How much do you miss Quick Tinkering if you end up not taking it? I'm taking it for this build but I'm going to skip it in the next one I do. Probably going to do a Psi-heavy build if not full on Psi.
I'm not sure if any build absolutely requires it to work but then again, I have trouble thinking of any it would actually hurt if it is taken.
he would if he had to deal with the shit crawling around these caves
Fuck I want to restart after putting 15 in Dodge and Evasion since I've only just completed the first quest and am doing a heavy armor build, but im also only playing on normal and it's only 30 skill points wasted
>persuasion is basically 0
>stealth is basically 0
>can't find any other vents in the embassy
wut do?
Your build doesn't have to be perfect on normal. Dodge and evasion will probably at least help a but until you get can get some proper heavy armor, which you won't for a while.
You dun goofed
I'm pretty sure you should have time to hack the door at the North end of the large room if you properly time it with the guard's patrol route
Is it a bad idea to not take the psi pill, even if my build is not at all built around it?
>have 0 hacking and 0 lockpicking
>He doesn't want to be based and redpilled
If you're not going to use psi there's no reason to, since all it'll do is lower your health.
>accept a delicateslashstealth mission without stealth, hacking, lockpicking, and persuasion
Big brain moveright there
>0 hacking
>0 lockpicking
>should i take a health-damaging pill to gain powers i'll never use?
I fucking wonder user
Does anyone have a link to a pure psi build?
Well shit I was wondering if there were any basic abilities that everyone and their grandma should have, but you're right I should focus more on my designated build instead of trying to get everything
"An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds " on the Builds forum
Thanks user
I expect sexual compensation.
>tfw always get hacking, lockpicking and stealth in every single rpg I play
>the one time I decide I want to be a pure murderdeathkillersoldierman there's no way to boost one of them temporarily to complete a quest
Actually user psi is a major exception to that rule as it has spells that will be effective regardless of investment. If you take the pill even with 3 will and level psychokinesis to 30, you can get two incredibly useful abilities: electrokinesis for guaranteed stun, and force wall which will put an impenetrable barrier for 2 turns, which has many different uses depending on the circumstances. Temporal manipulation can be leveled to 70 for max benefit of its powers, and Metathermics can be leveled to 35 to get a freezing power that guaranteedly incapacitates an enemy for 2 turns and lets you enter sneak mode if there's no one else around. The only psi school you shouldn't be touching is Thought Control, its powers are only useful if you've invested heavily in it.
You can do it with 0 stealth if you buy or craft black cloth gear (balaclava, leather armor, tabi), even something like 30 effective stealth skill should be enough. Enter stealth in the ambassador's room in plain sight, then go to the secretary's room and activate the cyberspawn near vent. Doesn't matter if the guard and ambassador see you since they don't have line of sight in the next room.
You can actually get pretty high stealth score that's usable for most of the game if you just have low armor penalty and crafted gear.
If they didn't you probably wouldn't even need to level up to beat the game
They really shouldn't have cooldowns, just require higher AP to use.
You can't "learn to think", you're either are born with drone level intelligence or you aren't. Now if these kids parents had beat them properly then we wouldn't have to see them spout stupid memes but they didn't so whatever it's not that big a deal and kind of funny.
So it's true that exploration is not that rewarding at all?
The video said the caves have nothing worth going for so theres no reason to go into places like those.
I enjoy going into shitty places hoping to get some secret loot but sseth made it look you are just going to get pain for nothing.
If you have oddity enabled explore everything you can
>tfw the one time I decide I want to be a pure murderdeathkillersoldierman there's a way to boost stealth to 20 with rat leather and a ski mask to complete a quest
>You can't "learn to think"
Yes you can.
>The video said the caves have nothing worth going for so theres no reason to go into places like those.
Not completely true but not completely false either. There are many places no quest will ever send you to that have oddities, unique weapons, psi mentors and such. But it's also true that often a cave is just a cave. The one sseth showed, the scorpion cave, is notorious for being a pain in the ass with a unique boss at the end, but pretty much no loot or even oddity anywhere. But it's the most extreme example in the game, and even then it's a good source of scorpion poison crafters like to use.
>So it's true that exploration is not that rewarding at all?
But given how the game becomes vastly non linear after Depot A and how the oddity system works exploration becomes rather dangerous and rewards are seemingly nonexistent due to having to deal with a lot of obstacles, especially in the lower underrail caves which are infested with all sorts of nasty shit for what is usually a level 8-10 character with zero ideas of the horrors that lurk in there and how labyrinthine the caves' layout is.
Classic mitigates this by letting you grind whenever so you're not dependent on oddities and completing quests, on the other hand it makes exploration pointless since you can just wait for your dedicated grinding room to refresh and stick to that while avoiding exploration and other content.
no you probably just dont understand the difference between knowledge and intelligence
>You can't "learn to think"
Step one: Put your fucking phone down for an entire hour
Any kid who can accomplish this in 2019 will do better than their peers.
Play as a hammer wizard
Gathering knowledge expands your intelligence
Oddities for EXP and animals that drop crafting items or occasionally more oddities, though the former are pretty sparse if I'm not remembering wrong. It's true that you get more EXP out of exploring areas with quests or the major settlements and looting every possible garbage bin and shelf, but it doesn't hurt looking through caves as well if you're stumped in your current quests. Like the other user said if you're playing on the developer's intended Oddity mode you want to explore every nook and cranny in case there's few extra pieces of EXP to be had.
how do you think a baby's and a kid's mind develops, retard
the more you know and are taught, your intelligence and ability to think grows with it, it also applies to adults
link me to a good build (I’m new)
I want more of these shills if they make fun videos about good games
You weren't talking about knowledge and intelligence, you were talking about "learning to think," which yes it is very fucking possible you stupid retard. It's possible to change how you think. You probably just don't understand the differences between thought and knowledge and intelligence.
It's not nukes, but the destruction of the surface is mostly still a mystery and could be almost anything, just down from our previous could be anything. The only reason we can rule at least nukes out is because Styg flat out said it wasn't nukes.
During maturation the brain chemistry changes which alters intelligence not the data accrued.
well why dont you enlighten me to these new arbitrary definitions you've come up with?
It's both user. Knowledge, especially in early childhood, helps expand your intrinsic cognitive faculties. There are even toys for babies that are meant to develop their ability for logical thinking. A baby with the genetics to be a genius that grows up with no education or in an abusive / indifferent family that doesn't provide major care or parental education will probably not be as intelligent as if he was raised in a better context that enhanced his abilities.
His video seems to have had a very big impact on sales
Why is thick skull not recommended for pure psi even though LoC has a 15 turn cooldown?
They're not arbitrary definitions you stupid fuckface. Are you talking about intelligence, knowledge, or thought? You very deliberately referred to "learning to think," which I replied to, and then you brought up thought and knowledge.
That you're not even addressing what I said and instead continued on with semantic bullshit tells me that you should try to learn how to think in a different manner, perhaps one that's less gay and retarded. You could just google "learn to think" and see that your assertion is completely retarded.
If you haven't taken control of the situation or killed your enemies in the 3 turns that LoC lasts, you're doing something wrong.
You are using a nonsensical definition of intelligence. There are two things being defined: 1) data ie knowledge
2) algorithm that acts on data
if you look at it on a small scale you can think that recursion occurs and the data changes the algorithm but this is wrong especially in regards to my original point which was that the broader algorithm within which that one is contained is defined by genetics.
Because everything dies when you use LoC and a Wizard has no use for either 10CON or thick skull.
Let me guess, you're an engineer.
Blood mind magic, mi amigo, blood mind magic.
The 15 turn cooldown doesn't matter because one cast of LoC + Enrage is enough to decide the entire fight on its own. Also, Thick Skull doesn't work against effects like Incapacitation or Mental Breakdown, only effects that are labeled as "Stun".
You use a lot of big words when you could simply assert that you believe intelligence is majorly defined by genetics and not experience. Which is wrong. Both are extremely important.
Alright, so you're just a regular dumbass.
You should be able to finish almost any fight with one LoC. You get surprise stunned, you recover with LoC, you win. With Thick Skull you lose AP and MP from dazed, something LoC can't remove.
That's what you can use LoC for, bre.
Underrail is far more janky and unpolished than Fallout 2.
I dont see any arguments
>Arguing with a literal brainwashed genome cultist
I have better things to do with my time, like genociding Tchortists.
maybe your intelligence is too low
Little off topic, but I want to get more into crpgs. There's an rpg humble bundle right now. Are Tyranny or Pillars of Eternity worth trying if I love this game?
ad hom time already? that was fast
God no
>Are Tyranny or Pillars of Eternity worth trying if I love this game?
Absolutely not, especially not the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
Saving lives here, keep up a good work.
Check out Pathfinder Kingmaker. It's the best thing to come out of the whole CRPG Renaissance thing and one of the few games that I found as enjoyable as Underrail in the last few years. It also features a fantasy equivalent of warcrimes.
How shit is this build? I'm going for a sort of future soldier vibe who uses tech, chemicals, and psychic power to incapacitate enemies before blamming them with an energy pistol. Am I spreading myself too thin between guns & psi?
8-3-6-7-8-4-4 for stats.
Is that viable for someone who wants to just shoot shit with an assault rifle, throw nades, maybe craft and maybe talk?
>best thing to come out of the CRPG """Renaissance""" has literal cuck shit in it
Go back.
fallout 1 & 2
baldurs gate
icewind dale
planescape torment
temple of elemental evil
nevewinter nights
atom rpg
age of decadence
poe 1
pathfinder kingmaker
there is no "maybe" when it comes to crafting
Well, yeah, you can cuck a half-orc /half-elf mutt to death. Is that so bad?
Can you craft metal scrap into stuff like steel plates, bullet casings, and grenade cases? I've got all this scrap and assorted mats but I can't hardly make anything with it cuz I'm missing things like those.
Would be cool if it was possible, but nah. You can only use all that scrap to make repair kits.
Keep your cuck fantasies to yourself and out of vidya shill.
>For energy guns
>Fast Metabolism
>For a wizard
>All those guns feat near the end of the game
>That point spread
What are you doing?
>but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>pretending divinity trash is any better then cuckfire
Is this a game where I can make traps, scout an are and plant them before combat and then get roided up on my homemade chems and go slap the shit out of what or whoever is stuck in said trap?
You're late by like 3 years, user. Instead of cucking, you're supposed to scream about trannies.
Yes to all.
Tyranny has an interesting premise that the game itself does absolutely nothing with. You're supposed to be a big deal but everybody treats you like a schmuck, even generic grunts, you're basically just another generic murder hobo errand boy. The worst part about the game is that it's party based, yet all the party members are either boring as hell or insufferable, and a solo run is only possible with a very specific build or by abusing how retarded the AI is.
You can do that to a T.
Then is there some way to reliably get plates or cases? I'm like 10 hours in and I don't think I've once seen a thin grenade case, and I've found maybe 4 or 5 steel plates at most. With how rare plates are for me I can hardly justify using them to make bullets. I'm trying to be a self sufficient Rambo. The Rambo part I have down, but the self sufficiency is going nowhere fast.
your rambo will have to go to a vendor and buy some cases
>With how rare plates are for me I can hardly justify using them to make bullets
What? Turning them into ammo on the spot is pretty much the only use for plates you find in the wild.
Anyway, you buy shit. Don't expect to be sustained on looting alone.
>Then is there some way to reliably get plates or cases?
Plates are regularly sold by various vendors, once you get to Foundry you can buy literal tonnes of them.
As for cases, exploration, you'll drown in bullet cases soon enough.
Merchants are the only reliable way. Don't worry about it, the game world opens up massively after the early game and you'll have access to plenty of vendors selling metal plates.
First time player, just trying to play a sniper class, how did I do?
Str - 5
Dex - 6
Agi - 7
Con - 3
Per - 10
Will - 3
Int - 6
Oppurtunist, Aimed Shot
Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart (Much better than a...owner of a Broken Heart)
you can go 3 dex and put more into agi and int.
you'll be oneshoting fuckers so opportunist isnt really that useful. i'd choose sprint so i can run away and stealth
>In the middle of the night, you hear a noise
>Walk into your kitchen with you baseball bat to defend yourself
>"Blyat" is the last thing you hear as Serbian ninjas open fire with the Dshka they have mounted onto your kitchen table
I wish I had the time/patience for these kinds of games.
>not BRE!
user I...
>Tyranny or Pillars of Eternity worth trying if I love this game?
Both of them are fantasy, so a bit different.
I liked Tyranny but it gets deserved hate. However maxed Lore skill play was nice where you can rule lawyer outside of problems and kill everything with creative of magic when you can't. Setting is bronze age shit, which is nice change from generic medieval game.
PoE is dull and Shitfire even duller from what I heard. Played first and finished it cause I had nothing better to do while in university.
Pathifinder:Kingmaker is a rough gem in shit of modern games.
Honestly I though the same. But past the few hours, once your brain "clicks" and understands everything it becomes extremely easy and comfy. I usually jsut play around and hour trying to see what I can find without worrying too much. It's great.
You still there laddie?
Fug got distracyed
I tried to like Pathfinder but the "miss-miss-miss" memes got me too hard. The fact that the same fight, withouth doing any major changes, can result in my whole party killed by a Kobold, then next try I just oneshit the lil fucker is too extreme of RNG for me.
Then don't start on Hard. The game warns you for a reason.
I was playing on normal
Slavs reverting to "BLYAT" is inborn
or both sseth and v just copied their builds from the same place.
That's good to know. It looks interesting, but I'm a bit afraid of starting a 100+ hours long game - besides I was never big into cRPG so I have a feeling it'll kick my ass.
I'm at the junkyard depot and the game has gone from hard to just not fun at all, swarms of enemy's that detect me from miles away, all with crippling blow and ranged weapons that always crit and the dogs have 200 evasion making it impossible to hit them.
The only thing that seems to work is just spamming grenades but then im just a sitting duck for three turns.
Cant disarm the mines to get around them, cant stealth past them, cant go to the other screen because of acid dogs, the only way to progress is to save scum and hope I get lucky with grenades because my weapons have sub 40% chances to hit even at good durability.
If you don't know what are you doing, lower difficulty till later part of the game when you know what you are doing and combat is non RNG dependent.
If you roll once per round it is RNG dependent when you start rolling dozens of attack per round then it is a mater of statistics.
And praise Erastil.
Craft acid resistant armour from siphoner leather, or buy a set from Len.
>have to equip the crowbar every time you want to force open a vent
Mutant dog leather armour
Sure step feat
Bear traps
Throwing nets
Have a fuckload of grenades to detonate mines, or simply savescum it
Depot A is the casual filter, learn to play smart, learn to use stealth in the actual sense, unless you made a catastrophically bad build on Hard or Dominating you should be able to complete it.
Do I do the oddity xp or the combat xp
What general build archetypes are there? How far can you push psi focused builds?
Same for me. Have never played anything else of the genre besides Div:OS2 and that one is very different.
My advice would be to go with a throwaway character first. The game puts you in the middle of the initial zone without much explanation (there's a short tutorial to teach you most main mechanics, and the first quest puts them into test). Walk around SGS to familiarize yourself of your surroundings and vendors. The game actually has a "botw" like starting area where you can't acces the entire game's world till the 4th quest, and an experimented player can reach that part in less than 2 hours.
Go for a simple effective build to start and then decide if it's worth restarting with something different. On Normal 90% of builds if not all are viable so don't sweat it.
>Not using an Omnitool
STRlets, when will they learn?
Is this game viable without using guided builds? I hate using guides at all, but I don't want to fuck myself and not enjoy the game.
So is the kidnapping Sarine quest as dark as Sseth makes it sound?
Oddity as the devs desire
Really? Don't lie.
Depends if you're pure psi or hybrid psi, but it all depends how commited you're to certain psi school
Read what each stat/skill does and you're good to go. Each base stat has related skills which they give bonus and the Characetr creation allows you to check all the game's feat before starting.You can also use the online CB tool.
You are a huge faggot, Fuck you.
If you really want to do that, pick a combat skill and max it every level. I'd recommend you at least look at the list of feats so you can plan what to build for.
I don't follow youtubers, but it's obviously not a nice quest given how you kill her husband+his pals and are basically letting the Rathound King rape her in a cage.
Classic makes the game a bit too easy as you can level up faster past the first levels.
Oddity encourages exploration and the phasing is more "in line" with the game's story.
But in both cases as long as you explore and do shit you'll be fine.
you can do without but be smart at what you pick. you cant be good at everything.
when creating a character, go to the feats tab, show all and scroll down to the high level ones
look at their requirements and aim for that
There's a ton of oddities everywhere in the game. You won't feel starved for xp til after level 25.
the game is designed with oddity in mind and it rewards exploring and doing shit besides murders
if you just want to do murders then classic, but there's already plenty of combat on oddity
First playthrough, should I do it with expeedition or not?
oddity is the way the game is designed to be played, it rewards exploration, classic is just for bashing your head against the keyboard and level up, classic will leave you overleveled for the whole game, thus making it a lot easier than it should be
Yes, you should.
Yep, that wasn't exaggeration.
Do you like chokeplay?
I'm an AR/shotgun tincan and while I died a couple times when I first entered the depot bad grenade toss/tried to defuse a mine I'm not having that hard of a time with it so far. I have trouble hitting the acid dogs with only ~50% accuracy but with a shotgun that doesn't really matter much. Once you detect a mine you can just walk by it, your character will auto path around it. You can also toss explosives onto mines to blow them up and easily oneshot muties.
Alright I just made it through from sheer luck of my grenades hitting where I wanted them to and two enemy's actually standing near the explosive barrel (Which I missed twice in a row)
Am I doing something wrong? Should I really just be stock piling grenades and just become demolition man instead of trying to use heavy weaponry?
Just got to the third mission and the sentry bots are fucking me up, gimme that build so I can reroll something competent
just use emp grenades dude.
If you're using light/medium armor it's going to be pure RNG if you survive a fight against multiple enemies, since most of your mitigation is going to be not getting hit.
Shit, do I have to go back to the armory and buy those or are there some lying around that I missed?
Eh, hello ? Is Master of the "Blade" a fun build ? What should i know if i wanna go swordmelee as first character ?
>find EMP nades in one of the rooms
>find armor piercing ammo in one of the rooms
>stealth around them
>avoid them
>run past all of them
>spend 10 minutes cheesing them with aimed shot while running between areas
Those are your realistic options. The bots are supposed to fuck you up, it's your introduction to heavily armored enemies. That's why they do fuck all damage.
Do not go melee as your first character.
I was stealthing past most of them but I picked Classic xp and didn’t want to gimp myself
Okay. So Assault Rifle, Shotgun or SMG ??
EU PC lobby, up for at least an hour
Styg should unironically remove the classic system because people aren't taking the hints
Wrong thread goober
dude the XP you get from killing those 3 or 4 bots isn't worth it if it makes you savescum for half an hour. You're not going to be "gimped" because you missed out on like 500 xp or whatever.
Because I'm not fond with the Underrail build creator, I will give you this:
Starting base stats:
10 STR
10 CON
You will need to bump Will to 7, minimum
Once you got Will to 7, spend all the stat points on STR
Starting 2 feats should be Sprint (mandatory) and Conditioning
Keep melee, psychokinesis and mechanics maxed at all times, every level
Then comes tailoring, electronics, biology and chemistry
Throwing is also very helpful
Lockpicking and Hacking as you wish
Get at least 25 trapping skills to use Burrower Poision bear traps
The rest is up to you:
During game, mandatory feats are: Force User, Corporeal Projection, Juggernauth, Thick Skull, Last Stand, Super Slam, Heavy Weight, Critical strike, Fast metabolism
In no special order
This build has it's pros and cons, which I can explain if you want to
should have picked oddity, thats why classic exp was abandoned by the dev
Can I boost my base stats after char creation?
You get another point every 4 levels
You don't really have to pick one or the other until you're farther into the game. Anything an SMG benefits from is going to benefit an AR mostly and unless you get lucky you're not gonna find a shotgun for a few hours. You're probably going to end up using both anyway, since shotguns aren't reliable at longer ranges and a some dudes are going to hang way back.
Nice, thanks
You get six stat points each four levels until level 24.
Each even level you get a new feat.
>You get six stat points each four levels
This is worded really poorly, you get 1 point every 4 levels
Huh, hm...Okay. Perception is good for guns right? Dodge is kinda bad if you don't fully invest in ? What defense options do i have ?
Should I dump CON when going full psi? Planning a second playthrough
Everyone has the option to craft powerful energy shields
Heavy armor can make you outright immune to smaller hits and get massive damage reduction against bigger ones
Does force emission proc opportunist or should I just focus in punching fast as a filthy unpurw psi monk?
the actual evasion stats are pretty shit and even if you level them to the max your still gonna get hit a lot. For defense you have shields and just killing the enemy before they can even react.
only if you know what you are doing, psi has enough tools to never get hit but you need to know when to fight, and you need to take stealth and crafting
wew, this dlc is twice the size of the base game
Does type of armor affect your action points?
>Was considering buying it when the expansion came out
>Ended up deciding to wait until both are discounted
>Watch Sseths video on it
>He mentions suggesting a sale to the developers
>There is fact is a huge discount
Actually, legitimately based.
It's pretty fucking big in terms of actual content, too. Jet skis, shotguns, a whole bunch of new areas. It basically doubles the game's areas for where you can go with all the waterways.
tbf, i've played most of the older games he's reviewed before i watched his stuff, so i just trust his views towards games, and get the feeling that we have the same criteria for a good game
I heard expedition dlc have some kinda hidden timegate, is that true ? What's up with the camp management ?
What can you do with 10 INT?
Big brain crafting bonuses
Savages be crazy, dog. They kill ya, fuck ya, and eat ya. Not to mention, give you bad dreams.
no, it affects the following things
Movement points
also movement points gained temporarily through abilities, feats or drugs are not affected
I kept hearing CON is all or nothing and going 5 CON just seems like a waste of base points
Oh, i see, Then i guess i'm set. Thanks for tips.
oh one more small thing: if you wear metal armor you'll make a LOT more noise if you get hit by melee attacks
Talk mad shit.
Most armor have some sort armor penalty percentage that affects your effective Dodge, Evasion, Stealth and movement points. F.ex. 20% armor penalty means that all those stats and MPs are reduced by that percentage. There's a handful of feats like Nimble that can reduce your armor penalty.
If I'm not remembering wrong there's only one unique armor that specifically reduces your action points, otherwise it's just AGI related skills. I can't recall whether not meeting STR requirement for heavy armor affects actions points or not.
Eh, it's the difference between a medium weight tanker and a complete glass cannon.
there is no way to permanently dip below 50 action points, doing so is always the result of some form of debuff
He literally says he doesnt know for sure and that nobody knows for sure that maybe it was nuked to all hell or insert meme here, thats what you get for skimming through
I see, thanks.
That's crap. With 3 con you'll be hitting F9 the moment anything goes wrong, 5 con will let you take a hit without immediately dying.
Bomb Suit
Fire Suit
Bio Suit
Guess I'll go with 5 and see what happens
It's true user. With low CON you need to go full initiative + stealth and kill your enemies before they do. Having good armor and a shield will let you survive those few hits that get to you.
High CON is just for low mobility tanks, as they have no initiative and no they need to spend multiple turns killing their enemies while tanking all the incoming attacks.
Why are psientists so fun to play?
depends on the difficulty, on hard and dominating, yes either you go 3 CON or 7+ CON, anything else is worthless, hits that wouldn't kill you with 5 CON can be tanked with energy shields and pretty much any decent armor, much more if you correctly use drugs, the thing about 3 CON is that if you are playing hard or dominating you will need stealth otherwise its a savescumming fest (you don't actually need to put points into stealth, just keeping a full set of stealth gear in your inventory is enough), and you will also need crafting since having a good energy shield early is the difference between being able to ironman dominating or having to savescum the shit out of the game
5 CON is enough to not die because two rats survived the first round and one got a crit on you at level 2. Hypos have a 6 turn cooldown, and with 3 CON that means you can do it once in a fight, because you'll be dead if you need anymore long before the cooldown is up, assuming you even live long enough once you start taking damage to use the first hypo in the first place.
If it's your first dude having even totally average CON will save you from having to savescum every single fight because you're not playing perfectly.
artificial difficulty
>a good energy shield early
How early is early? I just got to depot A but I haven't seen a single shield blueprint for purchase. I don't even think I've seen a metal shield. I'm sure I can build one by now.
Ideaguy here
>Grenades don't have cooldown anymore but take twice the AP to use
>Grenadier feat lowers the AP use of all grenades by 5
They become available after depot A
rarely you can buy a crappy shield or get one of a random event before that
shields are part of riot armor, and they are pretty shit, they weight too much and don't really do anything that other armors don't do better, the melee block is irrelevant, you can only get energy shields after depot A, unless you got really lucky and found one of the random events in the lower passages that drops a shield, or got extremely lucky and found a random drop in some container/fishing
That's fucking stupid, bre.
Speaking of that
Isnt Greander the only feat without specializations?
Did anybody noticed this?
Fuck off back Codex and r e d d i t.
Quick question here - if you go to expansion area mid-game and after finishing them you go to deep caverns, does the deep cavers become harde to compensate power-leveling from expansion areas or you steam-roll them?
unfortunately no, Styg's working on fixing it but as of now you'll steamroll it
Just use Cheat Engine with the newest table, has a "Force Merchant Update" function.
No, styg has been thinking on making some changes to DC to make it harder, but since the expansion DC is a lot easier than it used to be
>number of owners has doubled from 100,000 to 200,000 to 200,000 to 500,000 since sseth's video
Are crossbows or guns better for utility? I don't feel like bolts are my style and there's something far more satisfying about using guns than crossbows.
Might as well give yourself 99999999 charons
Crossbows don't really do anything that you can't otherwise do with nades/traps/special boolets
So should you do the expansion near the end of the game?
You can do this without CE by repeatedly jewing Ray over jet skis
it does everything silently
no, there is no real reason to, depending on your build going to the expansion between lvl 15 - 18 is fine
Finish all quests BEFORE entering DC, dont finish the strange tremors in Univerisity, do everything else, after that, start the expedition, when you're done with expedition, jump in DC right away
You literally locked yourself out of a very good questchain, good luck.
sounds pretty fruity desu
The best thing about the flood of new players is seeing people actually fall for the shotgun wizard meme.
Shotgun anything is based as fuck , zoner.
>Uses a speedhack to accelerate Vendors
>Forced Vendor Update is bad somehow
Wow, a literal nigger no surprise.
Been sitting on 100,000 to 200,000 for about two-three years, so that doesn't mean anything. For all we know it could have been at 199k before the video. Of course the steamspy numbers are not even very accurate anymore.
But I hope it'll sell a few 10k copies because of this review.
Both are shit.
If you use hacks, why not just give yourself 9999999999999 HP and simply 1 shot Tchort?
Why bother playing at all?
What? I had to do mine the old fashioned way. Yes, I've spent well over 100 hours in this play through.
WAIT, are you telling me that the entire endgame has been nerfed? Even if you never go to expedition area?
That's some faggot-tier logic but keep at it.
you can craft energy shields after gms for sure.
Thinking about going crossbow, what am I in for?
No, its the same thing, but now you have 5 more levels and specializations when you get there thus its easier than it ever was,
What the fuck is that thing in your Utility slot?
While I agree that making the vendors update their buy lists is cheating because it makes it easier for the player to get money much quicker than normal, it's not cmoparable at all to making yourself invincible and one shotting every enemy. You must see how gay and retarded you look.
Nah, he's just saying that with +5 levels and all the crazy drugs and equipment Expedition throws your way DC can't keep up.
>steal parts out of jet ski
>use mercantile to jew him for a low price
>put parts back in jet ski
>use mercantile to jew him for a high price
>repeat ad infinitum
>infinite charons
unless you got lucky with a random energy shield blueprint loot then no, you can't, the blueprint only spawns on merchants after depot A
Peak Underrail experience, Stealth, Traps, Caltrops and dead Motioners all around, hardcore!
If you do the Black Eels questline, during the assault on the Scrappers a Protectorate tin can can die and drop their energy shield before Depot A
Though you have to take care not to get decimated yourself
A cloaking device.
Well that could have saved me a lot of time.
or you know, if you have max mercantile you can sell a jetski for more than it costs to buy one so you can just quickly press through the dialog
>cloaking device
>EMP MKIII grenades
>Plasma grenades
Well I can tell you that poison tipped bolts are one of the few things that consistently give me a hard time as a tincan, so you're probably gonna nerd the fuck out of some niggers.
getting a drop is not the same as crafting, you are also not guaranteed that a tincan will die and drop an energy shield, and you lock yourself from getting aid from sgs rather than the tin cans
>You must see how gay and retarded you look
Not as much as using hacks tho.
smgs are good fun, no reason you cant double up with chem pistol too when you get bored on normal at least
I think it's comparably gay to using hacks.
He's right though. someone cheating with god mode is using the same logic to justify it as you are. Both are making the game easier, it's a matter of degree.
Thanks, chem pistols sounds interesting, but i try smg for now.
Damn guys, level 8 and feeling the heat.
Did I go full retard?
Excuse me.
Please tell me what the fuck you're trying to do?
Restart with a guide build immediately, bre.
It's not the same thing. One removes all challenge from the game, the other removes a single challenge. He's not right.
>This build has it's pros and cons, which I can explain if you want to
Well they all seemed kinda useful.
Is concussive shots, any of the trap feats, vile weaponry, or hypertoxicity any good on crossbows?
New thread?
Will explain next thread
What'a a good build to completely fuck Stalkers? I want to make sure my next run involves me just wiping out those shits
Just put points into psychokinesis, bre.
Is it me or is detection really garbage? I have like 11 in perception, ate a cave bat, have detection goggles on and I still get snuck up on by stalkers and muggers.
Best shield frequency for my dodgy wizard?