Alright listen Yea Forums, I know sports games are pretty much a cash grab, but hear me out. On Twitter right now...

Alright listen Yea Forums, I know sports games are pretty much a cash grab, but hear me out. On Twitter right now, is #fix2k20 and it’s trending. 2K has gone absolutely too far. If you look at screenshots from 2k19 and 2K20 they are the exact. same. thing. Not only that, but the “community” manager, Ronnie2K, has lied about what was in the game, and there’s video evidence of it all over twitter. They basically copied and pasted the same game, and that’s not even the whole issue. I could write a book on the issues. Servers, things just not working how they should, broken game mechanics, and a terrible grind just to get your player to playable status. All I’m asking is that #fix2k20 should be trending for a long time, and I And the 2K community would like your help. We just want to play a good basketball game, and we’d switch to a different one, but the only one that’s on the market with a player base is 2K20. We need all of these actions to be brought to life so that we may finally one day get a decent game.

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Tell me why should I care in 10 words or less user.

imagine playing apehoop games
imagine not being white

Video games

Racist piece of filth

>caring about sports games
Fuck off.

>le aesthetic palette

Lol "gamers rise up".

Cringe and shit pilled post. How bout you drones of underage nerds don't pre-order your meme hoopball game and hand over your money annually for nothing? No one is forcing you to buy it, retards. Annual releases are nothing more than marketing gimmicks, you are the one erroneously expecting entire new games.

"But we want a good up-to-date basketball game". The market will give you the best basketball game you deserve. Either be satisfied with an old version, or wait for EA or someone else to make a better one.

alright karl the school shooter, relax

No one cares about your fucking niggerball game, Twitter is down the hall, third door on the left between “fuck” and “off”.

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Literally the best basketball game ever made

guaranteed everyone in this """protest""" bought the game full price or even the ultimate edition, and will buy 2k21 day one. 2k isn't gonna do shit, the people who buy sports games are literal drooling niggers who probably can't even read.

I don’t see NBA Jam anywhere


So you're telling me I essentially bought NBA 2k20 on sale a few months back for $2 bucks? based

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lmao weeb trying to sound badass. kys

While sports gamers did this to themselves and deserve it, its affecting other games.

People still fucking play espn 2k5 football game on ps2, maybe you should tell the apehoop friends to stick with nba street or jam for a few releases

>sportsball game
>They basically copied and pasted the same game
I see. This is very unusual.

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This guy sits alone at the lunch and doesn’t even attempt to make friends.

NBA Jam was fun in the arcade I guess, that’s some real ultra hipster shit to say man. This years 2k is very very good, if you like basketball games, get it on sale in a few months, and make sure not to support the Hebrew features (which are only featured in the worst corniest parts of the game) the revamped mechanics make this one the one to get, it’s a better version of 19 which was the best since 16. OP is a retard obviously, this is peak nignog ball.

OP here. I don’t mind the gameplay, it’s just the fucking servers and other tedious shit. The retards wanting every three ball to go in are aids

underage fucking faggot

Tfw face when blacks finally settle with the Supreme Court the Supreme Court for reparations in return for signing a gag order they get 50 percent off their preorder of 2k21, a medical marijuana prescription and a voucher for a Popeyes chicken sandwich.

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Isn't the 2K main audience niggers?
Why would I care about some apehoop game that's shitty. Let them buy up that shit.

>non mobile gacha
oh no

You'll still buy 2021. Fuck you.

The final game will not be changed, it's far too into "development" for you to get a "good" basketball game at this point.

That being said here's a Bump. Maybe 2K Games will listien and you'll have a good 2k21


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Thank you, friend.

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>the virgin weebshitters: bitch and moan about SJWs censoring their anime titty games on a Burmese rat-breeding imageboard
>the chad sport fans: start a worldwide no. 1 trend on twitter demanding devs to fix their game or else

This. At this point anyone still playing this series has been thoroughly trained by the games to salivate at the yearly release schedule. They're like a dog that's been expertly trained. Their neurons have been trained by slow, methodical grinding and RPG loop mechanics long enough to not be able to escape it anymore. The gambling addicts get up in arms over this stuff every year, but they're addicts. If they could kick the habit they would've done so years ago. Sports games are the ultimate "They'll buy it anyway" games, and the publishers know it.

too late when they already bought the game
and the trailer was there before the game for them to know

Sports games should not be yearly installments unless there are major graphical leaps. Why can't they adopt a model like Siege or something?

I wish skateboarding was still popular. That’s the only sport that makes for good vidya.

holy shit user i just imagined that for a second and almost had a heart attack. don’t scare me like that

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>trying to make friends with your coworkers on your lunch break
embarrassing, oh wait are you talking about school? this is a 18+ board

Fuck you sportsball niggers, you dug your grave, now lie in it.

Reminds me of the boycott modern warfare 2 group who were all caught playing modern warfare 2

Yeah, that doesn't remotely have the same weight as the other word. Good try though.

On topic- Why the fuck should we care? 2K has been fucking you idiots over for literal years. You morons believed their marketing and gave them another, at minimum $60.
Want to prove a lesson to them? Don't fucking buy it next year. They're going to keep pushing you as far as you let them.
2K won't listen. They know you have such a weak will that you'll just buy the next fucking game because you can't live without it.
On that note- Fuck everyone who comes out day one for 2K. They are the most rude shitbags ever, and throw a fucking fit when they can't get it day one despite not preordering the game (surprise my mom and pop game store doesn't over order fucking sports games- tell us you want the game before launch)

>2k20 trending
Niggers are seriously the biggest attention whores out there. No one gives a shit, the same thing happened with Madden. Yet you are all going to buy the same fucking game the year after. The gacha shit is a good indication on how stupid your race is with spending a shit ton of money without paying attention. You pieces of garbage deserve this shit.

Dear lord please help me I want to nut in a black woman so bad but don't want to crossbreed.

stopped buying it after 2k13 when they ruined the game with script that forces the games to always be close. all of the decisions you make in this game are actually probabilities, and they easily tweak these whenever necessary to keep the games close so that new players won’t be turned off and the braindead AI can keep up with the player. Pre-2k12 you could regularly beat people by 50-60 points, i remember dropping like 200 points on people because i mastered the game and therefore I was rewarded for my mastery. suddenly though, a 30 point lead became a needle in the haystack, its literally mario kart blue shell bullshit that artificially lets the shittier player come back by turning all the sliders down for the better player without telling them.
the game now operates on “runs” where one player can’t hit a shot and the other player hits whatever shit they throw up, and then it switches. it just makes the whole game frustrating because you know there are times where you’re literally not allowed to score and you have to wait for the game to let the other guy catch up before they let you start scoring again.

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Umm NBA Jam? NBA Street?

>Keep buying 60 dollar game
>They keep adding microtransactions
>It keeps getting worse

It's been too far, every game for the last five years has been a roster upgrade, some shit they could just do with a patch. But these autismos can't help themselves.

Sportsfags are the fucking worst. Goddamn.

Yeah it's the worst one since 17. I knew what to expect going in but I bought anyway cause I'm a nigga

Gross, sounds like overwatch. A few questions though.
1. Are you black?
1a. If not, why are you playing NBA?
2. Why are you playing NBA? I just looked up some gameplay and it looks boring as fuck with terrible grafix.

i’m actually white but i grew up poor in a city so i made friends with a bunch of black kids and we played basketball together. they called me Steve Nash. anyway one of them is now my best friend and we’ve been playing them together since we were kids, only now i just play on his PS4 since I’m not buying this trash anymore. I always used to smash the fuck out of him on the game so now at least he wins sometimes and it gives us something to bond over.

Surprisingly wholesome reply.

You sound like you were born in 2015. There's no fixing these games lad. Accept the fact that almost every game post 2014 has some form of microtransaction

I’m 26 and also my complaint had nothing to do with micro transactions, though I’m not defending them either. did you even read my post? its obvious that myplayer is pay2win, but i don’t buy these games anyway, my friend does.