Why are western characters always so fucking ugly?

Why are western characters always so fucking ugly?

Attached: 10lands.png (2179x1163, 3.62M)

Borderlands just has an ugly style.
But even then, Maya is so fucking hot.

Ugly people usually make ugly art

Attached: 23C68E53-852B-4D54-B4E2-D4749185CECC.jpg (640x360, 29K)

Sge looks like she fucks strangers for fun

Attached: Kronika.jpg (1200x800, 199K)

What the actual fuck were they thinking?

>so fucking ugly now*
fixed that for you user

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take your pick

Why is this already coming out? I've still got to finish 2, Pre-Sequel, and Tales.

wouldn't bother with pre-sequel or tales

Why are Japanese characters always so ugly?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

shut up bitch

be careful of how you discuss my king, lad

It can look diverse and good looking, instead everything is an uggo.
Is that a what? I don't understand

Ugly people make art that reflects who they are on the inside.

Attached: jumpforce-kurapika1.jpg (1000x546, 74K)


how was jump force so shit

Japan trying something new. They have to hire a westerner like Guilty Gear Xrd did or wait for the west to beta test it for a decade like Breath of the Wild.

Jesus. What's up with jump force's realistic anime characters? I could understand kenshiro but everyone else?


Jump Force's overall aesthetic was a mistake, but Kurapika looks awful even compared to the rest of the characters. I don't know what the fuck happened, or how they managed to make a character as goofy-looking as Yugi look more natural in comparison.

Attached: 45e6d939f2949af2318b46830027bb271537364306_full.jpg (400x400, 74K)

Better get crackin'! Pre-Sequel is kinda men only because when the NPCs start spewing dialogue you're not allowed to advance until they stop. Tales is a fun romp, definitely worth a playthrough.

Because the industry is overrun by talentless hacks that got their jobs through sheer nepotism, so they over-stylize their work to hide the fact that they can't actually do any better than that. It's like all those infuriating fucks that infested DeviantART in the mid-2000's went professional.

>western characters so ugly
Shits on every single character on RE engine buddy boyo and his game came out a long while back. They all look like uncanny globinos compared to UC4 characters. Japs can't make realistic non-anime non-uncanny faces to save their lives.

Attached: NathanDrake-U4.png (1064x1384, 1.9M)

Just dont buy ugly games


Was Maya KRIEG'D

>generic dude
Nobody cares


Attached: maya__v_1__by_uriziel38_dbm1zmc.jpg (1080x1920, 162K)