Bernie's just no good...
Bernie's just no good
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Agree. she's shit and only good for being cock sleeves
You can do it Bernie!
That's my wife, and she's perfect.
her stat growths are quite mediocre
Seriously how do you make her good? She's fallen behind in both my playthroughs so far. I guess it doesn't help that starting archers have to compete with Shamir joining as a level 11-13 Sniper with great bases
Only her strength is lacking, though unless you get seriously fucked by rng her godly speed will more then make up for it since it'll allow her to double and even quadruple enemies.
Always try to have her personal skill active, it's really helpful. Even if she has only lost a single health point it activates so it's easy to do. She makes a great sniper or bow knight, though you can also go the assassin route if you want her to fill a different niche.
>When you figure out the Ferdinand build
I know user, I know.
>I need to test a spell user
>I really want to become a mage instead so please help me
>W-what happened
>Why do you look exactly like me
>Um user I'm sorry but it seems like I changed your appearance to look like me, in other words I accidentally transformed you
>I-I am so sorry
>I'-im so embarrassed
"Oh you think you are embarrassed?!"
>I'm so sorry that this isn't reversible but
>do you really have...
>Oh my y-you do
>Mind if I try something out?
>You are twitching when I do that heh heh
>D-do you like that
>I have learned alot of good ways to do this from all of my alone time
>Let's try going up a bit
>Gropes tits
>You really like that don't you?
>What about when I kiss them
>*A few days later*
>I need to show you something
>user I managed to get some shackles from the guards
>You know what that means
>Dont worry you will like it
>S Rank achieved
Like others have mentioned, her growths are mediocre for 3H and her bases aren't too special either. The other thing is because she has Deadeye, she really wants Hit +20 to make it actually hit things, which in a reasonably efficient playthrough precludes her from getting Death Blow. She can be a good Bow Knight, but that's more because the class is good than her own merits — other units can make even better Bow Knights, like Leonie, Felix, or even Dimitri.
Her strength can be easily fixed by doing guardening to get a free stat boosting items. Once you overcome that initial hurdle Bernie becomes unstoppable especially as a bow knight that can zip around the map sniping everyone.
also, she's a decent meme dancer
>easier to get Move +1
>Faith for Rescue
Rewind time if she doesn't +1 str
Her growths aren't mediocre at all, they just don't allow her to be as flexible as most other students. Her amazing speed and dex growth have her being an archer in mind exclusively. While not impossible obviously it's hard to make a character with such specialized growths work in other classes. It doesn't help she has four weaknesses.
>pair felix and ashe together for work after a lecture
>ashe says that he'll be sore later and felix bitches him out for instantly complaining
>pair felix and dimitri together for work after a lecture
>felix instantly starts complaining about it
My Bernie is always a monster.
In my three playthrough I made her a bow knight twice (once in a cavalier route) and a Wyvern lord once. Each time she was one of my stronger units (WL was more annoying to do but the strength growths were worth it).
Tier List for each house in terms of usability minus the lords cuz for real they all S tier.
Hubert (Dark Seal)
Hubert (no seal)
Lindhardt (Dark Seal)
Lindhardt (no seal)
As for the church units the only really good ones are Seteth, Catherine, and Shamir. Flayn is only salvageable as a dancer, Manuela is outclassed as hell but a surprisingly good swordmaster if you are ok without Mortal Savant. Hanneman needs Dark seals to function, Gilbert is a worse tank than Dedue, Alois is meh, and Cyril actually is the worst unit in the game.
>Seteth support
>She starts talking about him literally right behind his back while he's mumbling to himself
>Somehow still surprised when he reveals he can hear her
Is this advanced spergamomics?
This character made me realize dub isn't always worse. Holy fuck is her Japanese voice acting bad. I've rewatched some scenes out of interest and found that in some of the more serious scenes where the Japanese actress still does the cutesy exaggeration while the English voice actress actually tried to make her sound more realistic, sounds a lot better honestly.
>F Linhardt
you realize that boy has warp, right?
You;'re telling me that was the support where you noticed her autism?
This, what the fuck
Name a more canon couple
>s+ Lys f Lorenz
It was one of the more jarring cases of it
Dimitri x Suffering
>Lindhart that low
Great magic stat plus access to warp alone makes him a top ten unit.
>Lorenz that low
What build did you use? Physical Lorenz is mediocre a t best but magic Lorenz is genuinely great. Dark knight is the prefered build for him, it's honestly great.
Marianne x Hilda
I want to smell her feet.
Edelgard x Sword of the Creator through her skill.
>Tried to get those two together
>He opts for Manuela instead
>Manuela becomes prime minister in his place while he becomes a stay-at-home noble
That was a goddamn curveball.
I need to get those two together then to keep some continuity from Lorenz getting Dorothea
>cutest couple among the BL students
>even made Annette a dancer since she's useless otherwise
just like my hentai doujins
I don't think Dark Seal makes that much of a difference. Dark Mage isn't worth using when you could get Fiendish Blow instead, and you should go Dark Knight at the end instead of staying in Dark Bishop, so really it's only for Lifetaker.
Cumrags aren't suppose to talk.
>Recruit her
>Try and baby her for a bit, constant shit levelups
>Go back to babying Ashe instead who fell off a bit at the midpoint
>Turned into a fine unit by the end while Bernie stayed a bench warmer
Why did I even bother stealing this character? Well at least she had funny supports to balance out all the depressing / heavy ones
This thread wasn't about Edelgard though.
It's about Bernadetta, walking cumrag.
Her and Ashe are actually very similar in growths. It's just that they have RNG potential to really fuck up. Class choice for their first couple of levels is incredibly important.
They're so similar growth wise that it's the rng survival of the strongest
Good taste user
All three of the archer trio get BTFO by goth gf, unless they get blessed in early levels. It's sad, really.
Looks like we have a lot in common then
>Manuela becomes prime minister in his place while he becomes a stay-at-home noble
are you fucking serious
Bernadetta Bow Knight
>Desperation (If your speed is low)/Wrath (If you can feasibly get it.)
>Acc +20
>Bow Prowess
>Str + 2/Pass/Dex + 4/Bowfaire
Bowfaire obviously has priority, it's just hard to get. Get low enough for Desperation to proc and suddenly you have a Deadeye enabled yeet machine.
Lorenz Dark Knight
>Lance Prowess
>Mag Deathblow (I forget the name)
>Lifetaker since I can't think of much else.
>Poison Strike
Give him thyrsus for Aegis + Pavise and his above par magic pool. Make him a Frozen Lance bot. He's a stellar tank.
>make bernie a dancer
>give her thunderbrand
>quad hitting 30 per hit
>can dodge everything
full builds like this are nice and all but it takes so damn long to learn skills without grinding that you're not going to be able to do them until NG+ or NG++
How does learning online skills work? I just hired one and I was too scared to do it on my first run
Shamir has unironically been my worst (non-benched) unit in both of my runs so far. Too slow to double anything and mediocre strength. At least she crits a bunch
I'm trying to make Ferdinand an evasion god by turning him into a Wyvern Lord for his final build
I got -3 Weight and Alert Stance and have been pumping him with Speed stat ups
Do I give him the evasion ring or something that will heal him every turn in case he does get hit?
>Bernie: 35 HP/35 Str/20 Mag/55 Dex/50 Spd/25 Lck/20 Def/30 Res/35 Cha
>Shamir: 35/40/20/55/40/55/20/15/30
So +1/20Lv of Str, with -2/20Lv of Spd. And I guess +5/20Lv of Luck, but who gives a shit about Luck. Wow, so much better.
Evasion ring and elixers!
Depends how high his Avo is already, and how many Physic healers you have. His personal relies on having full HP, but ring healing is slow.
I made Ferdie a Swordmaster (then later Assassin), and he was an evasion god that also melted enemies. Give him the healing ring early game and switch to evasion ring late game (since you should have plenty of Physic's to heal him with at that point)
>but who gives a shit about Luck
Not him, but luck is surprisingly handy in this game, all things considered
My man. My Ferdie build sacrifices a little dodge for some efficiency.
>Alert Stance +
>Lance Prowess
>Dex + 4
Have him wield his Ochain shield.
Keep Seteth's lance on him, use as your instincts tell you.
The healing you get from his relics is huge. if he manages to get to full every turn it's more important than the evasion ring.
Did they revert the nerf to luck and skill from Fates or are they still shit?
Luck adds to crit now, like it did in Echoes
Shamir is a bit weird. You get her so early and honestly by the point that she does finally start to drop off you'll be near the very end anyway. I suppose she could be called a beginner's trap though I would say it probably won't matter, though in lunatic her weaknesses may be more apparent.
She is good
So that's why this pic says Ignatz is a crit monster but not for Ashe.
Why do the swordlets in the other houses even bother entering the tournaments?
Is there a way to know who has possible endings with each other?
My man Ferdinand has a bunch of A ranks open but I don't want him getting cucked by someone like what happened to all my team on my first run, where I had everyone A rank each other.
Also I can't decide between having him be with Dorothea, Marianne, or Bernie. All of his support chains are nice.
>-3 weight
Remove that, it's literally worthless. +2spd does what it does but better
She's good at sucking fat cocks.
Closest allies is a good indicator. Keep in mind that several people can reach the support point cap, so if you reach that point it's basically left up to god who they marry
I believe every pair with an A-rank support has a paired ending.
Easiest way to ensure the one you want is to only A-rank the pair you want. You can watch all the other A supports at the last mission, then reset the game. They'll still be counted in your support log.
Apparently the top of the close allies list is the one who will get the A
But then it fucks up sometimes to magnificent scale
>Felix cucked Linhardt and fucked Lys to dead
>Dorothea lez it out with Manuela, ignoring Ferdinand
>Bernie just, stay alone
>Professor... why do you have my panties?
-3 weight mean 15str, so it depend on his str stat and which weapon he uses
Final spd = spd - wt + str/5
Sylvain x Dorothea
>Sword Crit +10
>Sword Prowess
>Dex + 4
No nonsense. Just make him a crit god.
Keep a training sword on him for Astras
Why are people always saying Annette is a bad unit? She's just a glass cannon.
I just seen all of Lorenz A support convos for the girls in the alliance and god damn my nigga is a true legend
To bad he is a god awful unit other wise he would be a true chad
What you're missing is that speed also affects avoid. So you can have +3 AS, or +2 AS and +2 Avo.
She joins with almost 20 strength.
Is the appeal of this girl just "oh she's a loser I bet she plays video games like me"
She's fine, but compared to the other mages she's pretty slow and has a lackluster spell list.
She's a mage without either a white or black spell pool.
All her black spells are 2 range and do nothing special.
Fuck bros the first battle after the tutorial (mock battle) is filtering me hard as blue lions. what do??? im on hard i really dont wanna play normal cus it sucks
Spell list is the only criteria since all the mages have baller growth rates.
Her wind spells have a high crit rate.
Your units won't die in the mock battle. Abuse this.
No, just a loser
I feel she's too glass cannon. It's sometimes very difficult to keep her out of harm's way and even a glancing blow will one shot her. She's essentially a worse Lys since Lys can easily keep herself out of harm's way with her relic.
I love the girl but she certainly has her flaws.
Because she is. I like her as a character user but she is pretty fucking shit. The main problem isn't even really her her stats, though those aren't great, it's her magic. She is meant to be an offensive mage but her spell list is garbage. If she had a good offensive spell pool she would be fine.
>put high defense units at the tip of enemy range
>bait enemies in
>sweep them up with everyone else
>fall back and chokepoint enemies on the bridge
It's pretty simple user. How are you having trouble with it?
This. I liked how the two jaded fucks fall in love with each other
Yeah the endings are weird. I was expecting Ashe or Caspar to end up with Annette but instead they went on adventures together
what bridge
>Her relic
That's Lorenz's relic, you Noblet! Why are you giving Lysithea Pavise and Aegis?
Just keep bad guys away from her
How do you choose who gets paired? I'm currently level 30 somewhere after sparing Claud in beagles route. Do I just have them fight near each other the whole game or can I have them wander off once they get to A support? That seems like such a hassle to pair them the entire game if they choose the highest support.
That's why weebs like her, yes.
There is more to her character though. She has a artistic side and interest in weird biology, that's at least why I liked her. I ended up quiet liking her despite her being annoying at times.
Doesnt spd after calculation affect phys avo too? Mag avo is based on (spd + lck)/2 tho, so theres that
Place Dindu in enemy range
Use your other units to kill.
>Place Dindu in enemy range
He gets two shotted by the mage
If you are only using Blue Lions characters, she is an excellent mage.
If you are recruiting from the other houses, though, she is middle of the pack, because she only gets 1-2 range spells and 1 range healing. Recruit Dorothea and you get 3-range Thoron, another Physic user, and Meteor. Recruit Lysithea and you get stupidly powerful spells and Warp. Annette does have higher crit chance spells, but it doesn't mean much when magic will generally ORKO or even OHKO anyway.
You either read every A, and keep the 2 you want paired close tgt, or just read only the A of people you want to pair
Look at the one page of their profile that shows their closest allies. Whoever's at the top will probably get paired with them.
Also, I think units with A+ supports have a higher chance of being paired up.
Sorry user, I misread it as the first mission after the mock battle.
Same advice applies aside from the bridge though. Dedue is a great tank so just have him bait out non-magic enemies.
Also go to the left instead of rushing down the middle so you don't end up fighting both houses at once.
So don't put him in range of the mage, put your mage there.
So heal him
Watch their range, jesus user.
doesn't lysithea have 1-2 range attack spells and generic heal in her spell pool too? what makes annette so much worse
In case you missed this, press ZR to show all enemy ranges and press A over an enemy to highlight their range.
10% less magic growth, weaker spells, and worse personal and crest.
Far, faaaar better spell list.
Annette only peaks with slight crit buffs on some spells cuz thunder and wind. Excalibur is alright but redundant since pegasi already have high res.
Any recommendations on the White Heron pick? Should it be someone extra that I don't really use? Does the ability apply to other classes?
>sparing Claud in beagles route
>To bad he is a god awful unit
Don't fall for the paladin route it tells you to go. Turn him into a spell caster up to dark knight. Nigga is a monster as that
Dancer is about opportunity cost. Generally, pick whoever's contributing the least. Sword or magic users are ideal.
Only if Eddie or Byleth defeats him.
But edelgard did defeat him on my save I think. Holy shit. What happens?
You can't dance without being a dancer, but Sword avo can be used without being a dancer.
Dancers are
Annette (she's just not a great unit)
Dorothea/Hubert (Meteor)
Raphael/Hubert/Dimitri (Novelty)
Flayn (She's given to you a bit late, and she does okay in the role)
You get a special animated scene where he fucks off somewhere after saying goodbye.
What he enjoys doing on almost all of the other routes. Says his piece, tells Edel good luck, and fucks outta Fodlan like the chief he is.
>Dorothea/Hubert (Meteor)
what the fuck, this is exactly why you don't make them a dancer, because two meteors are better than one and two meteors back to back are even better
>He gave Thyrsus to Lysithea
>better offensive growths
>dark magic, including relatively early dark spikes for death knight memes
>warp and seraphim
>2 crest abilities that are both better than annette's
>better personal
It's less about Annette being bad and more about the other mages being crazy. Annette is fine as your only mage in BL, but it's obvious that she gets overshadowed once you start bringing in the others.
The logic being that if you're horrendously behind the rest of your team, the only things you can do are physic and meteor.
Sorry Claud...
Dancers have some of the best infantry movement range, though.
She reminds me a lot of Morgan
only you know, worse
Your dancer shouldn't be falling behind in this game. Boots + March Ring gives them 8 Mov, and there's Stride too.
It's ok, I didn't trust him so I had Byleth run him through. No idea if he'd do some backstabby shit later.
In my curreny run she is around level 25 and has 34 dexterity and 14 speed.... decent with curved shot killer bow but not much else.
Marianne is a pretty good pick if you have another healer.
Dancer is basically just a nice way of the game saying "Hey, that unit you want to use that is shit or has fallen behind can still be redeemed".
Does anything unique happen if you kill Flayn and Seteth on BE instead of sparing them?
I meant to do the former but I thought I'd have a choice between the two after getting them with Byleth.
could dancer be bernie's best class? she's bad at swords, but having a pass dancer with rescue is a great meme
Why is your Marianne falling behind?
>Holy Knight
>Mag +2
>Fiendish Blow
>Mov + 1
>Sword Prowess
>Axe Breaker
Soulblade meme build is broken.
People are just dumb. You are supposed to go through magic classes up to warlock, then switch her to wyvern lord and use bolt axe / crusher
Ideally you want someone who can make use of the sword skill who you're not afraid to have near the front lines, and maybe their spell list not being complete trash is a plus.
Ferdinand, Petra, Felix, and post time skip Dimitri unironically make great dodge tank dancers (though Dimitri is generally the one you want to dance for 9 times out of 10 so outside of "just a prank"ing him you're better off with Felix) and characters like Raphael and Dedue make great tank dancers (though Dedue's prolonged absence is a definite minus)
Don't listen to retards who say shit like you should make Annette one because she has rally of all things (so she can't use her rally anymore???) or because she's useless and dies to a stiff breeze (really good dancer qualities, that)
I wished you could recruit House Leaders but it wouldn't make sense for story purposes.
I did something similar, actually. Bolt axe doesn't exactly hit as hard as I'd like unless if you use lightning axe.
And then she occasionally has the issue of a low hit rate.
where are you getting all those weapon levels?
DESU there should be a way to subdue Dimitri in Deer campaign's Gronder Field
I didn’t even know you could spare them. After Flayn sleeps with the fishes Seteth just mourns a little but Rhea goes apeshit and says the player will burn in hell.
>BL run
>Recruit Edelgard
>The entire run is just Dimitri and El hatefucking each other
Other than Manuela and Lysithea who learns warp? I don't want my 4th playthrough to use them again
It's a decent meme but her offensive capabilities are way too good to be wasted on dancer. Bow knight is easily her best class, though Sniper has some nice utility and better growths. Bow knight Bernie can be a god in LTC honestly. She can have up to 15 movement range and 20 attack range, now add in not having to worry about the enemy formation blocking you and her great crest and you have a great boss killer unit.
I think the offensively capable dancer thing is interesting, but most of the time those are units you don't want giving up their turn (unless you're not planning to dance every turn).
And you should be able to ally with Claude in BL, hell you could have him investigate slithers and add them to the BL plot.
Fuck I hate that sleeping faggot. Guess I am using manula again
vote bernier PPC
mad max will save canada
Having an offensive dancer is pretty neat, I can make Leonie dance a unit in the middle of a crowd of enemies with basically no danger to her whatsoever and a guarantee that they all die next turn.
Go axe and reason til she hits warlock, then switch to flying and lance. make sure she always doing flying group activity, and train her every week. Easy
There's only one avoid stat in the game, avoid is calculated as Attack Speed + Ability Bonus + Support Bonus
Instead of deploying a unit that's solely for more turn 1 warps/meteors you can instead have
>a unit that can kill things
>a free slot for another unit that can kill things
>frontline dance capability without risk or worry about them turning into a fine red mist
>everything a crappy dancer can do anyway
It's pretty much win-win honestly
Just Lindhart, though he does a great job of it thanks to having great magic. Manuela has horrible base stats so she is much worse as a warper then Lindhart or Lysithea.
That user is retarded. An offensive dancer is amusing but nine times out of ten you would rather have them dance for a strong unit then attack. That's why Flayn is the primary choice for it, she is shit at everything else so just having her dance and maybe rescue or fortify on occassion makes her useful while hindering no one else.
Hilda being the only non-awful unit who gets bolting is fucked up
Where did the "bolting axe makes annette good" meme start exactly? Unless you enjoy dogshit accuracy its shit.
Annette's true calling is Baron but IS won't let her do it.
Dude just spend the entire game pumping her with reason lmao
>BE as first playthrough
>Edel being Flame Emperor wasn't too glaringly easy to tell
>Play BL next
>They make it so incredibly obvious it's like they're not even trying
but why
Savant Hilda is OK.
>GD run
>Recruit Dimitri
>The entire run is Claude trying to fuck Dimitri
>on new game plus blue lions play through
>literally killed everyone who wasnt a blue lion from my last playthrough and didnt recruit anybody except for dorthea because shes got a fat ass
>decide to try and recruit everyone this time around
>so far I've recruited almost everyone except for Bernie, Ferdinand, and Raphael
>getting closer to the timeskip
>Bernie wont join my crew because of my weak bow skills
>Ferdinand and Raphael wont either because I'm only on D level for heavy armor
>the clock is ticking and I'm running out of time
You know killing them last time didn't hurt at all. I didn't know them. But know that I've gotten to know them a little more,I'm going to kill them again if they don't join me know before the timeskip. Sure I can recruit them when they're on the brink of death but at that point I feel like it's too late. They won't really want to join my cause. They'll only do so to try and save their own asses. So I have to kill them. I can't trust them. Especially Ferdinand and Bernie, they pledged allegiance to the Empire so they have to die for that.
I bet Lorenz would enjoy it more. The dude is on the beefier side
>lv31 with 22 STR and 21 SPD
Is he supposed to be this fucking awful?
Nope, I somehow am lucky getting mostly STR/SPD, well if you can call that lucky since it's like the 2-3 stat level ups
He would, though dark knight is at least good enough for him to still be a good unit.
I love the guy but yeah, he is pretty lackluster sadly.
All the strategy talk has my head spinning. I am about to quash the rebellion and I already feel lost. Was it worth Resting if all my units had zero motivation?
No point in going to Warlock, just master mage for Fiendish Blow and switch to Wyvern.
They assume there are more waifufags than there are and that like 80% of people would play as Eagles first.
Wasn't Lions the most popular first playthrough?
>Was it worth Resting if all my units had zero motivation?
Might as well just reset now you if you unironicalyl fell for the resting meme.
Not that awful, but don't treat him like a sweeper, it's not right.
Resting is mostly a time saving option. When you're low on motivation you want to do meals, because that brings them to full. That said you absolutely do not need the kind of optimization people are talking about in here to beat the game
Just don't put him on a horse, its like the game is trying to trick you. Same thing with Dancer Dorothea.
No, if you have no motivation go into the monastery and eat with everyone.
negative growths were a fucking mistake
>time is running out
Just give them flowers and buy them gifts from the merchants. D is probably enough if you get them to B rank
Negative growths are a good way to avoid Horse Emblem, only problem is that flyers need to be handicapped as well.
Picking classes that suit each character is the only true way to play the game.
>let's balance cavalry by giving the -speed
>also savant because that class wasn't bad enough already
>but fliers still get +speed and free avoid :^)
Making everyone a wyvern is pretty in-character if you ask me.
I feel like negative growths weren't the right answer for nerfing horses, since now everyone wants to actively avoid being on a horse to not get gimped.
I think it would have been better if their base stats were worse, and didn't have very good skills or learning bonuses, but had decent growths.
It's even worse when fliers have literally no downsides.
This game is mean to cavalry, between the -speed and uneven terrain/stairs (which I don't mind honestly, it gives dismounting a purpose other than avoiding effective damage). And then it makes all the master classes cavalry. They could have just had 0 growth instead of negative.
This is my wife Rhea-sama!
Why making the Punch Pope is so fun? Its the closest we have to healing Monk
and then there's no fucking infantry lance class!
Classes in general in this game were a mistake
>This game is mean to cavalry
>And then it makes all the master classes cavalry
Yeah, like what the fuck where they thinking with that? If that was the case they should had more infantry classes, or even armor.
>Everyone says that I need to cheer up... But you may be the first person to tell me not to
dorothea is for felix
Everything was so cool when they were just commoners and nobles. I remember like one time I made Ignatz use his magic, and Lorenz didn't have to neglect either lances or magic
>When Rhea asks you to give students herbs to soothe their nerves
>rhea will never sing you to sleep
>great classes are gender locked
>no halberdier
>hero sucks
>armor sucks
>horses are good late game but trash before that
>no baron
>no flying caster
>spellsword class sucks
>dark mage sucks
They were so close on a lot of things. Open class leveling and skill building is a fun idea but not when the class balance is so fucked.
That must be some pretty dank shit.
Dorothea x Petra
Why is she so smug
>armor sucks
Why is this perpetuated so much? All of my armored units through out this game have been fantastic. El, Gilbert, Dedue, etc.
is she high or smug
or both
>armor sucks
Dedue would like a word
Fliers need -speed
>armor sucks
>no baron
Come on now, if there was baron you'd complain about its growths and admit it would only be right for like 3-4 characters at most
>be a slow movelet with good defense
>or be a wyvern and kill everything before it can hit you
You tell me.
The characters themselves are fine, but the armor classes don't do much much for them outside of the 1-time big defense up granted from getting certified.
Their skills and growths are lacking too, especially when you're trading your speed and movement for it.
>make dedue a war master
>shit on everything in one turn while also being able to double stuff and still take no damage
The only thing unbelievable there is that she had a child at the age over 40.
Seteth, apply the sacred ointment
Manuela is in her 20s
>be a slow movelet with good defense
did you forget great knights exist
I gave Gilbert the axe of ukonvasara and he's an almost unstoppable terror. He one-shots all armors, heals himself, and takes no damage from almost anything. He actually gets more kills sitting there rather than running around to pick them off.
And I know how valuable fliers are. Seteth and Ingrid are probably my best units.
Her age is listed as ???. Old crone
Nah, pegasus with a negative speed growth would be silly. Falcon Knight just needed to trade its strength growth for Res, but Wyvern definitely needed negative speed.
>before anything can hit you
Don't worry, Lunatic will fix that problem!
>great knights
Why would I want to make anyone a worse Paladin?
yeah but he doesnt look like a gundam
I'm glad I wasn't alone in laughing at that shit.
Ashe and Annette really needed that kush.
Who else here /didnotlettheirwaifuarankanyoneelse/? You're not a cuck are you?
You don't self-insert in a game, right?
Just checked my current BE playthrough. Ferdinand is level 24 with 23 Str a and 21 Spd, so it looks like you got fucked by rng. I also didn't stick him on a horse, so that may be part of it.
What is a paladin exactly better at? Or is it just minor changes? I can't remember -- I've ran both. Fern was my paladin tank in one playthrough
>Armor El
The only reason you'd think this is good is because you haven't tried the hurricane of death that is Wyvern Lord El.
Paladin has one more movement is the main thing.
>get Dimitri's ATROCITY art
>its the exact same fucking animation as every other art
whoever did this should be fired
Oh, I didn't think movement was too important because I'd just end up putting him on the tips of enemy attack range.
I don't get why this game was so low budget after Heroes printed money for two years.
I wouldn't call it truly low budget, but you can tell they sorta cut a few corners. Still impressed they voiced virtually every line imaginable.
at least the cgs and animations were pretty good
i also liked the costumes
they would have had more fund to fix those corners if they cut the over priced dubs
Hey man, I'll happily take the dub they put for this game over some animations. They did a fantastic job on them for the most part.
also this, fully voiced for every single support scene and random npc is an unreal amount of voicework, and its good quality voice acting too
im still impressed this game is only 11gb
Game was delayed twice, I imagine there was a lot of management fuckery hurting development.
>They did a fantastic job on them for the most part.
The dub is incredibly bad.
probably why BE has two unfinished routes
not that i would make my marianne a dancer but
>implying dancers fall behind
What? Its easily one of the best dubs in a japanese game ever
Dimitri fucking steals the show, Claude is great, I preferred Edelgards original voice her new one is awful
They used the budget quite weirdly
>engine (and story input) went to Koei
>fully voice. And i mean even the “wait why is this voiced” stuffs
>tapestries and in-depth lore and history
>end-card CGs are intern level, animu opening and CGs are so-so
>great music
I hope that will be a costume for her in the game.
Only decent one is dimitri. Everyone else sounds like they are phoning it in. No emotion. I would take jp which actually tried over a dub that half assed it.
>prefer Vee’s cutesy voice
Nah, Platt fit the ruthless and arrogant ruler better
Let me guess: all dubs are bad, praise be to all subs? Normally, I'd agree.
However, it's a genuinely good dub amidst a sea of shitty ones out there. The only other dub this good was BlazBlue's. Voice direction is fucking key and they knew that going into this game, It's obviously not perfect (Raph or Lys) but neither is sub. My only real qualm is that some phone it in, but that's relatively uncommon. Claude is the worst outlier.
>no emotion
Bro they all killed it the month after Jeralt die. Leonie’s panic and the sobbing of the gatekeeper just break me
I strongly disagree
I think most actors were great, the only ones that come off flat are some of the girls (edelgard, ingrid, bernadetta, dorothea) the rest are really good
Dedue is supposed to sound flat and I think his voice is perfect
>Let me guess: all dubs are bad, praise be to all subs?
Nope, there are dubs I prefer like Soul Nomad over it's jp counterpart. Three Houses is just bad
Was it the same studio that dubbed Echoes? That one was top tier as well.
she lisps and it hurts my ears
>we came here assss classsmatesssss
Can Manuela and Crestmeister have an ending together? I tried to closest friend the two of them but for some reason they ended up being alone lmao.
leonie's inability to stop bringing up jeralt broke me
you just have shit taste m8
the sub is good for this game too but i cant go back after playing blue lions and hearing dimitri screaming like a madman then switching to jp and he sounds like a fuccboi
He curbstomps every physical based tournament for me. It ain't limited to swords. Man's got unga strength and sanic speed.
I believe they chucked treehouse's ragtag bunch of VA's (thank christ)
If you don't like it, then oh well. But I can't help but disagree with you on a fuckload of the students.
Definitely better in JP:
Unpopular opinion, but I've always seen dancer as a worthless class. Just give it to your sword user for the ability. One of these days I wanna try Wyvern Ferdie with the dancer ability + alert stance for maximum avoid.
Yes. They get married, but otherwise things barely change.
I started from the bottom and I already know you have irredeemable shit taste
Bro but would you hit this? Be honest
it is worthless
why waste a slot so you can double with one unit instead of just having another unit altogether
its still the same amount of dps
If you hit my wife I'll fucking hit you. Got it, buddy?
...because some units are better than other units?
Otsuka was a gorillion times better selling the "way too old for this shit" role Jeralt had left to play
Because your dancer is presumably so shit they can't kill worth a damn.
i'd seiros her nemesis if you catch my drift
For BE at least. Everyone have their great niche that is just wasted being a dancer. Gorillard even has built-in Galeforce. In the end i give it to Petra to make her a dodgetank
He sounds like a fucking gorilla, user.
Because in my squad the dancer IS the worthless one that cant kill a damn. Better double the dps of the ones who can kill
>not using as many units as you can
minmaxing is for fags, any fe is piss easy if you just use your op units
What a meaningless criticism.
dumb weeb
You didn't present any too, fuckboi.
Using a dancer isn't the same as low-manning.
>Implying my attack would ever land
Why is she so fast bros?
>Fucking Ferdinand
The absolute fuck are you on?
the only one on this list that is correct is mercedes and MAYBE rhea because ara ara~
you didnt even mention edelgard which would be one to mention
all the others are FAR better in english
Marianne has a cute voice in original and dub. Truly best girl.
How does their ending play out?
>All the dubfags ITT
The only JP voice that's worse is Bernadetta's.
That's what happens if you make a shitty unit your dancer.
I wasn't asked to. Jeralt in Japanese actually sounds the part of a world-weary alcoholic. Jeralt in English sounds like he's ready to load up the truck and take you to your little league baseball game. I know you love your "le abandon all delusions of control" dragon but his voice was too bright and emotive.
I'm afraid your shit taste is terminal, user.
I was a subfag until i actually played it on dub, its not even a contest
Go seethe elsewhere
Also I unironically like Bernies JP better I think she's hilarious
Thanks for reminding me that Edelgard is just a garbage Reinhard
Dimitri was amazing in JP. Out of this world how much he could emote and how perfectly he captured the changes in his character. When he was crying, I legit teared up too.
>Also I unironically like Bernies JP better I think she's hilarious
Well you just invalidated any opinions you had, good job.
>Jeralt in English sounds like he's ready to load up the truck and take you to your little league baseball game.
The hell did you get that from? He's far too gravely and calm-spoken for that. If anything he sounds like a professional audiobook recorder who thinks methodically. And did he seriously do the abandon of yadda yadda?
Bernie's JP voice had more character.
Not even close to being Reinhard, she's just an angsty teenager who wanted an excuse to wage war
Bernie's JP voice is over-acted and grating.
Felix sounds too prissy in the dub
Sylvain's tone doesn't really change post timeskip compared to the sub
Annette is just terrible in English
Dimitri's actually great in both
Same deal with Ferdinand, but sub pulls off TRIUMPHANT noble better in his victory lines
Just to be clear: I wasn't trying to imply JP Dimitri was awful, I was just saying dub Dimitri is just as good if not a little better. I've listened to both and they're equally fantastic. I just had to give dub the edge because he really invokes the feeling of broken despair just a bit more in certain parts.
She's really good. Her supports with Hubert just arent the same in english, in jp she is constantly losing her voice and out of breath, its pretty fucking funny
Be honest. Your favorite character sound good in both dub AND sub, right?
Shes also the youngest.
If she's 15 I'm 15
but lysithea is the youngest.
not that i particularly enjoy bernadetta in JP but
>implying it's overacted
That is your opinion. I disagree. The thing with the JP audio is that every single character has a distinct way of speaking. Dimitri and Ingrid talk like highly educated nobles, especially Dimitri uses a lot of pretentious vocabulary and pulls it off. Claude keeps quoting shit and using expressions and proverbs. Mercedes is ara ara with a side of cutting. Bernie screeches.
In the EN dub everyone talks the same way. It's grating.
>15 year old asks you if you want to see her body tattoos
Fuck you, her dub grew on me.
It's a drawing nerds
Absolutely, tho they excel in different part
>sub delivery his last moment extremely well
>dub tapestries are porn for the ear
Pop is cool, i miss him
Where do you think you are?
I like her, i can see why people dont like her at first because shes so high pitched, but she is really funny in some of the supports and i didnt find it anywhere near as funny in english because she just read the lines out and didn't really act them out
Other than that though the JP voices are inferior to the dub for the most part
I like her dub too, whats the issue
Which reminded me,
Flayn also has a distinct way of talking. Claude calls her out on it in their C support. That entire exchange would have been lost on someone listening to the dub.
Last time I checked this was a Russian dating site
Dorothea x Half the town
>Bernie’s slight shake in her voice
>Dimitri strong, but with a sense of unstability voice
>Ferdinand’s pompous voice that definitely sound like that fuck in school who just love to hear himself talk
And you brought scripts into the discussion too, which is kinda moot cause thats the writers’ work, and we are just too used to high-English alr
But goota agree, Mercie’s dub fucking sucks
shit dubs
>petra not having an accent
>ingrid reading off a script with no emotion
>edelgard lisping until my ears bleed
>mercedes sounding very fake
good dubs
>literally everybody else is fucking god tier
Its not a contest sorry JP fags
Not really, the transition of formalities worked out fine in that support considering totally different languages and how formal addressing is handled in the cultures.
And even if you played that scene in japanese, you'd still get the dubtitles anyway. Its meaning is lost unless you actually know the language.
what kind of sad anime obsessed freak would know what the characters sound like in the japanese version
Hanneman mentions at some point that Manuela is only like 5 years younger than him and Hanneman is 51 pre-timeskip.
did you forget this is an anime game or something
That doesn't make the dub good, that makes the entire localisation bad.
Mercedes and Ingrid are the only bad English voices in the Blue Lions. Ashe is also better in JP.
Come on user, Dimitri and Ferdinand are better in English and you know it. They have good voices in both, but Ferdinands voice would make a pegasus dance with joy.
Petra doesn't have an accent in JP either, she just talks weird. She's one of the few accurate translations.
Ingrid was supposed to sound composed and polite in a distant way. No emotion is close enough I guess.
It's more everyone else who is better in JP.
She's in her thirties if you assume she joined the opera company at the same age dorothea did
Just because you're an EOP doesn't mean the dub is well done.
No, she definitely has a distinct way of talking in English? She precisely enunciates everything and never uses contractions
I know the language, enough to understand what people say and hold a conversation, I just can't read it. Hearing the differences is interesting.
No, it doesn't. That's called trying to force a square through a circular hole.
A 1:1 transition is not the best outcome. They typically come across as dry and stiff when directly translated, even. And then when you want to bring shit in like nuance to the fray, you have a recipe for shit like Persona 4's clusterfuck of honorifics.
her incessant bitching voice grew on me. Her absence postskip is lonely
>byleth my son
Yes she does, she speaks very broken japanese, she doesn't sound at all like a mainlander. Ingrid's voice acting is just trash sorry, no emotion at all.
>everyone else is better in jp
just LOL
It reminded me when Morgana left because of Ryuji. It gets lonely in the attic alone. Stupid Ryuji.
>doesn't sound like a mainlander
Well yes. But she doesn't have an accent. Which is weird but eh.
Everyone has an accent.
Ryuji did nothing wrong, fuck that cat cunt. Ryuji got bullied every fucking day for no damn reason, he was a good bro who didn't deserve it.
>In one of the counselor's problems it's revealed that Hubert wants to become a pegasus knight, but is afraid of heights.
How can one man be so cute?
I lived with a family in japan on and off for 2 years user I know what japanese people sound like
I fucking loved killing this discount Oberstein faggot
Imagine if they had made Hubert a girl. It'd be the most popular character by far
It'd be another woman to Edelgard's yuri harem too.
>No flying mage class
poor hubie. He'll have to settle for Dark Knight. Frozen Lance God
Well being a girl is literally the only reason people like Edelgard so you may be right
Why does she looks so ... flammable?
How did girly shotadimitri turn her so gay?
Go away Berkut.
>jeralt and sothis fuck off before anything meaningful happens
>jeralt's death is literally so the game can explain why byleth was retarded enough to run into a tarp, not that it should be a thing because everyone comments byleth shows a distinct lack of emotion
what the fuck was even the point of them tho
>you will never help hubert achieve his dream of pegasus flight because he's literally cockblocked
to be fair i think maybe the casting staff realized petra wouldn't recieve well if
>she literally came off as female borat
>she sounds like the hammy merchant
Too bad they didn't realize how grating leonie's shishou was
if they gave her a middle eastern accent my cock would be rock hard
F Marianne
Why the boys in this game are so sweet to Marianne?
>Dimitri telling her that she's a like a lucky charm for him and prefer her to be just the way she are than see her put on a mask
>Ignatz taking her out to see a beautiful scenery with him
>Raphael's birdie talk with her
>Ferdinand inspires her to accept reality and move forward
>Lorenz suddenly stops her when she's about to talk her secrets with him because he doesn't want to see her in pain
Hmm, something isn't right here. She isn't being abused or burned alive.
Obviously she talk like shit and enunciates carefully but we might be understanding different things as accent. Hearing an American speak JP, that is an accent. Osaka dialect is an accent. An accent is when you pronounce and emphasize things differently consistently. Petra just talks in a broken way.
I think he's the most attractive man in the game. I wish I could fug him as Guyleth.
5th route
Well, for a serious answer
>Sothis is our viewpoint of the world, to compensate for the “silent protagonist”, like the side-kick fairy trope. Most of the time she act out the emotion, or what is happening on the screen, etc ie “hey, whats that. Oh, a ring!”
>Jeralt is a plot device, mostly to connect us to the church more convincingly. Being a true orphan and somehow get a traching gig is much more unrealistic than “lol nepotism”
>his death show 1 thing: Byleth’s time rewind power has its limit, and cant just “welp, time to rewind and fix everything”. And a depressing as fuck month
Tbh Berkut was nice to Rinea before "farm boy" gave him gay hate-boner so he went coocoo.
she's a wee lad but that cunny cannae speak the shah's english aye
Looking at it closely, those were two incredibly fast midair spins while wielding a fuckhuge lance. That shit's nuts.
Everyone knows she's best girl and wants to bang her.
Redpill me on that guy.
>tfw im so detached from jeralt's death that im as emotionless as byleth SHOULD be when it happens
that's the power of the B O A R
have you seen the archers double-jump though
How would flying Levin Sword with dancer's sword avoid Lys be? Too glass canon to work or just enough to dodge everything?
The only person I can ever see him legitimately fugging is Edelgard
Unless if there's someone's supports I haven't seen yet
Time-skip Dimitri without any redeeming or sympathetic quality to him.
in an alternate universe where FARM BOY didn't wreck his shit and the Rigelian court didn't treat his life as a joke, I think Berkut would be a good father to Marianne
>The only person I can ever see him legitimately fugging is Edelgard
Literally how lol, literally every other girl makes more sense than his fathers murderer
They dont even fuck in canon, she doesn't have kids with him
>putting dance on your warp/heal/singletarget assassin
it would probably work fine but if you ask me the best candidate for dancers are people with shitty spell pools
because there's almost zero reason to do anything as dancer otther
and maybe heal when things get really desperate
He admitted if it was beneficial he'd marry. Though the conversation was just Dorothea asking him what if Edie asked you to pick a wife
>siding with Edelshart
Is that the one where they counter and proceed to break the laws of physics?
sounds based
FE's Seto Kaiba basically.
People do say Flyers>Armors, and I assume it's because they have perfect avoid in their playthroughs
>literally every other girl makes more sense than his fathers murderer
Didn't he just shrug at that?
well i mean considering A+'s
Wt-5 is ok but who gives a shit when the high speed units are the ones that go home to fuck the prom queen
alert stance+ is retarded i dont know what they were thinking
move+1 as an equippable is really nice
your sacrifice will not be in vain, user
Are you literally turtling? Because otherwise you'll have to have your dancer carry his weight from time to time.
Oh my bad you're talking about Hubie I thought you meant Byleth
Atrocious pairing
Nah. Dimitri had every right to be angry and he is mentally unstable.
Berkut was just too arrogant so when mere farm boy gave him an ass whooping he decided to becoming gigantic dick towards everyone and even sacrifice his own fiance because he couldn't get over the said fact that farm boy gave him ass whooping multiple times.
>rank up a weapon over the entire game to get +20 Avo (only on certain types)
>fliers get a free +10 with a +30 ability at a rank that's almost required anyway lmao
Will they still be best friends after this?
>GD run
>half my students end up insultingly mediocre, the other half are gods
Is this how most deer runs go
How the fuck is Lorenz such a fucking Chad, the things this man pulls off when talking to women are nothing short of exceptional, the only female that banters just right with him is Mercedes though.
>dancers for turtling
my dimitri is lvl 53 at chapter 18
literally nothing wants to attack him because nothing can touch him, let alone scratch him
on the bright side he can get a linear amount of XP while keeping the other characters positioning where i want them, especially since the BL A-battalion (the AoE dance) is fucking broken when combined with stride
When exactly did Byleth...I don't know...become activate?
Seemingly he knows fuck all about anything in Fodlan, despite apparently being such a feared, experienced mercenary to earn the name "Ashen Demon". Did he do the merc work in a different continent? Is he retarded?
This is why Bernie is the best choice. You need to marry a girl with no friends so nobody gets their feelings hurt.
Is Rhea into gay incest?
Not really, only Ignatz and Lorenz aren't gods, and usually for Lorenz it's because they didn't level him properly or gave his relic to Lys.
You can also work around Ignatz to make him awesome but it's too much work for how easy the game is right now
in my run
>everyone capped off and i was just farming bonds by ch17
>most team comps work
>suddenly like only hilda and triangle attack on my pegasi knights do more than 30 damage to unga while NO ONE ELSE can break 5
Well of course a dancer who does nothing is useful when you're only using 1 unit.
Mercedes seems to do that with everyone. She has a magical way of getting along with others through banter.
I think Sothis implies he was basically an emotionless golem with no memory until she woke up
Byleth just killed everything dad pointed him towards. Didn't really start growing a personality until his sensei gig.
He kinda is
All the info of the world, the church, etc are concealed from him by his pop, and hes basically an emotionless savage cause of a certain thing spoilery
He will be a bit more active later on
How do you level lorenz properly then?
He just follows orders and has conversations with the little girl inside his head. The perfect soldier.
Imagine how absolutely fucking terrifying it must have been for Jeralt to hear his adult son actually speak for the first time in XX years.
Not even close. Dimitri was never an arrogant asshole just for sakes of being an asshole because he thought he deserved the world due to being "chosen." He doesn't become edgelord because a "farm boy" came and gave him a reality call that he isn't a God, but because his PTSD got triggered and he felt like he was betrayed by the only family member he had left.
The only things they have in common are that they have slav names, great designs and that they go crazy. That's it. I would never compare their characters though.
Mage -> Dark Bishop -> Dark Knight
He's a legit mage tank in my game.
Who is the mediocre one?
I have had slow Lisythea but I have yet to have a bad Lorenz, Ignatz or Raphael even when I build memes with them like bishop Raphael.
Hilda wrecks shit even as a savant, Leonie refuses to suck even as a Paladyn and fortress, Marianne still stayed relevant even when I just put her as a paladin.
Lorenz surprised me as a Warmaster
And fortress Ignatz was just too good.
Either I got blessed or the speed Stat was barely affected in anyone not called Lysithea.
Is it worth making Annette a Dark Knight?
Hope his strength is blessed or make him into a mage.
I've been promoted.
I always equip my dancer with a march and boots of wind for 8 Mv
so i warp in whatever the fuck i want to kill whatever the fuck i want, have it canto back, and then dance, but because its dimi i can be s reckless as i want but my assassin flier can now just wait after warp-whacking and lel alert stance
dancers are OP in conjunction with other units' cantoes
how do you salvage ignatz?
>rally bot with canto
She's still killing armors and that is what matters in terms of offense
It's odd to see a female in the game keep up with Lorenz, most just liked the guy from the start like Dorothea or end up discovering just how genuine he is.
Mercie instead just banters from the first moment and pretty much calls him cute for being too straightforward.
DK and HK are by far the superior options for all mage classes, Gremory is a fucking waste and Mortal Savant is a trap
Does the 10 unit limit stay for the whole game?
>level fucking 53
either you're playing FE like it's pokemon or you're grinding way too much
Based ESL-kun playing in the most boring way possible.
I just use him as an assassin to loot treasures.
You forgot that they also both use lance.
Anyway, I don't think there is a single character in 3H who is close to Berkut.
The most you can ever deploy is 12 (+3 adjutants)
It's 10-11 with 3 adjutants at max for most of the game and 12 in the last chapters.
Did we watch the same support? She calls him pathetic then does a fake apology and leaves.
Okay cool. I'm gonna recruit a couple students cause Ignatz and Lorenz are my least favourite deers. I don't want to recruit more than that though
Assasin, then put him in a horse.
I'm probably the only man in this world that did fortress Ignatz and he just started getting great rolls in defense and atk as well as dexterity and speed, apparently his speed doesn't suffer at all from horse or heavy armor and it makes his offensive stats passable.
>Gremory is a fucking waste
to be fair extra warps while having a foot move of 6(i think?) is pretty good on all maps
>Based ESL-kun playing in the most boring way possible.
oh my bad i thought we were discussing the viability of dancers, and "hurr durr youre using dancers but because i dont you must be worse because i am duh smart and me no think liek dat!"
Holy Knight is worthless, nobody needs White Tomefaire. Gremory is any white mage or Lysithea's best class.
Lvl21 29mag
Fucking how, mine has like 18 then
Yeah, go for it. Gremory only fit Lys cause she can do tons of warp with it
and isnt she flat as fuck pre skip? Why doesnt she use Lys’s warlock model
The simplest way without meme builds is make him into an assassin and plant whatever gives str boosters for him. He'll learn Lethality this way and will kill anyone with a brave bow by either crit or an average 10% proc rate lethality.
Also while he stays as an assassin I'm pretty sure enemies don't target him unless he's alone, but he is on the bulkier side and his luck will prevent him from dying to a crit
Should I bother with Cavalier for Dimitri or go straight to Paladin? He just mastered Lord
I did say that Berkut was time-skip Dimitri without any redeeming or sympathetic quality to him. Dimitri in GD is basically Berkut because you don't know jack shit about him if you never played lion route and he just comes off as mental butthurt asshole who is literally getting his entire house killed due to his pride. That's pretty Berkut when you don't have any context about him and his rage.
>rescue him
>he survives the mission
>no special accolades or acknowledgements for this
I can see Dorothea or Lysith wanting Gremory for Warp and Psychic, but Annette really doesn't wanna sacrifice Tomefaire for it. She doesn't have anything in the Faith line she really wants to double cast anyways.
Stick her as a Dark Knight with Canto and she's a much better option since she doesn't have any trouble reaching enemies.. Gremory Annette is a trap anyways.
>The key to the door to the throne room is the same generic one I bought at a shop 17 chapters ago
Edelgard is a dumb bitch that bought her locks at Walmart
Are we talking A, B or C.
In C she says that he isn't even looking at her face, B she calls him pathetic and post timeskip A Lorenz apologizes and Mercedes comments on Lorenz charm being that he just doesn't get it or is too straightforward to get things.
Let me re-watch the support, I just found it odd that a female didn't straight up confess to Lorenz or had Lorenz doting to protect them.
Cav will fuck up his speed growth.
if you talk to him with byleth and he survives one of the npcs in the monastery mention that he took care of edelgards corpse then probably fucked off back to duscur kinda shitty but i guess he accomplished his goal
desperation would be nice if dimitri ever was in any danger
but he's never in any danger
Go Paladin. Eventually he'll get a new class, then use that.
Something he kills things too fast and those 1 and too damage start stacking.
Its a common issue for lords in choke points.
oh fuck you that's it?
not to mention
>weasel my way around mount bernstein (bern in my party) and surgically beat hub and edelshart
>lock down sylv and ing with gambits
>no accolades for beating the mission with ingrid, mercedes, and sylvain alive
>not a single tear as Byleth cuts down Edgelord
This is for acting surprised that I have feelings as I cry over the barely cold corpse of my father, you fucking cunt.
Well, Lysithea can use the white tomefaire for Seraphim to one-ahot those 100+ HP monsters.
Gremory is automatically the best class for anyone with Warp or a siege tome.
to be fair she's responsible for alot of things
>like unnecessarily withholding information and colluding with the molemen
but being surprised you're distressed by your father's death is not a crime
All she ever wanted was for her sensei to love her. How can you be so heartless?
So, if Dimitri is more likable Berkut and Edelgard is shittier Arvis, what FE character is Claude meant to be parallel of?
Vocalizing it to the grieving fella is a bit of a dick move, however.
so's ballbusting a romantic moment by saying "it's for jeralt" leonie you cute fucking cunt
Even Warlock is better, Gremory is such a noob trap its not funny
Unless you REALLY want double meteor or double warp its not worth it for the shitty growths and no movement when you could be canto'ing all over the battlefield
wow it's almost like shes not a good person and totally deserved it or something
Claude is every lord but smart.
But is IS a good person and she totally DIDN'T deserve it.
i dont like edelgard but the only thing she's guilty of is
>this is why you don't let a preteen have authoritarian military power over a super power
>especially one that suffers from rape-PTSD and other things
>its not worth it for the shitty growths
well that explains why my lys had some super garbo rolls
still, they were all dex and mag so i couldn't complain
>level 44, 38 hp
is pretty unacceptable
Gremory's growths aren't shitty. They're a slight upgrade from advanced magic classes and better than the mounted ones.
>the look on Ashe's face
Checked again.
The B support has her angry at Lorenz.
The A support has her teasing him the saying that his lack of tact is what women find so irresistible.
>that support where Marianne tries to smile and goes "cheese..." with that creepy yandere looking smile
this fucking loser just failed his paladin exam say something mean about him
But Bernie is Ferdinand's wife.
Sorry, Ferdie belongs to Dorothea.
>not brigand for deathblow and wait for his unique class
You are a failure of a teacher
sylvain really brings out the best in women
even leonie
as much as i hate her
>th-there's no way someone could think im cute
How do I spread out my team amongst physical, archers and mages?
I got 4 physical, 2 archers, 4 mages so far
Dedues smile is even funnier
on one hand i think riding is great if you want to get that +1 mv
on the other hand i bet renewal or lifetaker would be absolutely godly on dimitri
>min maxing in a singleplayer game
Big yikes
Make everyone brawlers and punch your way to victory.
wow god forbid someone not immediately intuit and perfectly follow the optimal path
you just know they were trying to evoke this scene
to be fair there's a difference between minmaxing and
>i want to see the biggest, dumbest number possible
When do I get dancer? What skills do I focus on them?
>not wanting THE BOAR to deal crapload of damage
Its like you hate fun
You get Dancer in Chapter 9. There's some pretty good talk upthread on passive dancers vs. combat dancers
I want Dorothea to by my dancer but I don't know what to make her focus on in class. I'm assuming Swords is a good bet?
Yeah, dancers have sword skills and can use magic.
I hate Byleth's stupid coat.
That's pretty rude, user.
How do I build Byleth? I'm just dumping training on Swords at the moment as a Mercenary
Pretty much go down the sword + faith part if you want the intended experience
Punching Pope is great too, and he’s real good at punching, and can class into Warmaster if you want
She's a physical unit, which means you can almost always keep her relevant just by giving her Vantage and Deathblow by getting Sword/Axe to D+, and getting the 69% on the exam roll and mastering the appropriate class. Bad growths can be corrected for by alternating purple/pale blue flowers for a +1 STR/SPD every other week
I had her as flying nuke my first run by making her a lance user. My only real question is what's the optimal class inbetween Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight, since Paladin has a negative speed growth mod, wastes time training riding, and its mastery skill is pointless if you're playing well.
We need a version of this but with Edelgard now...provided it hasn't been done, yet.
Er, Bernie, I mean. I guess either would work fine.
Because she has
>Best Support
>Best Goddess Tower
>Best Paralogue
>Best Smile
Have a Dimitri instead
>Gilbert abandoned this
The people of the Kingdom have a genetic tendency towards massive, crippling guilt complexes.
>this is still up
Fucking based
I want a Rhea mommy
Yep. Alternatively he belongs to El
There is no way in hell he would marry Edelfuck after what she did to his family
It's weird how nice Felix was to Annette
This. I made Annette a Dark Knight and she fucking dominates.
Felix is nice to most girls, he just hates other guys
Annette isn't a self-destructing retard so Felix has no reason to lash out at her.
Ferdinand Bernie
>ahahahah we were literally supposed to get married
Cutest fucking A rank
Dorothrea is also made for Felix anyway
Funny thing is, you should never have to actually fight Bernie. All you have to do is run after he with an angry face or sneak up on her and yell really loud and she would be out of commission for the next month.