Why does Nintendo have so many talented employees compared to Sony/Microsoft?
Why does Nintendo have so many talented employees compared to Sony/Microsoft?
Because Nintendo makes games
Daily reminder this is what happens to you when you chug soi everday: you become an autistic manchild that sucks corporate cock for fun.
That was fast
The hire people who aren't actually fans of video games. In other words, they hire people who will actually work.
I actually wonder if it's something like this. Back in the 80's and 90's, game design was just seen as another job. A job where you make games. Now, there are things like game design school, etc. and people see it as less of a job and more of a hobby, the people who like to play games also like to make them, and as a result we get a lot of games today that aren't that good. Maybe Nintendo still has the idea that game design is a job.
I'm pretty sure I've of the president's of Nintendo said they didn't hire people if they were gamers. They said it gets in the way of making new games, since those people will want to implement similar things from their favorite games into the new game, when that isn't what Nintendo wants. They want each game to have its own identity.
That’s depressing desu famalam but probably true nonetheless
Based & truthpilled.
Sony and Microsoft have talent, but Nintendo S O Y bugs will never admit it.
pretty much
Nintendofags have zero personality. So of course they eat, sleep, breathe, and shit Nintendo.
Daily reminder this is what happens to you when you visit /pol/ everyday: you become an agitated communist retard that no longer enjoys things made by capitalism.
Nintendo is primarily a game company. They only need to worry about games.
Sony is a massive multimedia/tech/finance/insurance company. Shit's all over the place.
Microsoft is infested with street-shitting pajeets who fired all the competent programmers.
Xbox fans here, I would usually agree with you Nintendo fans but you shitted on MS's devs so I have to agree with the Sony fans this time, sorry.
Cause japs reward competency/talent/hard work
western devs don't give a fuck how good you are, as long as you are a fag, have a vagina, shitskin or any combination of the three
So is this why Microsoft has a better online service than Sony? You just can't help yourself can you?
If you trap your technical and aesthetic benchmark in the year 2006 it's really easy to look like you're consistent
>implying anyone below the director level gets to implement what they want
Even if they're not passionate about games they have to hire people that are passionate about art. A normal person wouldn't put up with the stress/hours of game design without some sort of love of their craft.