UNIST Thread

Strumming along

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Pass is vee

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Lamp got inteviewed about his evo win recently and i wish I could read it. Best I can make out is westerners pressured him to start drinking.

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kw: pclobby
speedy timer bois

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More like UNINSTALL.

did you have fucked up timer settings? that blew my mind when I found out how that works in UNI

I think he stated that he prohibited himself from drinking until he won EVO since he describes it as a good reward to look forward to

Ordered some new parts for my stick that arrived Friday, including a 9lb spring I bought for shits and giggles. It honestly wouldn't be bad if I literally couldn't keep the thing in place when playing.
Forgot to replace it before the lobby so let's see how this goes.

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i just set the ready up timer to 10 seconds to keep things moving.

Think I'll try my WIP Gord in PC for tonight.

on the subject of springs, whats a good one to get if i want it to stop bouncing and doing an extra input? i was trying to practice my tekken back dashes earlier, but it kept inputting an extra 6 when i would let go?

In the PC lobby that is. Ready to get some nice painful lessons!

Lobby is set to retry, will that change if more people come in or should we remake spoon?

I think it's more preference. I upgraded from a default 0.9lb spring to 2lb for my HRAP because I was getting accidental forward motions when I let go. That might work well for you.
I ended up buying a bunch of springs since they're less than $2 but haven't settled on one since I just played on ranked with the 9lb over the weekend. The main thing I was buying was a removable lever anyways.

That red wind effect is really tough to discern in Altar

itll change with people

or i might just remake the room fuck

Hmm, didn't look that way here. Got sent to the retry screen sadly.

remade and hopefully fixed

phrumf you need to delay the dive off of 623A more, I was mashing after the dp but still blocked

Really? Thats a lot of blockstun. Alright, although its a gimmick I use too often anyway. Lately wagner has been fun again though. I think I'll try get a little better with her.

That probably all I have time for tonight. GGs

Maybe I didn't mash hard enough to get the input but yeah it's a lot of hitstun, possibly more on merk since he's fat. ggs.

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Damn. Got vorpal a few frames after I needed it.

I would join but I've been playing for about four hours in a not very great chair so my back hurts. I think I'm going to come out of this character crisis with Vatista. She seems really fun. The only problem I'm having right now is late in a combo if I happen to use 2b and then cancel into a super, I get too excited and cancel on the first hit of 2b rather than the second. All things considered I think that's a rather good problem to have.

Feeling pretty good tonight. Managed to land my first 2(1)C > 4B combo online!

ggs pclobby, ill leave it up but i gotta go now

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Who will be on buraraji?

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GGs! Thanks for the fights and have a good night!

Who cares?

why are you retards playing on altar?

Random map

why would you pick a random map and not training room/park? do you guys like playing in high frames

Because I don't believe in netplay stages as much as you do

That reminds me:

If you've got a potato pick Park.

Chibitsuki is pretty cute for super serious japanese captain america.

but how? i played with someone that had a completely shit laptop on park and we had 8f but when we played on training room we had 3-4f
let me guess are you a ps4 player?

>let me guess are you a ps4 player?

just how important is it to learn option selects in this game? I feel like the tutorial really stressed it, but I'm not sure how necessary it is

useful to get to the highest level of play, not necessary for any level below that. My friend who regularly places top 8 doesn't OS shit.

They start to matter at higher levels when opening someone up becomes significantly harder

Shoulda just blocked, fug

>9lb spring

That's basically a workout for your wrist/forearm at that point

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I had a friend who went up to an 8lb spring and refused to play on any thing less.

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Perfect to carry the weight of all the dropped combos and misread decisions

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There comes a point in offline play where you realize overheads, assaults, and normal mixups are reactable, with a few exceptions (Seth, Vatista, Hilda). If you're not playing one of these characters the most difficult to defend option becomes throw, and that's why knowing how to be beat throw and it's countermeasures is very important. I wouldn't feel in a rush to learn it till your competition pushes you to do so, though.

ggs PSN lobby.
I'm honestly already getting used to it. It'd be usable if I literally didn't have to hold my stick down with my other arm to keep it from falling. I'm just going to swap to the 3 or 4 lb.

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GGs PC Lobby. Feels good to be slowly and steadily make progress on my Gord play.

Maybe I'll be back in time to play later, we'll see but if not, have a good night everybody!

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Making progress is what I meant to put here. Oh well, hahaha!

Thanks for the games pclobby. My new schedule wakes me up way too early now so I'm near-dead by this time.
Fun matches

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Yeah, I'll just call it at three times after getting kicked out of PC lobby.

Carmine's 2B is really tough to get used to.
Guess something has to make up for how good 2C is instead

Basic Gordeau combos on Mizumi feel like they dont work. Are they outdated?

Mizuumi's outdated in general. There's actually a real recent Gord combo doc so you might want to look at that instead.

Which one are you trying to do

for absolutely what purpose do these people use google docs that can't be found with a search engine to compile this info instead of a wiki
they can still link the wiki in their discord servers if they use it instead of these shitty docs

No lag at all tonight.

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Going to have to end things early today since I'll have to be up earlier than usual. It was a quiet night anyway
Is this the price we must pay

Hell if I know. The previous doc I was referencing outright got deleted so I had to figure things out on my own.

>didnt fully intend to IC that 2nd C on block
>die for it
Deserved it. At least I feel my pressure is improving even if it's still a ways off being good.


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>PC lobby dead

Oh hey, I could've CS'd that into pogo for stylish win.

Ah my toes
GGs everyone, I'll close after that one

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I've spent more time practicng j2C combs on Hyde than any other thing on any other character in the game.
GGs everyone. Short, but fun.

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GGs everyone

GGs fellas. One day I'll get multiple Ws in a lobby. I really, really need to clean up execution. Died off so much sloppy stuff (66b with no followup) I coulda prevented. Sort of understanding Phonon stuff better now though.

You just need some more exp on knowing when you need to keep respecting a blockstring and when you can poke out.

Yeah, I figure that'll come with time (and actually watching sets sometime). Eventually I'll get it beat in to me.

Along fine