How's your progress in Iceborne?
Late night Monster Hunter thread
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What do LS's special sheathe moves do? It looks like valor style but I get whacked when I try it like that.
>How's your progress in Iceborne?
I just fought Ebony Odo and I'm on Acid Glav now. Other than that I'm pretty annoyed with all the bone/iron weapons.
>nothin personnel, Huntsman
Ebony Odo got punched in the face by Brachy. Finally a turf war where Brachy managed to punch something.
Just beat Fulger Anjanath. He seemed weirdly easy compared to the other stuff I've been fighting recently.
I'm doing alright. taking time to get back into things because I havent played in a good few months. Just beat Glavenus and Nargacuga though.
question: is the First mission in Iceborne solo only? and how hard is it for IG users? I have a friend whos not the greatest at the game but says Berotodus left the map while he was fighting it.
I regret dipping my feet into gear optimization , i was one of those guys who always ran a full set with a matching weapon and i miss doing that specially with all this new armors but fuck i cant go back not bcs is hard without the best skills but because if you are not optimized hunts take forever , i definitely didnt care before but now im spoiled
>buy GU to play to pass the time while waiting for Iceborne PC
>mfw everything about this game
I keep trying to force myself to keep playing but everything about it feels tedious as hell
I just hunted Cephadrome and I honestly think I'd rather kill Lunastra 10 times in a row in World than ever do that again
>thought I would dislike Banbaro for being a bare-bones charge-all-day moose nigga
>now one of my favorite additions to the roster
Him being an invader makes him fun, just fucking up the target monsters by charging around
GU has the worst LR in the series so you gotta push through.
Did the buff the HP of everything or do MR monsters have loads more relative HP?
Had a couple of hunts where we'd beat the ever living fuck out of the monster with constant knockdowns and part breaks but the hunt still took ~15 minutes.
It definitely doesn't help that GU's first half is loaded to fuck and back with tons of gather quests and shit.
MR monsters just have a comparative assload of health.
Insect Glaive is the thinking man's weapon, yet whenever I see a fellow GlaiveChad they're never doing optimal ground damage and giving us competent GlaiveChads a bad name. So in case any of you amateur Glaivers are reading, please note, do not jump unless the monster has given you a reason to jump. It's an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to borderline ignore many monster mechanics, but I see so many people just use aerials as a default playstyle. The new Dragoon Dive is incredibly value, but that's not even the move I see spammed, it's usually just the relaunch over and over. Why play like this? Your weapon is fun on the ground too. By the way your insect is your moveset too, I see way too many Glaivers idle their insect with no buffs, or keep it sheathed. STOP THAT, WE HAVE BLAST DUST TO SPREAD.
Well hunters, what do shitters do to ruin YOUR weapon's reputation?
I beat shara with the beotodus CB. For some reason impact phials weren't cutting it. I guess what's next is butt-fucking me some Garugas.
MR has 3x the health of HR, 20-25k compared to 6-8k.
What's the best HH until Tigrex?
What's your "NEVER EVER" monster you want as dlc after Rajang?
I want yama armor back, please capcom
I work 12 hour shifts on weekends, so I've only gotten past banbaro atm. I've got 3 days off in a few hours so I'm gonna try to do as much as possible.
I dare everyone to draw their favorite monster from Iceborne!
R2-X+Triangle fills your gauche, if a counter it levels it up, white to yellow, yellow to red. You can also combo this move, effectively cancelling most of your long, LS finishing move animations by using it right after.
R2-X+R2 big damage about half of helmet breaker it consumes a level of your spirit thing, if counter it won't consume anything.
The legend.
So how do you increase your MR after the main story? Just by doing MR quests? Will any optional quests you do queue until you uncap your rank, or is it just a waste of time then?
I only use the hammer's 2nd charge to kill monster
Not a particulary great fight but it would fit like a glove to hoardfrost reach , woufd be great sight to see her stroll by , also for the good music
Gogmazios but he's a nevest evest (that's more than a never ever) since it'd require a new map just for him, even if it was used for other monsters sometimes.
Is Valor GS or Valor LS more fun?
How do I get to fight Garuga? I've been killing a lot of monsters and leveling up the areas in the Guiding lands but nothing happens.
Yeah, unfortunately they forgot to buff our damage to keep up so everything takes forever now.
What's the coolest looking thing you've done by accident in a hunt?
One time in 4U I flubbed my counter input and did the lance slap instead with a Brachydios jumping at me, ended up breaking his horn and knocking him out of the air with that swing.
That's a common experience with the older games. I'd wager 90% of people don't make it past the opening 10 hours.
Someone convince me to buy this despite all the monsters just being recolors or mixups.
Someone give me their short review on iceborne, i have to wait an half a year unfortunately to play it
Very cool, user. I applaud your skills
0 because fuku u PC fagu
Striker LS with all LS exclusive arts is the most fun, no generic arts allowed.
>what do shitters do to ruin YOUR weapon's reputation?
Not exactly the biggest deal in the world, but I hate to see GS users using the first or second part of the charged slash combo on monster wake up.
They already said that the current maps aren't big enough for most of the Leviathan fights, there's no way in hell there's room for Gammoth either even if it'd fit Hoarfrost like a glove
Maybe next game.
Made it to Tigrex and Brachy. Tigrex shouldn’t be too hard considering I hunted him and his variants more than enough times in gen and 4U, unless they did some bullshit to him like they did to Narga and Barioth where instead of actually being difficult he’s just a fucking pain in the ass who wont hold still for even a millisecond. Now Brachy? Eh, kinda wary about him.
>~15 minutes
>tfw I took 41 minutes on Barioth
More of the same
Big chunky monsters
A few fixes here and there
Worth it if you liked World
they are both fun in their own way, LS is broken as shit if you know the monsters moves since you can just counter everything
>mfw this will get nerfed to the ground like slicing ammo
Great monsters
Vastly better than World
The best monster hunter game of all time
Raising your MR unlocks more tiers of shit in the Guiding Lands.
>mfw PC
It’s cool.
holy fucking shit shrieking legiana is so frustrating, I can see why they made it an expedition at least. I carted at least 6 times. Blast bow with gunner armor weak to ice is either the very worst thing against it or I am seeing how much I fuckin suck
can i get a quick rundown? i see brach LBG but idk what else is going on
Ooo yeah baby that's it
people push this meme but it just leads to thousands of valor shitters getting BTFO online, the style requires skill to use properly. Speedrunners make it look easy. mfw I time out on EX Hellblade; look up speedrun and it's sub 5.
Getting ready to fight teegrex, what's a good GS build?
I dont know why but im still not feeling the music yet
I think they improved zinogre theme but glavenus theme is somehow worse now
Just a LBG with rapid fire Stickies. Honestly doesn't seem to be any ridiculous amount of damage. Each volley is only doing 30 more than you could do per shot with the Jho HBG in high rank.
WTF is this?
Oh fuck I heard that once too, I thought my headset was busted for a second. What the fuck is that?
please tell me I can replace the Handler with the Serious Handler
please tell me I can replace the Handler with the Serious Handler
please tell me I can replace the Handler with the Serious Handler
It’s the new monster coming for you, user.
start running
what the fuck that's horrifying
I just did Brachy, he was actually pretty fun
Either these loud ass roars are a sound glitch or that's a Legiana with tonsilitis
Not gonna lie, I got scared.
clutch claw breaks the game
it legitimately makes it too easy
Just beat Blackveil Vaal Hazak, what a fucking trash monster
>blast bow
Are you shitting me? Stop it, its fucking useless.
>BGM stops when the roar is about to begin
What the actual fuck?
Just fifteen more weeks user.
>that insect wingbeat
Please be an insectoid large monster.
>using crutch claw
I honestly don't know. I experienced a similar thing but different roar in the ancient forest where I heard a loud t-rex type roar but don't know where it came from and no it wasn't an anjanath roar.
corner horn
Was it jho?
Ebony is the only monster that makes Brachy and Glave use their key features during turf wars. Well, Brs hy tries to punch Rathalos, but that turf war is kinda lame.
Almost all of the turf wars with Odogaron and Ebony are unique.
I have never seen another person who plays SnS, so I don't know
How do I know if a KT weapon is good or not? I have an Rarity 6 LS with 462 atk, 180 ice and white sharpness, is it good for G rank? I spent a whole hunt hitting Kadachi's tail but it wouldn't come off.
Next DLC monster? Maybe it's a Rajang roar from really far away? either way it's terrifying.
No one talks about Lance so I honestly have no idea
Maybe charging into people but that isn't even a hard knockdown anymore like it used to be, which sucks since with the kick gone too Lance has no way to save others from paralysis.
They really shouldn't have separated Sprint and "Special" into 2 buttons, they could stay on 1 button and use the extra shoulder button for kick when standing still and slide when moving. That way every weapon would have a way to slide while unsheathed too, and you wouldn't be forced to slide if you don't want to.
This shits actually horrifying, what the fuck.
We need more monster roars like this in future games.
Poor fucker still just gets chew toyed by jho though.
Aww, shara got a sore throat :^(
Rajang roar just sounds like a monkey screaming into an amplifier.
Also those were some fast ass wing flaps preceding it or something.
guess I just wanted to feel like it was mh3u again
are any blast weapons good this time around
>weird ass roar in the ancient forest
>now this in Hoarfrost
What secrets are you holding, Ryozo
Im pretty sure its a monster calling another, in this case shreiking and normal legiana
Fucking this, I remember back in 4 ultimate i used insect glaive to mount-spam through the entire story mode, and after getting my shit together with it and becoming way better it physically hurts to see so many glaive users do nothing but midair hurricane sweeps because they look cool yet do no damage.
What a horrible use of such a great movepool.
thats because, despite what every turbo autist tells you, GU is not a MH game, it's just a greatest hits MH game, for some reason they added a million gathering and slay X number of monster quests before you could kill any relevant shit, it's just a soulless cash grab
you guys haven't gotten to MR200 yet
you don't even know what the roar is
What's the one in the forest sound like?
That sounds absolutely nothing like Legiana.
They turtle, user. Which is the last thing you should be doing with lance. The shield is for swatting attacks away so you can keep attacking. It's not for hiding. That's how they ruin its rep. That and slow walking anywhere instead of mixing guard dashes, hops, leaping thrusts and charges as the situation requires.
I don't see many charge blade players using guard points to avoid quick enemy attack animations. I guess sometimes the timing is hard, but when simply charging vials gives you a guard point, its very easy to do KO damage to Diablos, etc.
The regular Jho or the variant?
Only two hunts into story. Fuuuuuuuck the loading times are killing me
nigga what
Someone posted a video of it a while ago but I can't find it right now. People seemed to think it sounded like Lagi
p-please respond
Damn Acidic Glavenus and Ebony Odogaron we’re both pretty fun.
I prefer the subspecies of Glave to the normal one. at least I don't get Fireblighted every 5 seconds.
I really don't know exactly but I guess there has to be a good brachy weapon in there. There's also the upgraded styx weapons.
I think its just really messed up for some reason same with why theres one in the ancient forest
I'm getting absolutely fucked by Tigrex
How? He's easy. Hit him when he stops moving.
Yes, the game keeps track of every quest you do and gives you all the Hunter Rank you earned when it's uncapped, just like it did in Vanilla World and every other MH game
Fuck Lsd glav. The fuckin tail bounces AAAAAAA
I've been getting into LS after playing hammer for 5 games, and my times are way worse, but it sure does feel cool to iai slash against glavenus and cut his tail off through his spin attack.
On the topic of LS, am I sleeping on fade slash? I feel like I never use it.
Just do quests probably, i dont know yet because im just about to fight shara ishvalda. Also theres events to increase it more
Sorry user, I don't think anyone knows at this point.
Go for his arms, tail, and legs if you're not confident in hitting his face
Think I saw a PSN trophy that says beating Ruiner Nergigante lets you go further in MR rank. I dont know if that is the ending of the main story or not so maybe I am of no help. It may be like the base game where you need to hunt x number of monsters or finish the majority of optional quests to unlock new stuff.
how hard is hunting horn to learn?
is it viable solo?
Shara Ishvalda Shabadoo?
Maybe I'm just too greedy
Killed a teostra with my kinsect while somebody else mounted it.
Then in GU I was fighting a mizutsune with very low health and used an insect glaive weapon art (which rockets the kinsect forwards and regains all 3 extracts if it hits something.) As soon as I activated it, the mizutsune began shooting a water beam to the left and sweeping it towards me on the right. Right before it was a foot from hitting me, the kinsect projectile from the art made contact with its face, breaking it and knocking it over.
>People keep saying Narga is easier
>tfw I got ass reamed by him
Only variant jho is in MR I believe.
You're only a casual if you give up.
How do I get good? New player, it's not even the monsters but picking up LS and seeing all the moves and combos makes me unsure where to even start
Are there any unique Pukei-Pukei weapons or those faggots are still using bone and iron?
Thank you for replying to me.
What's the best general use HBG line? I really like spread shot, but I play solo so I also want to be able to cut tails with slicing. I hear the great jagras line is really great with spread but it doesn't have slicing :(
Is Namielle's fight good?
The learning curve is sharp, but it mostly just comes down to memorizing your songs.
why would you want to
Holy shit if I heard this during a hunt I'd absolutely freak the fuck out. It definitely sounds like an insect though, so I hope this isn't a glitch or a troll.
>user saved my image
>user possibly likes GS and MH
user, I possibly love you.
You can get Evasion +1 and move as fast as running with the weapon out. It's the easiest weapon in the game
The only hard part is knowing when to attack and learning the songs by memory. Even though they added that spinning attack and the sonic booms I still think its dps is really low compared to the rest of the weapons.
No. And pink hub lass is clearly the superior girl.
why dont you two h*mosexuals get a room
>how hard is hunting horn to learn?
Very easy to learn, the difficulty comes from effectively deploying your buffs along with dealing damage to the monster at the same time.
>is it viable solo?
Easiest reason why is in their steamworks cutscenes
Hey pard
What does kinsect charge do?
i started it tonight, i love it! im gonna get the barnabos armor because it looks rad
all the nintenbro MH games are like that, just play more World instead
you don't like potatoes?
Lets you get 2 extracts and gives it more power and maybe speed
>Getting rekt by new, slower narga
Hahahahaha nigger stop it imma crack my funny bone
I went into narg expecting to be a easy and I got the smackdown
I found it slow and easy
I didn't and I won't for any of these new monsters, I fucking love that it's a challenge even if it takes longer.
I love you too user.
Monster Hunter Language really makes Handler more palatable.
people who main lance:
so what's the deal with acidic glavenus, does its tail gets corrosive it needs to shave it off? how did it get to that point? did it fall into rotten vale?
LS is maybe the simplest and effective weapon to use. Watch any yt tutorial on it and follow it while in training area and youll get it in no time.
Must feel bad not being able to play the best G-Rank game since FU. I'd kill myself and end the torture desu
Does anyone have a link to that Ancient Forest roar?
Daily reminder that mantles are NOT the same drop rate they've always been
because fuck fireballs and fuck roars, I'm gonna stab your face
Its tail leaks a liquid that solidifies in contact with air, which then acts as a sheathe that keeps its tail extra double sharp.
fucking please
ill wait for the mod if I have to
>haha I got lucky, that means the RNG is easy!
Fuck you, I still didn't get mine. Try and replicate it again
Ok so what did they do to bow in this last patch? mh meme groups keep saying it got fucked hard but I didnt read the details?
I feel like I'm using a peashooter im doing nothing for damage and all the bows I built are a lost cause. I always have my hammerchad backup plan but damn does it sting stomping bow like that.
The shield reminds them of their shed back home
>for some reason
shitter-filter to make online endgame more palatable
>out of all the threads you could be in
>out of all the images you could save
>out of all the images you could post
>user's recognise each other through blind posting
what are the fucking odds
Does anybody know why they changed the drops to so high? I have so many mantles that something like blast fluid from seething is more valuble since i use it in crafting
>how did it get to that point? did it fall into rotten vale?
It started by watching anime and posting on Yea Forums.
it also protects it from being severed.
I'm the motherfucking juggernaut
I can't stop slamming monsters into walls with the clutch claw. it's too funny
It's matured Xeno
Why not
I got 2 gems and 3 mantles from azure rath yesterday
whatever helps you justify your purchase of the game I guess?
Is pierce shot worth a damm now or is it still trash
possibly, but investigation boxes have radically different drop rates than carves/captures.
We still have MR200 undiscovered so who knows what the fuck was that
I got better drop rates from base game MR monsters than the new monsters so it could be just that
>you can dress your Palico up like a Gajalaka
It clicked early on
I can play everything but Bow with some level of competence, just never bothered with that one, but I always go back to Lance.
stopped at glavenus to farm up barioth's set. pretty nice. just got a few more runs and I'll be able to do the dual blades. Then I'll fight glavenus I think.
pissed to find out zinogre is post game and is locked behind the new retarded guilding lands mechanic FUCK
why dont you eat shit then? it filtered a lot of normies! besides, you'll get a familiar taste after that garbage that is XX
>HR 200
is there actually something at HR 200?
ignore the bibiwas, they can only praise something if it's on their fisher price toys
with a tail this edgy, i won't be surprised what sort of comments he made
If this is how you convince people to play GU, you're a fucking disgrace
>Horn main
>Get an audio glitch where my recital song continued playing over the rest of the hunt
Are there any other weird things like that?
There's an achievement so people think it might unlock something new. Hopefully it's not just another "Fight a bunch of tempered elders" mission.
I also had this happen during the shrieking legiana fight, I think it's scripted. No idea what it is though.
>doesn't want to roleplay as a medieval knight hunting down dragons and big monsters left and right
That was in base world
I also got 3 barchy palliums for 3 kills a large gem fom my 2nd beotodus,large elder gem from my first elder, and a fulgur mantle on my first hunt of it
sounds like a blessing
I just killed Brach and fucking love that he's identical to his 3U fight. It felt so good to see him again. Almost got me, too. Who else /soloinguntilMR200/ here?
Who made this
another reason is that it makes it much harder to get Hayabusa Feather as you have to clear all low rank and high rank village to unlock the advanced quests. Makes it all the more satisfying once you get it and makes shitters all the more envious
>we will never see Valstrax vs. Amatsu turf war
That's a shame
this is from universal studios japan
_ ____ __ ____ _______ ____
>it's shit on purpose!
mental gymnastics are a powerful thing
Valstrax x Ace Combat when?
its the truth.
Someone respond pls
>soloed savage jho for the alpha set
>now i'm not even sure I can find a proper use for it
what the hell even needs 5(five) handicraft
But it wasn't worth it. There are better alternatives than suffering over 50 gathering quests just to gimp your defense further. It only benefits ranged users the most, which makes them even fragile. Only reason to use it is for HAME HBG sets.
Please stop spreading misinfo if this is your only way to defend the flaws of GU. Many people here played and can call you out
wat dat mean
always solo life
man i wish i was as autistic as cantaperme when it comes to monster hunter
>it gets good after 300 hours instead of 20!
No. It is not. Due to its quest bloat, the LR just goes on and on and on unlike the other games.
>the two Legiana in the nest area looking down and judging their fellow Legiana getting killed below
What's their plan?
my iceborne copy comes tomorrow and I never played world any advices?
SnS and being a healslut. Granted i only saw this about 2 times in 700h
have fun playing through the base game, your gonna love all the QOL shit
the only mental gymnastics is you acting like I haven't given two very good reasons for LR/HR village filler. pic related
why do people complain about the mandatory gathering quests in XX again? there's only 5 of them and they take a few minutes each, much faster than having to sit through the noninteractive story cutscenes in the other newer games. Or you could just jump right into the guild questline and not deal with any at all
Have we seen Scarred Yian Garuga armor? It’s the only set I haven’t heard anything about.
WHAT THE FUCK. I seriously hope this is not a glitch or something
it's not indispensable. But crit eye +2 from 1 armor piece is nothing to scoff at.
But that's exactly what you're doing. You're denying the flaws
>b-b-b-but mandato-
This is actually pushing me to finish my GU flaws list. It's over 4000 characters already
doesn't exist
why are you whining about more optional stuff to do? If you want to hunt, then hunt, you unlock a bunch of kitchen and palico stuff when you reach G rank automatically as well so you can just rush that if you don't want to deal with anything besides the mandatory
That’s kinda disappointing. Were there any monsters previously that also had no armor set? I can’t remember any off the top of my head.
if in-game grinding for something valuable in a MH game is a flaw to you, I suggest you go look at a different franchise. Maybe try fortnite. Where nothing has any value and you can buy anything through microtransactions. There's a good goy.
Killed Yian and trying to get coins for pieces of the Black Belt set and parts from the Diablos set.
Still don't know what to get for each HH/Hammer yet though.
based, keep fighting the good fight
unbased and trannypilled
>size crowns added to endemic life
>but it doesn’t matter because they all look the same once you place them in your room
I think this is the first time a monster has had no armor attached to it
Okay then if you know your shit, then you would know that there are two ways to get a good endgame set
1. either get a god charm
2. get a hayabusa feather and skip the god charm requirement
both takes mundane amounts of time, but the god charm farming part is more engaging and gets you multiple chances instead of killing yourself inside
Not complaining about grind. I'm complaining about bloat. There's a different between grinding a monster and doing the boring ass gathering quests. Calling it a filter is how you get people to never play your game
t. 1200 hours in XX. Way before localization
Is yain's hammer the head? I havent seen anything about it and want to know?
Achievement whoring
I only saw the HH for Yian, sorry.
When/how do you unlock pendants? I just got to Ebony Odo and Acidic Glavenus.
Nope, it got BONED unfortunately.
Worldbabby here, trying to get into the earlier MH games while I wait for Iceborne, but they feel so clunky and it's hard to live without some QOL features from World. What game should I choose to ease into it, or should I just bite the bullet and wait?
>>This is actually pushing me to finish my GU flaws list. It's over 4000 characters already
The list of problems with MHW really did mindbreak you worldfags. Gonna be hard to write a list about a game you didn't play
Snailing through my optionals before progressing.
Doing my MR2 arena quests, there are so fucking many.
>Not complaining about grind. I'm complaining about bloat. There's a different between grinding a monster and doing the boring ass gathering quests.
You're never ever going to convince me that the Hayabusa grind isn't worthwhile.
getting a good charm was a bit more tolerable with the big Brachy DLC quest at least, was never a fan of the random charm system and World almost got it right with letting you craft them but went right back to doing stupid shit with making decos random instead
XX has its flaws for sure but I don't think that the amount of "bloat" is one of them, it offers players a shit ton to do and get nearly any type of material you want easily through them at any rank
I thinking of clearing each rank before moving on to the next one too. Do I need to capture every new G-rank monster to unlock their respective arenas?
there is literally no need for something like that, everyone knows MHW/Iceborne flaws just as well as everyone knows GU flaws
only rathalos got his back
don't bother, just wait, all the nintendo garbage is clunky and boring as hell
It really does suck
>Yian Garuga hammer got World'd
>Gun Hammer completely MIA
>Rathalos Hammer MIA
It's just not fair
The Rath hammer is just his head on a stick.
Speaking of head hammers, I know Rath head hammer is in but I saw the upgrade paths go through Azure and Silver Rath components. Does the head change color to match?
But unlike the MHW list, I DID play the game. Have a taste, boyo
List of problems with MHXX/GU
>Hunter arts and styles
-Completely changed the classic way of playing MH by introducing MMO-like mechanics like hunter arts, and change the way of gameplay instead of improving it by adding styles
-most arts are completely broken. From an evasion that shields you from all forms of damage and that sharpens your weapons instantly, to stagger-inducing attacks that makes clutch claw look like a mild tool
-adept style makes "lol dont get hit" into a fucking reality. Everything can be avoided with minimal skill and almost no repercussions. High risk high reward gameplay is thrown out of the window, but this is nothing compared to Valor
-Valor style annihilated any form of challenge. Sheathing gives you an aura that negates any hit and auto-dodges for you while filling up a gauge. When the gauge is filled, your weapon's full potential is unlocked, and in some weapons it completely turns them OP beyond measure. here are a few examples (LS gets a guardpoint that parries 99% of attacks and can even earn you a free stagger. Oh and remember that spirit gauge that you need to level up to 3? lol forget about it, its instantly charged. HBG turns from a slow but damage-dealing ranged weapon into LBG but 4 times the power. You get a siege mode that lets you rapid-fire faster than LBG, can run while holding the weapon, and the risk of getting hit is out of the window cause Valor dodge lmao)
-The game isn't balanced around guild style which is the original MH gameplay style because nobody used it back in Gen so devs added Valor in GU. Every single lobby has hunters using Valor. The skillful playstyle is gone in favor of MMO visuals and satisfaction of being OP
-some weapons don't even utilize certain styles to a good degree because the devs had no idea what balance means
-metafagging was dialed to 400% because of the additions mentioned above
>but they feel so clunky and it's hard to live without some QOL features
Weird, I never hear this complaint from DaS fans
Rath hammer is in the game
Yes, be warned that your progress will be very very slow. There are about 2 pages of quests for each rank with the arenas included it seems, and G rank monsters take about 10-20 minutes a piece.
>while I wait for Iceborne
don't do it. you'll spend your entire time either asking "why isnt this is world?" or saying "such-and-such was better in world", like every other cunt that did that. The older games deserve more than to be considered a measly stop-gap.
-The LR is a great contender for being the worst early game in the MH series, rivaling MH1 and Dos. the first two LR ranks is NOTHING but gathering and low-tier monsters that takes 2 minutes to hunt. You fight your first actual monster in an urgent quest that unlocks *3 quests but gathering quests are still prominent until *4. This is all if you're doing key quests cause its gonna get worse if you want to unlock shit
-tons of village requests is nothing but gathering and low-tier monsters. The good requests that gets you pitted against actual monsters are locked until half-way through the game. Outside of requests, you still need to do more and more of these tedious quests if you want to unlock Hayabusa feather, which requires you to do ALL the quests from LR. Good luck staying awake while doing that cause if you did nothing but key quests, then you got 30 missions of NOTHING BUT GATHERING AND HUNTING SMALL MONSTERS
-the bloat is real. If you're a completionfag, GU will give you a heart attack. It has over 1000 quests compared to 200-300 from the previous titles. People say INFINITE CONTENT but this is not the good kind of content. half of it are trash like gathering, small monsters, and low-tier monsters. This amount of quests is not a good thing and leaves you tired instead of fulfilled like in the previous games. Very few people were able to 100% this due to the tedium.
-The entire deviant system is nonsensical. 90% of the deviants have to be hunted 15 times in order to unlock their EX counterpart compared to the other 10% which is just 5 times. This is another good example of needless quest bloat and it gets even more tedious if you only solo.
-the quests in GU is weird. Some top-tier monsters (in terms of fight) can be fought much earlier than needed like Astalos but trash monsters like Seregios is available to fight much later. Throws off balance and sense of difficulty escalation
Are you blind? There's clearly a difference. Compare gold small to gold large
I'm sad anons...
I spent all day grinding for full brachy armor and upgrading bow from kulu to brachy only to find out brachy bow is one of the worst bows. No power coating is bad enough but the damage is pretty subpar, idk why I thought the blast + would make up for everything else.
I wasted my time off work on grinding something shitty when I could be farther through the story.
It was during one of the main quests in the ancient forest, I heard it on multiple occasions and I think it was the same quest. So it has to be during either the nargacuga or Blackveil Vaal hazaak main quest.
Isnt it the same as older games where its not his actual head? Im fine with using brachy's though
-Too many endgame monsters are fast and twitchy, which limits certain playstyle or sets. For example, GS users can't deal with Boltreaver or Silverwind Narga unless they play nothing but Crit Draw sets. If you don't use that, then good luck hitting anything unless someone brings status LBG (and they will if you're in a competent lobby)
-Deviants are a hit and miss. Some are improved like Boltreaver, some are downgraded like Deadeye garuga, and some did just nothing to make it a difficult fight like Elderfrost Gammoth
-Despite having the biggest roster in the series outside of MMOs, the endgame consists of nothing but farming specific deviants and the usual silver sol. In other words, only a handful. Only reason to farm multiple monsters is if you're gonna transmog the sets
-Botched Lagiacrus into a boring thunder leviathan. Dishes out predictable AoEs and flops around. The uniqueness of Lagi is gone
And this is just 10%. I got a whole lot more. You keep denying them, I'll keep coming and expanding. I can guarantee I have far more playtime than you will ever will
But unlike you, I can see these flaws and still like the game, but there's no point hiding them
Because they suck ass and need to be carried by a shield.
ignore console warriors
If I were to play one of the older games, what should I go into first? Dont care about controls just how fun it is
So because you cant get any replies with world's lists you've moved on to gu?
Threadly reminder that World and GenU are both good games, and listposting/bibiwa posting are equally trashy and absolutely destroy the overall quality of the thread. Monster Hunter is good, stop being faggots
based, fuck nincels
>i-i-ignore console warriors
but why? you are literally pissing in a sea of piss
ignore console warriors
call me a fag but the lack of collision makes all pre world games so unfinished.
Clutch claw is nice with the SnS. I'm so used to hitting shitzones because of the tiny reach, but now I can make my own weak points.
Hate that small weapons need to clutch twice to soften parts though.
none of them, they're all shit, just play IB
Am I being autistic by making every weapon in my category of choice, no matter how duplicative?
>nobody is mentioning the shadow flying by that isn't any of the monsters he is hunting
>the buzzing starts when it flies by
either a glitch or they are teasing a fuckshit bug monster
american mh threads are so autistic
I'm not the same autist because I ain't spamming this. Listfag's the one doing the falseflagging ITT. Want a cool trick? reverse search the filenames if you got Yea Forums X
Inspirational words from a scatternut-eating bird wyvern
It's not a glitch, the OST stops so you can hear the scream.
Threadly reminder that World is a good game and nintodds love clinging to world to make their game look relevant. Monster Hunter world is good, fuck tendies
Yes, but MH is for autistic people.
4th gen ones are the most polished so go with 4u for more world like and gu for a bit of a shakeup
sns can claw a spot with the uppercut to prime it for clutch claw tenderizing
>ignore console warriors
Spam arc shot, apparently
Jesus glavenus has a bit that sounds like the jazz band from sonic unleashed
Just play it and find out for yourself you stupid nigger, do you always need your opinions spoonfed to you?
>Nobody was replying to his bingposts, so now he's posting wojaks in desperation
i had this mentality so I went and played 30 hours of GU, that made me not want to play any of the older games to be honest
Oh yeah, I haven't been utilising that enough.
Just asking for recommendations :(
>Nobody was replying to his bingposts, so now he's posting wojaks in desperation
Absolutely, but MH is designed for autists and normans alike to enjoy.
It's listfag going haywire because he faced a list he couldn't refute, and its from someone that did play it and never meant to be bait
Just enjoy the shitshow. It won't last long
>Don't care about controls
You say that now, but try Freedom Unite on the PSP and see if you still think so.
In all seriousness, if you have a Switch I'd say GenU is the best place to start since it's basically just World but with just a bit of the tedium of older MH games. There's a bunch of DLC packs that give you free items to eliminate some but not all of that tedium.
4U is another good place to go from World, it's essentially the "dividing line" between Classic and New MonHun, no free DLC items in this one though so have fun getting early game healing items.
Everything before 4U I wouldn't recommend until you've played either GU or 4U. 3U is still pretty good, but a lot harder to get into coming off of World and Freedom Unite will absolutely destroy you, even on an emulator.
Stay the fuck away from MH1/Dos, it's not worth it.
i thought this was a common practice? i crafted all the weapons, armors and charms in world
Post Pukei Pukei
Any website like HoneyHunter have Iceborne in their database yet?
*posts handler*
haha how funny and original am i?
It's the final story monster. His screams can be heard in the ancient forest too, apparently.
He's pretty cool.
>Nergigante is born as nature's answer of dealing with threats to the ecosystem
What the fuck? Basically he just kills whoever is causing harm to the environment (usually elders). He's just one of those environmentalist fucks
He's not an elder, so it wouldn't fit into the postgame dlc role, but I just think he's so much cooler than Diablos.
HBG users with cluster bomb builds in multiplayer
>listfag gets mindbroken my a list
Stop linking that faggot to GU, please
Rathalos or Glav set, or a mix of both for GS?
Can anyone actually confirm this is Ishvala's roar? Does the nigga even fly, his wings have no membranes?
You have to carry low rank shitters through their story quests. You get a pendant after they catch up to you in Master Rank and triple cart every quest.
She eats my scatternut.
Isn’t he also usually a solo/village only monster? He really should return soon though, especially for a Diablos vs Monoblos turf war
He linked himself with GU the second he started shitposting and jacked off to it 24/7
That's just letting you know Shrieking Legiana is there. I'm pretty sure it's part of his song.
Should I play World as male or female? Every female I've made looks like something out of the uncanny valley.
then you're bad at making characters
Male, armor looks better
Are you saying the story scenes look fine with yours?
I'll be an old guy then.
Why yes my favorite game is classic monster GU how could you tell?
Male for actual armor, female for more revealing stuff. Also you can make your characters look pretty good
What hunting horn should I try to get first in iceborne
Black Diablos is my all-time favorite monster, and though I may disagree with your statement I can agree on the fact that there is no such thing as too much 'blos
When Rusted Kushala was first introduced, it gave regular Kush parts.
I probably just can't make females.
I've been using the upgraded bone since it's easy to make and has a good song selection
Ore path. Easy to get, can be purple sharpness with Handicraft 3 I think.
Dodogama is a good choice too due to the songs iirc
just take a preset that you think looks nice and then change her hair, eye colour and skin tone to your preference, don't mess with the other things
Why do I even come to this website anymore
If this cocksucker faggot likes World so much why isn't he posting about World instead of this incessant fucking Wojack spam
What is this fucking retard lifeless shitstain on society gaining from any of this? Why do shitposters do it? I come here because I'm on PC and at least want to see other anons reacting to Iceborne as it unfolds and all I get is this fuckface tranny motherfucker posting retarded unrelated images drawn by god knows who
Why did it come to this? How did shitposters get so fucking powerful?
>be black diablos
>virgin and lonely
>spergs every time someone approach her
>pushes every one away with her rage
it's Yea Forums personified
I want something slightly different from the pre-sets. Playing as a Snake wannabee will be fine too.
>what is falseflag
also, just ignore him.
since the thread is shit this is a list of MH doujins that I enjoying fapping
>the lesbian threesome one
>the one with yuri shit that ends in oviposition
>the /ss/ portable 3rd one
>handler's mushroom festival
>the one with little miss forge and the man
imagine caring so much about a shitposter, ignore it you retarded r*ddit nigger
The state of bibiwas
any with serious handler?
>just ignore the retard who has a post between every two or three posts
How about the shit mods get rid of him already, there's shitposting and then there's total retardation
>Tfw playing lance and stuck between Seething Bazel and Savage Jho
>high caravan
>khezu quest
>alright I'll go with a bow, might take longer but should be easy
>takes indeed longer but it's easy
>red khezu comes in the middle of the hunt
>stun with roar
>other khezu makes me faint
>don't have dung bombs
>faint again because of the exact same shit
I fucking hate Rathalos.
He really does have a folder specifically to shitpost. That EGS image he had is probably there too
Big Horny Bitch is one of my favorites too. She's way more aggressive than the regular Diablos. I still don't get why they didn't retcon her into a Variant when she's the same species as regular Diablos, but whatever.
Which female voice do you guys use?
I haven't played since finishing the main story and doing some stuff afterwards when it was first released, how's the population for PC and PS4. It feels kind of empty on PC
In the guiding lands they tell you to find the source of the "roar" and that's never really expanded on. I dunno if thats Ruiner or what but this might be linked.
Thats why you do the egg type quest instead even if it does suck
That's not how it works, he just eats things
So I just beat Zinogre in the Guiding Lands. Do I basically just have to hope I find his tracks again for a chance of an investigation? How do I efficiently farm him at this point because I want his set?
>It feels kind of empty on PC
I wonder why
>Yea Forums is better than /mhg/
People who main the nintendoswitchaxe:
SOS other hunters fighting him for now, then focus on breaking his parts for investigation chances
It is most of the time. This is not one of those times
Only handful of actual SA players exist, everyone else just messes around with weapon and they're shitheads who spam wild swing, use ZSD at bad times, don't know about jump reloading, don't know how switch between axe and sword mode efficiently to be mobile while maintaining damage, don't know the fast combo route to amp up their sword, then cry on forums about SA needing a defensive option
You all deserve this for being so easy to bait.
All you had to do was ignore copypastas and not fuel a retarded console war.
The shitposting that 404 general went through when MH went from PSP to Wii was nothing compared to this.
/mhg/ is even worse. It's a circlejerk and ANY retarded post or shitposter is the "listfag" at it again!
Perfect except for the weapon design.
A-At least Yea Forums doesn't have name/tripfagging
Remember anons, Spamming is a reportable offense, so don't do it.
I'm going to do it anyway because my autism demands it, I won't have a tranquil mind until I have completed all quests
Damn it even looks like you're wearing a leather trench coat
Thanks mods, very cool.
>watching some Iceborne videos to see how other players deal with the new monsters
>using the new iai but stuck between nailing it and failing it 50-50
What the fuck is the appeal? Cool anime points?
Weeaboos and people who want to win the first time every time by using a crutch
>ctrl+f deleted
>52 posts
One user made a list specifically about GU, only posts it once and half-finished, and this autist got severely triggered
it’s fun
>try to play GU lance
>there's this weird addon to the third poke
is this from a style or did GU just fuck lance?
Because Crapcom keeps making every cool set of armor great for longswords instead of chad weapons like hunting horn or greats sword.
You are getting yourself ready to fight me, right you Worldsperms?
>they use narga's LS
A weapon with a counter thats not lance
>Shara blasts air into the ground, making dry quicksand
Huh thats pretty smart and nifty, even tho it’s annoying
>that spirit ball attack
What the actual fuck
I think it's from Guild style. Use striker if you don't want it.
Its Guild lance fuckery. Switch to striker for more art (or just ignre art if you want), and much better moveset
this is just blatantly false
The ball attack reminds me of akantor because of how it dug away then did a wind tunnel
>Seething Bealtejuice is just always angry
Oh Okay, well thats one way to do it.
>when he gets angrier his bombs become stronger
>At a certain point he'll encircle you in a shit load of his blue bombs and then dve down like a nuke
>last thing I want from narga needs a fucking mantle
>takes me 20+ minutes each run because I suck
Looks like I'll be here a while.
yeah yeah, no nintendo in your thread, we get it. But I'm not listfag, because if I was I'd be fellating the weird upperslash thing as a better moveset change than what Iceborne gave lance, which I don't know since I'm on PC.
Fucker thats nothing
The drop rate of some of Shara's stuff is insane.
I use the one the makes her sound young but not the one that sounds like a little girl like that one everyone else uses, but also not too gruff sounding
Thats most variants
It could be this endemic life. As far as I'm aware, no one has found it yet.
>all the charms
jesus user
there's a different roar in the ancient forest, it's definitely not endemic life.
I doubt the roar came from it, but there's a good chance that was the shadow.
Stop replying to bait you fucking retard
what did the barroth nerg killed ever do wrong
The thing that makes this really significant is that this trophy is silver, so many of the other trophies for World are bronze, what the fuck is this creature
Be a useless monster.
That dude only spawns at the peak of the Hoarfrost, in front of the rusted Kushala. When you don't see Moon Slugs hanging out in the caves, it's likely for this to spawn. A good addition to your house because it looks cool as fuck
Is that Shara GS? Looks cool
Give us the names you shit.
How am I supposed to find something like >the lesbian threesome one
>Blackveil hazaak is limping
>Dumb frog keeps attacking him while he retreats so Vaal hazaak never sleep
>We end up losing
Fucking idiots, just let it go back to the best so we can some bombs in.
>those frames during most of the Velkhana fight
Jesus, It's going to suck waiting til I can *properly* fight some these monsters.
is there no G rank Zorah fight?
>How's your progress in Iceborne?
Minus 5 months.
No crossovers, kulve, or xeno either
Here's your Silver Rathalos bro. Have fun not being able to flash him when he's in his blue flame state! :^)
How the fuck do I apply a pendant? I got a notification after the tempered banbaro hunt in MR1 that said I unlocked the bronze hunter pendant, but I can't figure out where the hell to put it on. The smithy doesn't have an option for it, it's not something in my item box. Am I retarded?
No. Don't tell me you wanted one
There should be. Only armor set that unlocks artillery 5.
he ded
>wanting to hack at a Zorah with 300k HP for 50 minutes and end up failing the quest
Listfag please
I'm waiting for the pc release of Iceborne. Just wanna ask if its good and if its difficult? The base game was kinda too easy
Go to your item box and it should be at the bottom near layered armor
Oh, I just found it as I posted. It's your chest in your room specifically.
looks like cancer, can you at least flash him when his wings are broken like dreadking?
Bricka-Bracka! Firecracker! Sis-Boom-Bah! Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny! Rah Rah Rah!
Steve truly doesn't know what he's dealing with
Looks like ranged will be mandatory for this faggot
seems weird, the only time that's happened before was regular Ceadeus in 3U, right? you could only fight Goldbeard
The Fextralife wiki is so fucking terrible. Why did they feel the need to make another wiki when the wikia one is fine? It's not like they improved anything.
>actually make Silver Rathalos look interesting to fight
>but also make his armor set total dogshit
what was Capcom thinking?
>Laughs in IG clutch claw
Nope, I'm still retarded. It's any item box.
MHW is Dark Souls, right?
>Why did they feel the need to make another wiki when the wikia one is fine? It's not like they improved anything.
Slow, I like clearing up the optional quests and I mostly play solo as a HH user. I have the Glav horn and Nargacuga is my next main quest.
you can make his MR set by picking up parts in the guiding lands but there's no actual MR zorah fight
I feel like they will add a mr xeno as dlc but all ithers are probably gone forever unless theres a killable kulve dlc too
Thank god
Kirinico is back my nigga
PCtard here
How are SnS, Lance, and SA with all the iceborne changes?
but didnt the weapon leak early on have Zorah Magdaros with water element?
What money is there to be made in a fanmade video game wiki?
Lance is fun as hell, especially with the clutch claw counter. SA is great as well but literally all the weapons got BONED
No, that was Nami
Those are teasers for the probably future monsters.
The one in the ancient forest sounds a lot like Lagiacrus.
That one in the video from the buzzing sounds by logic closer to Seltas, unless it is a new monster.
The problem is, if every actual and future monster for Iceborne is Master rank, Seltas is too shitty to be a Master rank monster unless they rework its attacks.
Fextralife is such garbage. I remember back when they came into prominence around the Dark Souls 2 days and overtook Wikidot, which was much better and cleaner.
At least Wikidot didn't have a Twitch stream that automatically played at 1080p whenever you entered.
Thats namielle
Is the Velkhana siege a one time thing? Seems strange they'd waste resources like the auto ballista just for a single quest.
Still in HR
Is it worth grinding for odo armor, or should I just speed through to MR using the free armor set?
If Seltas does make into into Iceborne DLC, there is no fucking way he is coming alone. He'll bring Seltas Queen with him. Without Seltas Queen, he's just basically Low Rank Great Jagras tier in terms of difficulty.
Might add more monsters there and have it like dundorma was in past games considering the dragonrazer
Ad money
One of the DLC is gonna be Shen Gaoren and you'll fight him there
They have their twitch page on the wiki and have it set to autoplay. Whenever they stream they get the equivalent of 25-30k concurrent viewers, most of them likely from the embed.
Kinda wierd that Namielle builds out of Zorah but thanks for clarifyin
What happened?
If you only just beat Pink Rathian then you may as well, it's very efficient and will carry you most of the way. By the time it falls off, you'll be at IB.
Doesn't that go straight to Wikia/Fextralife? No way you can monetize an individual wiki.
That however makes some sense
I mean, Tigrex builds off Kulu, right?
all the weapons are bone+monster part
None of the switch axes have original designs, literally all of them are bone variants. Some weapons got a bunch of unique designs, SA didn't.
could it be
And still, Seltas Queen is Low Rank in 4. Pretty shitty for a Master rank.
Maybe it is just random sounds they made for the Everwyrm.
It does significantly more damage than first and second pokes (and is triple) and pairs very well with Chain Crit since you get five total hits instead of three.
It's going to be a new black dragon
Wouldn't it make more sense to have like the legiana song or earthquakes for that? I think its teasers for new monsters.
We may see more info at TGS.
Judging by how bad the sound quality is on that "roar", I'm sure it's a glitch. Iceborne has been noticeably more glitchy compared to World's launch.
If they do make it in, why do you think they will include their low rank movesets?
What skills does the Fulgur Anja armor gives?
Anyone have the lagiacrus roar?
Were any of base world's addon monsters BONE'd?
You can fight Tigrex and Brachy in Low Rank in 4 as well, that doesn't mean anything. a lot of peopel want to see Gore come in as DLC, also another monster you can fight in Low Rank
Here's my advice: go rush through the key village quests. This way, you'll gain quick access to better gear that will allow you to go through gathering hub quests more easily. Remember: Unlike World, MHGU has gathering hub quests, which means that monsters are scaled automatically for multiplayer even if you fight them solo. Having good weapons and armor that you can get from farming 9-star or 10-star village quests can be extremely helpful.
Don't worry about optimal loadouts until you get into G-Rank. For most blademaster weapons, you can simply stick with the Petrified weapon like you get at the start and use it all the way to beating High Rank. Once you do get to G-rank, you can easily craft an "Elder" weapon line that can carry you until you beat the final Gathering Hub boss of G-rank, namely, the golden mantis. If you do this, you can finish all key quests until the end of G-rank after like 50-60 hours. Then you can go back and do all the optional shit you missed.
Also, download the MHGUDB app for your phone so that you don't have to open a browser each time you need information. The app conveniently tells you where each monster spawns in a quest, so you don't have to spend so much time looking for them when you spawn in, especially if you spawn in a different place in high rank or g-rank.
It definitely sounds insect-like but clearly not Seltas Queen or Seltas. Hoping it's a completely new monster.
I assumed it was just the stock bgm that played when you first entered the new opened up area in Hoarfrost
So if we did get a new crossover monster, what would it be? with TES6 coming up, I'm worried that TODD might get me again, and it would be Alduin or something retarded like that.
Luna got a lot of her unique designs stolen by teo
But that's bullshit, I've seen the Namielle SA and it doesn't have generic bone or metal pieces.
>Sounds like a bug flying over
>Has an Arabic tinge to it at the end of it
Unironically worldbabies who thought the game would be like Dark Souls
Fucking sucks that they're always first whenever I search a general MH question
Gaping Dragon
Does ahtal ka fly?
You're right
Athal ka can fly?
Welp, that legit freaked me out.
New subspecies
Capcom listened to the autists screeching that the monsters had no HP and overtuned the shit out of it
Monster HP seems to be balanced around endgame gear this time around, so in endgame you might get ok times but it wil take forever with unupgraded stuff
The DLC monsters all use unique skeletons that will be fully fleshed out with more monsters in MH6. I’ll let you guess what monsters make the cut.
>Sliver Athal-ka; native to cold environments; relies on physic attacks rather than building things like it's golden cousin; it's lighter and slim allowing it to fly and move faster
>Ancient Forest is Lagiacrus
It was more than confirmed than that roar happens when a Rath calls upon their partner, stop sharing misinformation. Lagiacrus is not coming back until MH6
She can Spiderman over things
>that guy who pulls out a net in the middle of the hunt and tries to catch other hunter's kinsect
Just beat Nargacuga, biggest challenge so far was Barioth, is a fucking threat even after I broke the arm spikes
Next up is Tigrex and Brachydios. Not really looking forward to Brach, never was good with it, despite farming it in 3U and 4U
Just heard it a second time. Both times it was as Shrieking Legiana went to sleep. I also heard an unidentified roar while hunting Nargacuga in the Ancient Forest.
Roar doesnt sound the same at all though
I survived my 3rd day of waiting for the PC version without carting, pray for me bros
Please no more Elder Dragons I just want new unique monsters that feel like they actually belong in an ecology that doesn't revolve around other Elder Dragons.
> so in endgame you might get ok times but it wil take forever with unupgraded stuff
So just like previous Monster Hunter games before World? Took me 15-17 minutes to beat G3 Glavenus in MHGU with my basic Elder weapon and Ceanataur X gear, but now with my optimized loadout I can do it in 6-8 for a casual run.
Oh, wow! It's beautiful.
114 days left and every passing day gets a bit easier
Holy fuck that looks like a monster from Made in Abyss
That's some weird shit, I love it
It'll be my birthday in January so Iceborne will be a pretty good present, desu. Stay strong, lads.
Had an experience in the Wildspire Waste that was similar - music cut out even though two monsters were in a scrap with me at the same time, heard a strange trilling roar with no clear origin.
At the time I was grabbing unknown monster tracks, and a moment later saw Nightshade Paolumu (who I had already done the quest for but for some reason his trail was showing as an unknown monster), so I just assumed it was him flying in, since his cry is also fairly high pitched. Not so sure anymore.
I don't know why I never imagined this could happen but it's hilarious to think about
Goddamn this Guiding Lands thing looks so comfy
>can specify priorities according to locale and monster targets
>fainting reduces large monster hunt rewards even though GL is counted as expedition
I don't get it, so doing the fortify x2 strat is discouraged or are you simply fucked if you faint just once?
Every time either of the roars is heard its only ever with legiana and sheiking, and the raths, and the devs said that you hear the other monsters roar when they join in on a fight
How the hell do you fight Barioth with a Great sword
>Does the nigga even fly
It doesn't need to. Its whole shtick is being a sound wave dragon, so singing and roaring being heard from as far away as the next continent is in line with the concept.
if Rajang is in surely Blangonga has to be included also
They are 99% going to add a Black Dragon as the last DLC, whether that's Alatreon or Fatalis is yet to be seen, though there is evidence in Alatreon's favor
That depends, you want it to be epic, or epic and cry like a little bitch because you have to kill her?
Try draw attacking his claws then punishing him when he start slipin n' sliding
Right but something flies by leaving a shadow on the ground right as the roar is heard. Moving way too quickly for a monster that's actually in the environment.
slinger into wallbang
well positioned TCS into wings
Do this twice
If wings doesn't break, flash him and break his wings
Oh wow, someone posted my pic here. Neat.
Repel quest
>1-2 hits
>sheath GS
>run around like a retard waiting for an opening
>1-2 hits
>repeat till it dies
I hope they bring him and the rapist back just to put rath's bitch ass in check
Why couldn't they have aimed just a bit earlier? Mid December release would've been peak comfy.
it's actually kind of mind boggling why they didn't release it in December to get those free holiday bucks
Are weekly golden tickets still a thing in Iceborne for those of us who don't want to roll the RNG dice for mantles and other rare items?
Yeah, post your fucking source.
>Mid December release would've been peak comfy.
It was actually, if you watch any old interviews Ryozo and Fujioka even said themselves they're aiming a 2019 release but then it got delayed to January
Looks like a reviewer found where all the trophy endemic life are, and this pic is cropped from there.
You sure it's that thing's shadow and not from one of the monsters on the map?
At what point in the story do those roar start happening? Do they stop after you beat the story boss?
Are you stupid?
Up to Shitzaak. Getting S. Jho GS and thinking about getting S. Jho armor or Damascus
But really, no.
So, are there any secret challenge quests at MR200 or after you complete all the Assignments and Optional quests in MR? No Alatreon or at least a "Sapphire Star Guidance" analog? A double rainbow pigment unlockable or anything?
No one has MR200 yet give it time
We're 3 days into the release, I don't think even the most ardent of NEETs have reached MR200 yet.
The source for the mechanic he's talking about are the version 10.11 patch notes, but what it says specifically is:
>When a monster calls for a partner, the corresponding monster's roar can now be heard.
These roars don't sound like Legiana, Rathalos, or Rathian's roars, although they could be intended as new vocalizations from them. If so, the way the audio is designed is obviously fucked up, whether by glitch or poor design. Why would the responding monster roar sound like it's right next to you if it's answering from the other side of the map? Why can you hear a response to a call you didn't hear? Why make a totally new sound if it's supposed to signal the impending arrival of a monster with a roar the player should know? Why does it only ever seem to happen after the monster you're fighting has run away?
Well SOMEONE has.
Huh, well I'll be damned.
I wonder if it's Canta
You can see the locations of all three monsters on the minimap. One Legiana is to the west, Barioth is south east, and the shadow comes from the north and moves quite quickly south, accompanied by what sounds like insect wings. There's another Legiana, but it's moving from the south toward the other Legiana, and it doesn't move near the player's position until after the shadow has passed.
I haven't heard this one in Hoarfrost yet, but the Ancient Forest roar can be heard as early as 2* optional quests, that's where I heard it.
It's not
>mfw this part begins
I bet it would be a better fight than in the game he's from
No, it's not
>There's another Legiana, but it's moving from the south toward the other Legiana, and it doesn't move near the player's position until after the shadow has passed.
But the sun is shining from the south too. And that Legi to the south doesn't actually need to be moving for its shadow to move, at least not in any of the four cardinal directions. It could have been diving (maybe it just spawned on the map, since it's an expedition, or maybe it does that when it changes areas), and its shadow would appear to be moving in the direction the shadow in the video was moving, and Legi dives really fast.
>Has a turf war with every monster in the game
I'd still love to see something from Dark Souls, maybe Kalameet though they'd more likely put in Seath as a general Fromsoft crossover
Hunted to extinction, unfortunately.
Works on my machine
Bone and Dodogama, upgrade Dodogama into Glavenous
>MR Pukei hat
Iceborne? More like Bloodborne, ha!
Jesus Christ. How many hours a day has this person been playing this game? The game literally has only been out 3 days.
Well, this reminds me to use my character edit voucher. Are there any recommended numbers to make a cute brown tomboy?
Could be some zealous game reviewer or some other "content creator" with an early copy. Sure, most of those are turbocasuals, but there might be someone who is a dedicated MH fan. Too dedicated perhaps.
Holy shit, Swaxe users on suicide watch.
Midir would be nice, could use Xeno skeleton and everything.
Then again Midir is just an edgier Xeno, so ai dunno if it's that worthy
What decorations should I use on mantles? I was thinking item prolonged but I'm not even sure if that would work.
>purple hair
I dunno if you were trying to make an anime character or something, user, but in reality it's just a tranny alert. Especially when your character looks so manly.
Probably literally nonstop, or close to it.
There are some real sickos out there.
Yeah I thought one of the changes Iceborne made was to make it easy to recreate other hunter appearances. Why does no one ever post their appearance slider numbers?
The one in the forest is supposedly Rathalos calling for Rathian
>literally all of them are bone variants.
But that's wrong though? I haven't seen many SA users, but I know that, of the new monsters, Velkhana, Namielle and Shara at least have unique designs. Rathian gets her old SA model introduced in Iceborne as well.
That should only happen during a fight, when both monsters are present on the map. That's clearly not the case, and it happens in Hoarfrost too, where there are no raths.
Cope, it's a basic framework I use for every Monster Hunter and Souls game to save time