Yea Forums: the character
Yea Forums: the character
op is a faggot
wtf where did you get this picture of me?!?!?!
But I'm a tranny and love nintendo games
Nah, I would never ask a girl out.
Op here, meant to post this picture.
No, he wasn't afraid to ask a girl out and kill a teacher, unlike Yea Forums.
Why was Persona 4 so condemning of incels?
I've never talked to a girl unlike him
Because incels deserve everything they get.
They're not misunderstood or bullied, they're just bad people by nature.
Just how chad is a good person inherently, that's why he's chad.
Why would they shit on their own demographic?
The game is made for incels to play as a chad.
Sympathizing with incels in a game where you're supposed to be a chad would break immersion.
Don't tell me you wouldn't shit on incels if you were suddenly transformed into a turbo chad.
I wouldn't because that'd be petty and unchadlike.
He had the balls to ask the most popular girl in school for a date, so he's above most of us.
See, you're still sympathizing with incels, that's why you aren't chad.
Look at it this way. Would you expect Gandalf or Aragorn to sympathize with orcs? Of course not, orcs are evil. A true chad destroys orcs, not sympathize with them.
Same for chads bullying incels, because incels are inherently vile and disgusting, and must be shunned.
>school shooter who idolizes the real villain and tries to copy them
Reveling in the suffering of others is a sign of insecurity. No confident, self-assured individual would do such a thing. That's just plain bitch shit.
It has nothing to do with reveling in others' suffering.
It's simply a dispassionate act of removing filth. You don't feel sadistic satisfaction when you take out the trash, or swat a fly, right? You're just cleaning the house.
Same with removing incels from society.
No, this is me.
A misguided human being is not on the same scale as a mindless insect. People can change.
Can't change your genetics, bro.
If poor genetics results in ugly bodies, it's not a stretch to say that it also results in ugly minds.
Sorry I was gone for a bit I was taking a shit, anyways:
>it's not a stretch to say that it also results in ugly minds.
How so? It seems kind of harsh to insinuate that people should die just because they might look a bit sub par and have a few cognitive distortions.
Well, if you remove all the sub-par people, society on average will get much better.
There's a clear benefit.
Bullying is a society's immune system, protecting it from bad genes.
>implying pic related isn't Yea Forums: the character
mitsuo is reddit
If you remove all the people with imperfections, then society becomes perfect.
No bro, genetic differences only affect things like skin and eye color, not IQ. Go back to /pol/
>mc and gang goes around solving insecurities of pretty and handsome teenagers
>however they throw ones with a legit mental illness under the bus because he's ugly
No wonder young male suicide rate skyrocketed desu
That's how you create school shooters.
you do realize your body does grow as you lift right? the guy on the right will get wider shoulders and lats. comparing two different levels of fitness means nothing
And that's a good thing
dont tell this guy about africa
>not iq
Burger cali libtard spotted, only such a delusional creature would be proficient in soispeak.
Can't wait until all the world's men die off. Fishes don't need bicycles.
if Africans can secure a good environment excellent diets and education IQ will improve by 10 generations
How should I do it. I know no matter what, no matter how good of a person I am to people, no matter how hard i work, I'm worthless to society. I'm garbage and I need to be gotten rid of.
that's not true fren
Start by moving out of the libshit state and to somewhere that values your existence retard.
It is though. I do nothing but pollute the world. I try to help people, but how can I claim to do that when I can't even help myself. But that's selfish to put my needs before others. So I must do everything I can before I off myself to serve others. That way I will at least somewhat be remembered as a good person. But it's even more selfish do die that way cause people will be sad.
Indiana and Florida fucking suck the life outta me.
As long as is not a tranny. I HATE TRANNIES.
>how can I claim to do that when I can't even help myself.
You definitely can help others even if you have some issues yourself, so that's not true.
You could always volunteer or something. You'll probably make some friends there too.
That mindset must be excruciating, chin up user.
It gets to a point where even volunteer places reject you because they'd prefer to have the nice looking young girl as a volunteer instead and you being a male means you're probably a worthless NEET rapist.