How is it? I suddenly have an interest in it
How is it? I suddenly have an interest in it
Other urls found in this thread:
How strange, I suddenly want to talk about this game as well..
Hey hey hey
I hate sseth
>comfy threads for a couple weeks
>hey hey people shits it up again
>going to get exiled to fucking /vg/ like Starsector did
god fucking damn I hate youtube personalities
stfu fgt
Hating something popular isnt a personality quirk. Also, Sseth is butt-buddies with the dev, and convinced him to put Underrail on sale on steam. Have sex, dilate, cope, you know the drill.
>Yea Forums incels hissing that their secret club isn't as exclusive as it used to be
>huh? Game I enjoy is covered by funny youtube man? Game BAD NOW
Never gets old.
That's not even what he says.
Popularity isn't the problem, it's the retards it attracts that turn the threads into the dumb bullshit like what happened to Starsector.
I'm still going to play both because unless it somehow takes a sonic fandom turn for the worst you can't fuck up my single player games, but the threads aren't going to last anymore.
Starsector had shitty threads years ago. Whether it was bitching about pirating, modding, or fags posting waifus, it was shit long before some dude on Youtube talked about it.
Same thing applies to Underrail.
Fuck it, fine.
>Oddity or Classic?
>Do I have to retain a super meta build or can I fuck up and still win?
>How much does speech factor into the game on a scale of OG Fallout 1 to Planescape
>How is Expedition?
There is no meta.
Oddity for Exploration, Classic if you want to Kill everything. Both are fine. Classic levels up a little faster.
Your build matters a lot. You might luck into one that works, but you probably won't. You don't need to go super meta, but some general guidelines will be helpful.
Decently. There's lot of dialogue checks.
>Your build matters a lot.
Interesting. I assume I can't be a brainlet and pick 2 stats that make no sense with synergy and still expect to survive, I actually have to pick synergistic skills and such too. If you had to recommend a way to play, what would it be?
Do whatever you want dude. Pick a skill and pump the appropriate stat and you're good. Just use your brain.
>Oddity or Classic?
>Do I have to retain a super meta build or can I fuck up and still win?
On normal, no. On hard, just specialize in one combat skill other than throwing knives or pistols. On dominating, yes.
>How much does speech factor into the game on a scale of OG Fallout 1 to Planescape
It's mostly combat. 80-90% of things are solved with violence.
>How is Expedition?
Good if tedious.
What way do you want to play?
>robot shoots at me
>plays a literal 1 frame "animation" of it doing so
gotta say this is pretty yikes
Sneaky dicky shootman. How's stealth?
Pretty fucking good. How much stealth and what kind of shooting? Shotguns, ARs, and SMGs don't need that much stealth. Crossbow and sniper rifles have a skill that's buffed by stealth skill level.
Crossbows and sniper rifles sounds right up my alley. Sounds fun.
Is it because he's a tinyhat?
>hurr, durr, somebody on youtube told me what to buy today.
>Classic or Oddity
Don't listen to apes, Classic all the way. Oddity is a fun novelty but then it grows tiresome
>Oh I better check every fucking dark corner because I could've missed that 1 XP, only 20 more to go
Yeah the game is pretty strict about builds, unless you wanna play on Dominating then you really have to min/max. Lurk forums to get a general idea what works and what doesn't
Speech opens up some interesting quest solutions but it's mostly for just dialoge fluff and some LORE, Intimidation not as much I guess but then again I never leveled it, Mercantile is nice all around and it opens up some special products from various vendors
What are you talking about? The starsector threads were great, the autists that screeched both for and against sseth were generally few and far between.
I don't get it, I really really want to talk and play this game all the time now.
Its also on sale for half off. Help.
Crossbows will need to rely on traps, they can get a feat that gives them a buff to damage on any enemy stuck in a trap. Snipers will need a back up weapon, SMG, shotgun, or AR when enemies run up to you.
Crossbows and sniper rifles take a penalty to accuracy if someone is up in your grill. Also, you get a focus buff at the start of your turn, you're basically aiming. If you move, you lose the buff. Crossbows and sniper rifles get a major accuracy penalty if you move and shoot. So shoot then move.
I will be honest with you, playing a Stealth Crossbow build is peak Underrail, it's super fun since you need to rely on traps, caltrops, good positioning(Ambush, Snipe, etc.) it's dope.
If you want I can find my old Stealth/Trap Crossbow build and bring it up to Expedition levels.
Ah I see. That's an odd way of doing it, but I guess it makes sense. Kind of GURPS like in a sense.
Sounds great user, thanks. Is Expedition endgame or what?
How do I progress in this game, I’m stuck on the first quest and can’t progress because everything kill me really quick?
Kill everything quicker.
I keep missing tho
Stealth crossbow + throwing for grenades when it gets hot
Will it work for a first timer? I tried SMG build but I dropped it before Junkyard
Get closer, use a weapon type you've put skills into, shoot before you move at the start of your turn.
I tried that and I still die, also I put all my skills psi
Can't tell you really, I assume it's more of a midgame area since it becomes available when you reach Core City. I plan on reaching Tchort Institute before starting Expedition.
Another build I can recommend is the classic Tin-Can build, heavy armored Assault Rifle build that focuses on Burst.
It's min maxed(Can't speak for Dominating) for your autistic pleasure, you will be able to pass all speech checks and unlock/hack everything the game has to offer.
If only someone can tell me how to post the build tool link since it asssumes that I'm a spambot.
Yes it will, I'm glad I played Stealth Crossbow on my first playthrough. You will have to rely on traps and caltrops though.
Should I max traps from the very start or can I pump up crafting skills first?
Replace the periods with spaces.
That's actually a good question, I don't know honestly since it depends on your luck regarding quality weapon parts, Traps however should be a priority imho. I guess dump some leftovers into Mechanics early on and focus more on crafting when you grab Bowyer perk, since at that point you wanna craft yourself some dope-tier weapon. (Q~90 would be great)
justpaste it/6ljuw
That's the Tin-Can build, if that Crossbow user is still here I could post the crossbow one as well.
I'm retarded, replace Weaponsmith with whatever you seem fit, forgot it only affects Melee weapons.
>Armor Sloping on a tin can with 3 agility
>Thick Skull that late
>so much Intimidation but no Yell
>too much or too little Biology
>level 30
Not gonna lie this is pretty shit.
Could you cool it with the anti-semitism?
dude has gone full reddit.
No edgy jokes and he's too scared to put jew music during his patreon section of his videos anymore. I'm surprised he still refers to them as "the merchant's guild." We'll see how long that lasts.
Sseth is the reddit equivalent of an influencer. I bet you incels would even buy this Jew's bathwater just to "own the libs".
That's not true.
Oddity is a fun meme at the start but by the end you wanna tear your fucking eyes out. Pick Classic every time. It rewards you for everything, including the fucking oddities so you aint missing out on anything.
>"b-but its unique!!1!"
Its unique because its shit.
I literally put that up a minute ago, I agree the leveling order is kinda bad but that's the general idea.
>Armor Sloping
What's wrong with that? Super Steel and Spring boots with sloping eases up your MP a little.
>Intimidation but no yell
Just for fluff, dump stat.
>Too much or too little biology
If we're talking about SS drug then all you need is 130.
>Level 30
On Classic that's no problem I assume, you can easily hit 25 cap in vanilla.
It's AR Burst build, you can't really go wrong with it I think. Unless we're talking about Dominating then I'm hands off.
justpaste it/2kbwg
How about this?
so this game is like the older fallouts or what?
Quite similar.
It's a bastard child between Fallout's gameplay and Metro's setting made by Slavs.
Speaking of Slavs, the new questline with Dude is fucking amazing.
>got suckered into it early level on dominating
>trapped in grey army base with no easy way out but killing everyone
After this, nothing felt challenging anymore.
If you like classic fallout, you might want to give wasteland 2 and atom rpg a look as well.
>complaining about reddit on Yea Forumseddit
how ironic.
Wasteland 2 is one of the worst games to come out of the cRPG reneissance. Lets hope 3 is at least halfway decent.
I wanna play a big bastard juggernaut with a shotgun who doesn't give fucks, no heavy emphasis on melee other than raw ogre strength, I guess he's resourceful and able to macgyver shit like traps and improvised explosives but by no means a scientist, not evil just an asshole.
Is this possible?
Tin cans are turrets. They aren't going to be moving much period. Those 3 points in Int would be better spent on Dex for Grenadier or something.
Then fucking dump it dude. Cut down on the Merchantile too.
You're not hitting 130 without crafting benches and the materials can only be found in DC.
The only time you're hitting level 30 is at the end of the fucking game. It's completely pointless to share a "build" that's only completed when 99% of the game is over.
Obviously a lot can go wrong as you made plenty of bad choices.
>still a ton of Intimidation with no Yell
>still has Armor Sloping and even wastes specialization points on it
Still fucking dumb.
Here's how you do it dude.
Getting a shotgun early-on is tricky but doable.
What's his build?
all points in faggot
>be sseth
>unfunny faggot
>go on Yea Forums and look for niche games
>make video about them and bring thousands of normalfags into their community to ruin it
killed ss13
killed starsector
now this??
STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's shit for retards, memers and trannies. Garbage artwork, shit setting, no party. Some quirky alt right eceleb recently made a video on it so the board has become infested with newfags who think they are too cool to make a general on /vg/.
Play Fallout 1+2 instead.
>alt right
Could you cool it with the anti-semetic remarks?
Definitely yes, expansion made it only better.
is this the infamous /pol/ humor I've been hearing about?
except that the devs specifically asked hi to make a review about their game. They event sent him a free copy of the new expansion and put the game on sale when the review got released.
How about you stop being such an elitist tranny and get over it?
Fallout 1 & 2 do look better.
Didn't read a single word you typed.
but I've already completedy fallout 1 and 2 several times.
No they don't.
You can do better than that?
What did I say that associates me with /pol/?
Didn't read a single word you typed.
I thought about it a little. You only need traps 25 to craft bear traps, right? So maybe I will pump traps to 25 and then focus on crafting.
Didn't read a single word you typed.
Thanks sseth, couldn't have done this without you.
Didn't read a single word you typed.
Fallout 1 + 2 feel, look, play, read and sound better than this abortion of a game shat out by some subhuman slav nigger, of course mate. And they came out more than two decades ago.
yeah we could instead be arguing over difficulty, xp systems, or even COMPASSES
If I read a single word you typed, I'd probably disagree with every one of them.
Play Arcanum
Play Temple of the Elemental Evil
They absolutely do. The sprites are better, the textures are better, and especially the sound and animations are leagues ahead.
Good taste
Play Geneforge and Age of Decadence
You've got brain damage.
illiterate mongrel, kill yourself
kept it short, like your attention span
I would play those, but unfortunately I haven't read a single word you typed.
>some ssubhuman literal jew youtuber makes a cringe video of a shitty meme fallout rip off game
>woah, suddenly I feel the urge to play it now
Zoomers were a massive mistake.
You've got shit taste
Didn't read.
Starsector threads literally had 5% retards for every thread. The rest was constructive. Stop fooling yourself.
dilate tranny
totally lolled at this. upvoted fellow redditor!
You don't look with your ears, and graphics don't emit sounds. Go see a doctor. Can't have you dropping dead on us.
I've been seeing this game for years on here and never bothered to look into it, I somehow thought it was a walking simulator
The review made it look fun desu
Nice strawmanning, kinda lets me know you've no argument.
Go back to your poor man's Fallout containment general.
Atom is a shitty boomer nostalgia trip. Avoid at all costs.
Get fucked dude.
I shit on you.
Watch as I shit on you.
Hah, just dropped a big turd right on ya lol
Are there any good build guides or recommendations out there? I'm coming back after my second "lol you ran a dead-end build sucks to be you" burn-out in as many years, and I'd like at least some guidelines to work with before I make another attempt.
Except every underrail tread now is bound to be be full of eceleb shitposting.
>niche game gets publicity
>the "fans" hate it
this pretty much shows what kind of a game it is, only played by retarded autists
from the looks of it they are more likely to be full on anti-eceleb shitposting.
no more autistic than complaining in the thread of a thing you don't like
You are literally retarded.
>played game before sseth made video
>still play game after sseth made video
>getting mad that people play game after sseth made video, never before
Didn't this game come out like a decade ago why is everyone suddenly talking about it? What did the expansion do to revive it so hard?
but muh sekrit club
expansion breathed new life into it
also sseth made a video and people hate youtubers for making their favorite niche games get a larger audience
Why do you hate sseth? I'm waiting.
Youtuber named Sseth makes funny reviews of indie games
user I'm afraid you went a bit off-topic with your second comment, there.
>offers no real arguments
>just talks shit
yeah you are full of it
>serbian autism simulator is #3 top seller in my region, with the exp and base +exp bundle also in the top 10
jesus fucking christ
so this is the power of ecelebs
styg is gunna have to buy a bigger house to store all that money
The starsector threads were ruined by an autistic shitstain like you getting forever asshurt about newfags finding his game
Where can I get a Polarizer? Is it an Expedition thing?
like him or not, he commisioned the most retarded porn ever from what he earned shilling that weirdass korean mmo.
It requires Expedition you can get it in the base game.
Starsector threads were revived by the big black eceleb, the game was practically forgotten before
Any good shotgun build you guys can recommend?
Try the discussion page put for builds
>subhuman slav nigger
us Serbs are more man than you and other edgelords pussies like you will ever be
Thanks for the tip.
>Oddity or Classic?
Oddity. You still get xp for kills (enemies drop oddities) but playing oddity mode means you can skip combat without gimping yourself whereas classic requires you to fight everything if you want to be high enough level to not die
>Do I have to retain a super meta build or can I fuck up and still win?
Going into the game completely blind is a bad idea, but you should do fine if you have at least some idea of what skills work well together. Jack of all trades characters are kind of shit, so you'll want to specialize in something
>How much does speech factor into the game on a scale of OG Fallout 1 to Planescape
With high speech and stealth you can get past almost every encounter in the game, although a lot of that will be sneaking past enemies and a bunch of side-quests won't be completable
>How is Expedition?
>tfw imagining zoners getting filtered 2:00.01 hours into the game, and being unable to refund it
Oddity is trash. Classic gives you faster leveling and more importantly consistent progression.
High persuasion is borderline worthless and sneaking through shit is boring and often impossible. Non-combat characters do not work. Period. Its a combat focused game first and foremost.
>playing a game just because a youtube told you to
lmao weak minded monkeys.
What the fuck.
How badly am I about to get wrecked by this fucker?
You saw nothing. Hope you like his pet.
Spoken like a fag who's never played a stealth character before
>complaining about the Yea Forumseddit phenomanon on Yea Forums
Well, I liked him so I'll come back to arrange a truce later.
I have, but a stealth character still requires combat skills for completing most quests. You cant ignore combat like in Fallouts.
>>going to get exiled to fucking /vg/ like Starsector did
tell that one faggot who tells you to go to /vg/ to fuck off back to his smash thread, easy fix.
Absolutely shit taste
The game only costs 7.50 dude
That's a day and a half of lunch money after recess.
>underage detected
I detected the underage at "Hey hey".
Underrail more like kneecap someone and burn them alive uh rail
>he posts w*jack
Goodbye :)
>announcing your report
all fields
filthy dumb nigger scum
shits out kids then cuts and runs
sucks up welfare by the whore
die before you breed some more
I'm a huge fan of fallout 1 and 2, I just kept forgetting underrail existed so the video was just a reminder.
everything fucking kills me
people like to compare it to Fallout but if you actually played that fucking game (or number 2) then you know that a shotgun point blank usually killed everything in three turns max
Thankfully Underrail has better combat than any Fallout.
>No edgy jokes and he's too scared to put jew music during his patreon section of his videos anymore
actually that's probably because the videos might get claimed by a third party
yeah don't pay attention to retards like him. there's still self aware anti-semetic jokes like "foreskin restoration" in his web browser.
Git gud
If i wonna shoot, then i just need to choose gun and stick to it's feats ? Are feats main source of damage ?
pretty hard to get into
can be fun
i had more fun with rimworld but they're drastically different styles