You're forced to kill a character in your own party

>you're forced to kill a character in your own party

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>a character dies as part of the story and you lose their gear

>character betrays your party
>uses all the cool gear you farmed for them against you

>next playthrough
>take all their gear before betrayal happens
>proceed to style on some defenseless naked dude

Why do communists give thousands of dollars to this abomination

They aren't anymore :^)

homie she's a liberal
left twitter is eating her ass for being retarded

what happened?


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Shit went down? Quick rundown please.

Why? what are you mentally ill trannies and you commy faggot community upset about now? did he say you shouldn't mutilate children & give them hormones right when they're born or something?

How do you know who that is?

Some enbie retards got upset at her so she cut her Twitter for a while instead of sucking up to them or keeping the whirlwing stirring. Best move is to not play when there is no winning move.

Other retards think she was 'eaten by the left' and other stupid nazi expressions because they huff jenkem in their spare time.
>t. literal tranny

>inb4 hurrrderrrrf she

I dont want to get disrespectful but i have no idea what you are saying.

She's a lib and her only remaining fanbase is chapotard chasers

You have to go back

Yeah the way you type gave me that impression, it reaks of tranny narcism.

>left twitter

you arent a communist, you're a tranny larper. dilate

Quick and clear rundown please.


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Tranners canceled Natalie for being able to pass better than them. Not even kidding.

sounds like they ate her like they always do. I noticed you didn't say what they were upset about. probably because it's insane and retarded... like always.

looks like a man

Are you serious?

she twitted out the "totally hot take" that for some people introducing yourself with preferred pronouns is fucking retarded and the vast majority of people don't talk like that, and she doesn't see the need for it especially when most people already call her a girl anyways
this got her harassed and ran off twitter by most of her fanbase

I dont watch the videos but seem screencaps here for a while and always had the same appearance, why now then? What made the switch?

>he didn’t bring up they controversy of changing the pride flag or kicking out cross dressers in pride parades.

These are the same people that take fatshaming seriously.

If this passes better than you then L

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Why even make a Twitter at all at this point? That site is full of some of the most unhinged people on earth.

Natalie said that non-binary identifying trannies devalues her trying to pass as a regular woman and the leftist Twitter mob dogpiled her for being a bigot.

>hows it going mate i'm Bruce


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you don't say

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