Nintendo releases a new DLC character

>Nintendo releases a new DLC character
>It's an overpowered piece of shit
Honestly I shouldn't even be surprised anymore.

Attached: 375px-Banjo_&_Kazooie_SSBU.png (375x442, 174K)

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Explain how Banjo is in any way overpowered without using shitty meme buzzwords

just block retard

t. the same scrub that complained about K. Rool being """"""""""OP"""""""""" at the game's launch

lmao git gud scrub seethe stevefag

he's probably high-mid tier at best you fucking dunce

>Can effectively camp with eggs and Grenade
>Can push aggression with SideB
>Can get mixups between his powerful grabs and SideB
>Can edgeguard effectively between grenades, fair, and SideB
>Fantastic recovery with SideB and multiple Jumps
Basically he owes alot of his Success to SideB and his camping ability. Literally what the fuck were they thinking with that move.

>can use side-b five times before it's unavailable for the rest of the stock
>is punishable as fuck
>does pitiful shield damage and has decent startup so there's no reason you can't just fucking shield the shit on reaction if the player is spamming it
it's not that bad, it's a good move but it's limited use and clear weaknesses make it easy to abuse someone who throws it out without planning

Banjo's frame data is absolute piss, just rush him down with Captain Autism or some other sperg character

do people still think grinch leak is fake?

this desu
>average frame data
>below average air speed
>endlag on side b is insanely high, making it risky to use in neutral
>double/triple jump heights are good for recovery mixups, but terrible in literally every other way
>useless throws until 120+
>no good anti airs, up air doesn't even kill at like 160
>average or below average oos
>lack of reliable consistent kill confirms until down throw up smash starts working which isn't until like 130-140 or higher
>drag down combos with nair are inconsistent because of the random directions

all of this makes for a character with an average neutral with average options

his positives are that he's pretty heavy, fairly good kill power, kazooie is disjointed (i think), his recovery is insanely good and has tons of mixup potential like bayo making him hard to edgeguard, side b is great for ledge trapping or tech chasing/recovering and his eggs are decently good for average zoning

overall he just feels like an average character with a few strong tools here and there and not much else

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>>lack of reliable consistent kill confirms until down throw up smash starts working which isn't until like 130-140 or higher
D-thown into U-tilt kills around 115 for heavies btw

up tilt doesn't hit buried opponents
it's a 50/50 if up tilt catches their mash or if they wait to mash out after up tilt until d throw up smash starts working for the guaranteed kill

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>"i dont use my shield during battle"


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>He can react to an unreactable move that’s invincible

When you got injected with the super soldier serum that apparently gave you superhuman reflexes, did it give you autism as well?

>move is super telegraphed and obvious

lmao ok buddy

I can't imagine how bad you must be at this game to think Wonderwing is unreactable.

>has only one good move, and said move has limited uses, is telegraphed as fuck and can be easily shielded
He's low-mid tier at best.

nigger you're either retarded or playing on wifi

Go watch Tweek playing him.
He is at least high midtier

Ha, get baited and thanks for the (You)s. Like taking candy from a baby.

>does pitiful shield damage
Excuse me what ?
Bomb to sideB is a guaranteed shield beak btw

Holy shit you fucking suck

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>Thinks banjo is op

Still honestly shocked and appalled that the DLC characters for Smash aren't free.

Uhhhh why would they be

...why would they be?

>pitiful shield damage
I've seen a shield break from only 2 side bs in succession. For reference, there are around 10 moves that break shields in one hit
>shield breaker
>bowser down b
>ganon utilt
>ike neutral b
>chrom/roy neutral b
>snake dsmash
>hero's side smash with an attack buff from down b
>peach getting mr. Saturn (extremely lucky)
>ddd side smash
>kirby side b with buster grounded
>g&w bucket with certain projectiles
A few of these have to be held an insanely long time in order to break a shield, and nearly none of them are viable enough to consistently break shields
Here are characters that can break shield in 2 hits relatively easily
>yoshi downb grounded
>shulk down smash with buster on
>dk's side b/neutral b (fully charged both times)
>falcon punch
>g&w getting a 3 followed by a 9 (likelihood of 1/81 or more, bad at math so dunno)
>2 doryas
>a long list of 2 strong moves from ken/ryu
>link side smash at 0%
A lot of these moves require ridiculous set up or won't be used frequently (save for maybe strong moves from sf bois), but none of them beg for shield to come out. Sakuri suggested that people shield the move, which has now been subconsciously put into peoples heads to do. If people parry it, then they have a way around it, but this is a move that draws out shields, and we will see a lot of shield breaks happen because of it

>Blocking 2 side bs in succession

You literally deserve to get yourshield broken. It’s insanely punishiblevon block, and even then if he does it again jump, spotdodge, perfect shield, literally anything, don’t be bad.

Putting his wonderwing-aside (which after C. Falcon and Charizard you should know how to anticipate), he's a zoner-Mario at worst. Nowhere near as bad as Joker being a Sheik with Ganon-tier killpower or Hero pulling 1-hit KO's out at random.

If he's giving you a hard time then out-zone him with a fast projectile or just stay close at all times without being directly in front/behind too much.