Where's the fucking update hopoo
Risk of Rain
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Best boy coming through
I beg to differ
Been playing the switch version
Its quite a bit of fun, I am enjoying it a lot.
I keep trying to beat it as MUL-T but I always fuck up.
Imagine not being able to hold both Permaspinel and Missiles lmao
Human survivors on suicide watch
is it worth buying on switch? my computer is a toaster so I can't even make it past a loop or two before I get 1fps and can't even play anymore
Quick ten man soon. Lowered meteor chances and made it so enemies don't generate items until stage 2 to avoid pic related.
is this game dead? was considering getting it on the switch but it seems to have lost its steam since the release of ROR2
i just want something comfy to play by myself
>Is this game dead
>I want to play it by myself
10 man when?
5-10 minutes.
its anything but fucking dead, the games not even fully released yet
find a game in about 5 seconds
and if youre playing by yourself, why do you care if its dead?
can i play with vanilla client
You don't need any mods.
cause its probably not very fun if its dead already
ror never dies, ror never sleeps.
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice (only for equips. This was to solve an enormous rift between Engineers and Mercenaries. This is a LOT more balanced now, and every character is now viable)
>Bigger Bazaar, base prices are 12 for white, 24 for green, scaling upwards with player count
>Anyone can join at any time
>A low amount of printers (to avoid lag during late loops), and printers have instant printing enabled for no waiting
>Red items have a 1.6% chance to drop from teleporter bosses
>Shrines of orders are enabled for Rallypoint
>Enemies with items enabled
Gimme a minute i have to reinstall the game
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to HAN-D (yes, THE HAN-D from Risk of Rain) getting confirmed in Risk of Rain 2! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming September Update when HAN-D rolls into the spotlight!
Hate to disappoint you Banditfags, but while your pathetic Jewish cowboy was deconfirmed and scrapped, HAN-D continued to be worked on between launch and the Scorched Acres update! And while you continue to praise the return of items from the first game, need I remind you that the items shown are clearly meant to represent HAN-D? Shattering Justice’s reveal not only proved that content from the first game will be returning, but also confirmed that yours truly will be in Risk of Rain 2! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
I dont know how I should be playing MULT-I and Rex. I just smash the buttons.
Railgun for wisps, bomb to stun enemies, charge to evade attacks, ram through small enemies, and stun larger enemies. Charge also has innate armor, so it absorbs decent damage.
How's the second game? does it translate well enought to 3d?
Gameplay? Sure does. Atmosphere? Worse than 1.
Rex is easy
>keep trash in ult, push shit into it if you have to
>keep debuff up on boss
>mortar the boss down
>rinse repeat
How does this run on Switch past loop 1, 2, and further on?
you're alive! Joining in a sec
Good crowd tonight. Was going to be quick, but another hour or two for me.
Wiped, open.
More fun than the first IMO, coming from someone who put around 100 hours into the first.
risk of crash
bump for stuff
Wiped, open. Enemies with items will not spawn until loop 1, giving everyone a chance to stock up.
heading out. thanks for hosting, 10manon.
Thanks for joining.
Does ror2 on switch have gyro controls?
I'm not that user and haven't bought it yet, but from what I hear it maintains 30fps pretty well, even past the 1hr mark. Whether that's good is up to you to decide.
Closed. Thanks to all who joined. Fuck malachites.
Seriously, FUCK malachites
Is risk of rain 2 on switch using the gyro aiming? Is it good?
how do i get good in ror2
cant get past 4th portal. feel so spongy
sprint as often as you can, kill things while moving towards/searching for chests and aim to spend around 5 minutes per stage
Anyone wana share their thoughts on what this is gonna be?
I'm betting it's a boss from some secret level
OR Providence Prime/the eventual final boss.
Im starting to learn the stages so i can get through them quicker. my problem is the 4th stage i believe is its dark as fuck and theres no brightness setting on xbone
Kind of looks like the archwisp body.
Question about Risk of Rain 2 on consoles. I want to get the Switch version, but apparently the PC version is still in early access. So are they focusing on completing the Switch version first or are they actually selling the early access version on Switch?
I love my bestboy sniper
but, how many fucking laser pointers do you need
"Outlined below is our intended development plan for Content Updates (CU) going forward:
-Hopoo Games begins and develops the CU
-Submit to Gearbox QA once the CU is content locked
-Launch the CU on PC
-Address any Week 1 feedback + bugs with a small patch
After the first week is over and we’ve gathered all the information and feedback we can, we then share everything with PlayEveryWare for the consoles.
-Submit our Content Update + Week 1 Patch to PlayEveryWare
-PlayEveryWare takes over to begin porting the CU for Switch, Xbox One, and PS4
-Submit console version to QA
-Pass certification on Switch, Xbox One, and PS4
-Release on all consoles simultaneously"