Post your battle station

Jealous Yea Forumsirgins

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not at all.

imagine having this gargantuan fucking shelf for all these old ass game consoles (more than half you'll never consistently play, also with no controllers and no memory cards) and also having a TV that pathetic and that shittily placed

Sorry i dont play games
game is for loser

No. I got rid of all that shitty plastic junk and I have a mini-PC under my TV and I just emulate all I want in HD.

>girl's pussy when she see this room

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How is Xbox and N64 emulating going?

What's wrong with the TV placement?

>framing your 3x3



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What do you gain from pretending some redditors picture is yours?

Why would I be jealous of a station with so many older consoles that aren't plugged into a CRT or better yet a PVM?

I like your dedication to your waifu except for the fact you still decided to cheat with 2B

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>hanging games up on your wall like fine art
fucking hell

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i wouldn’t say it’s cheating i have 25 nendoroids

It lags a bit when playing Control at UHD and RTX on High

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>25 nendos
Good shit

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>Keeping your videos games in the fridge

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>framing your 3x3
this is the saddest thing i've seen bro


Not that guy but N64 emulation has been stable for over a decade, even for a mini PC like a Raspberry Pi. And Xboxhueg has literally nothing worth emulating.

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Is that a tail on Kuroneko? Where is it even coming from?

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My birthday is coming soon and people never know what to get me so they just give me money.

So soon I will have some spare money to improve my room/battlestation

If I post a picture would you guys give me tips without bullying me?

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Original Halo

Post your station user, if some nigga bullies you then they're a fag anyways

>No Dreamcast

d-don’t worry about it

>dry but still signs of life
All I need.

Are you blind?

I've never even done a 3x3 on this shit site.

im willing to bet that's his 3x3

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Oh, there it is. It's piss yellow, no wonder I didn't recognize it.

Here, please be nice, i'm poor.

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Jet Set Radio Future
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Gun Valkyrie
Fatal Frame 2 with additional content

I agree that the Xbox Hueg is hardly the best console, but saying that it has nothing is quite a tall claim. Panzer Dragoon Orta alone is a major one for me.

it’s fine lad :3

Well, get bed sheets for starters.

>girl come on over

I have, I just they're just being washed right now.

>two wavebirds

Almost makes up for how awful that custom GameCube shell looks.

>do some basic tidying
>get some sheets for your bed
>buy a small bookshelf since you definitely have the space for one
>get a better chair

That's my main advice to make it look better

Buy some sheets and maybe anew mattress. It’ll go much further than any game shit will.

>Too high. Should be at eye level when sitting, with shelves on either side
>No CRT television available for older consoles

Shit taste, made by a tryhard collector.



It gives me anxiety.

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>Stupid Statements for $100
>This game was on Xbox as well as PC
>What is Halo: Combat Evolved

I’ve seen this pic on reddit.

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>he wants to play butchered Gearbox version
Also Timesplitters and MechAssault

how do we cure Yea Forums's manchildren epidemic?

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>a proper, small bookshelf for those books
Should cost like $50 at most, or just make it yourself with some planks and spray paint
>a proper chair
Comfortable office chairs cost like $60 - $100. Or at least buy a fucking pillow for the chair
>a proper closet
You should make a small compartment under and/or above the closet to store that random shit you have lying around
I see you have one already, but always save $100 for when it instadies.
I know they have their own self test shit to warn you before they die, but as a fellow third-worlder I can assure you that shit never works and they just poof right to the grave.
You should get rid of those power strips too, they're a fucking death trap for electrical devices. Run a thicc cable from your electrical panel to your room and install a couple of electrical sockets for your shit. You don't even have to fuck up your nice red wall, just use those PVC trunkings and glue them to the wall or whatever. Or at least get an extra UPS instead.
Hope you weren't gonna spend that money on games.

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>virgin and ready for new life
so beckoning for immediate rape

No I was planning on spending the money on improving the room, so all advice is welcomed.


Honesty pretty good besides the tiger cover but whatever

chair above all else. same with your mattress. Think about how much time you spend there, don’t cheap out on it.

no bully

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Shit taste, especially after the movie

What's that picture on the right supposed to be?

I should fix the mess of cables around the tv but...that requires effort

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Best girl Asuka.

you used effort to take the pic, go clean those cables up right now!!

sup dudes

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What are you ever going to do if you somehow convince a girl to come back to your room? Go in first and take down all your anime posters?

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Please do not post mine without my consent. I'm rarely even around to post anymore...

you think this guy could afford a decent tv if they have 30 different consoles


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>all those consoles out of which only ps2 and ps3 have any good games that aren't only good because it was good back in the day muh nostalgia
>no pc
you can keep it.

>putting figs on your mouse pad
Fucking why

I'll post it for (you)s whenever I want fuckface now suck my dick fagboy.

Lets be real. Only girl who ever be interested are one of those anime convention thots.

My gf likes my shelf of games and stuff but if you redecorate your room for thots you're retarded.

Is this Latin America or South Asia

Please be kind.

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SM64 Looks awesome on that CRT

I'll be kind to your dismembered limbs that I'll be mailing to your parents after I slowly slice them off while fucking your tied up boypussy with my mammoth sized cock.

Probably Latin America, I'd recognize a poor house in a mess with bad taste like that anywhere.
>t. beaner who got freed of the curse and got a decent /bst/

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It ain't much but it's home...

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>Best girl
Best pilot girl sure, but best overall is Misato

>Confirmed best girl
>Also canon filthy non-virgin
Mixed feelings. What did Hideaki Anno mean by this?

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Why is this the only normal setup in this thread? It's bad enough that I'm obviously using a gaming PC, why then decide to paste vidya memorabilia everywhere so your room looks like a child's?

Big talk user. Make it happen if you're so sure of yourself.

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Misato fags are the fucking worst. The definition of enlightened centrist.

What’s that piano

Guys really live like this and see no problem...

Why do people keep telling me about the mattres? what does it look like? it's new I bought it about a month ago brand new never used from a store.

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Korg Microkey MIDI Keyboard, there's different sizes

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Shut the fuck up boomers. Why would you want to play these old ass dated garbage games?

Neck yourself, normalfag.

It's translucent lime green, the light is just shit.

Girls actually do like cool battlestations as long as they're aesthetic. My girl wants a setup like pic related minus the widescreen (laptop there instead for uni) but she's really excited for it.

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I know what your ass looks like and I never forget an ass especially one as juicy as yours. Just wait until I find you and smear your entrails all over your parents' house windows and feed your useless girlcock to your cat as its last meal before I starve it in a cage before lighting it on fire.

Good luck explaining all the anime on your walls to anybody other than yourself, moron.
Grow up and get rid of the posters and figurines like an adult.

>laptop instead of widescreen

So she wants a glowy room?

they put vidya merobilia everywhere to make up for their lack of personality

This board has the worst battlestation threads, fucking weebs infest this place

Where are all the knives, guns and Jack Daniels bottles? It's like none of you are even male.

There's also a pc there

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Be kind to Alex, edgelord.

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>I recognize that tower

Also more Cyberpunk then CDRP's game

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Is that a good model for someone learning to play? I’ve always wanted to but never got around to it like I did painting.

To this day I still don't understand why grown men like spending money on cartoon figurines and littering their room with that shit. Fucking reddit has a better battlestation board

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this gotta be bait

This is why I will never use liquid cooling.

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I can play all these consoles on Retroarch

go watch naruto faggot

I recognize that apple PC

whered u get this pic of my life?


what is it with american childrens(!) cartoons and this disgusting shit?

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you missed the point, retard

How did none of you mention paint? For the love of God just looking at this picture gives me anxiety, I can imagine what it's like being in there for hours a day. Paint your room something nice and relaxing. Change your window blinds to something that doesn't look like you're hiding a meth lab, something that actually allows some natural light in. Doesn't seem to me like you got room for a proper closet so figure out a system that keeps all your clothing condensed to one area. It'll be a bitch but you can't throw your clothes around with such a small room, anything you're not wearing needs to be folded or hanged so it doesn't look like a mess.

>ikaruga still sealed

It looks like it smells really bad in there and there's screaming children and fan noises in the background.

am seriously considering grabbing a 6700k and a bigger desk
I'm really liking my new speakers compared to the pieces of crap I had before

simple but it werks, those are some big ass speakers
I just like having some color in my room, especially since I'm probably going to be working there
I like those FF mages
that looks like a very nice chair, do you have the ref?

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Are you bisexual? Can’t help but notice good people of both genders among your figurines and stuff.

>that looks like a very nice chair, do you have the ref?
70 bucks at office depot, you can get better stuff desu, I'm about to replace it.
Thanks though

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Doesn't smell, and luckily I have no children yet.

I know this isn't something most people can afford. But I will recommend it anyway. The Vertagear mesh chairs are as good as the Steelcase Leap and Herman Miller Aeron. I had one for a year then bought an Embody.

I only replaced it because my fiancee wanted my Vertagear. I had an Aeron for 4 years before that and a Leap for 6 months and still think the Vertagear is worth the money. No it isn't as good as my Embody, but it is much cheaper.

A lot of people swear by Korgs

Thats the average woman these days for anything

I'm the user who asked about the chair, I don't really need a new one since my 1992 Steelcase is all I need, even though the blue and grey colors don't really fit the rest of my stuff
I'll keep your refs in mind if I need something new though, thanks

>all those consoles
>bunch of random red leds and shit glued to the walls
>tiny ass tv

Fucking trash.

>those are some big ass speakers
although big, they're perfect for the room. i love how they sound

I have pictures of planes that I have taken at airports as frames in my room, let the poor bastard do what he wants

this is the most recent pic I have
dont feel like taking another picture

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Nice tastes dude

>civil airliners
boomer detected

thanks dude

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I'm 21
and if I wasn't broke I'd get more fighter jets, a c-5, c-17 and another B-2 model
I just happen to prefer the 747, 777, A380, and A340 models

you have a black waifu or a black roommate?

no, why?

Deae battstation fags.

I am a grown man of 30 living alone.

How the fuck do I keep dust fro my shit. What do you use to keep the dust away.

There is so much fucking DUST.

I don't wanna dust every single thing ever week for 2 hours.

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i have that too. it's called a PC

looks like a black hand in front of your fridge, with the shadow of a person in the fridge reflection

I imagine that PS4 sounds like a jet engine taking off in that enclosed space with no ventilation.

When will console manufacturers learn that people but their consoles in extremely tiny spaces with no airflow.

is that a windows 10 tablet?

why there are cartridges inside the consoles if no one is playing and the tv is off..

The really mind blowing part is this thing probably runs shit all thew way up to Q3 and UT 1999.

So you can have incredibly fun at lan parties with this.

Was gonna call you a fag until I noticed that boxed copy of Yugioh Worldwide Edition. Nice one.

No bully plz

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When I lived with my parents I had a fan in my room and there was a layer of dust everywhere in weeks. Now that I have my own house there's way less dust. Like there's absolutely none on top of my monitor right now and I haven't cleaned it for ages. I think it's because dust is human skin and if you're in a confined environment with fans going it's gonna go everywhere and accumulate more.

if your talking about what I think you're talking about its just a shopping bag filled with other shopping bags

I like your setup user, looks real nice and if I remember correctly you seem to have hidden the one pony you had in that case

>Tiger blanket
Okay this guy fucks

Bi in 2D form only, not really into 3D guys at all

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I could understand having NES and Famicom, but what's the point of having two different models of NES?

More upvotes.

Birb on my station

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must be exhausting having so much property to consider all the time

why do people insist on having stacks and stacks of useless crap they just look at?

Thanks, I made them myself.

I've never really had a problem with the noise. Maybe on a really hot day but most of the time it's pretty normal.

Best yugioh game. Keep a copy on my phone for when I need to kill time.

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>plant on tv
Absolutely disgusting

Cringe consumerist.
You NEED those plastic toys, don't you.

this is what happens when your room is too small but you want everything in it
remove evertyhing except your pc and the bed, make some space ffs

thats actually quite comfy.
here some ideas:
>new, more asthetic table
>get rid of ceiling lamp, install small lights and lamps distributed equally in your room (LEDs).
>carpet is horrible, get a new thick fluffy one in dark colour

Whe do you need internet pal or PC? Fucking consumerist pig.

I appreciate your confidence in the things you like, but I really can't believe there's niggas out there with unironic anime body pillows.

if it makes you feel any better I use to always sleep while hugging one pillow and having another between my legs. so getting a daki is only the natural conclusion

thank you, glad you like it and, she's in her usual spot but just behind Gir and Retsuko

That's men witnessing how ugly and artificial white woman are.

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Why do you both have such small tvs? Literally poverty tier shit

old house

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Nice amount of waifu shit faggot. Literally forever virgin

new house

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jokes on you, I'm not a virgin

here, I haven't owned a TV in years outside of the CRT for my SNES, is that really considered small for a TV nowadays? Here I am thinking the 19" monitor I use for my ps3 is plenty big compared to what I had before
I can't even fathom using something the size of op's supposedly small tv

>normie tier exposure shelving

fuck off normie

Your anime edition fleshlight under your bed does not count.


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wow nice original response

>black curtains
why do neets do this? is sunlight really tha


I appreciate your taste for CLAMP.
HOWEVER, that's the only good poster in this room imo. if I was you, I'd throw out all moeshit and all waifu body pillow crap, you goddamn cringe noodle. pls develop more taste and be less of a weeb. don't mean to offend but it's important.

Is he ok?

Here, my TV is damn near 50" in a smaller room, if it was any bigger I'd have to find somewhere else to put my consoles. Also in what world is 40"-50" poverty tier?

of course the faggot would be the one into clap

I am this user.

I decided to make a plan for what i'm going to do with this room, how am I doing so far?

Any tips for the computer? I will be adding 2 extra monitors.

Also to the wall in front of the bed maybe a tv?

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Also don't worry about the different colors of the furniture I will make sure I get matching colors and change the colors in the wall.

I think the neets got to him.

Of course the clunky, rounded, awkward-as PS3 is on top of the shelf. I don't know what Sony was thinking with that design.

You should really unplug all those systems you're not using. There is a constant electric current running through them when plugged in that degrades the components - not to mention power surges, but I'm assuming you have protection against that. My rack has battery-backup with a surge protector built in because we get brown-outs alot here from construction.

top cringe

>he doesnt have buddies to go shooting with
sorry man

it's ma'am

No anime shit on the wall, nor figures, nor anything, bland as i am.

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would be more comfy whtout the shitstation 4

Playing low res games on a high rez panel. Why nigger. The artists designe wasnt men for pixel. Fucking games look like minecraft when its not supposed to.

sauce on that clock ?

Looks fine. At least you won't have to explain to people that you're actually not a weeb/child/shut-in.

Nigga where have you been wmulating n64 on a fucking tablet since the froyo android days. Step up.

>be retarded
>take this photo
Goodbye :)

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I have amiibo stacked on my desk, does that make me a child? Don't have any weeb figurines or posters

Meowie have you fucked your bf yet?

Yes, since you could have bought cards which are functionally the same, cheaper, and can be stored somewhere without looking like a bing bing wahoo fanboy.

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Please bully

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This dude would lose a tooth if he got hit in the chin

I was about to but being a G600 nigger saved you

I think it's because PC has 0 classic games and even the best games don't come close to your average classic console game.

>0 classic games
As if you can't emulate 40 years of gaming

I'm all for consoles but you're fucking retarded

What games?

obviously i don’t keep them there

I thew all my old consoes and games away, why the fuck do you want to keep that shit when you'll never play them anyway?

Consoles I threw away over the last few years:

xbox1 x2
Gamecube x3
Amiga 500 x2
Panasonic Gamecube
panasonic 3d0 console
Atari VCS
Super nintendo console
All the games for them.

You'll never play that shit and they aren't worth much so why fuck around hording crap, you faggots are like women collecting shoes.

oh and a dreamcast

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clean your room, nigger

>those 3 yu-gi-oh pictures

that has to be bait

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Is the kemper profiler worth it? Do you make use of all of its features?

>figurines and anime shit
seeing virginstations like these makes me want to go on a murderous rampage and slowly kill these faggots to death

kill yourself psychopath and keep innocent people out of it

>Grande Fratello/The Big Brother

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Yeah. Also helps that there's pretty much no depreciation if you buy used.

Short of me having $15k to really try out hardware amps/cabs, the profiles I have get it pretty damn close AFAIK. Nothing really jumps out and shows that the unit is lacking.

I don't use the rig/performance modes since I don't have the MIDI pedalboard, but every other adjustment/effect type has been tweakable enough to go from a decent experience with a random profile to one that's 90% there directly out of the unit. Some things are better handled via a hardware pedal or DAW, though Kemper plans to release a PC-based editor that'll help with that.


I like mine a bit more.

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So here is the general layout, I think it looks OK, but I just realized I ran out of space for the laundry bin.

It doesn't make sense to put it next to the tv of the computer desk, also don't want to put it near the bed because my clothes stink when I sweat.

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Also wanna do something about this space above the bed, any ideas?

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zoom zoom zoom

>scanty and kneesocks

Sorry this one is really comfy


>SHD Patch

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It's a Nexus 10

the sunlight killed him

Needs moar dragon dildos.



>not buying the best after market air coolers

I like you
>air freshener thing in the background
I hope it's for a nice smell and not to mask other scents, because someone else will smell other scents over an air freshener spray. Open a window once in a while if it's for scents

honestly be quiet has some pretty good stuff too, with the pure rock in midrange and the dark rock (pro) for higher end

Why should i look at other stuff except the screen you super retard, i need the extra space for my weights and exercises.

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their stuff is good but the mounting brackets are worse than some $30 coolers. scythe makes great coolers too

It's not much but I am trying to save up for a house so I am living below my means.

Also had to take out 4000 USD for a trip to Japan.

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tfw i can play every single one of those consoles with all of their games on my pc

Diggin that hacked ps1classic my man

None of your business...

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